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  • Midweek Movies: Huck that hump day!
  • sodafarls
    Free Member

    Don’t rudeboy, he’ll probably get the sack.

    Why do Evans make such a big deal about selling to their staff,since when the staff excel in doing so, Evans refuse to recognise it in anything else than a pat on the head? Money is money right, targets being reached et al. Why does it only work one way?

    Free Member

    On a reggae tip, my one claim to fame when working in the “music industry” was to get this tune a rerelease.

    Free Member

    It’s funny, moroder and/or summer always hit the spot with me more than any “soul classic ” i’m supposed to like. Maybe because it’s leagues better.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Hi CG, thought you might like that tune. 😀

    Free Member

    Hairychested, will the work be fulltime at some point, or partime? (genuine question).

    Free Member

    “knowing” presentation mind, but what a great tune!

    Free Member

    cheer yourself up with some classic 60’s isticalism!

    Free Member

    Got hammered on whiskey seven or so years ago at home in Deptford with a friend from school I hadn’t seen in years. Two hours later i’ve got on a bike, climbed a crane that’s positioned over a wharf in London’s yuppie quarter, and have deposited dung on captain flashheart’s yacht. True story.

    Sat around at home in Deptford, drinking late at night. Decide to go out and have a drink at one of a few illicit shebeens. Walking along the high street,(which is actually just a bypass, not the actual high street), I get stomach cramps. Decide to jump over the wall to my left and take a crap . The other side of the wall is a drop of about ten feet into a pissy ditch, as I find out when my feet meet the ground later than I expected. Drop my drawers and do the business. Dogs barking. Run across an area of muddy wet grass towards the light,and try to climb fence. Hellhound snaps at my heels. Man with dog calls police, and I have to explain to them why I was there…

    And that is just the tip of the iceberg. My missus reads this forum, and I value that relationship.

    Free Member

    Private eye is the only one I buy these days, and it’s more of a periodical I would say. I stopped buying daily newspapers around the same time as I aquired an internet connection.

    For music needs “The Wire”, and film etc “Little white lies”.

    Free Member

    My mate brought his iro fixie around the other day to fit some new dildo bars (he doesn’t own a set of allen keys, or a pump for that matter). Anyway, I thought the whole point of changing his handlebars to the almost identical width and sweep of his dildo bars was to show off the bulbous ends, ie the reason for the heavy chromed cast pig iron rather than the square and conventional bent tube arrangement.

    Anyway, when bars where fitted, he then insisted on cutting the ends off his starspangled grips to refit them, but also be able to show off his bulbous ends. “Looks like Captain America’s cock” I told him. He took a bit of a sulk at that.

    This is a true story.

    Free Member

    Though it’s a position I’ve been lambasted for in in the past, my experience is that women don’t ride bikes – they’re wives or girlfriends dragged along.

    It’s statements like this that make me realise how lucky I am.

    Free Member

    I used to ride my raleigh striker through the woods that gnarly dudes now ride long travel DH bikes down!

    Did they ever stop and say “hello”?

    Free Member

    It’s great, my favourite stane.

    Free Member

    Topics like this should be banned, my missus reads them and gets all broody. 🙁

    Free Member

    Not a big fan of it myself…It prompts a question i’ve been meaning to ask for a while though, is it true that Mexicans put some cocoa powder in chilli? I think I read or heard it once, but the thought of wasting a meal has deterred my experimentation.

    Free Member

    1896, military issue “iron horse” with mary bars and rod brakes.

    Free Member

    Not a good idea imo. It’s just words on a screen, it’s not like people are physically shouting in each others faces while brandishing huge phallus (phalli?) as weapons…

    Free Member

    poppa – Member

    sodafarls – calm down.

    Eh? Did the ommission of a smilie confuse your reading of my posts even further? I think i’ve touched a rather sensitive nerve with somebody 😯

    All I did was voice an opinion and try to get some answers as to the appeal of “hipster hybrids”, you haven’t tried to answer any of them… 🙁

    Free Member

    “wow, some people are angry. “

    Funny that, as I haven’t read any anger at all in any of the posts, just some extreme sensitivity…

    What would anybody have to be “angry” about anyway?

    Free Member

    Why do people who ride track bikes with fixed wheels outside of velodromes and winter training appear so defensive and desperate for reassurance all the time? Why do they seem so keen to document their actions and make comparisons to bmx or skateboarding culture? Surely if it’s anything more than a passing fashion it would stand on it’s own merits? If it is more than a passing fashion, what areas of progression would a fixter suggest as to where the activity is going, that is not hampered by the very nature of the style of bicycle?

    Free Member

    Skateboarding, right forward is “goofy”, it’s a minority stance. I still don’t know what foot i’m supposed to kick with…

    Free Member

    Well, it’s a market economy old chaps. Plenty of jobs going at the DWP(I’m not too proud), however I suspect some folks are of the opinion that the market economy doesn’t apply anymore, or to them at least (according to other threads). It’s a shame the old forum isn’t yet accessable, Oh! to hear again the cries of indignance on the lorry drivers thread last year.

    Free Member

    And sorry, the lager has been consumed by management.

    Free Member

    You are required to bring your own marigolds, pay for your transport to and fro my kitchen and sort out your own accountant re PAYE. Them’s the rules.

    Free Member

    “Zionists are the new fascist scourge of humanity.”

    They’ve been around and been fascist for quite a while now.

    “They purchase their murderous genocidal weapons from the US “

    With “aid” courtesy of the US taxpayers.

    “Yahweh = pure evil. “

    Now, that sounds like something a giyus troll would post in order to discredit criticism.

    Free Member

    I fell off on the Jabberwocky section. Banged my head, my glasses fell off.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the military would really want national service back.

    More than likely true,but would the public like some sort of (optional perhaps) post adolescence service for young men to replace that lost along with British manufacturing industry and other “real job” options? I can’t see temporary call centre work, flipping burgers or cleaning offices offering the same cultural learning environment where youths can work alongside and learn from adult males they may respect and wish to emulate.

    Free Member

    The peak on a size medium xen can rattle if that’s a factor.
    (it does the same thing on my mates too).

    Free Member

    Plonk it down in the tray all the time when it’s a kitten, they learn quickly.

    Free Member

    those riders have more skills than 99% of the riders here

    Pray tell, how do you know?

    Free Member

    Got some washing up to do. I can spare a can of lager as payment if it’s done properly..

    Free Member

    I watched that bangers and mash(i think?)bmx vid someone posted the link to last week. It looked exciting and progressive. That didn’t.

    Free Member

    “If you consider history, visiting Australia, the US or Canada, is visiting nations where the indigenous peoples have but all been wiped out. To make way for those whose ideological beliefs are ‘superior’. But few people seem to concern themselves with this… “

    If the Aussies were starving and blowing up Aboriginals as official govt policy today, I’d imagine people would be offended.

    Free Member

    Chill rudeboy, chill…it may surprise you that i’m partially aware of the history of Zionism. It’s not exactly pretty nor acceptable by any modern standards of humanist belief.

    My comments although quoting yours, were not all initially provoked by them.Some of them were, and I think i’ve answered them.

    It’s quite simple really, you spend money in Israel, you legitimise it’s actions…or rather, if you refuse to spend money and support that economy, you make the only little statement available as an individual you can to dissaprove. Some people here probably do not dissapprove. Go figure. Some people probably got themselves all agitated when a lot of people expressed discontent at English sporting teams legitimalising the South African apartied regeime. Let’s call a spade a spade. eh?

    Israelis are in no way at this point cut off from dialogue from the rest of the world, I doubt you could really claim otherwise. Going there as some sort of emissary or envoy provoking debate seems a little like wishful thinking.

    Btw, there are more people of the Jewish faith living in New York state than Israel. That is perhaps a better example of where the refugees could have gone after the second world war, or Austria/Germany….surely much more justifiable than Palestine if you feel like pinching others land for refugees?

    Free Member

    Where are you thinking of going? You’ll probably be fine to be honest, the only thing I can think of is the length of some black routes (eg Kiroughtree) in bad weather can be a bit tiring. Anything technical can be walked, and there’s not that much really.

    Free Member

    Blah blah blah…

    What has the UAE got to do with this?

    Where do you spend your money?

    “I do not wish to support that nation’s economy. “

    Hey, neither do I .

    “Let’s not condemn all the people of a nation, here”

    Where did I do that? I didn’t even touch on it, did I?

    I appreciate that it might therefore be seen as being hypocritical to visit the country personally”

    That is what your money would be doing, isn’t it? Supporting the economy?

    “I might learn something, if I went.”

    Well, many of the facts are easily available to anyone with an internet connection. What piece of information that may prevent you supporting an apartied state are you in search of? Where do you intend to get it?

    I have loved ones who believe in racial purity too. I wouldn’t support a state with that ideology though.

    “Maybe, if ordinary Israeli people have more dialogue with others, then hopefully, more peaceful solutions to that region’s problems can be discussed.”

    Well, what’s stopping them? what has stopped them so far ? they do after all have the best living standards in that region by a country mile..oh, you mean the rightwing nut jobs that run the country, not the minority with ideals somewhat more in line with our own? Sorry, but Zionists are very unlikely anytime soon to renounce racial superiority and “god given” birthright to someone else’s land.

    Free Member

    It’s probably best for us childless (so far, eh?)through choice green tinged liberal progressive types to continue to make fools of and emasculate the feeble mindedconservative hivemind males. Their spawn will hate them in ways I cannot begin to articulate, as their spawn will live in the world their parents created with the wagging reckless piss dribbling cock of selfishness. Eh?

    Free Member

    Sorry, I forgot “Golden” vermin. My apologies.

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