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  • Bike Check: Dawley Bikes T16
  • sodafarls
    Free Member

    Not all the time, as a matter of course, just when we’d run out of salted peanuts.

    Free Member

    We used to have to lick our salty camelbak straps when drinking at least three litres of water on a summer ride in oz to avoid cramps. Just thought i’d share that.

    Free Member

    Stroke City as Gerry Andersen refers to it.

    Thunderbirds guy? Could he not “pull some strings” and get laid there?


    Free Member

    They do look nice, and I suppose there’s not a lot to go wrong with a front hub?

    Free Member

    I would agree, but i’m guessing that the OP may have been “making a statement” when he wrote

    when you say Derry, is that the same as Londonderry, gnar?

    Or maybe not, I would find that strange though. 🙄

    Free Member

    Oh, you’ll be in for it now GNARGNAR 🙁

    Free Member

    …but primitive by todays standards

    So’s my 06 Heckler then… But it works, really well.

    Free Member

    All the middle classes will do is vote Tory. Sad, but true.

    Free Member

    slightly left’ of the normal right wing politics

    “Soft Right”. There’s nothing “left”, ie “socialist”, or any intent to change the real structure of opportunity for people. Just to work within the current paradigm, economically and with a few “pr” tweaks to foreign policy.

    Free Member

    Oh and before you claim that Lance is just jumping on the Obama/left wing band wagon

    May I suggest that Obama isn’t really left wing in any real sense of the word? His policies seem to be a 🙂 nicer 🙂 version of turbo capitalism, not socialism, nor a combination of the two or any other permutation. And let’s not go into his appointment of Joe Biden.

    Still, although Lance seems to have decided what side his bread is buttered on now, a few years after the fact, he was party to the same information as the rest of us in ’03. Maybe GNARGNAR is right, he is a shyster. Maybe i’m right, he is thick.

    Free Member

    So what you are saying is he is just a hypocritical bastard who would sell out his principals at the drop of a dollar for publicity by sucking up to a callous evil and misguided piece of shite like W?

    Not really, I think he may not be overly intelligent. To be honest, I don’t see much evidence of great intelligence in most “elite athletes”, although i’m sure there are exceptions to the rule.

    Free Member

    Britain won’t get out of bed in the morning soon incase a bird shits on them.

    Free Member

    “Armstrong in a recent interview laid out his views on a number of issues, describing himself as “against mixing up state and Church, not keen on guns, pro women’s right to choose. And very anti war in Iraq,” (

    You know what, i’ll admit to being wrong on this occasion. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So GNARGNAR still keen to stick up for a d1ckhead who thinks it’s OK to belittle the work of charity

    So jim the saint,you still feel like it’s ok to stick up for a dickhead who think’s it’s ok to support wholeheartedly a president that brought

    awful suffering

    on say, several million people?

    Who gives a **** whether he’s a druggie king of of sport or not? He’s a bellend of the highest order. Pull your head out of your little asshole world and get your priorities straight.

    Free Member

    I went to the NWW London Fields Lido show last summer, that was fantastic…but a little chilly…

    Free Member

    put rock and roll station by nurse with wound on at a party-that’ll sort the men from the boys

    I thought “crumduck” was the party record? 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve a Baked Alaska, which i’m very happy with. My lady has the Popsicle (not matching colours, thankfully). When we last ordered the item was delivered to the wrong address, and GE sent another straight away with a free gift, even before we had filled out the Royal Mail forms. Never had any duty problems.

    Did I mention I really really like the Baked Alaska?

    Free Member

    Grasssnake caught in your spokes?

    Free Member

    Do you ever argue with yourself, when there’s no-one else around to argue with? [:wink:]

    Only when i’m wrong.

    Free Member

    Turned up a bit late to the party tonight, didn’t you?

    Why not? The article seemed relevant?

    Yeah, there have been a lot of “relevant” articles in the Daily Mail over the last few years regarding religious types. I’m glad you feel that it is a reliable source. I’ll refer to your support in the future, just as entertainment, every time you wail about “Daily Mail readers”.

    I guess you just don’t get it. There is a difference between using an article in the daily mail to illustrate idiocy, paranoia, hatred, and general little englanderism…but when out of it all someone decides to use a piece composed of quotes from self elected “prominent muslims” to support a ropey argument, well pardon me while I piss myself laughing.

    Free Member

    Just trying to think of a fitting reward for his efforts . . .

    Oh, righteousness is it’s own reward.

    Free Member

    I think the biggest thanks should go to sodafarls, Soup. Without his sterling effort, this thread might have died ages ago.

    Aye, he couldn’t let it lie

    Free Member

    I reckon Gus has less sense than my little finger.

    Stick that up your arse TJ! 😥

    Free Member

    I’m afraid the prize was claimed a long time ago. Sorry.

    Well, thanks for letting me know.

    Free Member

    I seriously doubt it Gus. Why would you do that?

    I don’t know. Why would you ask me ?

    You are charlie flashheart! What’s the prize?

    Free Member

    various prominent muslims?

    hmmm, “prominent” by what criteria? I’m sure you have the same respect for “prominent” Catholics who may have an opinion on say, abortion or birth control….

    I and many others I bet believe that GG has more sense in his little finger than you do.

    That’s an “ad hominem” attack that is, something I and any rightminded person would see for what it is…how about you attempt to discredit what I have written, for example a criticism of the selective aquisition of source materials as and when it tends to suit an argument, rather than attempt to discredit me, who you have next to no knowledge of? But that may be a bit more difficult.

    And strange as it may seem, I couldn’t give a flying **** what you or others think of Gus. It’s not about Gus, or his well meaning goofs. You can’t really decide to use the Daily Mail to illustrate a point, esp regarding the activities of our Muslim Brethren, and then expect nobody to pick up on the ridiculousness of doing so.

    Free Member

    Now if it irritates and annoys you,

    No, not at all. It entertains me, “LOL!”.

    Free Member

    I will also be referring to the Daily Mail when it doesn’t suit me.

    I seriously doubt it Gus. Why would you do that?

    Free Member

    Give it a rest sodafarls

    Tell him to say “sorry” 🙁 first.

    I’m sure you thought it a very good quote, as it supported your opinion. I await your support for other Daily Mail links in future, esp when they contradict what any sensible person may think.

    You know, you’re not doing yourself any favours over the long stretch flpping and a flopping over what is a reliable source.But I suppose you know that.

    Free Member

    Why the edit sodafarls ?

    Lack of preview window, spelling and rewording.It’s not that exciting, really.

    Why the lack of argument and the attempt at diversion Gus? So you are going to reference the Daily Mail, but only when it suits? Hmmm…would you say the Daily mail is a reliable news source? I suppose you would, and recent evidence would suggest that to be the case. But when it contradicts what you would wish to believe would it be fair to say that you hold the Mail and the Sun in a certain distain? So why the inconsistency?

    Free Member

    Yes I will. I fully intend to post loads more links to Daily Mail articles in the future, and possibly even some from the Sun. So look out for my posts sodafarls.

    To support your point of view or to illustrate stupidity? Or do you wish to have it both ways? 😕

    Free Member

    ……white dog poo? It used to be everywhere but now it’s all gone.

    It’s all brown poo, brown poo here there and everywhere. Sickens me.

    Free Member

    And agnostics..and “religious types”, eh? 😆

    Free Member

    it’s green dogma rather than science., ie it is a faith belief rather than based on hard science. To me that equals religion. I don’t understand the whys and wherefores, because maintaining the system used by the the Aborigines made more sense to me.

    I would agree.

    Free Member

    “The road” is getting a film, how the **** wil that work?

    Indeed. The book was so knockout powerful – hard to imagine any film capturing it. Other than making one cup of tea, I didn’t actually dare stop reading…

    It will be an abomination with an introduced love interest, an action movie, a half assed attempt at a middle ground for the average film goer, or something brilliant that will upset a lot of people and become a cultural touchstone. That’s my prediction 😕

    Free Member

    “The road” is getting a film, how the **** wil that work? I don’t care really though,but still, I hope it reaches it’s potential.

    Free Member

    How do you know they are different?

    Ah, I realise my mistake now, or soonish, maybe, perhaps…. 😉

    Free Member

    I enjoyed “no blood…” too. Just different films, no point in comparing them really.

    Free Member

    Great film well made. A bit like Clare Denis’s work…no simple answers or solid ending, but lots of potential for thought.

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