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  • Nerd Alert! Rare Structure SCW1 Prototype Bike for Sale
  • sodafarls
    Free Member

    The result being that the best of the polish workforce has left poland to earn money elsewhere. Most will go home again.

    Hmmm. Do you reckon this will be before or after the standard of living and potential income in the UK drops below that of Poland?

    Free Member

    Just a question legend76, what do you think about the minimum wage?

    Free Member

    I'd say from my experience in Hackney Mare street jobcentreplus that it's a bit depressing what goes on. A little experience can change a lot of preconceptions for sure. But there's nothing wrong with learning something even if it it confirms what you have been told by people you have an innate dislike of. It just means that you are wrong and they are right, on the issue at hand.

    Free Member

    And how have you come to such a conclusion? Pray tell…

    Free Member

    I repeat…humourless cockdoor.

    Free Member

    "yeah, as a practicing medic i can easily diagnose an idiot over the internet."

    Oh yeah, and although only one of the rest of the pooopulation I can recognise a humourless cocktor better than most.

    Free Member

    It's that cockriviera calling people names that did it, honest guv!

    Free Member

    Oh doc, you know me sooooooooo weeeeelllllllllll!


    At least I can spell.

    Free Member

    You're trying to bombadoozle us with that explaination ton…

    Free Member

    Oh, you assume, do you? Maybe he's there now, grateful for a bale of hay and a tarpaulin.

    Free Member



    Holy ****!

    Free Member

    "even let us shower after coming back from the trails this avro."

    I'd be a bit miffed if they hadn't, were I paying to stay there.

    Free Member

    I reckon he's Adam G!

    Free Member

    -10 for Pearl Jam.

    Did you know Pearl Jam means spunk? Appropriate, as everything they have done has been self-indugent ****.

    Free Member

    LOL at chakaping…U2 and Wood Green high street…sounds like a nightmare you had.. 😯

    Yet when the formula 1 season is upon us the STW petrolhead massive will be collectively masturbating over that tax-dodging Swiss midget-**** Hamilton.

    You really are speaking for yourself with that one old boy….

    Free Member

    putting dollars where his mouth is

    Whose dollars? his own? the last I heard, he was sucking up to this cabal and making sure to avoid paying tax in his own beloved Ireland by removing his “operations” to Holland, whilst lecturing the rest of us on how to “care”.

    When was the last time anyone of us looked world leaders in the eye and challenged them on backtracking on agreements they made to support Africa?

    When was the last time Boner upset the applecart and admitted that the IMF is nowt but a bully boy and leverage tool for the western powers that be to make even more cash from developing nations and impose conditions on the loans that will ensure needy nation’s servitude into perpetuity? That’s right, he would prefer to work within the current system, as it suits….him.

    It’s an envy thang

    Or pity, were one charitable…

    And U2 are really, really dull, as a band. Just not very good.

    Free Member

    U2= dull unimaginative music for dull unimaginative people who are still chasing the coattails of a fad they were peripheral to in their youth.

    Free Member

    I like the description of “upgrade kit”. More an indication of insecurity. Still, it will give me the opportunity of laughing at the sad, lifeless cretins that buy such trinkets and stick them to their bike.

    Come on , who will be the first to assert that I find it hilarious as I “can’t afford it”?

    Free Member

    for the obama lovers…

    I’m out of wine, so i’ll make my exit.

    Free Member

    Wise the bap.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    (BigDummy)”What response to the posting of that cartoon were you expecting from the “blinkered, ignorant left wing ****”

    Probably not the suggestion that the “lower orders” should refrain from such activities…

    “On reflection I think another round of christian-baiting would be huge fun, and probably authentically working class. Crack on.”


    Free Member

    Looks like i’ve annoyed somebody. Oh well, BigDummy has illustrated that he has “class issues” and Gus is still sulking from his shame in referencing the Daily Mail to support an argument a couple of days ago. Really, I expected more sport from both of you.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh come on, I was baiting Muslims too. Dhimmies, oh so delicate.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But that is not what the OP asked BD, is it?

    Free Member

    You ought to check out the Aussie MT mags – really good quality.

    I thought the exact opposite when I lived there (3 years ago mind). They seemed really badly written, laid out, and basically the same every month. What was the mag ,australian mountain bike, australian mountainbiking, mountainbike australia? (that bunch all looked exactly the same, every month) that had the dedication to “the glory of the lord Jesus Christ” or somesuch looney Hilltop church bollocks in the back of the mag every month?

    ps, if anybody wants a copy of issue #1 of “one” mag (tiny contentless AU singlespeed vanity project), it’s yours for a fiver.

    Free Member

    Soda, take a closer look or are you the “spineless fool”?

    hmm, let me da asks me to die for someone else’s “sins”,I think i’d tell him to **** off. What would you do?

    Free Member

    Never sinned at all – so why did he take your place?

    His Dad told him to? He’s not really a good example for the kids now is he, spineless fool i’d say…

    Free Member

    So I’m not going to Hell then? cool…It’s a bit unfair on Jesus though, he hasn’t sinned anywhere near as much as I have…or has he?

    Free Member

    Thing is Soda-what if we’re wrong? saying it’s false what then? ever thought of that?

    My merciful God will make me burn in hell for eternity. But he’s not really worth worshipping if he can’t forgive my monkey mind for such disrespect, so **** him!

    Free Member

    It’s ok tyger, I feel that muslims are as full of shit as Christians too! 😀

    Free Member

    I watched “garbage warrior” a couple of nights ago. You should check it out.

    garbage warrior[/url]

    Free Member

    So why would he have moonlighted as an astronaut?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Caramel. If he existed as one person, and not an early socialist movement consisting of many. 😯

    Free Member

    To the rest of the Irish/Northern Irish lads-where do you ride? Surely all the nice areas we are thinking of could be good biking spots?

    I don’t live in N.I. anymore, but spent most summers at my grandparents near Carnlough. The trails leading up from Cambelltown into the Antrim Plateau would (then, quite a while ago) give some fantastic riding.

    Free Member

    no one’s really sending letters any more


    there are always queues in every post office in London every lunchtime

    It seems like it’s a service that is required, running at low or non-existent profit margins. Would privatisation increase the emphasis on increasing the profit, perhaps at the expense of the service? That is how privatisation usually works.

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