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  • 502 Club Raffle: Magura Brakes Worth £550
  • sodafarls
    Free Member

    Who started that war?

    Free Member

    I had an 05 or 06 subway 8 (that came with a Nexus hub and Nexave drum brakes). Paid £199 for it in the end of year sale. It was a bit heavy when carrying it up and down six flights of stairs to my flat everyday, but made a great reliable commuter. Could be a right pain changing a rear tube in the rain and dark on the way home from work with the hub gears and drum brake arrangement, so if that's the same spec for this year's model I'd spend some time practising that manouvere in the comfort of your own home and invest in some Spesh armadillos or something similar.

    Free Member

    Where do you get your donuts Flasheart, Lidl?

    Free Member

    Imagine if fork manufacturers wanted their product to last. They'd design a 5mm lip above the lower's seals and a 5 mm lip below the junction of stanchion and crown and it would be possible to ziptie an old 23mm tube almost airtight to stop winter grit destroying their product and your purchase.

    But they don't. I'm unfashionable and wrap my rear shock in a lizard skin during winter. It comes off after every ride and gets washed like the rest of the bike. I've never seen a buildup of abrasive grit in there, it's spotless. When I've ridden without, the shock shaft is covered with semi dry liquid sandpaper.

    Free Member

    Epping is officially…..

    Busier today with bikers than I've ever seen it. And muddy, muddy, Somme-like.

    I went over the bars crossing the Ching and my gloves smell like sewage, even after washing.

    Free Member

    Years ago when I lived in West London I'd pop down to the newly re-built Meanwhile skatepark early in the morning before the kids arrived. One crispy cold day I arrived down for a quick skate. The shallow bowl was bathed in early morning sunlight, and the third deepest connecting bowl was still in shadow. I dropped in, did a short frontside grind in the small bowl, backside carve in the middle bowl and ollied the hip into the big bowl…and slid on my back in the frost about half way up the transition on the other side while watching my board pause in the air about fifteen feet above my head. Luckily it missed me when it returned.

    Free Member

    "Having to walk down to reception – bollock naked – to ask them to let you back into your room can cause embarrassment [apparently]
    The fact that you accidentally left your room whilst in pursuit of the toilet doesn't mean you are so desperate that you use an ice bucket that's been left outside someone else's door either "

    I did that in a large hotel in Denver once, although I was wearing a pair of boxers and was blind as a bat as I'd left my specs in the room. I'd woken up pissing into a bin at the end of the hallway on my floor.

    Free Member

    "The thing about curbing procreation is that we think other people should be doing it, but it's observable that in the rich countries, it has already dropped near or below replacement level – so instead of trying to get poorer people to not have so many children, it would make more sense to share the wealth and then they'd do it by choice "

    An approach to curbing global overpopulation suggested by..sodafarls on the previous page. Damn, that boy is good.

    "For what? Playful banter thats all"

    Apologise for your playful banter and tell me why you are sorry.

    Free Member

    Go on Jacko, say sorry. There's no need for insults.

    Free Member

    "Do you remember your post suggesting that repressing what you call natural urges would lead to priestly behaviour?"

    Jackson pollock
    "Generally as a species. It is you that has applied it to yourself"

    Now you have suggested that repressing ones breeding urges may lead to "priestly behavior".

    And now you are saying I'm applying that suggestion to myself…

    So, which would you prefer, PEADOPHILE! rapist, or someone prepared to limit his inate urges to procreate in order to correspond with an understanding of the situation the human species may well be facing as regards global overpopulation?

    There is another option, that of feckless breeding, but it generally only invites contempt here on STW when it involves poor people.

    Go on, say sorry.

    Free Member

    "But why is death horrible beyond its immediate actuality – would you prefer everyone to hang around forever?"

    Sorry Simon, I was being sarcastic. The thought of death doesn't bother me either, apart from the pain felt by the multitudes when I move on.

    Free Member

    "You did suggest that only having one or two children was repressing your urges

    Where? "

    Do you remember your post suggesting that repressing what you call natural urges would lead to priestly behaviour?

    That one.

    Free Member

    "the kind of people who dislike their children tend to die out… "


    Everybody, and their children die in the end. And their children's children. It's horrible. It doesn't matter if the parents like the children or not.

    Free Member

    @jackson pollock

    "am basing my arguments on well established theory."

    What theory? You did suggest that only having one or two children was repressing your urges, and that would lead to consequences similar to that of "priests"? I can only assume that you meant PEADOPHILIA!

    I suppose if you meant something else you will let us know.

    Free Member

    "You miss my point. Think Priests etc."

    Ok, so those of us that repress our natural urges, and only have none, one or maybe two children are PAEDOPHILES!

    "Anyway, I repress plenty of natural urges every day, don't you?
    Yes in civilized society"

    And where do you live then?

    "You can't beat nature!"

    Yes you can, if not most of us would be dead by 40.

    You're wrong mate. Apologise and I'll forget it.

    BTW, The reason I can't "quote" properly is that due to my banning a few weeks ago I use a system to circumvent that terrible decision that for some reason limits my means of expression.

    Free Member

    "too abstract – evolution is entirely pragmatic"

    Evolution favours that which continues the species possibility of continuation. In our case it's knowledge and the ability to reject communal assumptions. We are a complicated beast and the means of our long term survival will probably not resemble evolution as we have observed it, at least from our perspective.

    Free Member

    "What concerns me is the advocating of 'going against' and repressing natural urges and innate behaviour. "

    There's nothing "deviant" about having one or two children.

    Anyway, I repress plenty of natural urges every day, don't you?

    Free Member

    "but it is only in hindsight that the future course of our development, and which of us is closer to that can be known"

    I'm afraid I disagree in this instance. Considering that we are aware of the concept and likely consequence of global overpopulation, surely those that recognise this and act accordingly, including attempts to educate the less aware members of our global mountain biking community as to the probable end result, are exemplars of the species in that they are carrying the impulse that may provide the human species with a chance to be around in a couple of hundred years time.

    Free Member

    "And if your not having kids, why does it need to be sustainable?"

    Strangely enough, some people care for other people.

    Who said I wasn't breeding though? I can't see anything "wrong" with having one child, or two as an ideal. Global overpopulation is the problem. Stabilising and ideally reducing global population by increasing education and "ironically", life expectancy in the third world, would be what any intelligent animal would do if that intelligent animal were human and concerned with the long term continuation of the species.

    Free Member

    "The most successful in various species are the ones that effectively procreate. The difference in humans is that we can create reasons such as choosing against or political reasons to justify why we are unsuccessful within society"

    A difference between humans and other species is that many of us can predict the long term consequences of our actions, and attempt to act accordingly to reduce or negate them.

    And there is also a tendency amongst the less evolved of our species to react negatively to suggestions contrary to their belief systems and attempt to utilise what they consider to be insults to avoid engaging in discussion with their evolutionary superiors, especially when it comes to their utterly selfish and shortsighted overbreeding activities.

    Free Member

    "Many people who choose not to have kids are being self-indulgent"

    What bollocks. What utter numbskulled bollocks.

    For not having children to be "self indulgent", procreation would need to be a duty, a duty neglected by those who have chosen otherwise.

    As far as I know, there is no reason anyone should feel obliged to breed. It's not as though the world is suffering from a falling population making a comfortable and sustainable way of life impossible.

    Therefore, it's hardly "self indulgent".

    Free Member

    Today's theme is self-haters pretending to like shite music because it is "Urban".

    And 90% of "Urban" music.

    And 90% of "Non Urban" music.

    And 90% of music on sale.

    And 90% of you.

    And the Queen and her parasitic spawn.

    And the serfs.

    Free Member

    "I don't think you know me – and I would tear your gonads off with my teeth – let's meet… "

    You sound like Lanesra. The Mod decided to ban him for pretending to arrange a fight. You are pretending, aren't you? You don't really want to place my succulent balls one by one in your mouth and bite them off and swallow…do you?

    Or maybe you are serious. Ok then, Newington Green at dawn.

    Free Member

    Lick my balls…actually, I should ask if I know you before I instruct you to lick my balls. Do I know you?

    Free Member

    "**** off you **** "

    Who's talking to me? It's not a 20&1/2 stone bloater crying about trying to lose a few pounds off his bike is it?

    Or am I being talked up to at all? I'm man enough to ride a 33-34 pound bike, like a man. I'm not concerned by such insults, should they be directed my way.

    Free Member

    How does your pimped bike weigh so much? My 05 large stock enduro expert with 5th element weighed about 33 pounds…I was about 13 stone when I had it, and it was fine for everything bar xc racing.

    If you are really 20 1/2 stone I suggest you replace some of that weight with manliness you big soft shite.

    Free Member

    Can someone post up the "fairly nasty stuff" that ton posted? I skimmed the threads that BD provided and missed the "fairly nasty stuff".

    Thank you.

    Free Member

    Talking cock again Berm Bandit?

    Free Member

    You say the benefit system needs looking at and I'll agree with you that it does when real options are available. £3 **** grand to refer someone to a bullshit mickymouse course via the jobcentre when £5k on the open market will train someone up in a trade. How much cheaper still would it be if the Govt trained people in Govt centres with public money? But it doesn't. That is an anathema to the ideology. Until that bullshit is rectified and people have a real option other than £5.80 before tax I will not give a shit if they **** the **** system as much as they can, and my taxes pay for it.

    Free Member

    soda do you know how many people leave this country on a yearly basis?

    Not the exact figures, but since the Govt pretends not to know that either I'll not sweat it too much.

    I did hear Strawman on question time this week tell us that the "increase in immigration was decreasing". It's still increasing apparently, but just not as much as last year. Work that out for yourself.

    Free Member

    I think the BNP have a pretty good chance of getting to some sort of powerful position within the next 5-10 years. And the reason why is people unaffected by mass, unregulated immigration dismiss the concerns of people who have been affected by mass, unregulated immigration. The same people who were never consulted on the issue, when concerns have been raised, are repeatedly shouted down and assigned Bogeyman Taboo positions most never suggested. I've seen it myself here a month or two ago when daring to suggest I was not a fan of mass immigration. Bad me.

    Free Member

    Well if you don't subscribe to unsustainable growth, population in this case, how will you feel when even more people (some of these people may be from "mainland Europe") get old and need even more young wage slaves to support them? Would you suggest continuing the process until…?

    Free Member

    Never stayed there. Looks ok though. Is it the place on the east side of the valley with a bar? I'd stay there I suppose. If it's the place I'm thinking of, you would think they could make it a bit more welcoming looking. Grow some **** ivy on the place or something.

    Free Member

    So you subscribe to "boom 'n' bust"? The avoidance of sustainability in the pursuit of everlasting "growth"?

    That's what we are talking about, isn't it?

    Free Member

    Why is recession a cycle? Is it inevitable legend76?

    Free Member

    "bollocks you make your own luck in life, its not my fault if your selling your arse sodafarts"

    If you could only see my arse bellend76, you'd buy it.

    Free Member

    My father's wolf ran up to me, rolled onto it's belly, and spake thus of Cromwell's demise.

    "The bad tempered auld **** is dead"

    Free Member

    if your on minimmum wage is it not up to yourself to do something about it

    Do what? The country only requires so many taxi drivers and prostitutes, and there's not a great deal other that you can do to earn more than minimum wage unless you can get some skills training or capital. And there is very little if any of that going around, regardless of what the Govt may tell you.

    Free Member

    whats your take on alchoholics getting a drink allowance?

    Is someone proposing that? Sounds like a good idea to me, considering how little money your average alcohohoholic would have for healthy eatin' after a week of boozin in Brown's Britain. That man takes the **** piss.

    Free Member

    "i think the minimum wage is better than it was when there was no minimum!can you rememer that far back soda?"

    I think I do….that was pre "totally unexpected" influx of young desperate EU members prepared to work for less than a livable wage as apparently you are never going to try and bring up a family here or god forbid stay indefinitely wasn't it?

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