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  • Fresh Goods Friday 720: The Chambréing Edition
  • snowpaul
    Free Member

    Hi all,

    as an update – I was there – Project – did you go? You seem quite keen on the proposal – do you not worry at all about the forest experience being ruined by these cabins? As to paraphrase one german sounding guy ‘ it seems to be funny that the FC are encouraging more cars and less trees now..’

    There was a TV report on it today as well. The FC will have a fight on their hands this time as other developments have been unopposed.

    I went the meeting along with 250 others and the 2 x Fc reps. I really felt for the main FC holiday bloke as he was very genuine but out of his depth re questioning and he got flayed alive by cheshire exec types.

    I was assured by him that our access would NOT change at all – however a number of the biking trails will be lost by the placement of these cabins. New trails can evolve etc but the feel of the forest will change.

    Some questions were from ‘nimbies’ but an awful lot were normal types -runners / bikers / horsey types ( who are scared of bikes etc – I did my best to talk to them ) and reps from british orienteering who stated that if this goes ahead their competitions will end and nowhere else in cheshire can host them.

    In a nutshell – 47 acres of woodland are under threat – a lot of the trees are however near their end of life and the area is a monoculture and ideal for development…. there will be more trees planted to add to the environment..

    The FC chap could not answer basic ‘ business plan ‘ questions nor questions regarding lease / enviroment / Co2 studies etc. At one point the guy said access will not be changed nor will the forest character and we can walk where we want – to which a lady said ‘ i cannot walk thru any of these cabins’… they are HUGE in size – think size of a parish hall and not a twee little yurt – some are 2 storeys with treehouses…. If anyone can be bothered to look at the books of Forest holidays – they dont make a huge profit from all their sites combined – its not a lot condsidering their impact…. have a look.

    The cabins will cost 1 to 2 k a week to hire and have space for up to 5 people and 2 cars outside on gravel hardstandings – total space for 300 cars. A service fire road will be upgraded to make room for the cars coming and going right through the main central artery of the forest – think about that – noise / disruption and safety aspect – people / horses and dogs / wildlife are at risk from this increased flow of hitherto unprecedented levels of cars – plus all the free parking on thee verges will be prohibited…

    Positives for development :

    Money into local economy – likely to be chester or frodsham = no local pubs unless you DRIVE through the forest – see above for concerns… the rail links the FC championed are just too far away to have any reaL success in the real world.

    15 jobs – mostly from FC grad scheme and all the more menial jobs contracted out – its not going to have a big improvement on local employment in my opinion.

    Money into the economy and also for the FC – which is a good thing…

    I feel the cabins should be built elsewhere – on a brownfields site – a new visitor centre is def a good idea but bringing that number of cars / people into an already crowded forest is folly in my opinion. I ride / run there for the solitude and I dont want to be dodging cabins every 5 mins or having to look out for cars in an otherwise quiet secluded bit of the wood.

    Its ironic that the cabins are being built for the ‘ forest experience ‘ but there very existence impacts that celebrated ‘ experience’. I doubt my night rides will be the same watching badgers and owls when theres a load of brightly lit cabins with cars coming and going all the time.

    If anyone is intereted please contact the cadd website / email the FC direct. Watch this space. More info here


    Free Member

    Hi all,

    I am going to this meeting and I will email my concerns re access to that area. I dont particularly want ths to go ahead but I am not sure the FC will listen when it sees £…. and lets face it it needs it…

    Any buildings up there will adversely affect the feel to the area in my opinion – I ride there a lot as its generally quieter and I enjoy the trails – especially the perimeter ‘ scoobie ‘ and what we call ‘ ho chi min ‘ that ace bit that runs up to the perimeter scoobies…

    Doing away with the verge parking sucks as a lot of people park there and thus depriving the FC of more £….

    The caravan site near Hatchmere and also Fishponds one has brought a lot more people in – i guess there must be a demand for the log cabins then I suppose – but why stick them up so far away from the ‘ wonderful ‘ rail links and any pub etc for food… Are these cabins really going to be filled up all year round? All the infrastructure is going to detract from the forest environment…

    Plus the green / blue route and nature trail – sounds a bit disney world…. theres a lot of fire road already – its not needed

    Free Member

    hi all,

    another long term user 25+ years of delamere – I know Dave Dodd and echo his thoughts = the northern area up near the old hospital has some superb trails – ones I and my friends have developed over the years – this will be the start of ending access to this part of the forest – I do not want easy tracks there – already enough fire roads which are only really busy at weekdays – I night ride there 2 / 3 times a week and its superb for its wet singletrack – all for a new centre etc but I want to know that access to cabin area wont be adversely affected…

    not that many forests in this area that allow such good riding…


    Free Member

    I guy I know is doing a sunset fell race up at Inners in a couple weekends – 2 hours race and 45 quid !!



    Free Member

    I think events are not everyones cup of tea – I used to do some but I stopped a few years ago mostly due to A)costs B)I struggle to find riding a field exciting to ride around C) I would rather do a weekend away riding in the lakes / powys / west country with mates

    up to the individual but I wont be rushing back to compete for penultimate place….


    Free Member

    I rode down on exmoor – on wet claggy mud and roots = i liked them…


    Free Member

    I loved my old ti merlin – I rode it to death – its head tube was replaced and the seat tube cracked twice – i would love another but tbh a steel bike is a bike for life and far easier to repair

    not against Ti but dont be under the impression they last a lifetime – I got 7 years out of mine and rode it very hard.

    Best bit was polishing it up !


    Free Member

    cheers northwind

    Free Member

    I hate mobile phone users who use them whilst driving – smacks of zero respect for fellow road users – esp worrying when commuting by bike

    burn the selfish imps

    Free Member

    I have a Benbo and a carbon Manfrotto and a carbon monopod… all have their uses – agree a good tripod costs a fair bit… cheap ones will just be replaced…


    Free Member

    I would love to buy that bike !


    Free Member


    Free Member

    yes – one of my faves – ace night riding

    Free Member

    I agree with TJ – dont stress – I have seen worse grooves made by older KIng headsets….


    Free Member

    SRAM drivetrain parts dont last vs comparable shimano offerings – but thats just my limited experience…


    Free Member

    stay away – go chavdeagla!! no its ace down here… get an os map x2 216/217 and plot the route – easy enough from stiperstones


    Free Member

    depends – seen a number of riders here n abroad cursing their reliability…

    Free Member

    Assos clothing – I hate the brand / its advertising / its crap pretenious nature and dubious longevity

    Chain oil / sus fork oil = I just buy from motor factors

    Brake pads /tyres and new sus forks = stupid prices

    I buy 2nd / 3rd hand or get friends to buy from abroad on close out = I cannot remember the last time I got something brand new from a local UK LBS – I used to work full time in the trade – kinda made me question why the industry sells stuff way way above what it is ‘ worth ‘ and how we all fall for it – odd snobbery value in showing you paid loads…

    Plus expensive stuff isnt always the best – look at me – I got some silly expensive frames at trade prices and some broke or some were just underwhelming – as I get older I see less ‘value’ in expensive kit and I would rather spend it on trips away actually riding my bike… I am a deore vs xt/r rider now !

    hey ho


    Free Member


    We do regular 15-30 mile rides with our collie ( or 2 x 12-15 mile day rides at a weekend as short rides) – 5 years old and she loves it – she yelps the house down when she sees the bikes or loading the van – she was started out at 18mths and built up over time – apart from a 6mth lay off due to injury ( hit a hidden fence post in the snow at full tilt = 2 hour carry across my shoulders back to the van ) she is good to go – just dont thrash them on a road – ours will trot all day at 7/8mph and top out 25/28mph when given the secret turbo word….

    She has done a lot of trails – all of exmoor / quantock / mendips ( 6 – 8 hr days max 40/45 miles ) plus big hills like helvellyn / skiddaw / high street / snowdon / cadair idris / a fair few munros etc with her and all the trail centres I can think of… Regular on the long mynd etc !

    I suggest getting a high viz coat as that really helps other trail users / car drivers / bike / horse riders see her running at the side of us.

    She is very well trained ( think one man n his sheepdog style ) to the point of asking for a positive command to cross a trail junction etc.

    A fleece coat is a bonus at the end of a ride to keep them warm and dry off.

    Ruffwear kit is great – she has a harness ( helps with lifting over styles or up steep faces when hiking) and booties / panniers too for long days out… Second keeping them well watered – a fold up bowl is useful as is a toy for when you stop for lunch…

    Oh, get a tick tool as they will pick them up… learn some doggy first aid and carry some vet wrap etc and learn the signs of an adder bite and enjoy riding with your dog.

    I prefer riding with ours to most humans I know…. she is certainly quicker than most ! Yes I do carry her poo out too…


    Free Member

    TALAS = pants

    get a fixed fork = you wont miss the adjustment


    Free Member

    Hi all TI fan boys,

    I had a beautiful Merlin XLM 04 – I rode it hard on epic xc stuff – 80/100mm travel and never pranged a wheel and I way sub 74kg all kitted up….

    It had a new headtube and down tube as it cracked on the down tube ( with 80mm forks ) – it lasted 2 more years and last year it cracked exactly in the same place as the OP – through the weld etc with a short seatpost with massive overlap – I had it welded at Enigma cycles and crack stoppers drilled etc – It lasted no time at all and it cracked again – same place – Enigma warned me this may happen – it did and they did a good job.

    Stuff like this happens in mtbing – however my ancient steel konas / RMs never cracked…

    Ti does break and I know a number of bust TI frames. Ti isnt the holy grail of materials… Would i hvae another? Yes in a heartbeat as the ability to polish the frame up is nice – they ride well and look stunning. Can I afford one? Not really and I am loving my steel bikes again…

    my 2ps worth.

    Free Member

    cheers gentlemen!

    Free Member

    thats a lot of cash for some hoops…

    Free Member

    Avoid Flow

    I like Drakes / had old skool Rides and currently on Nitro / Drakes

    once did half a season on Burton step ins – now they were crap… rather have had flows!

    Burton are ok – I did did see a lot of cracked heel cups on them in Fernie in 08…

    Honestly you prob wont get a bad strap binding nowadays….

    Free Member

    just use silicon spray from a plumbers merchant… I use it and it does help and its cheap…. smells ok too….

    fork juice prob just the same but as with everything ‘bike’ you pay for it…


    Free Member

    sids are easy to service – just buy a long socket to remove the foot nut in the leg – halfords time unless you own one…


    Free Member

    only ever had it happen on superstar pads… never on hope / avid / shimano or clarks… I ride a lot – go draw your own conclusion…


    Free Member

    tights are awesome – sore knees and cold lower back is not fun – bib tights all the way.

    couldnt see myself not using tights….


    Free Member

    not a fan on the front unless on hardpacked and dry trails…

    tried a full set in autumnal dales ridng and they were crap up / down… summer tyre in my experience


    Free Member

    shimano every time – sram arent what they used to be…


    Free Member

    I love my BB7s – dislike the Avid hydro versions though ( working on them and seeing mates have issues esp changing pads ! )- I would say shimano all the way for hydro….

    tried hope / formula too – all ok but nothing comes close to shimano


    Free Member

    its a 98/99 – i have the same frame/bike – i got it in 98 and rode across canada on it – its a lovely frame to ride – its my winter commuter now !


    Free Member

    I love low gears – tried riding up cadair idris or most of snowdon / helvellyn / high street without a granny? I would love a 22 x 36….

    I would stick with 9spd untill its worn out then upgrade to narrower chains and 10 spd which does wear out quicker than 9 spd in my experience ( thats on the road bike though )

    Free Member

    beware post viral fatigue – I had it for 6mths – ruined my life – docs told me it was due to cycling when ill with flu… I wouldnt ride with a bad cold / flu.


    Free Member

    pentax kr is a nice camera

    Free Member


    the bb7s are awesome. I cycle toured across iceland for 2 mths with them – superb…

    i use hydros / bb7s and the ease of bb7 in severe applications – ie heat resistance / trail side repair outweighs the slight weight issues

    try them and learn to fettle them is the key


    Free Member

    thanks very much – its put mt mind off and its exactly what the garage guy said when he called back !



    Free Member


    Free Member

    Very nice, watch for the kites. superb xc riding

    good riding in powys in general


    Free Member

    +1 chainrings or jockeys

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