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  • Podcast: Racing, Reform, and Rumours
  • smuttiesmith
    Free Member

    I have used oakley a few times for repairs to damaged sunglasses. They are fantastic. First time they charged me £10 for a broken frame and the second time the did it free of charge. turnaround was less than a week both times.

    Wouldn’t buy anything other than Oakleys now.

    Free Member

    postierich – Member

    32:16 on normal sized wheels was dry when I did it fancy a ride tonight?

    Riding from my house at 7pm if you fancy it?

    Free Member

    tracknicko – Member

    if only there was a way of taking more than one ratio around with you.

    I suppose it could be done if you were too weak to cope with just the one gear…. 😆

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Carbone – Member

    Always found this handy
    Posted 29 minutes ago # Report-Post

    There you go, thats me on the RTL forum offering the same map. Looks like there has been a bit of forum merging going on as it is now in general chat rather than the routes forum which no longer appears to exist.

    Like I say I have put the descriptions to a single sheet map matching the descriptions to the bridlepaths so it should be easy to follow if anyone wants a copy.

    Free Member

    jwt – Member

    Some route descriptions on the ride the lakes site, with maps I think?
    NFT a big disappointment IMHO. New Black route is a different deal…………….

    I did a map with descriptions for the Ride The Lakes site but I dont think it is up on there at the moment.

    If anyone wants a copy of the map just drop me an email pkgraham at

    Free Member

    And btw : “Racism isn’t illegal”. Racism is illegal. Inciting racial hatred is both racist and illegal.

    And there in lies the failure of your argument. Inciting racial hatred etc etc is illegal and I agree that it should be. Being a racist isn’t illegal, only acting in a racist way is illegal. You are convicted based on your deeds, not on your thoughts.

    And btw I dont believe I have accused you of saying that the wrong verdict was reached. I don’t think I have even given an opinion on whether the correct verdict was reached or not have I? In fact I think I have gone out of my way to state that unless you (or anyone else) was there to witness it first hand or attended court and listened to all the evidence then your (or anyone else’s) opinion on whether John Terry is guilty or not isn’t worth the internet paper that opinion is written on.

    Perhaps next time I will make a new post for each point I am trying to make.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    I didn’t sit through the court case and list to the evidence nor did I witness it first hand like a lot of you guys did. I only saw what was reported by the media so I don’t have an opinion. I mean it would be absolute folly to come to a difinitive conclusion without listening to the all the evidence rather than just the bite size segments they can fit on the TV or in the papers….. wouldn’t it???
    Oh hold on a moment, this is STW! Have at it internerds.

    The only “definitive conclusion” I have come to smuttiesmith, since you are clearly referring to me, is that unlike 16stonepig, I believe racism should remain illegal.

    What “definitive conclusion” did you think I had come to ?

    Racism isn’t illegal. It is only illegal to voice or act upon your racist thoughts. How do they get inside your head and convict you of being a racist without you putting those thoughts or deeds into action? Even then you aren’t convicted of being racist only of committing a racist act.

    I also think that your comparison between someone being a racist and peadophile was ill judged and offensive. A racist can be re-educated, a pedophile cannot.

    Free Member

    cfinnimore I have removed the quote that from my repost. It seemed strange that your post was edited and ernie_lynch’s post disappeared. Anyways that is fixed.

    I stand by the rest of the post. It beggars belief that people on here can confidently state that the wrong verdict was reached without the benefit of listening to the full evidence and ignoring their previous preconceptions of any of the individuals.

    IMO I don’t think either John Terry nor Anton Ferdinand come out of this smelling of roses. Anton Ferdinand was not asking John Terry for Lasagne recipes was he? Would Anton Ferdinand or John Terry have spoken to someone in the street like that? I am not sure either of them would.

    Free Member

    Wow the amazing missing post game! Where has this corker gone?

    ernie_lynch – Member
    16stonepig – Member
    And I find racism utterly disgusting. I just don’t think I could ever argue that it should be illegal.

    You’re not a racist “but” you don’t think racism should be illegal ?

    Perhaps we can expand on this interesting logic. How about…… “I find pedophilia utterly disgusting. I just don’t think I could ever argue that it should be illegal” ?


    I didn’t sit through the court case and list to the evidence nor did I witness it first hand like a lot of you guys did. I only saw what was reported by the media so I don’t have an opinion. I mean it would be absolute folly to come to a difinitive conclusion without listening to the all the evidence rather than just the bite size segments they can fit on the TV or in the papers….. wouldn’t it???

    Oh hold on a moment, this is STW! Have at it internerds.. 😆

    Free Member

    dan77 – Member
    Smuttie- I’m back home now but from we heard before we left pleney should be open on Wednesday


    Cheers for the update :mrgreen:

    Cant wait now, only 3 days of work to get through!!

    Free Member

    dantsw13 – Member
    More sunshine in Morzine – only issue is the Pleney not running!! It has been replaced by the service Gondola for the hotel at the top of Pleney with an uplift rate of 4-5 riders every 6 minutes!! This means nobody is doing the Pleney runs, and even so the queue is about 45 minutes. Les Gets still not too busy, and the tracks are running nicely!


    Has the Pleney Lift re-opened yet? Flying out Thursday and hoping this is sorted for the PPDS!

    Free Member

    Drafted an amazing response and do you know what? I can’t be bothered.

    Druid are you the guy that races off up the hill or down the descent on the tuesday night ride and then congratulates himself about owning everyone? You are aren’t you!

    Guess what? Racers are saving it for a race and the rest are riding for the craic and enjoyment.

    Whilst your working yourself into a froth about how brilliant you are everyone else is having fun. Let me know how many points you get on your license for your next top 50 finish at the next sportive you do will you?

    Oh by the way I am not sure why you keep twittering about Danny Hart. Last time I checked he rides on courses closed to the public and is given a start time based on seeding runs already completed? I think he may have to have a UCI ‘racing’ license as well.

    Free Member

    I use my alfine 8 29er in the lakes and run 32:20. This gives me a good spread for climbing and descending. I would reccomend starting with that and adjusting the range up or down to suit your needs.

    Free Member

    Was out the door at 5am and put in a good 5 1/2 hours ride. Coincidently I live in Kendal and yes it was fricking freezing! Managed to turn most of my juice into ice!!

    Free Member

    From the gpx I have of last years course that was 27.96 miles. So this years course was only a little shorter but it appears to have been a bit faster 10-15 minutes maybe?

    Free Member

    2:46:32 on fully rigid single speed. 77th and 3rd singlespeed. Was beaten to 2nd singlespeed by 10 seconds! Bugger 😆

    Free Member

    FunkyDunc – Member

    I’ve not looked at the post, bu I assume

    There is your problem right there.

    Luminous – Member

    whether they’ve actually snapped or not is irrelevant

    I disagree. I think its very relevant.
    As I posted, I’d rather sustain a bent frame from an impact / crash, which in all likelyhood I’ll still be able to ride back to the car.

    Rather than have an instant catastrophic break in the frame, which produces sharp edges, which in turn could cause issues for me during the crash with secondary impact, etc.

    Yes, I’ve seen Thompson use the term ” Bending fuse ” when describing their products.
    What we’re really describing though is the material being strained beyond its elastic limit, resulting in permanent deformation.
    And again, Aluminium is going to reach its elestic limit way before steel.
    Obviously you will eventually snap a metal too, but only after deformaion has occured and the elastic limit of the material has been exceeded.

    I’ve see carbon deform before failure too, but it all happens rather too quickly for my liking.

    If I had been in a crash where the frame has bent I would be pleased to walk back. I would be more concerned about my own well being than the bike and certainly wouldn’t be riding a bent bike aftwerwards.

    I also think that the time taken for the failure to propogate is irrelevant. An Alu frame letting go in .5 of second isn’t giving you time to do anything about it just as 0.01 of a second for aa Carbon frame isn’t. I would rather take the extra strength so it is unlikely to happen in the first place.

    Free Member

    scuzz – Member

    My calculations are probably wrong, but the energy required to break the carbon frame from the drop test is equivalent to an average man riding into a wall at over 7mph with no energy dissipation from tyre, air, rims, spokes, hubs, bearings, or forks.
    Posted 3 minutes ago # Report-Post

    I am not sure if your calculations are right or wrong but if they were right how fast would you have to be going on the aluminium bike? Less than walking speed? Something sounds amiss.

    Free Member

    sam_underhill – Member

    A380 is holding up well isn’t it? oh no…..that’s not right is it? I’ve got it, they all need inspecting for cracks.

    stumpy01 – Member

    Yeah, cracks in the aluminium bits, I thought?

    Yep cracks in the aluminium brackets not the carbon. Good try though 😆

    Free Member

    Your right, the only way down off skiddaw is ullock pike. No one would pick any other way would they?

    Free Member

    Just a thought but as the moto 2 teams are testing without the official engines the times should be taken with a small pinch of salt. Marc VDS are running engines which are supposed to be putting out close to same horsepower as the ‘spec’ engines. Tech 3 however have stated the are running bog stock CBR 600 RR motors. Some teams are apparently running WSS level engines (complete with 300km service intervals).

    I have no doubt that both Smith & Redding will be up the sharp end but I am not getting my knickers in a twist about the times any of them are running until they have the spec engine in.

    Free Member

    don simon – Member

    Go for it fella.
    Especially as no one has been able to demonstrate that the ingestion was anything but accidental. Guilty by speculation.

    Guilty by evidence I am afraid.

    The UCI/WADA only had to prove that he had a banned substance in his blood stream which they did.
    Once that had been proven then the onus was him to prove that it’s presence was unintential/accidental. He didn’t.

    He lost the case, he has effectively only been banned from competition for 7 months so its time for everyone to move on.

    Free Member

    flap_jack – Member
    Flap Jack, I don’t know where I would spin out a 46×11 gear,
    Into Les Linderets, you can hit over 75 kmph on the PassPortes heh heh. Just watch out for the large drainage channel…

    But why would you take the wide fire road when you can take the kick ass descent off to the left with its steep vertigo inducing switchbacks??

    Free Member

    No worries Rockape. The plan for the rides is usually posted up on Friday for Monday night rides and Sunday for the Wednesday night rides, but just post up on the site and let us know if your planning on coming along.

    Where do you usually ride on Tuesday nights at the moment?

    Free Member

    Capt. Kronos – Member
    Oh – I was a member of RTL website and got out once… not managed it since though. I really must get my arse in gear and start getting out this year though! Miss riding, and having a good giggle (my woeful lack of fitness scares me off riding with people at the moment though).

    May wait for the longer evenings though – or day time rides – as I am somewhat ill equipped at the moment!

    Don’t worry too much about holding people up. Just come out and have a laugh. The riding now will pay dividends come summer! 😀

    Free Member

    Alright Rich? Have you thawed out from last night yet?

    Would be good to get some more people out if anyone fancies it.

    Free Member

    🙁 couldn’t afford one at the time and now I have managed to sell a kidney they are no more. 🙂

    Free Member

    tragically1969 – Member
    Get your bloody hand in your pocket and stop messing…..

    You now me always the d*** head, I want a rigid 29er without the suspension corrected forks… Or a Carbon Air 9 😀

    Free Member

    Shimano do Long and Medium cages in XT etc

    SGS = Long
    GS = Medium
    SS = Short

    Here is the 9 speed Saint Short cage and you can see the difference

    Free Member

    Yes you can run a short cage mech. Doing the same myself with a 32 Chainring and a 12-36 cassette.

    The problem you may have is that Shimano dont make a short cage 10 speed mech you would have to use SRAM. The only short cage MTB mech Shimano do is the sain which is still 9 speed only as far as I know.

    I went X9 shifter & mech and it is fine.

    Free Member

    paulrockliffe – Member

    It might not be called a race, but it is a race. Do you think the ‘winners’ went round it in under 2 and a half hours for a ‘challenge’ or because they wanted to get to the finish first?
    Posted 15 minutes ago # Report-Post

    No its a race when you have to hand your license over and you are awarded points based on the position you finish. It’s a challenge. People can ride balls out if they want but don’t go kidding yourself that everyone else is.

    Free Member

    The bit that said there isn’t much riding from the door that bit.

    Your right it isn’t the best place to stay for mountain biking in the lakes but there is plenty to ride from the door.

    Free Member

    if you are coming up to the Lakes for biking Kendal isn’t really the best place to stay as there isn’t much biking from the door
    I can string together a 2+hr ride from Kendal over The Helm, Brigsteer, Underbarrow without too much effort. OK, some of it you kind of need to know or discover (rather than just look on a map) but there’s loads of biking right from the town centre if you’re willing to throw in a few bits of road or farm track to link it all up.

    Don’t forget the scars, and whinfell. You can also be off road at the south end of longsleddale in short order. As you have said though I think the riding needs to be earned through local knowledge.

    Free Member

    Granted its been lacking in precipitaion, but its been lacking in heat too.

    Not here it hasn’t, if I could send some your way I would!!

    Free Member

    Because they have different weather in different parts of the country?

    Its has been rubbish in the south lakes this year. Very few HOT days, mostly its been cool and never more than a few days without rain. Windermere is pretty full for the time of year.

    Free Member

    Happy days, 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 2009 lapierre spicy which is 1 1/8 steerer. Do works components do -1 degree headset to fit? My spicy is 67 degrees and the newer spicy is 66. Be nice to be able to try it out as my current headset is buggered anyway.

    Free Member

    For all the talk of the lakes being a honeypot it is still surprisingly quiet when you get onto the trails. I guess you could fit a lot of people on to the trails though before you start bumping into people a lot. It’s worse (or better) at night. 2 nights a week for 3 years and still in single figures for other groups met whilst out.

    Free Member

    joolsburger – Member

    I expect the more important question is would you notice a performance difference between the two kinds of rubber? I’ve just got a black chilli tyre to try and I reckon I wont.

    I must confess I have had both black chilli and standard Rubber Queens and the Black Chilli do appear to last longer and grip better. Your experience may differ.

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