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  • smudge
    Free Member

    Sorry if thread going slightly OTT, but purely my opinion.

    Tomorrow onwards, say £13 entry, £10 parking £23, I’d suggest filling car with fuel, have a good day out biking somewhere and still have change for some grub coming home :)

    The whole event should be classed as Trade im my opinion.

    Free Member

    If you havent already done so, please send me an email DB.

    Just spent the afternoon at the CycleShow… all I can say is if and when I have a stand there I will make sure people can buy my stock there and then, not go home, mull the flyer over and throw it in the recycle bin the next day.! – My opinion of course

    Free Member

    I normally park in the train station carpark, still £8 though but easier to get in and away from afterwards.

    Disappointed too with the last few years, but some bigger and better names there this year, including Cube.

    Don’t expect to be able buy much though! The London ones better for that.

    Free Member

    GP are an ok brand, more widely known in the industrial market than the consumer market

    Free Member

    Yes I use them both all the time. RS are equally as good… I once ordered a few polyswitches from RS in the afternoon and there was a knock on the door 7pm that evening with the delivery ! :)

    Some of the weekly offers in CPC are worth looking out for too

    Free Member

    Hi Geda,
    I have just sent you an email.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the ups and mentions guys…. I’m finding it harder year by year to compete against the imports, and can see why if im honest. why spend £100+ for a light when you can spend £20.. i’d be the same if i’m honest. firstly, above all, make sure you wrap the battery in a plastic bag they’re not the bestest weatherproofed, so give it a chance.
    But thanks again for the support, the lights are a small part of the business now and I guess you can see why, but still got a new light coming out, so not giving up that easy :)

    Free Member

    Working here too, yesterday too… Bank Holidays and weekends don’t really mean much when you’re running your own business.

    Free Member

    I sent mine back as it had a small hairline crack, and as the others have pointed out paid the $18 for the service. The best $18 I have ever spent. Came back looking new, pretty much replaced everything.

    You only know how good a company is when you have something that goes wrong I say.

    Free Member

    working ok here too.

    Trying clearing out your cookies and trying again?

    Free Member

    Hi, get yourself on one of these 2 day courses. all free and will answer all your questions Ken Horn start up in business courses
    Best thing I ever did, and ken keeps in touch to see how you are getting on and if you need any more advice..

    Free Member

    I ordered a jersey last week and came in a large box like above and luckily caught the postman … liked it so much ordered another one, that came in a jiffy bag and slipped through the letterbox!

    Free Member

    scamper, no problem for your wife… i’d say a great place to practise your skills and build your confidence on…and short enough to go round to go round again and again to make practise perfect and better… plus you can park right by it and not be miles away.. thats a brilliant bit. no camelback required :)

    Free Member

    popped up this afternoon… pleasantly surprised how they could put so much into a tiny place… bearing in mind no real height around SV… to be honest loved it.. recovering from a calf tear (physio check up in morning) and going to be my recovery place for sure.

    Free Member

    Not long got back from Sandwell Valley, cracking piece of work done in the space available.. Well done guys.. A new play place on my doorstep :)

    Free Member

    I had one too a few weeks ago… does look legit, but HMRC only correspond with letters, not emails.. If I hadnt been getting loads with mum passing away and now looking after Dad I may have fell for it… must do it every year

    Free Member

    Get yourself onto one of these courses KICKOFF IN BUSINESS[/url]. I went on a couple and best thing I ever did. Ken Horn Fixtures[/url] All you need to know and always there should you need him.

    Free Member

    Used to be my hobby many years ago.. collected around 500 QSL cards from all over the world, highlight was a card from Radio Grenada.. and waiting 2 years for one from Radio Tirana/ Albania.

    Not sure about the £50 mark, but do remember it wasnt all about the receiver but more for a good aerial set up and patience.

    Good luck though

    one here

    Free Member

    Mine arrived today too 8) Thanks OP mega fantastico … just need torn calf to heal now :oops:

    Free Member

    I once took the pee out of a pirate …. he was furious!

    Free Member

    Download a few STW mags to read?

    Or, try smashing a penguin :)

    Free Member

    Whenever I hear of a whale washing up on a beach, I always imagine it wearing an enormous pair of Marigolds on its flippers

    Free Member

    sounds fishy ….. you do know someone is going to be coming along in a minute asking about an email you havent replied to!?

    Free Member

    tell us tomorrow :)

    Free Member

    usually about 30-40% charged, they can be used straight away, but best giving it a full charge first. But dont leave fully charged for long periods… just ~50% is fine.

    Free Member

    Stumpy, that shouldn’t have cost £8 to post? £4.10 max First class Signed for … depending on size of the box you posted it in… even then 2nd class!?

    Free Member

    nicely used. thanks :)

    Free Member

    Sorted GSI. nearly back on track, thanks again for everyones patience over the last few months

    Free Member

    Best way with any Li-Ion battery is best stored just over 50% charged if left for long peroids.
    Although the battery isnt being used, the protection circuit still monitors each cell – although this is only a few milliAmps this can build up if left in a relatively low state of charge. This will continue to drain the battery, even below its lower level cut off voltage limit.

    Also Li-Ion batteries, do not like to be left for long periods 100% charged either and can effect the long term impedance of the battery.

    Lastly, Not kept in a fridge either.. just somewhere cool, like a cupboard.


    Free Member

    Ive just spoken to Troutie.

    He is currently working away from home in the Lake District with very limited or no internet access.

    He does appologise for not answering to any recent emails, but will do when he next gets home.

    Troutie is a carpet fitter by trade, the lights were only a hobby that grew and grew to what it is today, Like you all know he will get round to answering your emails, repairs & orders. But work comes first at the moment.

    Free Member

    Not sure about well known films not seen yet, but sitting down and watching Senna Saturday night with a few cans for company.

    Free Member

    I know what you are going through.

    My parents had a house fire last November, my mum passed away 5 days after moving back in, dad was then in hospital 3 days after with pneumonia for all over Christmas and new year and has been in and out of hospital pretty much ever since and keeps asking me why does he keep waking up when he falls asleep as he just wants to go now.

    I have good days and bad days, made silly mistakes too… Bestest so far was not putting handbrake on fully and car rolled straight their new garage doors!! Then 2 hours to find their house keys I had thrown in the temper of doing it.

    But I found the support of good friends, lots of messages from guys on stw is slowly getting me through it all.

    I also found having a day off here and there doing something you like best with your best friends helps loads… In fact I’d say book a days holiday next week if you can and do something you haven’t done for ages and keep meaning to go or do….


    Free Member

    Email me again and i’ll help you out… Use mark at mtbbatteries dot co dot uk for a quicker response.
    Gradually getting back on track with everything and I appologise if I have not been back in touch.

    Plus let me know who you are on STW in the email

    Free Member

    Thanks for the support and feedback guys.
    I am running a couple of days behind here and there, but thats still due to family problems (Dad back in hospital last week).

    Paypal does send am enail to say payment has been received. Thats saving me a job from doing it, it will then also say when the order is posted as I use RoyalMail via paypal as well.. This saves me sending an extra 2 emails for every order.. Yes I know this probably isnt the best way instead of emailing personally. But under the present circumstances its the best I can do.

    Also, the lights are now only a small part of the growing business but will still 100% of my attention.

    On a personnel note so you see how things are at the minute, today has been spent with a Community Care Manager, District Nurse and a Social Worker for my Dad, so I am doing pretty well under the recent circumstances.

    But can I thank everyone for emails I have received over the last few months. means alot to me.


    Free Member

    hi guys,

    thank you for the mention and comments on the lumenator. as you may know about about my mum, 3 days after she passed away I had my dad in hospital with Pneumonia and nearly lost him as well.

    over the next couple of days I will catch up on all orders and emails.

    can I also thank everyone for their kind messages over the last few Weeks.

    Free Member

    couldn’t have put it better MrT.

    don’t mix and match chargers on batteries that they aren’t designed for.

    Free Member

    Thanks Chris and everyone above.

    So happy she waited for me to get dad as we were both holding her hands as she peacefully passed away. She’ll be missed by so many people.

    Free Member

    My mum passed away yesterday in Hospital, so happy she waited for me to get dad and she peacefully drifted away with us her holding her hands.

    So please anyone emailing or orders placed please bear with me, I will get through them.


    Free Member

    I had VM grief a couple of years and after all the grief from phonecalls I gave up, set up a twitter account and tweeted Richard Branson direct, within a few hours had a phone call from VM and then ongoing daily updates.. I know he’s no part of it anymore, but still a Branson/Virgin brand. worth a try.

    Free Member

    Good points, not being a commuter or using the strobe this sort of feedback is good, I will certainly go back to my supplier and suggest your ideas to them and see what we can come up with. I was just happy that you didn’t go into the strobe mode as you pressed through the brightness settings.

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