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  • smiff
    Free Member

    yeah that hose kit costs almost as much as the brake! surely some hose and some olives will do? cheapest source, superstar?
    can confirm it comes with 2 caliper bolts (no mount adapter of course, choose to suit rotor).
    extremely basic looking design for filling reservoir, no idea how well it works.

    Free Member

    cheers that’ll go on the bro’s on-one that’s only going to get nicked anyway.
    apparently ok with sintered pads (Superstar S2) and decent rotors (hopefully my old Avid G2 will fit?)
    doesn’t the mineral oil get hot, or is that why they come with resin pads? (shouldn’t matter in UK just curious).

    Free Member

    scandal v2 doesn’t have rack mounts, watch that.

    Free Member

    ah so you can now get silver/black scandal for same price as “sandpaper green” (tried a green for £75, foiled by the website).

    Free Member

    with screw slackened off does it still extend to top ok?

    good idea to grease or oil the inner steel parts?

    god damn this weather is bad.

    Free Member

    got one in my stocking. one ride so far.. liking it, takes a bit more thought to use than a hydro post as you need to locate the positions, and real danger of delivering a whack to the nuts if hovering over seat when released!
    remote is very nice (had no remote on previous post so any is nice, but this one seems a good design, parallel to grip and can be pushed any way, not sticking out like reverb, and is split clamp). very quick and easy to fit. forgot to weigh it sorry too excited to go ride, this is on my crap conditions bike so i’ll know pretty soon (maybe a month) if it’s going to be reliable or not.

    price has gone up £3 8O ;)

    Free Member

    didn’t realise this was so common. luckily cups are normally softer than frame (6061 cups, 7075 frame in my case, or steel, or ti), otherwise you could have trashed frame.
    shimano still give plastic spacers on the cheapest ht2 bb cups too. do not use these for reasons above.

    Free Member

    if it’s when you stick your nose in the rear wheel, i could have done it for about £50.

    Free Member

    hell’s bells, i’d take 4 inches for that price.
    (ooh err).

    Free Member

    my guess for the approx. symmetry would be that’s where liquid is running when bike is stored? i.e. these points were facing down whilst hub was wet with something corrosive. or it could instead be seams of weakness in the stock metal? not sure how bars are formed so can’t say if plausible. i’ve had the magnesium dropouts on a pair of forks corrode a bit like this after salty road rides. never seen it on alu but presumably possible also.

    it def. looks like the spoke hole failure is a result of metal corrosion/weakness/whatever, rather than other way around. anyone seen similar on other brands? this is kind of reassuring to me because it means if your hub looks ok, it probably won’t fail (except for the guy with the cracked right through hub, that looks like more like a stress/fatigue failure and is more worrying).

    Free Member

    Northwind, you don’t think it’s a bad piece of metal? why would both the flanges and disc mounts go on the same hub? happening over years does not stop it being bad batches, it just points to a long running QC problem at the source. it’s not bad machining at Hope is it? corrosion is possible too but not sure how likely.

    Free Member

    ooh dear. looks like bad batch(es) of alloy there. blame their metal supplier i guess, or the person at Hope doing the sourcing..

    will check mine, but don’t expect any trouble, this has to be rare with the number of hope hubs in use by STWers?

    Free Member

    i also thought, well i have one arse, only ride 1 bike at a time. and nice to have one comfy saddle.

    but then couldn’t really be bothered to move a lever post. def. wouldn’t bother to move a remote post. could be my total lack of pre-ride planning..

    Free Member

    yeah you’d be insane to buy a GD costing the same as a Reverb. and you’d be insane to buy a Reverb with all its oil and air to go wrong. So buy one of those GD clones like a MARS on here recently for £75? dunno but i’ll be trying one.

    Free Member

    ebay uk seller tells me weight is 595g inc. remote and cable. and it’s not a standard cable. hmmm not sure how you’re supposed to replace that then.

    Free Member

    yeah i’ll take UK for £7 price difference. got quick responses from the uk seller he sounds legit.
    would like to know weight as well.

    Free Member

    yeah Avid Elixirs are superb, run two sets (2 years, and 4 years), never let me down.
    as for the Joplin.. someone above got the one that works? :p i just have trouble believing that post could work reliably if used regularly.

    Free Member

    alright, looks like as it was?

    let the consumerism recommence.

    Free Member

    maybe. well as long as those frames i was eyeing up, don’t go up that’s cool :o

    if they do i will have a massive tantrum.

    Free Member

    michaelmcc soon as i saw that thought something was wrong, looking closer.. no pivot! how does it.. bend?

    don’t even start on car maker stuff, theirs is deliberately retarded and that’s no fun.

    Free Member

    1200 kit is still under £50 delivered on their own site (costs more on amazon). however, i’ve now read Northwind’s review properly and won’t get this. hmm wanted something to go on bar with 872 on head (or vice versa) but not sure what’s best.

    Basically, the 872 puts out such a wall of light, a little spot is going to be pointless with it. the problem with 872 btw is it doesn’t quite throw far enough for me to go fast into corners. any ideas?

    Free Member

    yeah for roots you want more rubber (so 42a minion is good) but this is opposite of mud traction. i agree i’d go for more rubber esp. on front, put a mud tyre on back. mud-x is pretty good all round despite the name, bit narrow for roots though.

    Free Member

    8 month old thread … still can’t decide what I want

    haha Lucas maybe you don’t need one at all then ;)

    how did i miss this?

    though wasn’t it cheaper before?

    Free Member

    yeah.. potholes seem to be a really big issue for casual cyclists. i never really understood the problem either but most of us ride mtbs with 2.5″ tyres and suspension and go looking for trails that are basically all “pot-holes”..
    they def. do cause accidents though. maybe more of an education “how to ride potholes” (getting your weight back etc, not fighting the steering) is needed?

    Free Member

    that ^ looks lovely (frame, not red bits).
    but imho.. just can’t justify spending much on a hardtail frame. anything over £300 is pushing it value wise imho.

    Free Member

    thanks good info, the m785 seems to be £100 more now though (or if you like 10,000p :/), so that’s a different market really..
    maybe these then:
    the shimano ones still look a deal though. if i was paying £250 ish i’d being going for Hope.

    Free Member

    oh. right he wants a trail 29er i guess, so good point on inbred being steep then.
    never heard of any of those others, better do some reading.. any frame-onlys around £200 would be ideal.

    Free Member

    yes, but no. its £800 frame only? need whole bike for about that :)

    Free Member

    these are nice and cheap right now at Merlin, any good as all round XC/AM wheels, or weak, or some catch? can be run well tubed and tubeless? only 24 spokes hmm.

    Free Member

    anything better in the last 8 months?
    i know about the on-one x5 for £800, looks ok but not really exciting.
    chumba price seems to have gone way up unless i’m looking in wrong place.
    x5 29er frame is £140 which is pretty good frame only?

    Free Member

    ^ i think you accidentally the picture.

    Free Member

    giving an impression of power, comfort and safety.

    yeah. ‘cos an impression is all ur gonna get :p

    i think calling the Jones bike ugly is unfair. all fatbikes look odd, because we’re used to skinny tyres. the fork is odd, but for a reason. nothing that works well is every really ugly imho.

    Free Member

    haha, nothing will ever look worse than this

    is that curved bit meant to be the rear suspension? ‘cos it looks bouncy!

    also, i never ever want to see another “concept” bike. any idiot can design ugly, it takes something special to fill the world with thousands of them. can we only do production stuff please? did this thing go into production?

    Free Member

    yes Rock n Roll Superweb, once you’ve used this, nothing else is white or stringy enough :)

    btw Hope grease is blue, and appears to be JCB grease. don’t ask how i know :p so that’s what i use for topping up Hope stuff..

    Free Member

    rocks sure, but you could write off one of these with just a little stone or gravel, i bet. or throwing the bike down badly. i’ll stick with my heavy steel thanks :)
    and i’d never seen carbon bolts are they any good?

    Free Member

    i think the brittleness will make this pretty bad for MTBs, where rotors are very exposed and stones and sticks get thrown in all the time. nice for racers/people with money to burn or surrey hills riders maybe? :p

    btw, is there any part that can’t be made from carbon composites? bolts? tyres? :p

    Free Member

    i don’t understand something. they say the rotor doesn’t get hot (is not a good heat sink like steel?). when you brake all your kinetic energy basically turns into heat. that’s what brakes do. if the rotor ain’t heating up, where’s the heat going? back into the brake caliper/hose? not good?

    Free Member

    FWIW i know where OP is coming from. talk to the people you ride with and see how they feel about it, some may be happy to turn phones off and just forget, others can’t… if the phone means they can go out at all, that’s got to be good right? i can feel my phone vibrate on my back, but real issue is stopping to take calls..

    Free Member

    killwillforchips, you’ll be wanting bluetooth to this

    everything about this photo is cool. the chopper, the pose, the little wheels..

    or this guy


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