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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • smiff
    Free Member

    that’s because the grub screws are grippier than the thru pins

    yeah, wish i’d known about this before i got wah-wahs. got given the normal pin ones by mistake at xmas and whaddayaknow.. they do grip better.

    Free Member

    ^ that guy in front of the camera – he’s famous! ;) he’s on this month’s What Mountain Bike.

    Scott i might have to do what Rups did last dig and take someone round a bit hope that’s ok :oops: maybe stop and dig a bit too ‘cos he’ll be pretty unfit.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    what kind of mind could come up with such a thing? hmm

    ~~ wavey lines wavey lines ~~

    not sure which i love more right now..

    sad part is there’s probably some mad genius crying in a shed somewhere after having all his works of art nicked :/

    Reminds me of rube-goldberg machines more than anything. superb.

    Free Member

    just a heads up (fnar fnar) BBC Stargazing Live is filming in QE this Sat 16th 5pm. they probably wouldn’t appreciate our massive lights so maybe don’t ride Sat night if anyone was going to.
    weather just came good so they might be in luck, forecast is all dry for next week.
    my experience is it’s actually worse to ride while drying out, then it gets real good :) the trails kinda fix themselves it’s just trying to get drainage to work that’s the battle..
    autumn and spring last year were both good, you’ll see tons of strava times were sept. and may.

    Free Member

    btw don’t put really big spikes like trailrakers they don’t work so good there – MudX, Minion etc soft big rubber is better. wear pads and learn to drift. and we do care, but it’s better you ride it AND come help patch it up later please. if you don’t enjoy that sort of riding, you’ll have to go where it’s sandy like towards Rogate/Bordon/Midhurst/Haslemere/Guildford or i dunno, Cwmcarn?. complete resurfacing for red trail won’t happen in foreseeable future, for blue should be if/when that’s sorted out.. fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    just got back from 5 hour ride there with superfli and a few others, it’s great if you go with right people and right attitude.. snow, rain, low cloud, worst conditions ever there. but yeah i understand, would usually avoid it over winter.

    we will be patching it up come spring, no point right now as without much more budget and manpower, it’ll get trashed again so there’s better things for us to work on for now (tba ;) )

    not all areas are bad, if you know where to look usually one side of the park is dry, and the old trails with hard chalk surface are also ok when really wet.

    i got up first climb tonight in dark and snow and even got some ok strava times so not sure it’s that bad, it’s all about expectations i guess, yeah it’s nothing like summer.

    look at QE winter as a challenge/skills thing.. as Scott said if you can do it now, you can do anywhere, and come summer you’ll be flying there :)

    btw afaik none of us care about damage riding it wet, put on your spikiest tires and go for it.

    Free Member

    ah thought it was a faux-bar, which didn’t make sense either as Horst patent has expired (?)
    so.. what’s it for? shape and coil suggests DH but single pivots were never that great DH ‘cos of braking effects i thought? and a Revelation 32mm. hmm.

    just realised the EG29 is a 140mm bike, so this is a beefier AM 29er and they couldn’t find a suitable fork for it yet?

    Free Member

    Ahh brings back memories of my youth.I hav’nt seen a growler up close for years.

    Married? IGMC.

    don’t understand bike in picture.. Guapo29 isn’t even out yet, isn’t this pretty similar? or no?

    128mm rear travel with 440mm chainstays, 67deg head angle, 35mm BB drop. It’s a fun little number

    ok so i don’t know much about bikes, what’s it for? other than having fun :)

    Free Member

    ah so that depends on age of fork.. newer Rebas are like Revs? squarer arch. old curvy arch would be no go with a Chunky, or even the 2.25 maxxis i think.

    Free Member

    using the very scientific “finger between tyre and frame” method, i’d say it’s about same size (highest and widest) as Advantage 2.25. but more rounded?
    grips better though, but about half a pound heavier (? haven’t weighed) so it should. nice, i’ll probably set this up tubeless and run it ’till summer then maybe back to the advantage. or not, Advantages aren’t very good are they why did i buy so many?

    thanks doom might try a Monkey on front too :)

    Free Member

    only 9.5 / 10 did you buy all the 8.5s?

    Free Member

    great question. would not start something like that with 1k, too risky, save up a bit first? unless you have a job set up to go to. getting into NZ/Aus is getting hard and flights alone are 1000-1500 now. i think Europe has to be your best bet.. we all know how easy it is for them to get here ;) (joke, i’m not a Daily Mail reader ok!). there’s so much in Europe and it’s on our doorstep, you’ve got all the way south to Africa and east to .. well the middle East? so much variety of culture and landscape. should be enough for a lifetime.. Spain though.. do you know what the unemployment rate is there, about 25% last i heard and 50% youth (which you aren’t, it’s just interesting)? maybe not there or Greece. How about Portugal, much friendlier.

    Free Member

    or anyone put a Chunky Monkey in a Revelation?

    just realised how weird that sounds out of context..

    higgo, i’ve heard the Smorg is tall and fairly narrow (for a Maxxis 2.25). dunno, just ordered one.. geeky specs are here:

    Free Member

    hmm never knew Trek dealt with Maverick. that bike ^ looks odd only because of the colour and fork!

    have thought about turning my 26er into one of these:

    not sure how much it’d mess up geometry, already have an angleset in there i could reverse. might borrow a 29er fork and wheel and try it :)

    Free Member

    115mm that year (had a pair). and yes, if there’s a black plastic clip on the air side which very likely is.

    not too hard just undo circlip on lower end of the upper tube, slide out, unclip spacer (doesn’t need whole stack removed like the newer ones) and slide back in.

    no longer use mine ‘cos of other problems :/ (stanchion and dropout damage) but the travel adjust was easy and well worth doing.

    Free Member

    sell it as ‘new but no packaging’ on ebay for slightly less than you paid, and keep the box next time?
    hell, sell it for more if you got a good deal and are feelin’ cheeky.

    Free Member

    wth? he had the whole road.

    this is more like it, i present: The Black Shadow. :o

    pulling some Gs

    Free Member

    was expecting a video like this

    which don’t really accelerate that well do they. so nerdy i love it.

    Free Member

    definitely to make motorbike revving noises with mouth, twist your grips, stand and stamp on the pedals as hard as you can, ride about 10 yards and fall over exhausted. had this demonstrated on sunday, works and looks great in mud with people behind you.

    :roll: <- in case anyone thinks that’s serious.

    … if gears are working well, start low and change up fast, much like a car. but not using granny, front shifting under power is how you break chains?

    Free Member

    take it you’re all roadies? (or winter roadies) :)

    Free Member

    they tie the two cups together to prevent either cup working loose? ffs, threaded bb shells worked fine for years as long as you don’t **** the threads.

    Free Member

    haha.. this thread just got epic.
    he needs hosing down… for “airing his dirty laundry” in public? i’ll see myself out.

    Free Member

    haven’t read whole thread, but it’s good for babies to eat some mud and shit. helps their immune systems/allergies? apparently (er maybe not cat & dog shit, that stuff can carry nasties. but if you have pets that’s more likely in your house already than on your rides). if it’s to save your washing machine, which will be getting used constantly, or stop baby shit getting on your clothes, that makes more sense.

    tl:dr women, make no sense!

    Free Member

    The Seatstays are designed to flex, eliminates the need for a pivot that would move less than 5 degrees anyway.

    oh i see.. they are thin but wide. bit like me old Trek (TF ’08) but better. very elegant, wonder how strong it is if used say by a fat man for DH?

    Free Member

    yer was going to say.. i don’t think there is (or ever will be) a bike that does dirt jumping and marathon xc rides and DH.. well :p

    Free Member

    the enduro is like a smooth pitch. mmm.

    how does that horsething work with such itty bitty seatstays? you’d think they’d bend under compression. anyway only heard good things about it.

    i’d of course vote for the only AM bike i’ve owned, the 26″ Guapo.. also happens to be one of the cheapest AM frames if you’re into self-build. no pics yet only built it 2 days ago but looks very much like my last one:

    probably could do anything if it wasn’t so God Damn Sexy that she mainly likes to pose. :roll:

    Free Member

    that is or was a lovely colour, reminds me of my first Trek (dry ice blue they called it, looked amazing with some gt85 on it).
    shame and yes, on-one should teach them frame packing. this sort of thing tends to happen with bigger companies where not everyone is into bikes or knows their turners from their turnips.
    one frame i bought from CRC had a bent hangar too, but they replaced it. and the hangar cost more than that frame :)

    i’m not sure that HT is beyond repair? but there was nothing between rear dropouts, it’s likely ****.

    Free Member

    haven’t ridden a Prophet.. they look really ahead for their time.
    weights are similar. pivot locations are very different though so i’d expect them to ride different?
    Guapos climb well, should descend better, and if you’re buying one of the next batch you might also have pedals that don’t hit the ground ;)

    Free Member

    hehe. what a workout for your suspension. and very cool doing it without a footdown. the closed trail had quite a few impressed walkers :D

    not so keen on music and editing in that vid but yeah whatever that’s some brilliant and ballsy riding and actually ON A MOUNTAIN wooohoo.

    and it goes on forever, my t-rex arms would be f***ed after a few minutes of that.

    Free Member

    fun fact: “could of” comes from a misunderstanding of “could have” > could’ve. :D

    “could care less” is worse because it means the opposite… :(

    Armstrong is the worstest, of course. for realz.

    Free Member

    apparently you can buy any parts on their own, anyone have link for that please?

    grease def. helped, action loads better on mine now.

    only problem with action is it’s a bit too hard to compress to bottom (i’m a lightweight) yet not quite strong enough to reach top if you don’t really lift right off the saddle. doubt anything can be done about this.

    Free Member

    yeah £1100 is double what i paid for my EG on sale. and who is actually doing lots of mtb-ing with the weather like this? unless you’re going away or something..

    Greame (Graeme), Charlie was talking about 26er pre-orders there right?

    Free Member

    well there’s nothing else as good for the price except the Pitch frames when they were on sale for £500 or something?, and the Mega from CRC ditto.
    so you waits or you pays more :)
    on-one just seem to be having mnfr/QC problems in Taiwan they are doing the right thing imho, other than customer service being a clusterf**k where everyone relies on brant, who’s meant to be the designer, for support/sales info and who knows what the rest of on-one do.
    /rant over.

    Free Member

    if you’re waiting for 29ers (?), then yeah, march is about 6 weeks away. listen to brant, he’s the one in on-one with a clue generally :wink:
    if you’re waiting for 26ers, sounds like something else has gone wrong, they were supposed to be in this week i was told last week 8O website now says Feb apart from a few in stock..

    Pitch is a similar bike to Guapo, was considering one, similar suspension, maybe Guapo bit more XC, Pitch a bit more DH/freeride? i’ve ridden both but may just be my mate’s Pitch build with Pikes etc. both are spesh Horst link.

    Free Member

    arg lots of confusion. there is an imminent drop – of 26ers.
    the Guapo 29ers are delayed until March probably (not sure why it takes 2 months to do some QC but yeah. unless they already had them made wrong and started again? no idea), the 26ers are still available now/more next week hopefully and should also be correct geo. hope so ‘cos i’m waiting for a 26er right now..


    Free Member

    RCT3 damper is fapping ace and you get dual flow rebound, RL is the standard MoCo.

    fairly sure this is wrong, they all have same dual flow rebound on 2012 afaik. someone like Loco will confirm..

    Free Member

    i suspect the metal shavings i found were from the steel spring bottom end rotating against the silver alloy bottom cap. there should be a plastic piece betweeen spring and end cap? anyone confirm please?

    as for those cracks above.. yikes. it’s fairly thick steel on mine, how thick is yours?

    Free Member

    alright had mine apart for a greasing, few notes:

    – main tube with spring full of sharp metal shavings, anyone else? left over from mnfr? weird, didn’t look like anything was missing or worn.

    – gonna need new plastic guide blocks at some point, anyone know cheap source?

    – height holes (3) are evenly spread and would be easy to add your own. less easy to take them away – ? top and bottom holes chamfered presumably for easy engagement, might do same for middle.

    – the rubber boot has a direction, much swearing after getting saddle back on with it half unhooked. hate hate hate this type of saddle clips.

    – would like to have to push less far on remote to release, have to look at this next. i guess cable can tightened.

    – isn’t rusting as bad as i expected.

    – way better than trying to work on a joplin!

    Free Member

    ok thanks, just wondered what you thought about it. the mobil1 seems to work well but no it doesn’t totally cure the stiction on that particular fork. it does hang around the wiper better i think.
    what do you charge for changing bushes on an ’08 reba? what about new lowers with bushes please as my dropouts are pretty knackered.

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