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  • Hunt Proven Carbon Race Enduro Wheelset Review – UPDATED (Cracked!)
  • smell_it
    Free Member

    Everyone measures success very differently. I’m in my mid thirties and single with no kids, so by most peoples measure I’m no success. But for a variety of other reasons I am pretty happy, and really look forward to getting up every morning. So I’m not planning on any change of life plan just yet.

    Free Member

    Have we confirmed it is Flow in the video?


    [David Attenborough Voice] despite the harmless months of verbal posturing and displays of dandy finery, two of the forum alpha’s have, almost by accident, stumbled across each other after losing sight of the point of the thread. Left at such an impasse, the alpha’s have little choice but to lock horns and rut to establish their dominance. Whilst the rest of the herd look on at this seemingly pointless conflict, neither will come to any significant harm, but fatigued the alpha’s could leave the door open for Flow to return when he is a bit less tired [/David Attenborough Voice]

    Free Member

    I never fail to be heartened by the number of perfect people on here who are always willing to judge how shit you are in their opinion share their valuable knowledge with you. Good luck OP.

    Free Member

    Kohe. I’ve managed to stem the tide of people saying ‘that’s an unusual name, where does it come from?’ by punching a lot of people in the face.

    Free Member

    No, this bastard sunday took advantage of me. Rode to the end of the road, hit some ice and went down quite hard. Continued the ride to A&E as I knew me left hand wasn’t ‘good’. Sat like a prune in my winter roadie lycra for a while whilst waiting to find out I had broken my little finger and had a dislocated ring finger. Then had a pretty miserable slow ride home. But, I’ve had some whiskey for the pain, and at least I’m a righty 😉

    Free Member

    I generally eat well, but take a general multi-vitamin with minerals most days, figuring I work irregular shifts so my eating routine is a bit all over the place. Can’t remember the last time I was ill or had a cold, so I figure it can’t do any harm.

    Biking wise I was considering loading with beta-alanine before the race season starts as I tend to bit sluggish coming out of winter despite not slacking on the training, but I remain a bit unconvinced.

    Free Member

    The level of trolling and hand wringing is immense on this thread, pure stw.

    Free Member

    I have spoken to Ben, the manager of Cycle Recycle. He has contacted the police himself to inform them of the situation and if the bike is proved to be the one in question, he will happily return it to it right full owner.

    Taka – it might be worth commenting on the more saliant points like the above. If you just keep having a pop, you are going to come across as a right cock.

    Free Member

    Do what you feel, it’s not a one way only choice.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I reckon Fulham will be kicking themselves for that last minute lack of concentration. Enjoy your new bike.

    Free Member

    Yep, i’d be dubious about what the seller was trying to hide. If all you recoup is the cost of the respray it seems pointless. But looking above if there are buyers who would be interested and the respray let you charge an additional premium, why not.

    Free Member

    Linky no worky.

    Free Member

    Devoid of sense of humour – check.
    Seemingly lacking in knowledge – check
    Overly self important – check.
    Willingness to argue the toss with internet strangers – check.

    I think djbombscare should fit right in here, it’ll not be long before he is riding a single speed 29er in some oh so funny novelty biking socks, and rushing home to have a drink from his stupidly expensive coffee maker. Welcome.

    Free Member

    I struggle with long sentences

    Free Member

    Surely ‘very steep slopes’ seems pretty accurate.

    Free Member

    I’ve been using the mk2 cruds for about 3 months and i’m pretty chuffed with them. Took about 10 mins each end to fit and haven’t hand to mess around with them since, bar the odd wiggle if they are catching. They are in daily use and get knocked around a bit. Could only get 23mm tyres to fit with mine, but I think some of this depends on the frame; my mate with a trek runs 25mm tyres. The offer more cover than race blades with no more hassle IME.

    Free Member

    prob as more commuters/road riders around these days as well as many more cars?

    Aye, but this does not necessarily suggest a deterioration of skills, just increased incidents due to higher numbers. Who is to say cyclists aren’t getting worse as well as drivers; I predict future carnage!

    Free Member

    Can’t say I have noticed any appreciable deterioration in driving skills in general in the last 12 years of daily cycle commuting and general road riding. But I have noticed an increase in ‘car driver’s are all out to kill us’ threads on here.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen a few used in our clubs ‘second’ group, and i’ve seen a couple try over the years with the race group, but they tended to struggle so have been short lived forays. We do tend to do long and hilly runs. I’ve got a mercian fixie which i do enjoy a blast on, I think it helps with the fitness but more in a mixing it up kind of way.

    Free Member

    I had a 29er scandal which I ran for a year alongside my only other mtb a cotic soul. I didn’t really touch the soul for 6 months, but found myself neither over or under whelmed by the scandal and did try quite a few different set up to see if I could get it to really work for me. I just found myself enjoying the soul more when I did ride it, it just made me grin a bit more. Both bikes had their merits, so it term of ‘betterer’ I couldn’t really say. I would identify myself as a roadie in biking labels, so don’t really give a toss about 26v29er debate, I’m not really bothered what size wheels mtb’s use, providing it works for me. Had I tried a different 29er things might have been different, and certainly wouldn’t rule one out in future. I’m no hater, I probably just spend too much time on the road to properly appreciate the finer nuances of mtb’s.

    Free Member

    Tried twice to order from Tredz, both times had ‘out of stock’ emails and then further email extending the time to get said items; orders cancelled at this point both times. Never bothered with them again, and never will whilst the competition is so much better.

    Free Member

    Pysch nurse in a deliberate self harm team.

    Free Member

    One should not live in fear

    From the man who lobbed a sarnie back into someones car and then bravely ran away, oh the ironing.

    Free Member

    I’m currently spending a couple of weeks in Norway seeing family, and got to do a spectacular 117 road miles out of Bergen. The route was chosen by my rather strong and powerful 18 and 20 year old cousins, who had been instructed to forgo their usual club ride and begrudgingly take their 35 year old uncle **** out. I think they wanted me to suffer, and whilst suffer we all did, my ability to climb like a scrawny mountain goat was a bit of a shock for them. So chilly damp weather, stunning views, great climbs and some mutual respect was the reward. I’m not sure they needed the afternoon snooze I did mind.
    My efforts also brought me a invite out into bergen with the cousins and their mates for a few beers, and they young women of Norway are pretty stunning. I’m only two expensive beers in, and I’m starting to leer like a sex pest. Top day.

    Free Member

    I find the use of childish unimaginative tagging the ideal compliment to the childish unimaginative level of debate from the usual suspects who seek to try and stiffle any real debate by endlessly goggling ‘facts’ in order to further their own ego w@nking. If a thread goes on for more than 2 pages you can pretty predict it has become pointless.

    Free Member


    A sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of life.

    Drama queen ….

    Free Member

    [EPIC] fuss about nowt, really [/EPIC]

    Free Member

    Awaits the usual ‘there was glentress before the hub’ and the hub knockers….

    and whilst I can’t really say I had a desperate afinity with the hub, or even rated what it offered that much. It was part of the furniture for some great times for me, and the girls did a lot for the place, so for that I am sad to see it go. I will be trying the new place and hope it’s not as poxy as the new cafe at coed y brenin.

    Free Member

    I gave up reading after the first line and a half, but all I got from this was another moutain biker in paranoid ‘the cars are all out to get me’ shocker. bless.

    Free Member

    I quite like the N2A, and the guru looks proper tidy. Takes all sorts, I guess.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a telly, but do download some stuff to watch, and my local boozer has sky sports for the footie. I was brought up in house with no tv so never relied on the to fill my time.

    Free Member

    Most lbs’s have put me off buying from them due to rubbish customer service, I just can’t bear handing my hard earned over to some disinterested individual who looks like they are doing me a favour just to tolerate me long enough to take the cash. This said most folk rely on someone to tell them what to buy and do the spannering, so I think they will be fine. The economic downturn may make the climate more challenging for them as more folk may attempt their own work as household budgets get tighter.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The cragg vale looks pretty good at the offer price, but I could never really see what is was offering over the ribble winter frame and fork package which is about £150 at the mo, especially when the ragley was at full rrp. With proper guards on the ragley will only take a 23mm tyre and with the toe overlap, might not make it the best bet for an inexperienced rider. (obviously, not makeing any assumptions about your other half, just offering an opinion)

    Free Member

    I won a pair of the FSA vision trimax wheels just over a year ago, and popped them on my training bike and they have seen about 4000 trouble free miles since. They seem pretty good all rounder, 1543 grams on my scales, pretty stiff, hold speed well and spin up quickly with good pick up. Mine are still running smooth and wobble free, so they have been pretty durable for me, but I am under 70kg. More impressive imo than the DT mon chasserals they replaced, and climb just aswell. I race on Reynolds 46’ss or mavic r-sys sl’s, so that’s my comparison. At their rrp I’m not sure what they would offer against their rivals at that price, but Planet x are selling them at half price at the moment for £250, which makes them seem a positive bargain to me.

    Free Member

    Meaning I coudn’t ride my bike the whole summer!

    Awesome!! I laughed out loud. 😯

    Free Member

    Bit of a surprise, but +1 tj.

    Free Member

    Parlee z4 dry race bike
    Colonago clx all weather race bike
    Principia winter bike
    Roadrat for the commute and tooling around on.

    Hmmm, should probably find a new forum….

    Free Member

    Spend most of my time on the flats and the downs in the drops, I always thought one of the plus sides of drops was the range of useable hand positions. If I didn’t use them, I would think my setup was wrong.

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