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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • smell_it
    Free Member

    Measured comments op, you’re the better man for not dropping to the level of such an oxygen thief. I would agree brexit is a badge of empowerment for racist knobs.

    I’m equally saddened that some people are so thick that it’s fine to call racist’s ‘retards’, oh teh ironing.

    Free Member

    I’m not really sure why our opinion matters on what’s reasonable contact, unless you are just looking to support her/ your view.

    From previous work life joint residency was seen as the ideal and this could take a variety of forms, including one partner having nearly all weekend’s, which always seemed a bit off to me. But where dispute occurs alongside the principles of what is best for the children, being reasonable is viewed well by Court’s and certainly could support pre-court mediation. For example, it may be reasonable to concede the extra week night, but say no to the floating night as the children need a stable routine family life. Hence, she shouldn’t have to work around his sporadic working pattern, and it’s not reasonable of him to ask.

    Just my view, I’m no lawyer.

    Free Member

    I’m currently working with a Yorkshire builder who seems to be blighted by the fact that whenever anyone rings him, knocks his door or when his kids wake up he is ‘sock up t’ wats’ in his good lady. Building skills seem to be his only blessing, so I dread to think what she must look like! And given how often it seems to happen, he is clearly horny.

    Free Member

    Any clinical grade, and higher management in the NHS, with increasing balls up coverage the higher up you get.

    Free Member

    Broken Britain.

    Free Member

    I really can’t work out why some folk leave the house in the morning….

    Free Member

    The most disturbing thing was the video that followed that one

    Aye 8O

    Agreed total scum!! Certainly makes you realise we have bigger problems than some throbber on his bike.

    Free Member

    My view is the cyclist could have pulled over before, and therefore should have. Whether he proceeded as he did because he ‘was assured he was correct in the eyes of the highway code’ or panicked and proceeded, I can’t say for certain.

    I’ve certainly made my share of poor decisions whilst riding, so usually I’m not one to make comment. At at the end of the day, this was hardly a major incident. But given his behaviour following he certainly looks like a massive bellend who believes he can’t be wrong. I can’t believe he’s not already a member on here.

    Free Member

    I don’t stand a chance in being able to learn this stuff.

    Given your seeming inability to weigh up and consider advice and options, this seems like a fair point.

    Free Member

    The Hag Fold mechanic had a total monopoly of that town and the 3 nearest towns as well.

    Yeah, I’m starting to think this is all a wind up.

    Free Member

    My nephew has advised me ‘that’s well murdered out’ and ‘sick’. I think that two thumbs up from us then :-) enjoy.

    Free Member

    2k isn’t far off what the OP has spent, rightly or wrongly, ‘maintaining’ that bike…

    Oh, it’s that camber and that mechanic……

    Buy a new one then!!

    Free Member

    2015? so 2/3 years old. Seems odd it’s on it’s last legs unless you have been giving it a total beasting.
    I wouldn’t worry about the paint, wanted add for mechs etc and just get him to sort frame bearings.
    I would be disappointed if a bike only last me 2/3 years including the fork, I expect wear and tear but total bike death seems odd unless it’s been properly neglected. It does sound like your mechanic is trying to give you a right bumming.

    Free Member

    I just want to punch Dave.

    Free Member

    I think any thread that hits page 5 should automatically close. It seems most of them just become a bellend’athon. Mods could then focus on keeping nice ones for photos etc open. The fact that someone has to play tell tale teacher to a load of whining middle age cock bag’s that strive to offend whilst simultaneously being desperately offended is depressing.

    Free Member

    No, not really something I’m considering, and 99% of my riding is on the road. In all my year’s of riding Police have only been needed for two incidents, and I’ve done some serious mileage. On the first occasion driver was prosecuted on witness evidence, and the somewhat apparent facts. The second time it was as things had become a bit of a public order thing between me and the driver were being knobs. I’m not convinced some rider’s believe they offer some sort of protection, and it does seem to bring out some rider’s inner bellend.

    Free Member

    Finally, closure; it took a while, but they came through…

    Well done, no way I’m watching that video though.

    Free Member

    Jan drop is the Gnarcaccist

    Hi 5 brochacho! I’ve been a Gnarsehole for years.

    Free Member

    I would be worried if I hadn’t eaten any leaves.

    Free Member

    Have a look at this Fargo…


    Free Member

    1 x can of bean’s
    2 x slices of white bread

    Grab a toaster and you have a meal straight from heaven!! So many variations I’ve yet to find the ultimate combination. Easy to pimp (if you must) with grated cheese, poached eggs or hash browns.

    In fairness a fried egg butty runs a close second.

    Despite being a life long meat eater I would certainly recommend Burger Lolz if you are ever in Sheffield.

    Free Member

    Yeah, generally 3 :oops:

    Free Member

    3/4 day, one when I get up, one when I get in and one post ride, and the fourth will depend on nookie activity.

    Free Member

    what a machine

    I think we know who the real monster is here.

    Free Member

    I’m all for blood sports providing there is some equality of opportunity. I’m not really one to get in with the fox hunting classes. But I would quite happily throw some Stella on the tele if I could see some fat track suited council estate chavs fighting their teeth sharpened pit bulls on the One Show. Some enterprising ‘traveller’ could sell me their YouTube channel with a gopro strapped to a hare. Equally I would watch unregulated bare knuckle strap yard boxing if Sky had the channel. Let’s face it, the combatants would be scum and not far from animals anyway. It really flick’s my nutsack that this should be the preserve of the entitled.

    Free Member

    Another Time pedal user here, and I can’t say I’ve ever had this issue.

    Free Member

    I have no opinion hugely either way, but to be on the safe side I have punched a kitten in the face :cry:

    Free Member

    Is this your 16th post on the thread telling us that?

    I have 6 bike’s and 15 set’s of wheel’s. This is road bikes alone! Some of this is due to the fact I love buying stuff and ride a lot, and some due to the fact some are now disc and some are not qr. This could well make me a massive bellend in some folks books but could equally make some folk jealous. Most of the view’s have some or a lot of validity, I just don’t need to keep telling everyone I’m right or they are wrong. This is a thread about the bike industry struggling, if you keep telling potential customers they are wrong, I’m not really sure that will help the industry.

    Free Member

    This thread seems to have descended into mikesmith just slating anyone that doesn’t hop on every new bike ‘advance’. I say this as someone who is happy to keep purchasing, as money really isn’t a fuss to me and I consider any money spent on bikes good money. But I think there is merit to;

    ‘If they are disenfranchised and actively choosing not to buy a new bike through cynicism then the effect is genuine.’

    It doesn’t make people idiot’s or thick not to fully embrace any bike niche or improvement in technology. People’s lives also change, so money spent on a 10mm wider front hub may well be better spent elsewhere. They might choose it’s easier to poo poo a development as easier than accepting there financial realities are changing, or quite simply they might think it’s not worth the spend. But the industry currently doesn’t seem to recognise that people are disenfranchised and chooses to just court new customer bases or converting existing customers. Which is fine if it keeps the sales high enough.

    Free Member

    E BBQ
    D CB Pilsner
    L My nieces and nephew playing on the switch, the fire crackling, and lots of rain bouncing on the tents!! It’s bombing it down.

    Free Member

    @ deadkenny – l think it’s more a thread on the bike’s people are building over winter chap.

    Free Member

    Guy Martin
    Lewis Hamilton

    And hopefully all of Cold Play.

    Free Member

    Only really receive pressies from niece’s and nephews, and this means a selection of beers, smellies, socks and amusing’ish tat. My mum will get me a decent bottle of whiskey, which generally means my brother will call me from Sainsbury’s and ask which one I fancy up the the value of x, and list me what’s on offer. Despite all this I absolutely adore Christmas!!

    Free Member

    Bit late for me, I’ve just clicked back to stw after some ‘internet research’*. I’ve not had any dodgy links of any sort, it would add some mystery, like a grot roulette?

    *did not contain anything of educational value.

    Free Member

    Due to rubbish travel delays, I arrived at angel tube having not properly eaten for 7 hours!!!

    E – fish pakora, matter paneer and some tasty breads here

    D – some fine beers here

    L – just the noise of streets as I finish one of the said fine beers before heading home.

    Life feels 100% better than it did 90 minutes ago. Have a good weekend all!

    Free Member

    It’s all gone a bit village people, but brave project and fine eye for detail.

    Free Member

    No, I just don’t really get the whole pet owning thing. Someone would probably have to tell me if dog’s stopped existing, as I just have no interest. If people love ’em, that’s all good. I’m pretty sure some people don’t get I love to ride bikes. I don’t expect people to give a stuff that I like riding bikes. But dog owners IME seem to care if I like dogs or not.

    Free Member

    I have zero interest in dogs, and even less in the ****’s that own them.

    Free Member

    I bloody love Christmas; I enjoy treating the people I love, having some time off, spending time with the people I love. I even do an annual week of charity work…..I mean FFS I really dislike the unfortunate 51 weeks of the year, but once a year I’m in such a good mood I’ll even tolerate them. Then there’s the mince pies, the booze, mulled booze, lonely single women and the cheese….Jesus h Christ the cheese!!!

    It’s all what you want to make of it. There so much to enjoy about it, why bother to get a grump on about it. Who cares if it’s traditional whatever that means, make it something you want to enjoy! It’s a bloody good excuse to enjoy yourself.

    Free Member

    Looks okay to me, black would have helped distract from that mess of cable’s though.

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