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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    We were refused an air ambulance as we were the “wrong postcode”.

    My wife went into labour with the cord wrapped around our daughters neck and where we lived the track to the cottage was too rough for my wife to travel.

    Thankfully the North Wales police helicopter was available which saved my daughters life.

    Either way best wishes to the rider concerned.

    Free Member

    I worked full time and did a law degree.not easy but what is that’s worth having?

    Most people drift through life and then the thought may crystallise in their brain “this is it, this is what I’ve amounted to”. The unfulfilled ambition and dreams have dropped away.

    You can do anything and be anyone you want to be. The threshold is is that you have to work damn hard and put yourself outside your comfort zone.

    It seems that some contributors to this thread lead wholly unfulfilled lives.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t just football where Dalglish fell short.

    How not to handle an unacceptable situation with Luis Suarez showcased how out of his depth he was in the modern game.

    For me this was unforgivable considering the heritage of the club.


    can you hear it????????????

    That scouse self righteous whine and whinging………..nothing new there then.

    Free Member

    I’m a racing snake called Kevin

    Free Member

    4 times a week before I start work. Fitness has come on across the spectrum. strength, endurance and aerobic capacity. Focus on your weak areas and the difference is amazing.

    When i was younger you could arrange to meet a mate. Nowadays we are all married, divorced, kids and competing pressures. It makes you turn up while otherwise its easy to stay in bed if you’re not meeting anyone and you max your time out while your there.

    I always thought it sounded a bit iffy but it’s worth the outlay. IMHO

    Free Member

    Great sex is better than crap sex. It’s all about the ride.

    Free Member

    It’s not unknown for unpolpular governments to misdirect focus of their electorate onto emotive subjects which binds them together against a common foe and evil force…………….

    The aspect which frustrates me is that people keep falling for the same tune

    Free Member

    Keep on doing what you’re doing.

    Good attitude and a great work ethic are not that common. If you’re enjoying your new role then even better as that will be picked up by your new colleagues who have probably been under pressure and short handed until your appearance with the other new starter.

    Take the view that it’s a two way street and you get a good luck at the company and vice versa, if it works out then that’s fantastic. Life is too short to take something as a stop gap which has caught too many people in a rut unable or unwilling to move who end up bitter and twisted.

    Good luck with your journey.

    Free Member

    Aesthetically the Ibis will age better. He carbon weave on my mates is much more robust than my Yeti.

    It doesn’t matter to me the above and I wouldn’t swap my Yeti for the Ibis.

    Fwiw the only opinion tats matters is yours after test riding both.

    Free Member

    MI6 actually.

    Let’s hope some people ride better than their grasp of well reported facts………

    Free Member

    I thought Wem stood for Wet, Empty & Miserable…

    Free Member

    I live near Telford, Cannock is 30 minutes, the Wrekin is 10 minutes and Llandegla is under the hour. Eastridge is 30 minutes. Long mynd, stiper stones etc. get the picture!!

    The Berwyns are pretty much of the radar of most mtb’s which lie just west of Oswestry and offer epic and unpopulated riding. Just don’t tell anyone.

    If your into motorbikes we have some absolutely awesome bikers roads which aren’t heavily policed.

    Housing is relatively less than the national average as are the salaries. I’m not a native but I love the county.

    Free Member

    I’ve had my ti deluxe for 5 years and I’m on my second frame. No problem with the replacement as IF store all their customers bespoke measurements.

    It’s a keeper and I’m a bit of a bike whore….

    FWIW. Save, sell a kidney and save up for the Ti version and it seems your from your comment you’ve made up your mind ”i’d love an IF.”

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member

    come on the gold reserves sell off thing was vastly overinflated by the torry press and plenty of people love trotting it out, because they have been convinced its a heinous crime

    when gb announced the sell off gold was at a high, (his mistake was announcing he was about to do it which led to a drop in prices as everyone waited for the gold to hit the markets- not very clever but it wasnt at alow when he sold it)
    also even though it was a chunk of the reserves (a 3rd?) it still only amounts to a fraction (1% ? )of our overall debt
    and ultimately it never cost the country anything, it was sitting there not doing much and still would be if he hadnt sold it, of course osborne could never sell off any more because its been made out to be such a dreadful thing

    google “the brown bottom”

    Free Member

    Some come on Toryboys -0 what are you going to do to get us out of this mess. Keynesian policies ( according to you ) are wrong, Its clear the austerity programme is wrong – what are you going to do?

    Not one of you has had the balls to actualy put anything forward

    Typical response from someone who offers nothing constructive yet will criticise those who endeavour to remedy the situation.

    How ironic. Help me….me me me

    Why is the austerity wrong? Income to expenditure has to balance. On a narrow view that we have entered a double dip? The remedy in whatever form will taste foul long after it’s gone.

    Free Member

    wot about all those numpties who re-mortgaed their property because of the preceived equity?

    All the cheap finance, have your material fix NOW and pay later at 29.9% APR. Would you like some PPI insurance as well……..

    The personal greed of the masses also played it’s significant part in the position we find ourselves in. The second highest personal debt ratio in the world.

    Free Member

    Nothing to do with the unsustainable growth of the public sector.

    The focus of all parties on the financial and service sector at the expense of manufacturing.

    Old Gordon selling UK gold at the lowest price gold reached in a lifetime. oH and Ed was his deputy at the time. Great CV that.

    De regualtion by Maggie of the banking sector.

    The “what’s in it for me” or free hand out mentality that permiates through ths society.

    How ironic these Liberals actaully have to make hard decisions. Decisions are so easy when you don’t have to make them.

    The bottom line is we are in a mess and looking to who to blame is a pointless exercise.

    It’s a recession not armageddon. Get over it and make the best of it otherwise you’ll find life has passed you by as a bitter and twisted life which leaves no trace after you’ve gone.

    FWIW our grandparents had it much, much harder, they survived and thrived. No NHS, World war, rationing, no soical support system………

    On the other hand lets blame a political party as I’m thick and can’t see the wood for the trees. That way it’s easy and I can sound off with a small dick syndrome.

    Free Member

    It was fine yesterday. (black)

    Free Member

    Since a motorbike accident nearly 27 years ago I have had to wear a knee brace as quarter of my knee joint is missing.

    I couldn’t get on with wearing a brace a cycling as it simply feels to restrictive. For the majority of time I’ve had CTI knee braces which I wear for the majority of time. I can’t stand up in the saddle which means i’m restricted to seated pedalling. No big issue.

    As knee braces go CTI are well thought of and robust.

    Free Member

    Scallops & black pudding

    Ribeye Steak off a flame grill medium rare,, proper chips, mushrooms & peppercorn sauce

    Sticky toffee pudding and custard

    Free Member

    Was it a question or statement of fact from your wife?

    Choose your route carefully kimsabi as the bike maybe the only jump you get in the foreseeable future……

    Free Member

    Sorry to pi55 on your bonfire but-

    I run a small business, appealed and then appealed again.

    My position didn’t warrant an excusal. 10 days service which then means you don’t have to serve the in the next five years. You get phone number which you phone the night before to see if your required or not which is good.

    On the otherside you see the lack if intelligence and common sense from your fellow jurors. We had a 3 minute power point presentation which was as basic as the process of the court and who sat where. Hardly rocket science but I was amazed and shocked to hear the totally bone questions being asked. It was clear people had’nt paid attention or three minutes so who knows what would have gone on over a course of a few days.

    I blotted my copy book my laughing as the charges were being read out. Police dog so and so bit….very formal and this copper was in the dock! Although when I walked into the court to see the accused standing in the dock I thought he looked an evil git. It was interesting to acknowledge the fact of first impressions and how they impact your thought process. I tightened the nut and got back with the programme but I wasn’t in the final selection for service.

    I also have had acquaintances who have served on trials which involve horrific evidence and subjected the juror to the undiluted facts of human depravity. That takes more than a shower or two to wash away.

    Free Member

    I’ve has a ASR 5C for just over 4 months. Have,nt touched my TI Deluxe since and agree it’s a bike which needs you I ride it more and more.

    The only issue I have had was the carbon seems very delicate. My first ride was in the rain on the Beast at CYB. By the end of the ride I had rubbed through the frame protected tape and started to wear a hole into the carbon. My local supplying shop sorted it and now I run lizard skins on both rear stays.

    It wouldn’t stop me buying another one though which is the acid test. Congratulations BTW on your new purchase.

    Free Member

    A small point of irrelevant information.

    Mugabe said backwards is e ba gum.

    Free Member


    Far too much time spent alone on hillsides with sheep.

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