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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    Throwing a verbal hand grenade into a conversation and watching the reaction……………

    Free Member

    After performing a medically required procedure of examining my backside by inserting her finger this very attractive, young female doctor asked me after reading my notes. “So I see you’ve had a vasectomy , how did you find it?”

    “Well Dr given the choice of what I’ve just gone through I’d take the snip every time.”

    I had a local, was made a fuss of by my wife and was back on the bike after 5 days. I wasn’t knocking out 30 milers off road though…

    Just make sure you avoid getting the small incision infected.

    Free Member

    As Stephen Fry suggested Mr Cameron may have vacated No 10 to take up a new residence, the postal address is flat 5 of Rupert Murdoch’s oxo tower

    Free Member

    what about organ donation?

    Or use him to experiment on rather than beagles.

    Free Member

    Appreciate everything. Even in dire situations make the best of it as things could easily be worse.

    Cold, hot, wet and dry. Savour them all.

    Do things outside your comfort zone

    Wife, family friends


    Use all my senses. Sight, smell, feel, listen.

    Free Member

    aP – Member
    As far as I can tell Endura has moved production offshore, managed to produce things which actually last more than one use, but lost the whole reason why people might have bought their stuff. After all if you’re going to spend 80% of Euro manufactured brands on Asian manufactured stuff – doesn’t it make sense to keep the money here?

    Posted 7 hours ago #Report-Post

    Is that true? Last I saw word was they were expanding manufacturing in the UK.
    Nothing on their website’s news page about all this but one of the posts on Twitter suggests this is only a temporary move (sorry for not being able to link to new-fangled social media thing)


    That really is superb news from Endura.

    Free Member

    Perceptions rather than effective solutions.

    Politicians eh.

    Free Member

    All this horsing about concerning someones view of whats pussy or dog rough.

    obviously the legislature will have to be careful around the definition of gobbling

    Free Member

    What about afternoon tea at the ritz/claridges for two?

    Your misus/ plus mum/friend can go christmas shopping which leaves you free riding time……

    Or anything else which gives you a day out.

    Spa day etc.

    Or book your wife and yourself a day off work and take her out somewhere special for lunch.

    That shows investment, thought and your time.

    Free Member

    Remove power sockets to the shed. No point in helping lowlifes power their angle grinder.

    Discretion has been mentioned, awareness? Make sure no one follows you home.

    Outside security camera. You can make a shed secure, as a rey good friend of mine did. So secure that the scum decided to set fire to the shed in their frustration.

    Unfortunately it’s coming up to Christmas and as a copper reminded me after I got mugged “those with nothing want something” . That was in the mid eighties but the principle is timeless. What I’m trying to say is while protect what you’ve worked hard for dont get too hung up on the materialistic side.

    Free Member

    Joey Barton is a great human being

    Free Member

    28 individuals are alive today down to the advert and individuals having a go.

    Now how much of that is marketing BS who knows but the campaign has to be good news for a lot of people.

    Free Member

    When your young and free from responsibilities its easy to hook up with a mate to go down a proper gym ( not leotards and chatting on the machines). A bit of peer pressure is always welcome especially if you want can’t be arsed but you have to go as you’ve arranged to meet.

    Fast forward to a having a family, a demanding career with little free time. Put your mates in that arena as well and its impossible to sort out regular effective training with a partner.

    Using a PT is a quick way of locking in good gains and creating a bit of pressure. The big thing to avoid is boring sessions and a good trainer will move things along keeping sessions interesting but effective . Ok you could go at it hammer and tongs with a little knowledge and see where you get? It depends whats more important. Your cash or your time? Thats the bottom line.

    I never thought i’d ue a PT but it does bring it’s benefits and I agree it does sound a bit iffy. That said when your out on the bikes and you dropping our mates on climbs all the negatives drop away.

    I’ve used a PT for just under a year, seen some great gains and now I’m considering a move to the dark side and joining a road club to build some serious miles in my legs over winter.

    And to qualify my comments I purchased an old cateye stadium when they were new so I could go night riding by myself as all my mates thought I was loopy as in their minds ‘ you could have joined a gym for that much” and night riding back then was considered “strange”. One thing is for sure. Never say never

    Free Member

    Doesn’t this depend on where you ride?

    Lakes and most guides still run the conventional 3 x 27. However if your local is Cannock Chase then a single speed would be fine.

    I run a 2 x 10 and find myself undergeared when we go Lakes or Pennines.

    Free Member

    On a nightride with a bloke called snakebite and someone else over Cannock Chase we saw a fixed light where it should have been darkness so we decided to ride over and see what was going on.

    We found a very young and nervous copper standing guard over a scenes of crime with police tape marking an area with a gazebo type tent. After some chat it turned out to be suspected human remains. Cakebite then proceeded to tell a totally inappropriate joke before we departed. They dropped me on the next climb where i got the he be je be’s!

    It made the news the following day.

    Free Member

    Mary J and U2 with One.

    The first time I heard their version, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

    Free Member

    Pilots keep log books which is much the same.

    It’s when you look back through your old log books, sometimes years later that the log triggers memories which otherwise would have been lost.

    No doubt now there is an app somewhere to link in pics and GPS trace.

    Free Member

    The invisiframe wore through in the first day.

    Free Member

    My inner heel rubs the rear stay. Badly.

    My other bike is a ti deluxe which means any bad technique has only shown with the Yeti!

    Free Member

    I’m feeling faint from blood loss after thinking of all the soapy fun you could have with Helen’s breasts from the jungle programme.

    Free Member

    I’d agree with the sentiments displayed above about the flattering ability the bike graces the owner with.

    The only downside of ownership is the durability of the carbon surface. After my very first ride which was in soaking conditions at CYB i had managed to wear through the clear frame protector and started to wear the actual carbon down! The shop was helpful but ultimately did nothing other than apply extra tape. Luckily for all concerned I view it as a bike and i’m not precious about marks and scrapes. if I was more anal this would have presented a substantial problem. The carbon weave on an Ibis is much more robust and my mate as had no issues. Except on keeping up ;-)

    I have tried helicopter tape and had the same issue with lizard skins being the only solution which is not was expected on a bike of this calibre. That said I’d buy another tomorrow if this one was stolen.

    Free Member

    “Brutal honesty. Money is not an issue. It is about personal pride, self-respect, and redemption.”

    Let’s hope he can find peace after this.

    Free Member

    Where’s the fox at

    Free Member

    Jura ENA 9

    About £1k new, about half that on e bay.

    Adjustable, high quality and robust and makes a fantastic coffee. Get the weekly subscription from hasbean and you won’t look back and will have to go a long way to get better.

    Life’s too short not to.

    Free Member

    I’d love to hear O’leary’s response if it was Ryanair who were being sued.

    A sad indictment on todays money grabbing what’s in it for me society

    Free Member

    What I do now. Wholly own and build a business.

    I have a mate who is on the large size and when he was on the drugs squad was kicking in doors and screaming around. Now at this point I was rather envious of his adrenaline fuelled existence. That was until he describes one of the houses, the squalor. The mother who is HIV, the grandfather, father who are in prison and how the eldest boy was heading in the same direction. All appetite evaporated at that point. Great guy but the job has left its impact on his personality.

    Free Member

    Try browsing

    They have some great pre owned watches and you”ll be acquiring a watch which someone else has taken the hit with depreciation.

    Free Member

    Arguably the fans and Bates deserve each other.

    Free Member

    I really hope it’s Rapha.

    He’s as mad as a balloon. IMHO.

    Free Member

    In the last few years I’ve owned some exotic watches, motorbikes and cars. No matter how crap the day I always appreciated the ownership experience. Why? Mid life crisis? Maybe You see i’m a bit of a boring git. I don’t drink much, don’t smoke and don’t shag around and I love well engineered products.


    It will be two weeks on saturday since i suffered my first ever seizure. At the time i didn’t have a clue what was happening except I thought this might be it. I’m 45. I was out of it unfortunately my family were there, saw me go blue and clutch my chest and apparently they thought I was on my ay out as well.

    It’s been an emotional week and a half, the distinct feeling of mortality, how much love I have from some wonderful people and how strong friendships are.

    What i’m trying to say is look at enriching those around you with memories, happiness and doing stuff together.

    Free Member

    Northern monkeys …

    Free Member

    Cheese and potato soup with fresh crusty bread and copious amounts of butter.

    Ginger and rhubarb brûlée.

    Free Member

    You need to be honest and transparent.

    The personal workloads and effectiveness won’t have gone un-noticed, hence the formal request from your director.

    Have an off the record chat with your director if that makes things easier and share your concerns. but you will need to follow up with a written report. You can’t reproach yourself for someone else’s shortcomings especially when they have blatantly taken the piss

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Sorry as I don’t see a decision here.

    You have a dog that bites people and a young child. It’s already bitten your daughter.

    It won’t be the dogs fault if the dog bites your daughter again. It’s squarely on your shoulders.

    Grow a pair and get the deed done. Sorry if that sounds harsh but you have a dangerous situation which so far you haven’t addressed.

    Free Member

    Is it just me or was the acting really wooden and poor?

    The youngest daughter poured more emotional content into her part than the entire cast combined.

    Free Member

    I had the pleasure of scooping a turd out of a small swimming pool while on holiday which was deposited by my baby daughter.

    I didn’t think the swim nappy was needed. Oh the looks from the other children.

    Free Member

    Thank you for the replies, support and best wishes.

    I’m relaxed as to the outcome or diagnosis as I’m in process and the outcome will be determined by health professionals.

    Its early days and my approach is to take things day by day and see how things develop.

    I have the best wife a man could wish for and compared to so many others my lot is still much better than most.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    £10 from me

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