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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    Frankie and Benny’s is fine for kids. Opens at 9am for breakfast.

    just outside Telford, 5 minutes from the express way is


    the food is cracking and they should rustle something up thats child friendly.

    With children that age F & B would be my choice given that the OP has asked for breakfast

    Then you have the normal poison, pizzhut mc donalds etc…..

    Free Member

    I believe Costa coffee pay around £15m in corporation tax.

    Some of the highest bonuses in the city are paid to accountants who mitigate their companies tax bill.

    Free Member

    I had the blu ray disc earlier this week. still watching it though.

    Free Member

    I ran a 3 litre diesel for 3 years from new.

    Average fuel was 27MPG which given the weight isn’t too bad. Running costs are high with one service north of £2k which was 4 tyres, rear brake pads and the usual oil and filters.

    Build quality isn’t as good as it once was and given the complexity of the management systems it’s beyond your back street garages which leaves main stealers or your local specialist. while under warranty I have had a few issues fixed but im not sure about extended dealer warranties. If i was buying second hand i would try and get one of these in place if possible. Or at the very least a full service history. 60k miles is nothing on a modern engine. I ran a Audi A4 to just under a quarter of a million miles before the gear box expired. Chopped it at a dealers who disposed of it through a local auction house, the next thing I know is i get a call from trading standards enquiring about the mileage as a local south wales dealer had clocked the car.

    They are fantastic cars but it comes at a cost.

    BTW I have a BMW two bike cycle rack for sale if your interested!

    Free Member

    Alternatively from CFH advice, lye on your right arm until it goes to sleep. Proceed to knock one out using your right arm. The benefit is you can’t feel your arm so it feels like someone else is jerking you off.

    Free Member

    Been there and go the t shirt…..

    Although I have knocked several out thinking of her sister……

    Free Member

    Hey Rich the same thief has taken quite a lot of your hair from the front of your head as well. :wink:

    Best check you balls as well. You never know nowadays…..

    Free Member

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing but whip your phone out and take a picture of anyone you find on your property.

    Free Member

    Cut your loses, move on.

    You can always re visit the situation/young lady in the future at which point you may get a warmer response.

    Life is too short for hanging your hat of hope on any hook. ‘she’s looking forward to seeing you in ten days time”

    Lose yourself in some meaningless and totally depraved sex then go and ride your bike and tomorrows another day.

    Good luck

    Free Member


    Circular argument from you

    Making the point quite rightly about all the speculation, only then to put your perspective on it.

    Oh and your last sentence is a pearl. So the DJ’s don’t accrue any blame. Why then have they been taken off air, advertisers pulling their adverts and the DJ’s apologising Why have they apologised if they have done nothing wrong. Must be just you with that perspective.

    Or is it societies fault for the DJ’s behaviour?

    Free Member

    The old wives saying is feed a cold and starve a fever.

    Free Member

    The pay and hours aren’t great which means the nursing profession attracts people who want to care for others. Not just their loved ones as most of us but total strangers regardless of their colour, religion or history.

    To me that takes a very special individual.

    Second guessing the unknown at this point carries no merit or justification when you have a widower and two children devastated by their loss.

    Free Member

    “And scam artists have been convincing OAP’s to hand over their savings to ‘charitable causes” before the apocalypse”.

    Local news agencies in China have been reporting.

    Sales of fall out shelters in the US of A have risen five fold……..


    However I’ll be ensuring an attractive female isn’t too far away on the day just in case. :-)

    Free Member

    I’ve gone to spearmint rhino’s as clients have requested that specifically. To be totally honest it’s pretty boring after a while and a total rip off. I mean a 20% surcharge for card payment.

    My better half understood as she knew the client but equally if the client was gay and wanted to go a male strip joint I’d have happily gone and enjoyed the event. It’s all part of life.

    I’ve never regretted anything I’ve done and only carry regret in things i haven’t .

    Free Member
    Free Member

    What ever geographical location is chosen can I propose we build a scum/sink village on it.

    Free Member

    I have a suspected abnormality on the right side of my brain.

    it means suspected epilepsy but 30% of tests are not accurate

    If i make early Jan without another seizure I only have a 30% chance of a second.

    No driving license for 12 months from early November

    Now the goods news.

    I feel great
    I have the perfect excuse for a new bike purchase
    It’s a beautiful day
    Everything feels and tastes so much sweeter!

    Free Member

    It seems this quality thread is missing some feedback from the Singletrack office……..

    Free Member

    Certain creditors have preference.

    In most cases its either HMRC or their bank who will appoint the administrator. Again a generalisation but these organisations are looking to recover substantial and secured debt.

    The organisations have an approved pool of administrators they choose from.

    Unsecured creditors in this case can object at the rates the administrator charge but its the equivalent of a mouse raping an elephant. They are all pretty much the same.

    Free Member

    That’s sales. when it’s good it’s really good and when it’s crap, it’s really tough.

    Pick yourself up, dust yourself down. Tomorrow is another day.

    From the original post it doesn’t mention being shelved or deferred? Who knows it may a negotiation tactic.

    Free Member

    I share the OP’s frustration at the fees which are charged by IP’s and the hourly rate is more like £450 plus. i I’m based in shropshire and this seems to be the going rate. i would hate to think what the rates are in London.

    However they are dealing with a business which has gone bust. Either intentionally to wash away debt, usually to the crown plus any other creditor. They then phoenix the business with a friendly administrator and start new co. the galling aspect here is it’s the same directors, employees, offices except the debt has legally been wiped away. its the administrators job to extract as much value as they can to pay the creditors. costs for a per pack are around £40k all in.

    If its not a pre pack then its usually down to a winding up order going in, usually from HMRC.

    In the pecking order you have lenders, banks or credit companies. If you don’t need the credit then a bank will extend a credit line, usually through invoice dis-counting. You do get stand alone invoice discounting businesses as well which charge more than mainstream lenders. This is a facility which secures the lenders money on outstanding invoices from the business and means the company can get their hands on cash quickly and usually up to 80% of the value of the invoice. This is one line of credit.

    If you have capital equipment you can usually find a lender who isn’t so fussy who they lend to but if the market value of the equipment is £100k you will be lucky to see half that in cash terms with eye watering interest rates which will be levied.

    Now the pinch point. A client went bust, The invoice discounting company charged a fee of £40k to collect out. This is where they chase the remaining debt down to recover their money. I shit you not £40k for chasing down customers to the now bust business.

    The secured lender will have a structure to recover their costs. Now here’s another aspect. These companies for the most part will make more money on a default than letting the loan run its full term. Read that line again, these guys charge more for a default.

    As for appointing the administrator this is usually done by the bank or HMRC and triggers a host of chargable fees by the bank, all of which are secured.

    The you have the employees, who are also secured creditors for their redundancy payment.

    After that you have Joe bloggs.

    If your any of the above, except Joe Bloggs your fine. Joe is toast. Burnt toast with jizz on and your supposed to eat it.

    Out of all this the individuals who i detest. The people who pre pack their business. Utter scum

    Free Member

    Approach the land owner for the authority to remove him from the private land.

    Twatman has a right of way to use the bridleway but thats all.

    You can always follow the man back to his car or home and then call the police. What good that will do and the appetite from plod to pursue this individual is unknown.

    The alternative would be violence but given your nature of posting for a solution it seems you would prefer to avoid this?

    Alternatively, a group of friends turning up on pushbikes at say 7am on a sunday and ringing his doorbell and face him down and ask him why he feels its neccessary to act lke this. Legal and you have marked his card suggesting any further injuries will be reported to the police…

    Free Member

    Looks like the OP will using the palm of his hand for the foreseeable future.

    First dibs on the OP bikes if his wife does actually kill him. :wink:

    Free Member

    Brings a whole new meaning to bum fun.

    Free Member

    I must be doing something right then as no-one has let rip at me yet in 6 plus years :-)

    But then if you treat people with respect it’s reciprocated.

    Free Member

    I think it was my first ever Christmas do and one guy decided to hammer the bar. As sure as night follows day he got legless and was asked by the restaurant owner to leave.

    They called him a taxi and asked him to wait on the village green. When he was collected by the taxi he was so drunk he couldn’t remember his address. The unsympathetic taxi driver then drove him to the local nick as he was promptly arrested. He wasn’t sacked.

    Turns out the guy had a drink problem and dropped down dead a year or so later.

    Free Member

    Venison stew with dumplings ( A big **** off saucepan and it does several days)
    Cheese & potato soup.
    suet pudding
    Good old fry up The usual suspects with fried bread and black pudding
    Spag bol
    Beef chilli

    All proper winter fodder.

    Free Member

    What Deviant says

    Free Member

    Sales Director leaving a voicemail on who he thought was a colleague’s phone but was in fact the owners eldest son who worked for the business.

    He then dedicated the next few minutes verbally assassinating the MD, the MD’s wife who worked in accounts and their two salesman sons.

    Not one week had passed then the sale manager left a disparaging voicemail about the same eldest son on his voicemail.

    Both kept their jobs but sent to Coventry.

    Which says it all.

    Free Member

    Leisure Lakes, Wolverhampton.

    I believe Sandy the manager there also manages Yeti’s UK team. Top bloke.

    Free Member

    A business I worked for had a new MD join.

    A few weeks later a new sales person ” he knew” joined the business. This was when redundancies in other pars of the business was occurring.

    Turns out he was shagging her.

    Two business i know have employed individuals who are not who they say they are. One was a thief and the other one was away with the fairies.

    One sales guy headbutted what he thought was a plastic partition. It wasn’t it was glass which shattered over a female employee on the other side. He wasn’t sacked for that. Nor was he sacked for throwing another sales guy through the double door entrance. That was in the 80’s though.

    I sold windows for a while in my youth which was a total scream. On one sale we all got high and they got the windows at cost.

    Free Member

    Young couple, in love and expecting their first child. That’s great news.

    That said we will all O/D on the news coverage……..

    And Frankie is just naughty!

    Free Member

    To the OP.

    It depends on the business that employs you. A large blue chip will usually have a fast track promotion structure. Promotion is still available without a degree but it’s much harder to attain and you will reach a glass ceiling which you will not rise past. Unless you go back to further education to attain a degree.

    In a small business, no as it’s more down to personal performance rather than what you did when you were in your late teens. But the degree helps prospective employers set a threshold for entry although intelligence does not equate to common sense, personality or charisma.

    Free Member

    It depends what more important.

    Cash or your time and patience.

    An agent gets the neck ache but charges a fee. That said we were sent a copy of a letter which was sent to a tenant noting the dirty state of the cooker! The tenant in question is a consultant doctor.

    You can put whatever checks in place but I’ve learnt never to be surprised by what people can do or say.

    Free Member

    Working away in shared digs one of the youngsters was woken by splashes of warm liquid on his face and to find a colleague standing over him with his manhood in his hand and to listen to the immortal words ” I’ve just cum over your face”

    In actual fact it was shampoo.

    God knows where those lads are now!

    Free Member

    Any dangers of reading the article?

    It’s aimed at repeat offenders who fall short of criminality.

    given the chips on shoulders of several posters it’s the schools in the socially deprived areas where funding is rightly focused. That alone is not a solution but it does help. Try being a teacher and the feedback is that the parents are the problem.Not the children.

    Free Member

    Whats that chunky? two parents who lovingly dote on their children. Who all experience good health and live happily ever after?

    We all have choices and know right from wrong.

    Free Member

    Weeksy. Don’t worry I do.

    So how do you protect decent people from anti social behaviour.

    Free Member

    So you don’t see the difference between poor/disadvantaged families and anti social behaviour?

    Free Member

    NHS cuts are the mother of invention.

    I’d love to see your DIY defibrillator ;-)

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