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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    The two females may be connected with the child in this case which is why their identities haven’t been released.

    Free Member

    And possession of extreme animal porn according to the Independant.

    Plus two females are charged and remanded with conspiracy to rape.

    His brief says he’s innocent.

    Free Member

    Maybe your being replaced :wink:

    Free Member

    Get a grinder and you can choose your own coffee

    Free Member

    Asking a question such as ‘ What’s the meaning of life? may have got a shorter answer

    Before you start, always plan for the worse outcome.

    No doubt there will be duplicity between the two businesses. Redundancies are likely and you will have TUPE to deal with. Notices will have to be given out and criteria set. If you’ve made redundancies before then you have a base to start with. No heres a pinch point. Is your company looking to minimise the redundancy cost or aiming to have the strongest business post deal. two very different scenarios which you will need a steer on.

    Don’t cut too deeply and look at the integration over a period of 12 to 24 months. It will take this long to do properly and draw done the maximum benefits. ID your short term goals and long term aims.

    You will need employment law advice and try and get the bill agreed and capped at a sum. This avoids nasty surprises.

    Cultural differences need to identified as do key members of the target business with all the worse case outcomes examined and hedged against. These cultural difference can’t be under estimated and a great deal of tact is called for.

    If you your two businesses offer different products can you cross sell products or services into either customer base.

    Accrue for a 20% drop off in the take over T/O as many of their clients will use the merger to price check the market. If you do lose key personnel they may take clients with them. I did and the actual drop was 6%.

    Employment contracts will need bringing into line as will salaries which again is difficult to do lawfully but not impossible.

    The longer term objectives will be further integration, MIS and accountancy will be at the for front here as will training.

    Always plan for the worse, have i said that :wink:

    Good luck as you have golden opportunity to shine

    Free Member

    Go see the Dr and get a mot

    Over the past six and a half years i’ve taken about four weeks off plus the Christmas shutdown.

    This year i’ve caught more colds than ever before which have taken a good while to shift. On top of work I’ve been visiting the gym 4 mornings a week plus a good ride at the weekend. Hindsight is a wonderful thing as now I can see i was spiralling downwards and despite advice to the contrary I continued.

    Then i suffered a seizure, 5 weeks later and im feeling much better but as my wife says i was heading for a wake up call and it was a pity it was so dramatic.

    So your body is telling you something, listen to it and visit the vets and in the meantime throttle back.

    And no your body is the best bit of engineering you will find but with most things it needs looking after otherwise it will break.

    Free Member

    Go and buy a new bike.

    I mean what else can she do!

    Free Member

    Mr Mojo,

    I have just over half a tub of B of Show if your interested.

    In simple terms I had a seizure 5 weeks ago which means I have surrendered my license and my beloved Aston has been sold. Nothing to polish now!!

    I can email pics if your interested?

    Free Member

    Try again then contact your credit card provider and dispute the transaction on the basis of non receipt.

    When you have used a credit card to buy anything online, over the phone or in person in law the credit provider is the supplier. In law the credit card company has acquired title to the goods and passed title to you which means that the credit provider is wholly liable. In the real world it means the credit provider will refund you and in turn will be reimbursed by the supplier.

    S.75 Consumer Credit Act if your short of something to do. It also means you have to question any insurances which are pushed down your throat by the credit providers who simply are trying to get you to pay to insure against any claims you may bring. what a lovely world eh!

    Free Member

    Insurance is key. See what’s on offer and who the underwriter is.

    No doubt where you could end up would help shine a light on the natives outlook to your employer. That’s just one of many considerations.

    Seriously speaking get some professional advice FCO and security companies that have a presence in country at the very least.

    Worst case and you do get intimate with a radiator can I have your bike? :D

    Free Member

    Without quantifying the risks you face it’s hard to make an informed judgement. NGO or IGO?

    Acquaintances have had body guards assigned to them when they took assignments in a certain African state. Whats been offered?

    Who is paying for your accommodation and what is the security there. Is it local or contracted to a professional outfit?

    Then there is the perception of risk. Some people may say certain parts of London are high risk where in comparison to the favela’s in Brazil it’s another world

    Always start high and come down if you ned too.

    And for the poster who wants something high risk which pays and your stuck in the UK

    There are others, just google paid medical experiment.. Seriously!!

    Thats as long you don’t mind being experimented on. In some instances the volunteers will be given placebos which is money for nothing except the mind games it puts you through.

    For me personally there is no amount of money that could make me use my body in this way but each to his own

    Free Member

    5 weeks in and feeling much better with plans to go back in the New Year.

    So much better that I collect my new road bike tomorrow and will christen her on a nice 15 mile ride home from the shop. :D

    Free Member

    I pick up my new road bike tomorrow after a Body Geometry fit at my local concept store.

    I’ve gone the these lengths to avoid any fit issues and ill let you know how i get on

    Free Member

    The sad reality is that other customers pay for the fraud and defaults.

    In simple terms the business model allows for a percentage of fails. You could insure your debt but that would prove expensive and no doubt looked at on an on going basis to see which is the cheapest solution. The margins are fantastic and you only have to look at the advertising spend to appreciate that. However all that profit is built on the exploitation and misery of the poorest in our community.

    1688% APR is the highest i’ve seen advertised.

    Whatever government is in power the essentials are the same.

    They smile when they lie and it’s always the poorest who don’t have a voice and will get bent over and royally shafted.

    Free Member

    Yeti. ASRC.

    Ok it’s got an extra 1.5 inches than you’ve asked for but

    It climbs superbly.
    It descends superbly.
    It’s single pivot and therefor simple

    I’ve got one and love it.

    Free Member

    The best series on tv at the moment.

    Free Member

    Just like money doesn’t buy taste having a love for mountain biking doesn’t exclude total knobs from the past time.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Trying to justify the actions of an idiot lead nowhere but madness…..

    Free Member

    While I assume that those left behind when someone is murdered by terrorists on either side probably never get “closure” in the same way that someone who has lost family due to natural or accidental death, the Good Friday Agreement went a long way towards starting the process of a peaceful endgame. Prisoners from both sides were released, power-sharing was properly put in place and cross-border initiatives were set up to include the Republic of Ireland in certain decisions.

    But this go far enough. IMHO. Hence the ongoing calls for public enquiries for different and legitimate reasons. The argument from HMG in this case is the floodgate argument which in itself is disturbing.

    Peace has gained a valid platform at every level of society. That society is changing but there are polarised and entrenched views form both sides and extremists on both sides will seek to put their view across. It seems that neither side in this argument has the support of the wider community.

    No misrepresentation intended. It was a question. My point was how can you put forward for another public enquiry (justified or not) without calling for a more inclusive forum for individuals to ask for their rights to be excessed.

    The SA Truth and reconciliation commission has had it critics, replacing justice with the aim of reconciliation.

    I wish i had the answer, but much better minds than mine haven’t resolved this issue and there seems no justice for the unpunished. However the peace has held, the polarising of communities is diminishing and people are not being murdered simply because of their religion.

    Free Member

    It seems it’s more prevalent than first thought. 8)

    So the elephant in the forum forum room is

    Has anyone actually sniffed a seat?

    Free Member

    I find it more illuminating that Yorkshiremen have a sense of humour. :wink:

    Free Member

    Lauda’s argument for what has occured must have found traction with the board of Daimler Benz.

    Lauda is just another tool in the sizeable garage available to Daimler Benz. If he doesn’t fit, he will be replaced.

    In these rolls the wiser person accepts they will never choose when or how they will leave and that’s the only certainty.

    Free Member

    Sorry to disappoint you and I hope you haven’t committed any crimes on the basis that the world would have ended by now.

    It’s supposed to end on the 21st, however I’d like to quote the Russian PM who “doesn’t believe the world will end, well not this year anyway”

    Free Member

    From the Judges comments he suggested that if he had delivered an other verdict then the defendant would have won on appeal.

    But why was the case not deferred until the defendant’s health had improved to such a point for a fair trial to take place.

    Or was it a John Terry situation and the trial date was set for convenience?

    Pull the whole corrupt rotten whore house down that is otherwise known as the Houses of Parliament.

    Free Member

    Its reassuring to know when a manufacturer stands solidly behind their product.

    Free Member

    In your argument you demean and devalue the people murdered by the IRA & PIRA which I doubt was your aim.
    If you could explain how?

    So the victims and their families of Republican violence don’t deserve closure as well?

    Did you bother to read my post further?

    How to have a meaningful peace, reconciliation has to be all inclusive and transparent. Why would you want it any different?

    Free Member


    So, erm, because Adams claimed they were a legitimate army, that opens them up to a similar level of scrutiny to a police force?

    Yes. Murder is murder.

    Oh and they now hold ministerial positions.

    Reconciliation demands that both sides to account, not just one.

    In your argument you demean and devalue the people murdered by the IRA & PIRA which I doubt was your aim.

    Free Member

    E bay leads to some interesting behaviour which goes past acquiring a bargain.

    I’ve sold stuff for more than you could have bought it for.


    Free Member


    The IRA considered themselves a legitimate armed force. They targeted civilians. That’s fact.

    However I’m not justifying a murder but there are a few players who should be grateful that HMG didn’t take a leaf from the Israeli response. That was to actively target and kill senior members of designated terrorist groups. Is that wrong? Absolutely.

    The week after the Brighton bomb the Sunday Express ran an anti IRA editorial. Just below the editorial they used to print a quote of the day. On this occasion it was a quote from a famous Irish Republican called Michael Collins along the lines of “you can’t put an idea against the wall and shoot it to death”. Reconciliation has to crystallise at some point. That’s why we should have assembled a truth and reconciliation commission long ago as these events from both sides will drag the peace process back.

    Natural justice means people need to understand who, why, what and when from ALL sides. A public enquiry into this one act does not bring justice to the countless others on both sides who have lost loved ones.

    Free Member

    Read the footnote
    (The IRA also targeted the village of Tullyhommon, 20 miles from Enniskillen, where members of the Boys’ and Girls’ Brigades were holding a Remembrance Day parade. The bomb was four times the size of the Enniskillen device but it failed to detonate.)

    The bomb in Enniskillen was a smaller bomb. If the bomb had gone off in Tullyhommon we’d have had the mass slaughter of children.

    It seems the South Africans have a better formula.

    That said I honestly thought there would never be peace in NI in my lifetime and there are children who have grown up and known nothing other than peace.

    Free Member

    I had a customer who while on a conference call decided to an impression of their stuttering American MD.

    Now he was in a room with his team and the call was a national conference call to all sites.

    After one particular stutter this guy say ” Oh for ***ks sake”. What he hadn’t noticed was peoples faces of horror as they realised the phone wasn’t on mute. Apparently the impression sounded like an echo according to this guys boss and the cursing wasn’t mentioned. He actually got away with it.

    He was however absolutely a cat on hot bricks for 48 hours.

    Free Member

    From a hotpress interview in 2008

    “Life is a difficult business, and most people find it to be actually impossible….even Jesus only made it to 33”.

    It’s such a pity he’s made the effort to make it to 50 plus.

    Free Member

    Interesting couple.

    The male has a forum name of a powerful, odourless plastic explosive and his missus likens his loving to what translates to fast or agile from behind. :wink:

    Though that does depend which bible you are using as reference.

    Free Member

    The power and beauty of youth eh.

    Oh how we laughed when some old codger used to tell us that youth is wasted on the young.

    Free Member

    I feel your pain.

    Shared the same feelings of utter horror and disgust when Barbara Dickson sang Pride.

    Free Member

    toxicsoks – Member
    John – it’s not going to happen, though, is it?

    John is having a party in his head, leave him alone.

    Free Member

    Given my wife doesn’t watch that much TV and because i was getting short of films to watch off Love film I decided to rent

    24 and The Shield

    My wife loved both series and we are working our way through all the different series.

    Free Member

    If you purchased a few cases of this guys wine and this happened

    You may be inclined to keep the wine.

    I didn’t. i drank it all and toasted Didier with every bottle i opened.






    I do reflect however it may have been wiser to keep as the uplift in restaurants (when you can get a bottle) is eye watering. But it would have been biblically wrong to keep the wine as an investment.

    Free Member

    “Investments” of this nature rarely end up with a happy ending.

    As Neal suggests if you do buy the wine, drink and enjoy.

    But just do it before the 21st as some numties are predicting the worlds coming to an end then.

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