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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    From a one delivery viewpoint they leave something to be desired.

    I was tracking delivery via the website which was easy to use but twice it stated that no one was in, which was correct but I had been carded. No card on either day. I tried phoning the local depot but the phone just rang out but I was unsure which depot would be used as I’m equidistant between two depots.

    The good news is that they tried for a third consecutive day which proved successful.

    Great commas from wiggle though

    Free Member

    My fitness pal app for I phone.

    It virtually has every food on there with associated calories. It also accrues calorie expenditure during the day.

    Top app :-)

    Free Member

    If you take the point that the only accurate information you will get from a sales person will be their contact details you will be fine.

    No doubt some sales people will be different but if start at that threshold it can only get better. :wink:

    Free Member

    Nova Raiders based in Newport, Shropshire

    Free Member

    curiousyellow – Member
    Well done. Are you going back for more?

    Yes, it a weekly ride covering 40-50 miles.

    I’m aiming for a month of 100 miles a week then moving it up from there. I’m coming back from a forced two month lay off so I’m taking things relatively easy. Although I’m well in excess of my target already this week,

    Happy days!

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the advice.

    A very cold cock short of 50 miles. The group were a great bunch and happily shared knowledge with a relaxed and quick ride. Well – quick for me!

    Free Member

    Ti deluxe the frame
    Yeti ASR the mavic Slr wheels
    Specialized Expert the electronic shifters

    Free Member

    FFS double posting as well

    Free Member


    Road bike…

    And the inevitable questions from my 12 year old daughter. ” why do you have to wear Lycra?” And “Dad do you know you look a bit gay.”

    And I’m enjoying it. I’ve even got full mudguards on the bike!

    Free Member

    Try these guys. They specifically support start up’s in the food industry and have a wealth of knowledge and experience.

    Good Luck

    Free Member

    I’ve been pleased with my Howies merino base layer and is always my first choice.

    However I thought I might try the winter base layer from Assos as I’m commuting from next week.

    Free Member

    Sorry double post

    Free Member

    “Politely asked them”

    Politician in London orders his generals to ensure that the army is polite to civilians. Squaddie from Wolverhampton may have a different standard for “polite”.

    Better to have spoken with the plebs rather than spoil the whole evening. Hopefully they got the message and won’t darken the door again.

    Free Member

    ex Mr Barbara Broccoli.

    & cook.

    I wouldn’t buy a piece of toast of that individual.

    Can someone start a vote to deport him to where ever Piers ( I’m a sanctimonious pratt) Morgan ends up?

    Free Member

    Look on the bright side if you do end up shitting through the eye of a needle you will loose weight after the excess of Christmas. Fat people pay good money to do that.

    The best thing then would be to eat some Bisto granules.

    It certainly wouldn’t cure the condition but it would thicken up things for you.

    Free Member

    i Mac

    System Preferences

    I cloud

    Tick what services your wife doesn’t want backing up to the i mac

    I’ve had a look as I have a similar set up but everything I have syncs.

    Good Luck

    Free Member

    Congratulations to you both.

    It depends on how often you both see your parents as they will start having suspicions from small signs.

    Most women are the picture of health, skin hair and a general radiance. Refusing alcohol and soft cheese could lead to assumptions.

    Free Member

    Best roubaix expert Di2

    Worst brand new range rover Westminster. 2 months after I had a seizure which means a 12 month rest fom driving. Hence the acquisition above

    Free Member

    I can personally vouch for Sir Nigel’s Vintage marmalade from Fortums or make your own and fine tune your efforts to you taste.

    I made 7 jars over Christmas and the recipe stated 1.8 kilo’s of sugar. Slightly too sweet for my tastes but my culinary quest continues. It’s the same with Venison stew. Differents ways of getting there and that’s half the fun.

    Free Member

    Oh this is disappointing as I thought it was fluffers……..

    Free Member

    Perceptions will change when a Murdoch paper print gay sex pictures of Clegg banging the back end out of Cameron.

    A video will be released later with conjecture of who is the third person out of focus

    Clegg will be revealed as card carrying communist.

    A weapon of mass destruction will be used in the middle east/ North Korea launches missiles at S. Korea/Japan/ West coast of the US of A.

    Shares will crash. I will buy

    Life will go on.

    Special forces will storm the Ecuadorian Embassy and Assange will be accidentally killed by falling down a lift shaft which was somehow left open. However the pubic enquiry into the death casts doubt over the official version when it comes to light the embassy doesn’t have a lift. Every one is cleared, given medals and the lawyers and QC’s need extra large wheel barrows to carry all the money they have charged the public purse. The judge then gets knighted.

    Free Member

    But I doubt he uses an assault weapon to go hunting?

    Point taken. It’s a stark contrast as to what’s culturally acceptable or not.

    And people were bumping their gums about Dubai earlier today…

    Free Member

    My daughter.


    Tomorrow’s bike ride has just been extended to three hours.

    Free Member

    How can intelligent people cling to a “right” ratified in 1788 to bear arms?

    The firepower readily available to an individual today would have been the equivilant to a regiment of fighting men then.

    If you research the NRA and how they disseminate mis information against any advocates of gun control is truly staggering. They have run several advertising campaigns against law inforcement officers who have called for gun control. The NRA has an annual budget of $200 million and feeds people’s fears to drive their profits and ideology.

    For the avoidance of doubt the NRA are calling for armed guards in schools. The reluctance of a professional police officer to draw their weapon, let alone discharge that weapon is immense. The chances of innocent casualties are high as proved in the Empire shooting earlier this year. The police killed a murderer but NINE bystanders were injured by police gun fire. So armed guards in schools? Maybe flak jackets and helmets for children next.

    The issues raised exceed the culpability of the NRA and illuminate wider ranging and more intangible issues rather than one organisation selling fear and death to their own countrymen.

    It’s the logic of a mad man. The assassin who shot the wrong Beatle justified his actions by the following statement. ” the Beatles changed the world and I changed the Beatles”.

    No point in raising an intelligent argument on that basis then

    Free Member

    I’m feeling rather full but looking forward to a couple of hours on my bike tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Merry Christmas Mosey and Cheers to the loved ones we are missing this year.

    Free Member

    I’ve holidayed there a couple of times over Christmas and the New Year. Principally because it was warm with only a 8 hour flight and it was the only time I could get away from the business. I simply went to relax and unwind.

    Ex pat’s by and large are the same in whichever country they reside. It’s the type of individual rather than the geographical position. My sympathy goes to the local who have to put up with the boorish behaviour.

    You won’t holiday there because you perceive yourself in having higher morals but probably consume cheap goods made elsewhere by child labour or by exploited workers. You buy them because they are cheap. You consume petrol and oil based products which perpetuate the disparity and support oppressive regimes.

    Then again it’s we as individuals where we decide the draw the line of moral indignation. You will do all/some of the above but I won’t holiday there.

    Then again they could turn the clock back fifty years, no healthcare, infrastructure or economy. Would that be better?

    As with most destinations you can find the good side and the darker side of human nature.

    Devon is a great place as well. :-)

    Free Member

    I can’t think of a more appropriate target for the gun owners of the US of A.

    Free Member

    Brining the turkey via Heston’s idiot proof pre made recipe?

    I only read the instructions today which suggests a 24hour period for brining the bird.

    Free Member

    For me it was the shift in perceptions and conveyed in the media which was the highlight for me.

    Actual hard work, dedication and endeavour was shown to be worth investing in. Not just from the athletes but from the volunteers and touch carriers. Now that was humbling IMHO

    All the prima donnas and self interest of the Premier league showed the weakness and pathetic state that our national game has become and the shallowness and me me me attitude from the majority of the players. The celebutard culture from x factor to big brother.

    The contrast was stark and hopefully motivational to everyone who was touched it.

    Free Member

    Lost two family members. Suffered first ever seizure

    Which means life tastes so much sweeter and I appreciate everything more. Watching my daughter grow into a young lady will be a continuing theme.

    Free Member

    Rockape. While correct in your general comment about performance and a blind eye I have found the difference between great sales people and the plodders is that the great ones never stop and won’t have the 9-5 mentality that permeates the general population.

    Don’t get me wrong, both individuals have their place but I always aim for quality, driven individuals. In general they are easier to manage and only require a light touch. The issue is managing the fact hat they don’t burn themselves out.

    Life is too short to be ok at something. But the other side of the coin is that the plodders plod and will be there for the longer term.

    Like I suggested each have their own benefits and areas for development.

    Free Member

    I remember a psychologist quoting a “gun as a permanent solution to a temporary problem”.

    Then again thinking that everyone else would be armed and looking at the general population in the UK thats a very scary outcome so

    btw NTWS

    Free Member

    Mr Smith, that’s the the equivilant of being gay without penetration

    Free Member

    Its a start of a slippery slope

    Next will be

    Road clothes
    A rack
    Grey hair
    Power output & cadence

    A very slippery slope into deviancy……..

    Free Member

    Relax, enjoy the company and you’ll soon find out what happens next.

    Just make sure your PH levels are high and your place is tidy with no obvious signs of deviancy, excess or instability.

    So when is this hot date? When are you updating the status of the event?

    Free Member

    You’ve answered your own question is saying you are risk averse and motivaion is an issue. In simple terms in sales you receive a few kicks in the balls. Yes you go down and it hurts but you have to pick youself up, dust yourself down and go again. And again. Oh and smile.

    It’s the only role where someone tries to undo your work and thats other sales people trying to get the order instead. I have always likened the role to painting a room and then person comes and changes the colour so you have to start again. In essence this is what your up against.

    The economic climate has to be considered as well. Most companies are struggling to hit targets which means if you don’t have the revenue the senior people will start restructuring the whole business and the easiests people to segment into income/expenditure are sales. We have suppliers who are condensing into better alined geographic and strategic structures which translates one sales person rather than three.

    Based on those issues alone and your history, 20 years in the same role suggests you are relatively happy and content otherwise you would have moved on by now?

    Work life balance is a threshold few get right but we are always striving for and having cash in the bank does not replace the missed life outside work. It really doesn’t

    The stress of a new role will be imense. If your not worried about that aspect then again it’s questionable that the role is right for you.

    Consider the future, is the business looking to have a more on line presence rather than employ sales people.In some cases where technical knowledge will be required there is a strong argument for sales people but condsider the platforms of webchats or more tech based people who are based in the office for a much lower cost.

    it’s an ever moving feast in sales and everthing is fluid and you need to accept these qualities and embrace them and take the benefits by thinking strategically past this months and next months figures.

    That said if you can find your feet it’s a great life but it’s not the perceieved easy life many have and I’ll leave you with the final thought which tells you everything you need on know. How many older sales people do you see?

    Free Member

    This reminds me of a cartoon after Saville & the tax issue that hit the BBC where a bloke is saying to another guy

    So you work for the BBC, so what are you then a peodphile or a tax dodger?

    It’s amazing that they haven’t sacked anyone over the issues raised, killing a programme and defamtion. Start with that **** Patton. He couldn’t run a kids tea party without some issue.

    Free Member

    Great concept however if you have served on a jury you will appreciate how screwed the whole process is.

    We had a three minute presentation. This is where the defence sit etc. you would not believe the bone questions being asked by jurors who simply couldn’t take in a three minute presentation and are then expected to sit through a trial which could take weeks.

    In my case I was part of a larger pool who went into the courtroom and as I saw the accused I thought he looked an evil git. Now I was surprised by my reaction and made a mental note to hold myself in check. However things went down hill quickly from here as the accused was a copper and the charges went something along the lines of police dog Oscar bit so and so. The whole seriousness of the charges being read out and police dog Oscar gave me the giggles. Obviously I wasn’t chosen after I blotted my copy book. Being a copper it was a high profile case and was on local tv and I said to my wife knowing the other jurors there was no way he would be found guilty. He was found not guilty.

    Now I may have been wrong in my assumptions and he was quite clearly innocent.

    Any further doubt about juries consider this. I was chosen. I consider myself fair and honest but I was surprised by my views and reactions and somewhat dissapointed.

    Free Member

    Most to the local school

    Send the school a thank you letter and say you’ve made a charitable contribution to xxx charity on their behalf. Someone benefits for the right reason.

    As for the contents, it’s a painful lesson in backing up your phone. As for getting past the past code do a full restore from I tunes and you”ll be fine. My daughter “forgot” her pass code and it’s a simple process. It must be as I could do it.

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