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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    That is so wrong and on so many levels…….

    Free Member

    Commercial companies sometimes have the same or similar issues.

    The words you really don’t want to hear are

    “well they were the best from the applicantions we received”

    Absolutely chronic, lets lower the threshold for entry as the first draft of applicants were crap.

    The situation is then that the whole performance from team members to subordonates degrades and the best performers move on.

    At least the OP & colleagues have approached this well with an on going performance issue being actively monitored. No doubt the CEO will see the writing on the wall and will exiting the business soon. Stick with it and they will move on.

    Free Member

    Be ready to be amazed and horrified when you meet the other attendees of the course.

    You then appreciate these people are driving on the same roads you and your loved ones use which is truly frightening as the standard is woeful.

    Then accept your there for a reason and take it as a positive experience

    Free Member

    Tip of the iceberg.

    No doubt the end of the bad weather will mean an uplift for crime.

    Bottom line the scumbags can access the information held in the car re the key code as the data is not encrypted. As the article states. ” even our reporter could do it” . As a BBC employee the article doesn’t state if the BBC reporter was a tax dodger or a pedo…..

    Free Member

    Unfortunately Heat was well directed, flawed characters with a high tempo plot.

    As regards the fire fight across London, what the chuff happened to the villain who escaped on the push bike?

    It was an indicator how quickly it found its way to DVD.

    Free Member

    The link above is a great resource.

    I did the route with three mates. Whitehaven to Penrith. Penrith to Allenheads. Allenheads to Sunderland. We used a company which moved our luggage from digs to digs and returned us and our bikes back to Whitehaven. The accommodation gets booked up quick on popular dates so plan ahead

    It rained every day of the three days and was blowing a chuffing houley on the top of Hartside. It was blowing so hard we had to pedal down the other side of Hartside. At one point on another climb we went into cloud/fog,wet and hungry when we passed a sign for a cafe at the top . It was a caravan/ portakabin but it was warm and I’ve ne’er been more pleased to sit down and get warm.

    Enjoy and get some miles in your legs

    Free Member

    kan kry die hel hier uit

    Free Member

    Venison Stew & dumplings with bacon, redcurrent jelly and whatever else is around veg wise.

    Cheese and potato soup wth a crusty bun

    Steaming treacle sponge with copious amounts of custard

    Cheese souffle

    Spicey mixed bean hotpot

    Bratwurst( Aldi’s) and mash

    Bacon butty with B/S or if im feeling really hungry then add egg and blackpudding

    If it was the last meal sort of thing then the venison stew would top my list but it would have to come from the Crask Inn in Sutherland. My stew doesn’t come close…..and is turning into something of an eternal quest

    Free Member

    Is there a difference between an individual paying to listen to a live act or a download? Either way music is a commodity.

    And this interaction with the performer you speak of. Are you one of these groupies?

    Free Member

    Nice one Keef

    Are you still a single speeding veggie? :wink:

    Free Member

    He sounds like a complete idiot.

    Lets hope he doesn’t breed

    Free Member

    I employ six designers, they are based off site in their own office.

    My brief to them was it your space, make it your own. I’ve never imposed a dress code and I look for output and self defined roles and tasks.

    One guy heads up that particular team and its one of the businesses strongest units.

    Treat and support your staff and you will in the most part get that investment back.

    Free Member

    I’m Spartacus.



    Free Member

    It’s a forum provided free of charge.

    What’s the problem? Perceived inconsistacy delivered by unpaid volunteers.

    Some people should really, no really get out more and enjoy life rather than vocalise about their perceived rights on a forum.



    Free Member

    Once you’ve sorted your machine give these guys a go. I have a weekly subscription and they deliver a diverse and delicious selection. It’s all fresh and should make your son happy with his old mans coffee.

    Free Member

    Just be careful where you buy.

    Most large building companies have been acquiring land banks for future development. They have been purchasing land cheap for future development with most well capitalised with strong balance sheets.

    Over the last two years their share price has risen from 374p to 873p

    As already mentioned try the last week of the month or quarter for a offer but nowadays you’ll be lucky to get a bargain. Better value would be to buy a place which needs some TLC and add value that way. We did for our first two homes and its good for your soul too.

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Water 80% & semi skimmed 20%


    Honey ,chopped banana & raisens


    Free Member

    Director of what?

    As already expressed, list of duties and responsibilities. Be aware that resigning from the company may have more restrictions placed on you on what you can or can’t do for a 12 month period.

    Good call on the pg’s!

    Congratulations and cheers.

    Free Member

    It’s a fair one.

    No doubt LBS will be sick and tired of individuals blagging a free ride with no intention of buying or buying off the Internet as it was £5 cheaper.

    Just make sure you get your monies worth, btw my local charge £40.

    Free Member

    If LA is going nuclear and naming names of senior people in the sport should he get mitigation from a life ban?

    It seems lawyers are queuing up for clients wanting their cash back and wriggle room is decreasing BUT

    For all LA’s faults he possesses a tacticians brain and without a shadow of doubt he has his goals and several paths to get there. This process has only just started and in his bid to re invent himself he will sell whoever he needs to own the river and over the falls with a rock tied around their neck.

    The publicised wish to return to competitive sport could be a feint and a classic mis direction. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy and ego tried to run for public office. Bill ( I didn’t have sexual relations but my joy juice was on an interns dress) Clinton who lied got away without being impeached and has a popularity rating which is higher than ever.

    Stranger things have happened and to write Lance off would be to under estimate the determination and tactical nature of the man.

    Free Member

    A serious ice park had formed on the road into the estate today.

    Free Member

    Sorry Flash but Yes, Prime Minister is on the other channel.

    Free Member

    It’s quite easy to draw a accurate picture of someone who isn’t aware and is a social animal who shares information on the Internet.

    For example announcing to the world they will be anyway in France at Easter… :wink:

    With a name and area, a quick look at the electoral roll will pinpoint someone’s address. So after spending £x on beefing up security on your storage of your pride and joy why then broadcast where you reside?

    What a lovely world eh!

    And by way of example look at the thread in chat about booked holidays. One poster has actually put the dates up when he is away. :roll:

    Free Member

    Have an Audi? About 10 years ago I had an A4 from new and put 250,000 miles on her.
    Drink tea/coffee? Coffee and tea, all types but i do love my bean to cup coffee machine
    Work in an office? Yup
    Work in IT? No
    Wear a suit? Rarely.
    Shave and own a fancy razor? Just a normal one, used as little as possible
    Bald? Certainly not. 45 and a good head of hair, a few strands of grey though.
    Own hand made brogues? hand made yes, brogues no.
    Ridden a single speed? No. Gears were invented for a reason.
    Ridden a 29er? No. No intentions
    Ridden a 650b? I honestly don’t know what this is
    Ridden a Fatbike? No and no plans to
    Own a hardtail? Yep
    Like trail centres? Yes
    Have a log burner? No although we owned one once when we had a cottage
    Commuted by bike? 28 miles a week. Recovering from illness so I’ve only commuted twice in the first week
    Use the word “content” in thread titles? No
    Know what tyres I want on my bike? Yes.
    £300 knife to chop carrots? No
    Send monetary “gifts” to people I don’t know? Yes
    Know how to use Google? Yes
    Rolex/Omega/Breitling etc – Patek,
    Sling or pushchair – neither
    Got a dog? No Three cats though, 2 from a rescue centre
    Multiple bikes? Yes
    Titanium bike? Yes
    Carbon bike? Yes One road one FS
    Have an on-one? No
    Have an orange 5? No
    Think life revolves around this forum No
    ever had an argument online No

    Free Member

    45 miles on the road.

    Light snow flurries, wind and sun!

    Free Member

    The monkey is fine but the real gems are the local trails.

    Try and catch up with some locals but leave your gps off as its bad form locating the cheeky trails then publishing the gpx track.

    Free Member

    the music industry is desperate for HMV to be successful and has been a pillar of support without which the company would have gone into administration.

    BTW HMV’s chief exec joined last year from guess where? Jessops.

    The key will be the suppliers and banks outlook. it’s the last high street retailer for music and film and that carries a hell of a lot of weight behind it, at least for the music and film industries.

    Is the company dead, no but it is on life support and it could be argued that it’s the modern day equivilant of King Canute standing on the beech commanding thenseanto turn back.

    Free Member

    Now it was few years ago when I introduced a client of mine to my MD. ( now my client was waiting for an urgent job to be manufactured)

    Hi Dave, I’d like you to meet J, from so and so. After the usual pleasantries I announced to Dave that rather than wait here I had offered J to take dinner with my wife and daughter but because we were white heterosexuals J has declined. J is effeminate and of British Indian decent.

    J mouthed an insult, Dave looked down and mumbled something and moved off.

    The business I was with then treated its staff poorly to say the least and you made the best of the opportunities that presented themselves.

    J’s still a client.

    On another occasion the MD’s son who “worked” in the business sat opposite me but was severely getting on my tits. The phone system went on night service over lunch time and I used my mobile to ring the office. I picked up and

    No I’m sorry Simons out. No I’ve no idea when he’s back. Well you know he’s a fat fucca so he’s probably between a Pizza Hut and mc Donald’s. laugh loudly while listening and then, are you’ve noticed that as well with his PH levels…if only he spent as much time selling as he does eating then he’d smash his target.

    By this time fat Simon was less than impressed and I was just entering act two when his old man walked in the room. Only for the fat one to say ” dad Martin’s being really rude on the phone about me to a client”

    I came clean, his old man looks at his son with a look of annoyance and I was mimicking dad dad

    Simon’s still fat

    Boredom and resentment eh! Oh how my life improved immeasurably when I left that business.

    To the OP, if they treat their staff like that now after record profits, have some fun and get out before things get out of hand and profits drop then the situation will only go one way

    Free Member

    A bike is a bike is a bike. :D

    Free Member

    And we are down to the last two boxes of Heston’s mince pies which are the best I’ve tasted. And I doubt I would have ever thought of sprinkling tangerine sugar over said pies but it works superbly.

    Free Member


    Take the many positives from your preparation and behaviours and the fact if they wanted rid they would have terminated you on the spot. Unfortunately the culture in a business is set by the senior person on site and if this behaviour is endemic you have 3 months to sort yourself out. You could take out insurance to cover the bills if the worst was to happen in a few months.

    However if you are part of the interview and selection process for additional staff you may have a future? Take discrete soundings over the next few weeks and see what the feedback is from colleagues. No doubt it will be a talking point.

    In todays climate performance is key and no one can carry passengers. I’ve sacked family members as a very last resort and after running out of every avenue available but they were negatively impacting their team. The business comes first so by all means look around but don’t discount staying and moving up the food chain. I appreciate the last statement sounds awful and I’ve paid a heavy price in terms of family but I have no regrets.

    What i’m trying to say is your manager has been exposed as a poor performer and has been out manoeuvred by a new starter. His peers will have their own thoughts reinforced by todays meeting and their voices will not go un noticed. If they do their manager will risk losing respect and probably a cohesive and effective team of senior staff. Or get rid or re train the manger in question. Not a big choice there is there! Don’t under estimate your worth you bring but at the same time don’t think your indispensable.

    Just make sure you don’t access this site from your office computer! Your fine from a legal aspect but why give them leverage?

    Take time to reflect and think and act outside your comfort zone. This gives a whole different perspective to all the important things in your life and not enough people do it.

    Of course all the above doesn’t apply in which case the very best of luck with your new career where ever that takes you.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    It doesn’t look like good news for the OP.

    As many have stated on here, it may not seem it but it could be the start of something much better for you and your loved ones. Chin up and tomorrows another day.

    Free Member

    You need to be careful as potentially you would be committing fraud by mis representation if you gained a mortgage by giving false information.

    Try and start a dialogue with the provider. Would a larger deposit or a guarantor make a difference?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Where’s Tarantino when you want him.

    morgan. Pulls a desert eagle, shouts where’s your gun, mummy lover.

    Jones Squeals like a pig, drops to his knees, head level with Morgans crotch

    Morgan puts the gun to jones’s head and discharges the weapon. Jones is dead before he hits the floor

    Morgan then turns the gun on himself and shoots himself dead.

    Next shot is Eva Green in lycra which is far too tight showing the benefits of road cycling.

    Free Member

    I did one on my road bike and found it informative and worthwhile. I went to a Specialized concept store and had it done there. I can go back in a few weeks for a fine tune but 259 miles later I have no aches or pains so it was worth the £175 outlay.

    Highly recommended.

    Free Member

    A slippery slope indeed.

    Where will it end?

    Dyed eyebrows and pubes?

    Seriously MTFU. Age with grace and dignity as those qualities are timeless.

    Free Member

    Great quality, price & service :-)

    Free Member

    Good luck fella.

    Legally they can dismiss within 12 months with little come back which makes me think it could potentially be a kick up the arse. Crap rolls down hill and your manager will be under pressure so he’s looking for a solution as well.

    Don’t get defensive tomorrow and take their feedback constructively but reiterate the point any missed targets will be offset against decreased expenditure on team salaries.

    Breakdown the performance per head of your team, pro rata that with a full team.

    It may give you some extra time to turn things around with your present employer while looking for the next opportunity elsewhere.

    If you do get terminated tomorrow ask if there is an appeal process and state to above again and add the dimension of lack of support and oppressive behaviour. At this point you have nowt to lose.

    And keep things in perspective. You have your health and family. Get those right and everything else falls into place.

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