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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    Ahhhh it’s very much like being a Wolves fan.

    Unconditional love no mater what happens, how the team perform, how inadequate the manager or inept the owner. They will always have a place in my heart and I will always support them.

    But every time i go and watch them I think WTF. This is cold, its crap and i swore i’d never come back so why am i here? This happens once or twice but like a mug I still go.

    Bit like after breaking up with someone. You may remember fantastic sex or events but get back together and it suddenly **** you around the head and knees you in the balls why you broke up in the first place.

    If you have to knock one out thinking about her, but leave it there and move on. Life’s too short.

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s time to realise your life is your responsibility?

    When i left school i went onto a YTS scheme working in a factory. In winter I arrived at work when it was dark and left when it was dark. Sunlight was a weekend only event. Crap prospects in Maggies mid eighties UK economy, destroying the unions and freeing the market forces….

    Sometimes you can’t see the wood for the trees and being stuck in a rut is an easy solution. Even at the tender age of 16 the bitterness in a lot of the older guys was palpable.Even in the supervisors or managers. Same prison different uniform. It seemed that they eventually woke up from their slumber to realise this was their life and it wasn’t measurably going to improve. These guys were timed served, skilled but so so bitter as whatever dreams or aspirations they once nurtured were left unfulfilled.

    That for me was a massive driver, as was seeing the mining communities being torn apart and was a life changing event in economics and politics. I resolved then never to put myself in that position. So far, 30 years later i never have.

    Many people will sleep walk through life, miss opportunities and decide to stick in the same rut until something better comes along. In most cases nothing better comes along. Add a partner, family, mortgage and the all the other stuff and it’s even harder to break the cycle.

    You need to live life outside your comfort zone. Yes it’s scary but realise and understand why scars you. Me, I’m scared of failure and it’s a great driver fear. Understand who you are and apply yourself accordingly.

    Everyone has a different perception of risk, measure and mitigate risk by all means but everything you do carries risk. It’s personal to each of us what is acceptable.

    Best Wishes on your journey.

    btw i won’t wish you luck as one of the few things to wind me up is when someone comments ” oh your so lucky to do/have” Yep the harder I work the luckier I am. Strange that.

    Free Member

    So can we all agree that there is nothing wrong in wealth but cash that pools in 1% of society is wrong and shows a system that is broken?

    So what else is new? It’s the nature of mankind to be like this. Everything else is pointless debate.

    Free Member

    Thats a fair commute to live in Wales.

    Middletown is equidistant between Welshpool & Shrewsbury with one half in Wales.

    It depends what your requirements are?

    Shrewsbury is relatively expensive for Shropshire while Telford has better value and the villages in between are great value. And there is some decent rides near the Wrekin while road riding offers some great routes which are light on traffic.

    Free Member

    Lance is toast. The momentum is there to ensure his fall is permanent

    Commercial pressures will determine that outcome. Is Lance down and out? Absolutely not, look past the use of drugs and you still have a mind of a tactician with his own agenda which has yet to see the light of day.

    Free Member

    My brother phoned home from his University digs and said if his tower block made the news he was fine. Naturally I asked WTF was going on.

    Apparantly someone had fallen to their death through an open lift door.

    Even at 22 I thought what a waste of life.

    Free Member

    Rent some of your rooms to illegal immigrants.

    To maximise your income use bunk beds and hot bunk them.

    Free Member

    A nice 36 miles on the road. Lovely in the sun, rather chill in the shade.

    Free Member

    Protecting your knee joints from the cold is vital if you want to continue riding into your later life.

    While you say it was toasty when you were out, it may be that the riders you saw started out much earlier when it was cold. :D

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what’s more frightening.

    The views purported above or these people have the right to vote or perform jury service……..

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s what they think of their readers.

    Fanny’s the lot of em.

    Free Member

    We swapped cards this morning with my wife receiving her favourite box of chocolates :D.A nice 25 miles under blue sky this morning, a bit of work now and then a quiet evening in.

    Free Member

    Oh ye of little faith!

    My martial arts instructor taught shiatsu. That was one remedy he taught me over twenty years ago and I’ve been using it ever since.

    BTW I know it’s from livestrong but don’t dimiss the information on that basis.

    Free Member

    Interesting perspective, where’s there’s blame there’s a claim.

    My mate, he and his wife had been trying for a family for ages. His wife gave birth to a beautiful boy, less than a year later he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He was “lucky” as he had one form that was treatable.

    Cut to the chase, he was given more chemo than neccasary.

    The consultant informed him at a meeting and handed him a form to start the process of making a claim. My mate refused point bank.

    His view was they did their best to save his life. They made a mistake “and nobody gets up in the morning to make a mistake”.

    Top bloke.

    That’s one perspective

    Free Member

    Place your thumb and first finger in the web of the opposite hand between your thumb and first finger. With the thumb on top gently and slowly make circular movements with your thumb. Apply gentle pressure from the finger underneath.

    Swap hands and repeat 3-5 times.

    This action tells your body to release a natural painkiller which will alleviate your headaches.

    It does work.

    Free Member

    Rule 5 HTFU


    Free Member

    Before the oil runs out we will have countless armed conflicts around ownership……..

    Free Member

    Eves Wolverhampton
    The Dome Brum

    The Boot- Whistler. late 80″s More of a bar but the best in Whistler

    Free Member

    Mates Mother in law. Andy is that a new hang glider in the garage

    Andy. No

    MMIL Are you sure, it looks longer than before

    Andy , No, it’s the same

    MMIL Ohhh it must be me then

    Andy Mmmmmm

    MMIL unzips the bag, oh Andy your glider has changed colour……

    I picked up Andy for a two week holiday in St Andre and we are just about to depart when his most favourite person in the world pulls up. MIL doesn’t know we’re off for two weeks, wants a chat with Andy who promptly suggests that they talk soon.

    I drive off thinking WTF!

    Free Member

    It’s the equivalent of asking how any bikes is too many and is a purely subjective.

    Me, one watch.
    Three bikes, H/tail, Full sus and a road bike.

    To most people a bike is a bike.

    I know a bloke who has a barn full of motorbikes. He loves each and everyone.

    Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt the ones you love. Who cares what anyone else thinks?

    Free Member

    Anger is a waste of energy, time and life.

    Accept this guy for what he is and move on. Dont let his actions define you or your life with your partner.

    Good luck & Best Wishes

    Free Member

    I’m King Dick. :D

    Free Member

    Public notice

    It is the Internet.

    It is not real life.

    Arguing on the Internet? WTF.

    Free Member

    Small claims court

    This a last resort as once you go legal it usually means that the relationship has broken down.

    Have you tried getting an agreed date for payment?

    Free Member

    As you’ll answer it, take heed
    This Slave commit no Violence upon
    Himself. I’ve been deceiv’d. The Publick Safety
    Requires he should be more confin’d; and none,
    No not the Princes self, permitted to
    Confer with him. I’ll quit you to the King.
    Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent
    The base Injustice thou hast done my Love:
    Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
    And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn’d;
    Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d,
    Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn’d.

    Written in 1697 but is still relavent today.

    Free Member

    I wonder what the trigger was for the change in plea?

    Eitherway it should mean a jail term but I wonder if he will still draw his MP’s salary from gaol….

    Free Member

    No doubt the Iranian developers have posted on here asking the eternal question for optimising performance for take off and landings.

    What tyres do you recommend, grip v longevity v cost

    And do CRC or Wiggle deliver to Iran?

    Free Member

    Pity you can’t buy a property before you go an get an agent to let it for you.

    Otherwise how risk averse or not are you?

    Free Member

    I was admiring the riders rather than the bikes.

    Does that make me strange?

    Free Member

    303 miles.

    All road and two weeks snow…..

    Free Member

    This is why so much money is used building brands based on perception.

    Look at any sugared water or energy drink.

    Free Member

    I just don’t get the affordability aspect that some people put up as an excuse/reason.

    I’m from a single parent family when there was still a stigma around that situation. We went short on the materialistic things, we walked. cycled or caught a bus. Holidays mmmm

    However we didn’t go short on the essentials love, stability and knowing right from wrong.

    That said I appreciate its a different world and the commerciality of it makes me want to weep but with children comes responsibilities and on the flip side watching your children grow up is a magical. Each to their own . IMHO

    Free Member

    My father.

    For so mnay years I wondered why he left my mom and two very young sons.

    I met him at my grand fathers funeral 30 years later after he pulled up in my grand fathers car. After a day in his company I was so pleased he wasn’t a part of my life.

    As for any others, they’re pretty much low rent compared to some described on here.

    Free Member

    Some place in Mallorca

    A bike shop which was next to my cake shop with my personal whore house above them both.

    Training coaches who just happened to be fit, firm and female.

    Another business franchise 80-100 miles away and then another equi distant so I would have a 3 day loop with accommodation and recreational needs taken care of.

    Free Member

    Personally I never thought I’d buy a 4 x 4.

    But I had never ridden in one until I was a passenger in a mates Tuareg. Vision, comfort and ride are superb.

    I run a Range Rover which is simply the best car I’ve ever owned. It’s not cheap to run, depreciation is awful but I wouldn’t swap it.

    Free Member

    I have owned a ti deluxe for the last 6 plus years. It’s understated, very quick and comfortable for a hard tail. Most people have a blank expression when I say what it is which is fine by me. That said I’ve had the frame replaced FOC as the original had a crack on the rear stay. All done without quibble. Buy new and get a lifetime warranty. I can’t see me selling it either.

    As an alternative I also ride a ASR carbon. In every measurable way it’s better and doesn’t beat me up on a full day ride.

    To put it another way, the ti deluxe is the equivalent of making love to a beautiful woman who you love. The yeti is just a shag with no emotional involvement.

    It depends on what you want

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Clearly the copper had more important things to do otherwise he would have nicked you.

    A mate was driving back and I was a passenger. It was dark and two bikes flew past well over the limit.
    My mate moves to over take the car in front only for a car to flash his headlights in the rearview mirror. My mate doesn’t move, the car behind then puts mainbeam on and illuminates our car. My mate gives the guy the finger and then gets blue lit. Mate moves over, copper proceeds and I’m pissing myself

    So the OP gets flashed by a car behind as its dangerously close. No shit Sherlock. You continue your manoeuvre despite a warning, you say its dangerous and yet you still move across. Its in both your interests to drive defensively.

    sir, you drive like a **** and i hope I never meet you on the road as it clearly sounds like you are an accident waiting to happen

    Free Member

    Boundary issues
    Neighbours, any disputes as potentially you may move and find you have mrs nut job living next door
    Plus the above posts

    Above all try and not get emotional about a house until it’s yours and look for potential. You will be amazed at how people can’t see past a bit of work and decoration. Thats where you can potentially add significant value and put your stamp on your new home, however don’t rush to do stuff, live in the place for a good six months and then start to execute your plans as they will evolve over time and in the long run you will save a packet.

    Do the lounge last or the temptation is is stay there and never finish the house. Bedrooms first, bathrooms and kitchen.

    It doesn’t matter if your DIY illiterate, start learning and you enjoy the journey.

    Free Member

    Road bikes are fun

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