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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • slowmart
    Free Member

    Congratulations and best wishes to you both

    Free Member

    The only thing you can rely on from the estate agents is when they provide their contact details.

    Try (hard) not to get emotional about buying a house. Be objective and while it may not seem it there are other places out there.

    Just look at the process objectively and it will be fine in the end and if its not right its not the end!

    good luck

    Free Member

    Don’t forget to enjoy the day.

    If your lucky you’ll only do it once.

    Free Member

    Taken in a broader context using the previous sentence

    “Like it or not, the free market economy is the only show in town. Britain is competing in an increasingly impatient and globalised economy, in which the competition is getting ever stiffer.

    No one can ignore the harshness of that competition, or the inequality that it inevitably accentuates; and I am afraid that violent economic centrifuge is operating on human beings who are already very far from equal in raw ability, if not spiritual worth.”

    At the very most he’s opening a debate on the subject.

    Free Member

    Grum, Winston put my point more eloquently.

    And I’m living proof that

    Free Member

    It’s stretching in the extreme to suggest Boris links social poverty and IQ. And it’s a circular conversation to say where’s the value in your contribution when individuals haven’t read the speech and then make ill informed comments.

    Boris also refers to the lack of social mobility, financial greed and envy as drivers. Like my new friend Tom the political writing scientist suggests we aren’t going to agree all the time. :wink:

    Asking a politician to be succinct and economical with words is never going to happen but I find Boris an amazing phenomena which says more about today’s society, democracy and lack of appetite to vote and this bloke becoming Mayor not once but twice than the drivel spouted on hear or by him.

    What’s does that say about our society?

    Free Member

    Not like yourself co authoring a political article and stating your a man of real science :roll:

    I was passing comment on the ill informed contributors who haven’t read the speech, managed to be irate over something that not has been said.

    Me I’m happy being below the radar but love the self opinioniated clap trap that sometimes is spouted on here.

    Free Member

    No just smiling at all the self opinioniated left leaning individuals here who haven’t read his speech but spout crap which makes Boris look intelligent.

    Free Member

    The law is there for a reason.

    In todays age and the digital footprints which are left are difficult to erase. Imagine googling a name and discovering a friend/lover/family member suffered this. The victim could potentially be looking over their shoulder for the rest of their lives.

    And anyone thinking thats not possible, my wife and daughter made the news 13 years ago. Search deep enough and you’ll find the story. While its a good news story the footprint is still there.

    Jail the stupid bitch and make an example out of her.

    Free Member

    Boris is set for great things as clearly he gets Guardian readers spilling their bean to cup fair trade coffee as evidenced here.

    And long may he do so.

    Free Member

    And as night follows day 8 out of top ten companies share prices fall are house builders…….

    it seems our politicians are devoid of any sense with providing environments for bubbles and short term gains. At least we seem to have a Governor of the B of E who is happy to pull the plug.

    Free Member

    I’m sixteen weeks into a broken tina and fib.

    Don’t bother googling about your injury as it only raises more questions. Do as the medics say, expect conflicting advice for the medical profession and take some patience pills.

    Recovery depends on your age, extent of the injury, your life style as smoking and consuming alcohol will hinder recovery, fitness, how amenable you are to the vets advice etc

    Best wishes on your recovery

    Free Member

    I’m carrying a significant knee injury and knowing that i have always looked to manage my knee. Which means
    cleat and saddle position are vital. Keeping your knees covered during cold weather is essential. Spin small gears and try not to stomp big gears on a climb. In other words try and take care of yourself and get yourself checked out professionally .

    That said all injuries and remedies are unique but my first port of call would be a specialist who has experience of cyclists

    Free Member

    X5’s are fine and i ran one 3 three years and it never missed a beat. Servicing is around a £1k a year however going pre owned id buy from a main dealer and have the extended warranty.

    Comparing the RR Sport to the X5 the x5 beats it in every area except off road ability.

    If your wife is set on the Sport i would suggest an extended Land Rover warranty and managing expectations for eye watering depreciation. Running costs would be similar to the X5 but BMW dealers i have generally found to be better.

    If yo can stretch have a look at the FFRR which is better in every respect except running costs but worth every penny. 12 months in and i wouldn’t change

    Free Member

    Sorry for my earlier post! Wrong thread…

    Free Member

    Irish, English.

    A politician is a politician means no change, empty promises which in turn evolve to broken promises.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got an argument with the points raised but Scotland already hosts nuclear weapons and the distinction is stark and prevailing given the NATO reasoning.

    Free Member

    As a counter point could we have a referendum in England to see if we could give Scotland back to the Scottish?

    Isn’t the arrogance amazing from the SNP. Nato yes but nuclear weapons no which goes against the fundamental defence cornerstone of a nuclear deterrent of “preserving peace and preventing war”. A bit like their perspective on Sterling. They seem to think these are one sided conversations rather than considering the other side might not see the point.

    Free Member

    Equally sickening is the fact the two women knowingly exposed their children to this guy.

    Free Member

    Each to their own and what works for them

    You need love respect and trust. Each overlaps and one can’t stand alone.

    Ok you aren’t always going to agree but its how you disagree that’s important. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff so focus on the important aspects both individually and as a couple.

    Married for 17 years and I love her more than ever.

    Free Member

    Can we back track and understand your reasoning for providing the loan?

    1/ She’s fit, your flattered and consider this a way to get to know this woman more and your wondering how good she is in bed?
    2/ She’s fit, your hopeful of sex. Short but pointed thought process.
    3/ You were drunk and she’s ugly inside and out but you were hopeful of sex. Still.
    4/ Your a decent human being and wanted to do the right thing……and she’s fit revert back to 1/

    Either way you have been screwed except not in the way you had probably hoped for. Another way of looking at this as you have had a lucky escape and the cost was only £20 rather than emotional.

    Free Member

    Bradley, look at your business strategically. See what areas are under the most sustained pressure as no doubt those areas will be looking for extra resource.

    Wanting to progress is always the most important aspect and start taking an interest in the other areas of the business. Here’s the rub though. You need to excel at your present role and take on the learning in your own time. Any prior perceptions will change with most half decent managers taking note.

    I’m paying for degree courses for two employees. One who showed potential on the macs after starting in finishing and one individual who wrote an eloquent letter, passed some challenges we set, to start a new role within the business and a degree course.

    Everyone of my senior management team started at the bottom, showed an appetite for doing more and not being constrained by obstacles of hindered by negativity. I feed and support ethos and the business has grown over 600% in the last seven years. That’s working collaboratively together and ensuring I go to my colleagues and saying well done and here’s our appreciation. It also means having a sales led organisation and taking a broad perspective on future revenue streams and ensuring colleagues have enough support. That’s one of my roles.

    Given your growth companies growth the owner will be looking to upscale cost effectively and with some safe pairs of hands which is an ideal time for a conversation.

    Going back to that letter it was the enthusiasm and need to self improve which made me take note. Give me that quality every time over experience!

    Good luck

    Free Member

    Try and use quiet roads for building up your stamina. The traffic volume should be reduced and help mitigate your concerns about safety.

    It worked for me!

    Free Member

    There’s still a massive over capacity within the industry and there are not that many companies investing.

    The digital market is under pressure as the latest XL’s and Komori’s make ready times are down to 6-10 minutes. There is also the online offering where printers are ganging up on a sheet.

    If I were the OP I would look for job security then consider a career path.

    Essentially print is delivering information and we are building a digital team as we speak. We’ve kept the revenue, lost the print and now delivering online material. That transition has taken place over the last twelve months. That said print has a market, augmented reality is aspect which brings together all the available platforms.

    Bradley, the anicolour is fine as a press but I would try and get onto the larger litho machines as the remuneration should be better. The make ready times are quicker but its only SRA3 and loses out to SRA2 and B2 presses for creating value which is the route you need to take if your after the larger pay packet.

    Free Member

    We went looking around the local jewellers but we could find a ring we both liked.

    To me a diamond should sparkle and one of the shops put me in touch with a local designer .

    I took my future wife so she could pick the diamond and decide on the setting and precious metal. I had agreed budgets before hand and my future wife picked the smallest but the highest quality diamond! The budget was blown but the ring was stunning. We went back for our wedding rings, blew the budget again which meant we had to decide between the rings or a stair carpet. We chose the rings and moved house 18 months later.

    The designer was

    Free Member

    To the OP.

    It’s not the cheapest but the range and quality is superb.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ve used this company for the last twelve months and the range and quality is superb.

    I’ve gone for a subscription and a freshly ground 2.5 kilo bag arrives every Monday. If you want to learn more about the specific coffee they provide a piece on the grower and location.

    The only thing I’d add is virtually all other coffee’s taste like crap after you get used to the good stuff.

    Free Member

    Getting a mate to set my turbo trainer up in the dining room to help me recover from a broken leg. I’m still in cast but at least its removable.

    Looking forward to turning the pedals!!

    Free Member

    Filtering through traffic is a grey area. In broad terms you can filter up to the rear bumper of the car which has stopped on the pedestrian crossing but you can’t pass him. The speed at which you filter is the grey area in law and case law fills in some of the gaps left by statute.

    Who cares who is right? The question is you’ll get hurt, the driver won’t even feel the impact so “being right” doesn’t come into it.

    And you are not riding defensively by pulling in front of the driver? I appreciate the reasons why but I would argue defensive riding may prolong your life or your health.

    A dick is a dick regardless of the mode of transport they use.

    Free Member

    Too many variables to provide an informed opinion but points you may want to consider

    Ask to see your point scoring and the criteria employed to determine the lowest scoring individual. This provides a transparent process which is your right to see. If you don’t agree with the scoring ask your boss to go through this with you.

    This is the first aspect that requires closer scrutiny and most of the criteria should be objectively scored.

    Is the company a company that cuts corners? If this is the case there will be holes in the process which should provide leverage for you.

    However two aspects for you to consider. What do you want? Can you prove you have been unfairly targeted? You need to use available avenues open to you to appeal using the companies internal procedure and if necessary make a grievance based on the issues you consider valid. Though making a grievance after being selected for redundancy will not look great for you. How many others including you are displaced? In relation to others how does your term of service relate to others?

    To defend an unfair dismissal claim the legal bill will be north of £20k to defend in full but rarely do things progress to a full tribunal without compromise agreements being reached between to two parties.

    What ever you do don’t offer to go quietly for terms which favour you. Someone tried this with one of my managers, we were solid legally and we pushed back- hard.

    Restructures are based on cost saving and it should be the weakest performers who go. Invariably some companies will get rid of the cheapest individuals which then provides a foothold for ensuring a legal remedy if rights have been breached.

    Best Wishes as it’s a shit process to go through

    Free Member

    13 year daughter here.

    For the most part she really is a great daughter and growing into a young lady but she has her moments.

    Far better than I was as a teenager…..

    Free Member

    It’s always the same issue, too many people to kill and not enough bullets…….

    Could you threaten to shoot a knuckle dragger unless he goes and through your kill list?

    Free Member

    It seems that the people who voted her government in three times don’t reside on mtb forums.

    Free Member

    Hi Ernie

    It was a difficult and painful time for the majority. Bleak times but she did what was needed for the benefit of the country.

    Free Member

    Democracy. This is me, these are the policies.

    Opinions are like arse holes everyone has one. However informed opinions are few and far between.

    She did a lot of good, she caused misery and hardship. Those were the times then and she left the country in a better place than she found it.

    Free Member

    Cheers and takes a sip of Alexander 111

    Free Member

    Sausage x 1
    Bacon x 3
    Black pudding x 1
    Poached egg x 1
    Tomato x 1
    Fried bread x 1 round

    Fresh black coffee

    Toast, butter & homemade marmalade


    Post ride breakfast

    Free Member

    Excellent news Andeh.

    That is a great first step in getting a better perspective.

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