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  • slowjo
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    Free Member


    200 lbs and 6ft 4ins

    Free Member

    what’s with the escort agency stuff?

    Free Member

    Hmmmm…nice a@@! 🙂

    Was there a bike or even a “near bike” in there anywhere?

    Free Member

    I seem to remember someone like Matt from Torq writing an article about this sort of phenomenon. As traildog and others have said, cycling is about pushing small weights lots of times, cyclists are more fir than strong etc etc and this was reflected in the awful performances put in by cyclists on shows like Superstars. There really is very little crossover between cycling and other sports.

    Overall then I wouldn’t worry particularly and just be thankful it wasn’t your 71 year old mother in law who owned you!

    Free Member

    Well I thought the old ones were the dog’s gonads so if the new ones are better…… decision made!

    Free Member

    I want it that only customers with passwords can see it.

    Free Member

    Aaaaargh! The Cycle Surgery 705 deal looks very tempting. They cal the maps “mtb” maps but I assume what they mean is it is a sort of OS lite? Is this the same Topo map you can buy for £107 elsewhere?

    Free Member

    Decimation worked for the Roman Legions so you might have a thing there bigrich! 🙂

    Free Member

    The OS thing…….if you do the install it wil ask for for a code or give you the option to call MS. Do the latter and tell them your HDD has died, you are replacing it in the same machine hence the request for a new licence. Oh yes..and as for Rudeboy and his ridiculous idea about getting a Mac…………….I hav to agree with him 110%. Best move I ever made. I have to run some windows apps so I bought a copy of VMFusion, took a picture of my HDD ad simply copied it onto the Mac. I now run OSX and XP Pro simultaneously and yes, the Mac runs windows better than the pc ever did. Life in easier now Apple have adopted the intel processor.

    The trouble is, they cost more than £150! 😯

    Free Member

    FWIW Friends Provident currently have arguably the best contract on the market…not the cheapest but there again, when have mountain bikers every wanted the cheapest anything?

    Free Member

    For my sins I am an IFA and therefore not to be trusted! 🙂

    Drop me a line on john at flowracing dot co dot uk

    I’ll see if I can answer your questions

    Free Member

    If they can get more cost effective or better labour then they are obviously going to use it. as mrmichaelwright said, you wouldn’t see them for dust if they were offered contracts somewhere warm and sandy. Why should Italians or Portuguese be any different? OK, it is neither warm nor sandy here but you get my drift!

    Free Member

    British jobs for British workers is great… is the thin end of the wedge. Think of it as the beginning of Protectionism, look at what Obama is doing with the american Steel legislation. Protectionism is a bad thing, it will make the recession a depression and look at your history books to see what could happen next. The last protectionist inspired depression was only really sorted out by 1945. I am not advocating that WW3 is on the way but politicians know that Protectionism will really mess things up so they can’t afford for this sort of thing to get a grip. It is really hard for British workers but think about it, if we shut the doors to foreign workers, we could equally see our expats sent home, our companies being refused for overseas contracts etc and as the vast majority of earnings from FTSE100 companies is derived from offshore markets then you will see how vulnerable we are….how every country is.

    As with all these things, it is not as straightforward as it seems. Sadly, it might be best to leave the status quo. I’m just glad I am not affected by it, oh yes and I feel for those guys too but as always, the “common man” is at the mercy of bigger politics.

    Free Member

    We were burgled at work a few years ago….we had iron bars set into concrete round all the windows. They simply ripped them out, smashed the window and got in that way. The coppers said if they want to get in they will, whatever you do. The best you can do is to deter the opportunist i.e. don’t leave any doors or windows open and make sure anything lockable is locked when you aren’t with it.

    Your fear about advertising the presence of tasty goods by putting a great big F off door on seems pretty well founded to me. How about keeping a rottweiler in there?

    Free Member

    what tomlevel said…..I’ve seen it done and it ain’t pretty! We had a good laugh though!

    Free Member

    It is all highly confidential so maybe the hammer method may be best but I’ll have a go at the utils method too….just for future reference.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys.

    Free Member

    Richpenny….I can beat that….the other week I was driving the last mile or so through the Elveden to Brandon Road (Thetford Forest) only to see at the last minute, a cyclist as described by you but on the wrong side of the road as well!!!

    Life’s too good for these people.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine was knocked off his motorbike (in a 30mph zone i.e. residential area) by a dog several years back.He wasn’t too damaged but his leathers were scuffed up and there was several £100s of damage done to the bike. As someone called 999 for an ambulance (it looked much worse than it actually was)the plods turned up. They interviewed the dog’s owners who said that this was the first time the dog had strayed out of the garden, let alone run in front of a vehicle. To cut to the chase, the view the police took was that as this was a "one off" the owners were not liable and there would be no case to argue that it was generally "out of control". So…tough **** as far as he was concerned. There do seem to be some parallels between the incident with your ex parrot and my mate’s canine "friend"… may get away with it but then…..what do I know?

    Free Member

    You are what you is
    New York Roxy & elsewhere
    Uncle Meat
    Filmore East
    Waka Jawaka
    Bongo Fury
    Zoot Allures
    Thing Fish

    Free Member

    I’m going to be routing it into a Mac if that makes any difference.

    Free Member


    Thanks for your help.

    Free Member

    Yes, a Marantz….somewhere in the depths of the roof.

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