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  • Move Over Chris Akrigg, Hello Leo Smith
  • slowjo
    Free Member

    I was talking to an ex army mate of mine this morning. Lucky I was on the 'phone, he was spitting blood about this. His take: if you join the army, you know what level of commitment is expected of you, if you can't live up to the commitment then the forces aren't the place for you. He also said something about her being offered a 5 year posting with child care and that, that level of accommodation was practically unheard of.

    Next thing, thy'll have their guns taken away from them cos they are dangerous!

    .. and so it went on.

    Do any other forces, ex forces peeps agree with him or was he just spouting rollocks?

    Free Member

    I've got a big pair if RRs on right now and tbh the bike rides so sweetly as it is, it would be a shame to change it. Maybe the carbon on one with rebas would be the best idea.

    Free Member

    I had to go to town to buy an external HDD today and persuaded myself that the TZ65 was a good deal. £149 but as it was a display model I talked them into another £30 off which was a bit of a result really. I so nearly went for a TZ7 or TZ8 but by the time I added an 8GB card, case etc it was beginning to get expensive.

    let's see how it does!

    Free Member

    What you are trying to say joolsbrger (I think) is that without parameters a child will become unruly and ill disciplined.Define the boundaries and stick to them and the child will begin/continue to behave like a decent person. If that is what you are saying then IMO you are 100% correct.

    Economics is irrelevant, I know lots of people who grew up in economically deprived backgrounds and they have not gone off the rails, quite the opposite, they are respectful of others without being social lemmings. Many of the worst behaved kids I know come from well funded, comfortably middle class backgrounds where money is no issue, the parents are just pants!

    Free Member

    Just shy of 200 miles last week of which 70 ish off road, but that was a good week where I had plenty of time. Usually I average 50 to 100 (sometimes more) a week in the summer months, about half that in the winter.

    Free Member

    I may be out of order here but I think not.

    Free Member

    I hate looking at pictures of Scotland….. they remind me I'm living in Suffolk! Some nice shots in there. Now where's the map? I'm going to have to start planing my next trip. Never been to the NW, mainly SW and the Borders. Looks like that is going to change! 8)

    Free Member

    Notter – it says not available for home delivery so I guess I have missed the boat. 🙁

    Free Member

    I agree about the deal, they just don't have any stock anywhere near me! 🙁

    Free Member

    I'll join the queue to be burned then. Below the neck she's fine.. above it… I was going to mention something about running in the Grand National but thought better of it! All relatively speaking of course.

    Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

    Free Member

    Ferrero Rocher – the most unappealing, tasteless confection known to man IMO. YUK!

    You could have had mine but no one gave me any! Next time they happen across my path, instead of binning them I'll send them on if you like! 😮

    Free Member

    Does that make God a loinist or an Adamist then?

    Free Member

    Boinking your sister was acceptable until Moses came along and spoiled it for us all.

    I'd guess a large amount of christians don't believe it is a word for word historically factual story tbh, I know I don't.

    I'm sure most of them don't… except those crazy creationists.

    Anyway… Moses or not… I don't fancy my sister so we'd have been sunk if I was Cain. 😯

    Free Member

    I tried to read that page but tbh I haven't read such a fabulous concoction of half truths and false logic before. If you are a rational person who happens to believe in God, surely you can accept that the Bible (particularly the Old Testament) is not to be taken as a true representation of historical events. The validity of the Christian faith is not predicated on the OT being an objective record of historical events so why maintain the fiction (and resulting idiotic arguments) that it is?

    I think they have missed the plot completely here! Twunts!

    (Paid up member of the "I don't believe" squad btw.)

    Free Member

    I suppose the thing is you have to accept that on a lightweight frame, things get bent quite easily. Had he been riding a DH monster the frame would have shrugged it off, an XC race type bike won't. Lots of tubing is coke can thin anyway so they aren't going to be that resilient.

    I'm not an engineer so I won't start wurbling on about technical stuff but as an mtb er who has damaged lots of lightweight frames, but no sturdy ones, this is my experience.

    Anyway, as mentioned above.. racing is specifically excluded.

    Steel frames on the other hand can be repaired quite easily and IME don't ding/bend/fail quite as easily. That's no help for him though.

    Free Member

    There was a bit on the Today programme where they were trying to prove Shakespeare was French.

    Free Member

    TBH I thought this rolling better thing was a load of marketing tosh until I was out riding with a mate the other week. We were both on rigid SS, he was on a 26" wheel and I was on the 29er. (He is a much better, fitter rider than I am – git!!!) We hit this section of lumpy, bumpy, sloppy, brick strewn trail. It went on for maybe half a mile. Anyway, we were chatting away and got to the next road section which took us to the next bit of trail. Anyway, it was only then I realised he wasn't there. I spotted his light maybe 2/3 down the trail. He said he just couldn't get the bike going on this sort of stuff and some of the bigger bits kept stopping him. It seems the 29 inch wheels helped no end!

    Free Member

    jon1973 – Member
    Isn't the trouble with PC's is that you're not on a level playing field when it come to the speed of peoples machines, so if you haven't got a top notch machine then you end up with lag?

    That's what I always found hence the move to a console where you are all on a level playing field.

    Free Member

    It's a bit like that John Cleese (29er), Ronnie Barker (26 inch) and Ronnie Corbett sketch (BMX)… I'm upper class and I look down on him…..etc etc.

    Of course… the penny farthing is the grand daddy of them all! God I think.

    Free Member

    You're all wrong. They ought to build the new Heathrow Terminal on it. Waste land, nowhere near Heathrow, it will bring jobs to the area….sorted!


    Free Member

    It seems some people are having problems rendering the new maps… I guess they'll fix it soon enough. Typical MS though!

    Pi$$ing little American kids off is a sport in itself!

    The thing I find limiting on the MW series is that you spend all day running around like a nutter, there's very little scope for tactical play, working in a squad for example. The only chance you seem to have of tactical play is camping and that sucks.

    Free Member

    ggrrrrrr rocketdog…… go get 'em Fido! 8)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I've got the Altura shortss. They kept me pretty dry during a wet weekend in Dalby but… I was only really comfortable with them when wearing 3/4 lengths underneath as the hems tending to chafe quite badly, especially when they got a bit gritty underneath.

    Free Member

    genesis – Member
    Thing with the FC is there is no single person responsible for trailbuilding so the policy varies from area to area. If they could get a unified policy going it would improve things no end.

    There is a unified policy and it is called OGB37. it is the application of the policy that varies. That trail looks awfully familiar. I think it came out of the same pattern book that they used at Thetford!

    Free Member

    dirtworker up each nostril for five minutes should clear you out ok! 😉

    Free Member

    xckeith1 – Member
    they give you a well deserved sense of superiority……..

    But I am naturally superior anyway, my choice of bike is just a physical manifestation of that quality! 😉 🙄

    Rigid 29er 1 x 9 is a good niche to occupy.

    Don't know about giants… is that what small people call us? :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I have just revamped my Swift for the summer.I have been unable to find a comfortable (SS) ratio on the Swift and I was becoming a little disconsolate about it all so I decided to play about with it. I have set it up as a 1×9 (still rigid) and rode it for the first time this weekend. What a revelation, the bike has been transformed, it rides as sweet as a nut, is fast, responsive and comfortable. I am sorely tempted to leave it as it is but that means I'll have to buy myself another SS. 😯

    Free Member

    Welcome to Sarcasm Central!

    Do a search and you can read all the arguments for and against.

    Are 29ers the new Marin?

    Free Member

    Thanks Finnegan, I'll have a word with her tonight.

    Free Member

    Thanks. I'll let her know if she has to go that way!

    Free Member

    +1 for JT Cycles. Jerry builds an awesome wheel. Probably the best wheel builder I know of. 01353 667627 iirc

    Free Member

    Jour de Fete – Jacques Tati. Add your own soundtrack, it works really well on a visual level. There's a couple of good biking bits in it too.

    2001 A Space Odessey

    The Wall


    Free Member

    Have you entered one man and his dog?

    Free Member

    50 next time round… how long until I become a lecherous old goat?

    Seriously, when she was 85 my grandma told me she still felt exactly as she did when she was 18, the only difference being her body didn't work quite so well now! What did they get up to in that old folks home??????

    Free Member

    Get your money back… don't deal with the guy again.

    Free Member

    Yes I am getting a stereo output. I'll look into the suggestions though and hopefully emerge with more success! 🙂

    Free Member

    Manual practice here I come then!

    I can launch off kerbs and land both wheels at the same time it is just when there is a cavern below the front wheel and the back wheel is still on the stop/drop off. All I see is me going over the bars and face planting.

    Free Member

    allthepies…. you mean we lost America? When did that happen?

    Free Member

    I have done it with a complete run of outer cabling and it seems to work ok so far. I was impatient so I bought an MRP chain device instead of buying stuff off t'interweb. Not sure I like the look of it but by all accounts it is functional. A few more tweaks and it will be on the road/mud… whatever.

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