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  • Singletrack Goes ASMR & Keeper Of The Peak heads to his Island
  • slowjo
    Free Member

    Woman the f*** up

    Free Member

    On my screen the post has appeared twice and posting in one brings it up a second time. The link doesn't work either.


    Free Member

    eek! Self replicating post!

    Free Member

    Don't know what is going on here sorry!

    Free Member

    A good bacon buttie can turn any veggie

    Sadly, that did it for me. My lodger had bacon sarnies every Saturday morning (a man of habit he was) and I would sit by the kitchen door with my cats, drooling. In the end I snapped and 14 years of veggie-dom went out the window.

    The good side of eating everything: I no longer have to lug carrier bags of food around with me (I was hungry all the time no matter how much I put away).

    There are frequently periods of several days when we don't eat meat but we will a few times a week. Ironically, I might only have a bacon sarnie once every month… if that!

    People choose to be veggies for a variety of reasons, some for very personal reasons, some for more political reasons. A lot of people chose to become veggies in the past on animal welfare grounds, however you can't change the game by not playing, so the same people might now choose instead to buy well cared for meat.

    I worked in a chicken factory as a summer job and that put me off meat big time. It certainly wasn't very pleasant.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine is big into walking and scrambling up mountains. He went round to a friend's house for lunch and they started talking about kit… shoes, waterproofs etc. The conversation came round to those plastic banana covers and the lady of the house declared that she would never buy one. She didn't care that they stopped your banana going mushy in your bag etc etc at which point their little daughter piped up:

    "Mummy, you've told a fib"

    "No i haven't"

    "Yes you have Mummy, I know you've got a purple buzzy one in the drawer next to your bed!"

    Cue : embarrassed silence and a quick change of subject.

    Free Member

    I have had no problems with mine after 6 months of riding. Having said that, the bearings on my front hub gave up the ghost a few weeks ago.

    Free Member

    Doesn't Cav spend every interview saying "Yer know"? We used to have mini bets how how many times he would say it in a post stage win during last year's TdeF.

    As for footballers… no idea.

    Free Member

    Done that! 🙂

    It was via the training menu. Now to extract it to something useful!

    Cheers guys!

    Free Member

    How do I do that? RTFM I know but as a quick fix? I have gone into history, selected the ride and the options seem to be OK and Delete, that's it!

    Free Member

    I have opened up Training Centre but can't right click on the specific ride, the only option seems to be to convert the whole of the "history" file and there's over 2 years worth of data in there. I'm on the Mac version if that helps.

    Free Member

    A child…

    …armed with a hoover, cloth and a can of back-to-black and the promise of a £5 (or other denomination you see fit)

    Qualify that…. as long as they are not a teenager.
    casr washing
    …and again

    Free Member

    I don't think anyone is denying a degree of culpability for BP konabunny but the point is, the US Gov't seems to have fixated on attacking one man right now, immediately instead of waiting for the results of a proper investigation to see what actually went so catastrophically wrong. As for liability of the main contractor or the sub contractor, that all comes down to the contractual agreement which I can only assume you are privy to.

    Free Member

    IIRC there are mid term elections due in the US pretty soon so Obama has to appear to be acting decisively.

    It does seem however, as though there is a witch hunt in place after all there always has to be a scapegoat and Mr BP is the obvious one.

    Obama's insistence on calling BP "British Petroleum" hasn't helped at all and the Senators, having scented blood, want in on the act. I don't think this is so much an American as a human reaction. Someone is to blame, let's all give the most obvious one a good kicking.

    IMO Bhopal was brushed under the carpet because money talks. USA is way more powerful than India so the failure to act was a foregone conclusion. The obvious conclusion therefore is that if you are going to have an environmental catastrophe, make sure you do it somewhere where they don't have the muscle to make you pay up. BP's mistake was having it off the shores of the USA.

    Don't forget guys, BP is 40% US owned, they are a global company and the CEO just happens to be British. He could just as easily have been American, German, Albanian, Greek or whatever. It's just business, and is as far removed from the likes of you and I than Shrek and Co over in South Africa.

    Free Member

    Thanks Matthewjb, after reading this post the boss has just ordered a Miele 😯

    It too will come with a 10 year parts and labour guarantee and that USP was what sold it for her.

    More money than the LG but hopefully (after reading some pretty poor reviews) it will be better. LG it seems are very binary, either their product works or it is pants and the after sales service is poor. Mrs slowjo wasn't prepared to take the risk.

    Free Member

    I agree with whoever agrees that sfb doesn't agree with anyone else, I think.

    RR….. tut, tut, silly boy.

    Free Member

    I did that once will. I was doing a circuit race, in the bunch winding it up on the penultimate lap, I glanced at my speedo as we approached a bend, it read 32mph a split second later my front tyre blew out and I hit the deck hard. Split my helmet in 2, cracked several ribs, lost a lot of skin but fortunately, my bike was ok… the bar tape was scuffed up but that was it. Very painful, particularly getting e grit out. Strangely enough I was able to ride home and it wasn't until I was sitting in the bath that it all really began to hurt.

    I had a major triathlon (my "target" event for that summer) in 5 days time. I didn't do very well funnily enough! Swim was slow, bike painful and the run was a shuffle in 27 degrees of heat.

    Free Member

    None…. have had one coffee in the last five years. Seeing as how I used to practically live on the stuff I was amazed that when I had one the other week, it tasted like burned water!

    Tea all the way for me.

    Free Member

    Aren't birds reacting to their own reflections wen they tap on widows?

    Free Member

    Magpies are lovely looking birds but in our eyes they are "evil". They are a very aggressive predator, like all corvids they are intelligent, resourceful and above all successful. This success is at the expense of prey species and it is pretty distressing to us. I have plenty of friends who go out of their way to erm… terminate magpies because they are a pest. I understand that beneath that shiny coat they are actually a very small bird and a single shot (airgun) invariably has a terminal effect wherever you hit them – unlike pigeons etc.

    We have just had jackdaws nesting near us and they seem to have scared the magpies off – we only ever had a few anyway.

    The fact that the RSPB accept they are a pest and can be destroyed/shot within the terms of the general licence suggests that they do have a negative impact on other birds etc.

    EDIT : Didn't really come to a conclusion did I? Kill them if you must but then you'll simply be reasserting your place at the top of the food chain, a bit like the magpie is (albeit on a different scale)

    (Oh yes, post from a non townie here btw)

    Free Member

    I have a pair of heavy duty bibs (don't know the model no I'm afraid) and have been wearing them for years and years. The zip tag has gone and the chamois isn't as comfortable as it used to be but otherwise they seem pretty bomb proof.

    I have a waterproof jacket that is ok except the zip on the back pocket fouls the storm flap and I can never get the damn thing done up when I'm wearing it. It is a magic jacket (i.e. it never rains when I have it with me) So I can forgive it its' shortcomings!

    Free Member

    Thing is… were the bikers offended? They might need an apology! They may also need counselling and compensation for the distress caused by the sight of a bare bottom and a flying puppy.

    Poor blokes!

    Free Member

    My 20th century history isn't that strong but iirc, the collapse of the Weimar Republic was almost a foregone conclusion. The Treaty of Versailles was excessively punitive and had more to do with a desire for retribution than a well thought out blueprint for continued peace. Given the slaughter of 1914-18 you can empathise to a degree but by effectively emasculating Germany as an economic power the seeds for future discontent and civil unrest were sown in 1918. All it needed was a strong and charismatic leader to emerge from the chaos of post war politics and Germans would follow. (I think the same could be said for most countries.) Had the communists won then we could have seen Germany develop as a communist state and maybe the outcome would have been just as bloody….just different.

    The fact that he was more of a thug than his counterparts and was able to gather other strong people to his cause shows that he was either a wholly charismatic leader or simply that the Germans wanted someone to lead them,… anyone and the consequences could look after themselves.

    Should history be rewritten to show him as a strong leader who had an unfortunate character flaw which lead to the holocaust? I don't think so.

    Is it realistic for us to expect people in India to empathise with our distaste for him and all he stood for? I think not, but ask them about the Japanese and you might get a different answer.

    Free Member

    Trust you to lower the tone BB! 🙄 😆

    Free Member

    That last one is a man vibrator isn't it? 😛

    Free Member

    IIRC they come with 2 years warranty and 10 years on the motor. I would be thinking therefore about doing what I always say I'd never do and that is to buy an extended warranty.

    Our last machine, a gen 1 Dyson, was uber expensive and got really heavy use – had they not been discontinued we'd have bought another.

    We have never had much luck with Bosch washing machines….. dishwashers and fridges yes but washing machines no. Strange really.

    Free Member

    Jeremy Clarkson?

    Free Member

    Im sure the likes of TJ and Ernie are also keen to understand how to make money by betting against an institution!

    Very good! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Thanks Stoner I'll look back at my notes and see where your comments tie in. I do understand a bit more now… would it be better to email you with any more questions?

    Free Member

    Tough call really. A mate of mine served in NI and he said he and his colleagues spent their days and nights on tour, in a state of permanent fear. You never know where the next bullet was coming from nor who was going to fire it.

    One of my school masters had his head blown off by the IRA. He had been in the army and also said they spent their time in what he called a "heightened state of anxiety".

    None of this condones illegal killing but it might go some way towards letting us empathise with the soldiers on the ground.

    Interestingly, Max Hastings said this morning that he refused to testify as he no longer trusted his recollection of events to be accurate. He was offered a copy of his testament to the earlier enquiry but refused again because he did not want to simply parrot his previous comments. What he did say though was maybe the paras were the wrong regiment to be deployed in that sort of situation as they did not have a history of measured response to events, indeed they were trained to react first, think later.

    I think if you mix armed soldiers and an angry mob for long enough, shit is always going to happen. I really don't know enough about events in NI to even pretend to understand but bad things happened to everyone which is why negotiated peace was the only way forward. Both sides were to blame in many ways, no one came out smelling of roses but we can't crucify the soldiers now.

    Free Member

    I need to have a basic working knowledge on what they are, who would use them, when and why. (I have an exam coming up which covers a wide range of things financial, and CDSs are completely new to me.) I have read the text time and time again but it isn't sinking in.

    Is that something you can help with?

    Free Member

    Left is best.

    I subscribe to the road riding/more practice theory but there agin, left is only best when I actually think about it!

    When I'm riding it is all the same to me.

    LOL at SFB with his complex visualisations! Last time I did one of those I went over the bars as I exited a 3 foot platform into space – I missed the exit ramp altogether. Funny thing is, having thought about it as I approached, I cleaned the bloomin' thing with aplomb!

    Free Member

    bumping this to the top again….. I hope!

    Free Member

    oops wrong forum! 😳

    Free Member

    "mmm another f***ing bug hunt!"

    Free Member

    Weird doesn't even come close!

    Free Member

    We have been NT members for ages. Apart from the fact that you get to wander round interesting properties, we often find it handy when on a long journey to break the trip by visiting NT properties for the "wees and teas" break…. far more pleasant than motorway service stations.

    Free Member

    Surf Mat – can you bring that thing round for me this weekend?

    I bet the guys who used flamethrowers in combat were petrified, one bullet in the tank and that's it, you are fried.

    Free Member

    Use the standard rigid fork and put a 2.4 on the front instead. :mrgreen:

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