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  • Singletrack World 150th Issue is coming!
  • slowjo
    Free Member

    It is a 62.

    I thought they’d be worth a go at that price, if they aren’t up to the job I’ll get something tougher and use them on my normal road bike.

    Fulcrum do a Racing 7 CX and apparently, the only difference is a better seal on the hubs. We’ll see!

    Free Member

    I like the way she unzips from the groin.

    Just like overalls so you can take a leak without taking them off though I’m not sure how that would work for women! 😯

    Free Member

    Apparently the whole student protest thing has handed the Iranians a propaganda coup, with the ambassador being called in to receive a protest about the violent suppression of students involved in peaceful protest. 🙄

    Why is it that the Conservatives are becoming synonymous with civil unrest and the Police with heavy handed over reaction?

    When I was marching as a student protestor (when Rhodes Boyson was messing about with grants etc) we marched up to the Houses of Parliament and the only trouble we got was finding a bar that had enough room for us after the demo had finished. The Police were there to keep us in line and we spent the whole day gently taking the piss out of each other. What has changed so much in society that protestors end up in a battle zone and the cops look like something out of Robocop?

    does all that make me sound old and out of touch? (I am probably both but what the hell!)

    Free Member

    Just to rub salt into the wound…… the word at the top left of the picture sort of gives it away too! 🙂

    Free Member

    It isn’t a fixie iirc, it is a freewheel/no brakes combo. 🙂

    Free Member

    Yup…. motivationless here the the coal face. I have been working my butt off for nearly month (Saturdays and Sundays included) and I have just finished a big chunk of it this morning. I believe I will be taking Wednesday and Thursday off now. On Friday I will be getting some exam results in so I’d better be in work to see what happens. Then, start revision for the next set which are in early January.

    Free Member

    Nice one guys…. the HD looks as if it will be overkill then. The 960 looks like a good compromise.

    Rubs hands together in anticipation!

    Free Member

    My in Laws had one of those BT answerphone services set up (remote jobbie, no actual machine installed). The day after it was set up, someone left a message and simultaneously. the telly died. Quick as a flash, my mother in law put 2 and 2 together and made 7, so she rang up BT and harangued them about the fact the telly had died as a direct result of their system, she cancelled it there and then and tried to get BT to buy them a replacement telly despite everyone trying to convince her it was a coincidence. This event resulted in mobiles being ejected from the house and a ban on anything internet related… just as I had persuaded Father in law to go online.


    “There is no point switching it on, because no one ever calls me”

    Sounds very familiar to me! Do they go on classes for these excuses or do they get a free excuse with every pension payment?

    Free Member

    Ah…. pants! Thanks guys!

    Free Member

    Yes, that’s it… thanks v.much! 🙂

    Free Member

    Yes, something does exist

    Eat cake for health…… you have been riding bikes too long!

    Best excuse I have heard for a long time though! 🙂

    Free Member

    ‘What cake for losing weight?’

    LOL at TSY.

    I was talking to a menopausal lady the other day who was trying to convince me that she had discovered a cake (she had to eat every day) that would reduce the effects of the menopause. Meanwhile, why the hell was she putting on weight? It must be that damn time of life thing.

    I guess it is a perennial question!

    Free Member

    No good for the turbo but don’t CRC do Kenda Small Block 8s 700×32 for a tenner each (folders)?

    Free Member

    Wasn’t one of the teams in the Tour of GB riding Cipo frames? I’ sure I saw some when I wandered round the team cars when they were in Bury St Edmunds. There were certainly some Italian bikes there that made me weak at the knees.

    Free Member

    ernie… I’m no New Labourite btw simply trying to give credit where it was due.

    Of course the moral of this story isn’t that Thatcher with her free-market neo-liberal policies was right.
    It is that New Labour was, fundamentally, no better.

    I think you are quite correct here. My idea of Labour died with Tony Benn et al and IMO the only Labour politician with a right to cal himself a Labour man is the Honourable Member for Bolsover! Dennis for King… erm….. el presidente or whatever, non leader of the british collective of democratic workers party….thing.

    Free Member

    A bit late to add I know but, iirc Brown also broke the link between interest rates and politics by making the B of E independent. This was a fairly fundamental shift which has helped us achieve the low interest rate scenario we all want so much. Can’t remember if it was under the Thatcher or Major premiership but don’t forget the 15% interest rates.

    Largely absent during the Blair and Brown years, Cameroon et al have revived the Thatcher legacy of public unrest!

    Runs for cover……… ;0)

    Free Member

    I think Labour also restored the link to proper inflation proofing on state pensions (linked to earnings, 2.5% or the RPI which ever is the highest) after Thatcher devalued it by linking it to CPI.

    I’m a bit hazy on the detail but it is far better now than it was when Thatcher was booted out.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys I’ll have a look.

    Free Member

    Fantastic! Keep ’em coming! 🙂

    Free Member

    I was in Halfords the other day, buying a puncture repair kit. Over in the workshop area the guy was hammering away at a chain set with a mallet and cold chisel. The owner was standing there quite happy. The Halfords chappie was explaining that it is the only was to get chainsets off you know…….! I had to walk away.

    Free Member

    I put ground food out (on a dangly tray thing), sunflower seeds in a feeder, water, and peanuts in two other feeders. We have a thriving colony of sparrows (50+) great tits, blue tits, willow tits, coal tits, long tailed tits, chaffinches, dunnocks, greater spoted woodpecker, green woodpeckers, collared doves, stock doves, woodies (yuk), blackbirds, robin(s) thrushes, wrens, the occasional starling, crow, pheasant, red legged partridge, field fare, moorhen, mistle thrush, gold finches but very few greenfinches any more. To top all this off, we have a semi resident sparrow hawk who uses our garden like a sushi bar.

    When I have clients round to discuss business, they spend more time watching the birds that listening to me!

    The reason we need to feed birds now is that we have destroyed a lot of their habitat.

    Don’t put your food on the floor and rats won’t get it. Hang it from trees.

    Free Member

    IIRC CRC are doing Kenda Small Block 8’s 700×32 (folders) at a tenner each. I have just got some and if I like them I’ll be buying a spare pair. Just have to finish building the bike yet though!

    Free Member

    I’ll be able to find out in a week or two when I have finished my new build. Can’t wait tbh.

    Free Member

    We’re not going to get more complicated here than simply writing letters.

    Free Member

    Got there at last…. thanks again. Open Office seems to be the way to go. 🙂

    Free Member


    almost…. as I said, it is for an elderly person and this is the best option we can come up with 🙂

    Free Member

    I have had some success on Open Office, just have to work on icon sizes and setting the default font, getting it to open on boot up then I am there.

    Free Member

    sharkbait… how do you do that?

    Free Member

    thanks all!

    You have no idea how much easier that makes my task! 🙂

    Free Member

    I recommend that you don’t watch it in Cromer.

    I’ve been to the flicks in Cromer too. it was a very old fashioned experience, not least that I couldn’t fit in the bloomin’ seats, made for midgets I reckon!

    Free Member

    Group hug peeps! 8) 😉

    Free Member

    I think Onzadog has a fair point. Maybe they could be encouraged to point out whether items are OEM products on the relevant page, or maybe even when you hit the buy button along with a summary of their warranty procedure should it fail etc etc.

    Free Member

    This year I want to get a lot of training miles in on the bike, a combination of off and on road. The typical ride might be 10 miles or so tarmac and 30 plus off road – fire roads, easy singletrack, that sort of stuff. Next year I want to do some races before I’m too old 🙂 Oh yes, I’m Suffolk based so no nasty pointy rocks etc.

    Free Member

    OK thanks.

    Free Member

    The Condemned coalition….. I break wind in their general direction, their mothers were hamsters and their fathers smelled of elderberries! (with apologies to M Python.)

    Free Member

    You realise that you are really a roadie when winter training is riding the mtb because you can’t bear to get the road bike wet!

    Not quite Iain… it is when you buy a hack (road) bike specially so you don’t get the good road bike wet! I have my good bike nicely tucked up in a heated room whereas my current ride is a fixie with mudguards.

    Free Member

    I have noticed that in the winter a lot of mtb folk migrate to the road whereas a similar number of road peeps migrate to mtbs. Obviously there isn’t a wholesale transfer of interests but enough to make me raise a metaphorical eyebrow.

    I am enjoying road riding more than mtb-ing atm, I have just got a CX bike for those days when both the road and trails beckon.

    Free Member

    I reckon they sound quite a lot like Queen.

    I have a few of their CDs… I keep hoping they won’t sound like Queen but I am always disappointed.

    Free Member

    I had a Marina Coupe once… for a few weeks, that was really ugly.

    Won’t hear a word against 2CVs or the Citroen DS but there again, I don’t know much about cars. 😳

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