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  • slowjo
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    Free Member

    I can see this thread getting all STW all of a sudden. C-G, don sackcloth and ashes, do copious amounts of penance and maybe you’ll be forgiven by next week!

    Free Member

    What cobrakai said…..+1

    Free Member

    the GF is having to dress and wait on me

    Can think of worse things! ;o)

    Free Member

    Pro Flat roofing if it is a flat roof.

    Have you asked firms like Breams, Fenners, J C E George etc?

    I had someone round to do some wotk for me last year. Really good jobn, decent price etc but I can’t find his details.

    I’ll keep looking.

    Free Member

    Brandon Brewery is it Moe? It will be fine.


    Free Member

    Burn Him!

    To me the OP reads like….he paid £279 for a turkey. 🙂 That would oe hell of a budgie!

    Free Member

    I’ll mainly be listening at home so the Grados might fit the bill. It will mean a trip to Cambridge though so I can have a listen at John Lewis.

    Free Member


    Nice spot!

    Free Member

    The first crit I did ( a town centre jobby), I thought I was fit. I was good at time trialling so had basic speed, stamina etc. I had spent months doing weekly circuit race training with the local road club. So I was ready!

    We started and rolled out around the circuit, at the start finish, the flag went down and that was it. Race over. I was out the back and despite trying my hardest to get in sight of the bunch, I never saw them again.

    Huge crowd watching so I was a bit embarrassed, having said that I got a huge cheer as I rolled in to the end.

    Free Member

    To be fair….there’s only so many stories you can tell and stopping now prevented it becoming stale.

    More importantly, the Bridge is in January!

    Free Member

    A mate of mine used to compete at a good level in air gun shooting. It seems that there are drugs for that too. He had tales of people using beta blockers to reduce adrenaline production. It seems at least one person has been stripped of Olympic medals

    The same report suggests the stuff he used has an application in golf too.

    Free Member


    Film was pants and the experience was rendered even less thrilling by the somewhat rotund gentleman sitting next to me who managed to eat all the way through the pre film advert fest, the film itself and even on his way out of the cinema and into the streets.

    How do people chomp without a break for >3 hours? Sorry, I tell a lie, he did stop eating occasionally to slurp loudly from his bucket of coke.

    Free Member

    I’m sure someone will be along to give a different side of the story soon but, on the face of it, it does seem well out of order.

    There is no excuse for dumping someone though, especially a new rider and without being sexist, a girl too. Like it or not, they do have a specific set of vulnerabilities that suggest seeing her back to the car park would have, at least, been the decent thing to do.

    Free Member

    I seem to be surrounded by people buying buying carbon mtbs…Scalpels, Flashes, Santa Cruz bouncy 29er thingys etc. Someone I know put a £150 cassette on his ‘hack bike’ (or so I am told).

    I’m getting left behind on a 1st gen Swift and a Sir9. Neither of these are bad bikes and the Niner was the recipient of (for me) a big spend but I am quite happy to run s/h on the Swift and 9 speed stuff on the Niner.

    It is easy to get sucked into the trap that you have to spend money because everyone else is. I’d like to but tbh….let’s say I was once a roadie and old habits die hard!

    Inflation adjusted, I don’t think cost has changed much over the last decade but quality certainly has…for the better.

    Free Member

    I agree about the Citroen Visa. My Mum had one, it was terrible.

    Free Member

    He’s a bookie! 😯

    Free Member

    @1 shed

    One of the most helpful things anyone ever told us was that the absence of ‘friends’ for an autistic child is the parent’s problem, not the child’s. People ‘on the spectrum’ function differently especially within a social context and the need for interaction outside of the people upon whom they rely, can be extremely limited.

    From first hand experience, it is really hard to get your head around. At the age of 22, my son has friends but he has no burning desire to see them all the time. They usually hook up once a year and he is 100% comfortable with that. I think you have to understand that seeing people for the sake of it, for company etc, is of little relevance if it doesn’t serve some function. By this, I mean ‘I want to see X because I want to tell him something special’ rather than, ‘I want to see X so we can just hang out’.

    What we discovered was that our son made constant progress towards achieving some sort of functionality within ‘our world’, but the steps were often very, very small. Keep an eye out for them with your child, they are worth their weight in gold.

    Free Member

    Look out for this thread every time I log on. :o)

    Free Member

    Just finished From the Holy Mountain for about the third time. Interestingly, he was spot on about the mess in the Middle East, predicting what would happen, who would get it in the neck etc. Highly entertaining while informative and thought provoking all at the same time.

    Free Member


    Fancy eh!?

    Got to keep my hand in you know!

    Free Member

    Another Thetford tip….roll a big gear through the whoopy bits. Apart from being more efficient, it helps you keep out of the saddle.

    IME rigid with 2.4 tyres (or similar) is best for Thetford.

    Free Member

    Have a go in the ‘wanted’ section, it seems to be the place where people post when they want something! 🙂

    Free Member

    Our village is split in two. The posh end and our bit. The posh bit has the ex City bods and retired folk. Our end of the village has 10 houses (including two farms) and that’s it.

    We have neighbours from the Smoke though. They seem to be fixated with padlocks. They put in some ‘ranch style’ fencing, about 4 foot high with wire mesh under the bottom rung to keep the bunnies out. There is a gate in the middle of the fence with a big padlock on. I asked him why he had a padlock on when you can just step over the fence….it keeps people out apparently!

    Before they ‘fully moved up’ I offered to put their bins out to save them leaving them out from Sunday evening to Thursday morning. They readily accepted but refused to give me a key so I could get in their ‘ranch style’ gates to get to the bins. I stepped over the fence and manhandled said bins over the fence for a few weeks and then gave up. They still haven’t worked out how I got into their drive (sorry – security compound!)

    Meanwhile, they have just planted an oak tree about 5 yards away from their house and 10 from ours. I offered a suggestion that it might not be wise but they were having none of it!

    Free Member

    Birgitte…..if you look at her in profile…she has a kinda long, weird nose.

    This series is much ‘softer’ than the previous two. I am missing the cut and thrust of the (political) struggles. Katrine is off her game this time round a bit too.

    Torben’s boss…a bit of a stereotype but entertaining nonetheless as a ‘bad guy’.

    Free Member

    Orange X1, a full suss Massi which fortunately only lasted a short time before I broke it and my Cotic Soul.

    The first two were just rubbish, the Cotic…just felt all wrong. I just couldn’t get it to work whatever I tried so I sold it on here many moons ago.

    Free Member

    Win 7 now on 2013 MacBook Pro…I was using an iMac (2011)

    The iMac is having issues so I will be going for a clean install once I have moved everything over to my laptop.

    Free Member


    Thanks to everyone who chipped in btw! :o)

    Free Member

    @ torsoinalake


    Free Member

    alas no……

    Free Member

    No, when I reboot Outlook doesn’t open automatically….ah I see where you are going with this.

    Meanwhile I found this:

    Outlook 2000

    Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then click OK.
    Locate the following registry key:
    If a Security registry key does not exist, create a new key. To do this, follow these steps:
    Click the following registry key:
    On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.
    Type Security, and then press ENTER.
    Right-click the Security key, click New, and then click DWORD Value.
    Type SupressNameChecks, and then press ENTER.
    On the Edit menu, click Modify.
    Type 1, and then click OK.
    On the Registry menu, click Exit.

    Could this be the answer?

    Free Member

    No…’ a dialog box is open’ etc :o(

    Free Member

    BigJohn – I am running XP via VMFusion as most of the applications I use require a Win PC. Without sounding like a fanboi, the only computer problems I ever get are on the PC side. When I can work on the Mac I do, and use OpenOffice, when I can’t it is back to the PC.

    @wwaswas great plan, there is one flaw…the absence of a newer version of Outlook.

    When I get this sorted, my OS and Office upgrades are going to be brought forward.

    Free Member


    No…..haven’t done anything out of the ordinary.

    The only progress I have made is getting the TP to accept they have caused the problem. Makes me feel a bit better but that’s about it. Can’t even shut Outlook down. Apart from Outlook, everything else works fine.

    Free Member

    I have run the root download and it is not doing anything.

    Sadly, I am my IT department, and everything else besides :o) I don’t have any special security settings, and ever had this problem before.

    I have just taken a call from one of the firms involved and they have admitted it may be something to do with their certificate (told them that at 10.30 this morning.)

    I take your point re the old software, I have planned to replace it between Christmas and New Year!

    Free Member


    Can’t do that, I have no control over Outlook at all.

    Free Member

    The cert seems valid 23/09/13 to 24/09/2014

    Can you access Exchange via a web interface and empty the trash folder that way?

    I don’t know 😳

    Free Member

    If Alex Salmond achieves independence for Scotland, will there be a film and will he be played by Mel Gibson?

    Free Member

    the more I see that Westminster is not in touch with this place and how to run it.

    I don’t think they have much idea what is going on anywhere outside London and care even less. On the local news last night Vince Cable was portrayed doing the rounds of off-shore wind farms off the East coast. He said he was shocked to hear that the turbines were not made in the UK. How astounding is that?

    Extending the Scottish independence argument on the premise that the Gov’t are out of touch could arguably be taken to the provinces. Resurrection of the Dane Law Graham? I’d vote for you!

    Free Member

    This thread is beginning to look like a Timber Old Timer’s thread so far! Hi Dave…how’s thing with you?

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