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  • Renthal Revo-F Flat Pedal Review
  • slowjo
    Free Member

    This is just strange…..

    Free Member

    Interesting concept, having a passion for an event. From an organisational pov, I wonder how that manifests itself for the riders.

    It would be interesting to hear whether riders could identify whether races they have entered have been put on by a ‘passionate’ organisational team, or one where the sole objective is relieving peeps of their ‘hard earned’.

    Maybe some form of feedback questionnaire would help organisers find out what riders really think of their events instead of finding out next year when they vote with their feet. Forms to be returned no sooner than a month after (so the endorphin buzz will have subsided). A free entry for the first form drawn out of the hat before the race.

    Silly idea really, asking punters what they want 😉

    Free Member

    @gringojimi agreed but tbh what sort of progression have you seen in any of these events? Stick a crowd in a field and let them chug round venue x for a while. Relieve them of large mounts of cash and repeat year after year. D2D for example has hardly changed since Ken Ward put the first one on back in the mists of time. I tell a lie, it is in October now and often wet and nasty whereas the old one used to be late summer and generally awesome!

    Not getting at D2D organisers here, just using it as an example of a race I have participated in on and off, since it first started.

    To summarise then: the format is no longer as fresh as it used to be. The cost is edging towards prohibitive in some cases, just expensive in others. Hardly a recipe for enduring success is it?

    Free Member

    Slight tangent here.

    A lot of the ‘endurance’ events seem to be disappearing, there are certainly fewer now than there used to be.

    Could it be that the ‘epic’ endurance race is drinking in the last chance saloon? I may be wrong but they do seem to be selling the same old, same old, year after year and tbh, it does get a little boring. Change of venue is not necessarily enough. After a few hours, one stretch of fire road/ singletrack is very much like another and chugging round in traffic for 24 hours is sort of dull.

    I don’t have any bright ideas about how to spice up the whole experience but there again, I’m not a race promoter.

    Free Member

    I have had both.

    All the root canal work I had has been solid as rock for > ten years so far. It was a real PITA while it lasted. I too had taken a dentist break and then had to spend a lot of time in the chair over six months.

    A few years ago I had a molar extracted (this one hadn’t had root canal work). I hardly notice it now while eating but two…..dunno really.

    Free Member

    Foxhall Stadium…..I can remember doing an awesome CX race there a while back. The descent was sketchy with rubbish brakes and narrow tyres, kept wanting to go back for more though.

    Free Member

    Thetford is fine but is no longer the venue it once was. While Timber have done as good a job as any small group of volunteers can be expected to do, the amount of traffic has had a negative impact on the general state of the trails and IMO the fun of riding there.

    A lot of the really good stuff has also gone thanks to harvesting etc.

    If I had the option of Thetford or Tunstall and I was driving from Ipswich. I’d probably take the latter, though this may have something to do with the fact that I don’t like riding on busy trails.

    OTOH, try both and let us know what you think!

    Free Member

    Hills are generally conspicuous by their absence…it is Suffolk and it is on the coast-ish.

    Rendlesham and Tunstall are race venues and have a decent trail network. I’d recommend getting in touch with these guys TROG[/url] as they will know the best places to ride.

    You will have to be used to pedalling a lot. None of this gravity assisted loafing round here! :o)

    Free Member

    made me very sad that there will be no more


    Free Member

    Which one looks better muddy?

    Free Member

    Windsurfing…..looks like the optimal conditions thing does for us all in the end. The trouble is, as you improve you only want windier sessions. Whereas once I was glad to get out on the water, whatever the wind (freestyle on my old -poly- Fanatic 370 when there was no wind, Lightning World Cup Race when it was force 2 to 4), it got to the stage where I only wanted to sail my short boards and then it had to be my wave board plus big wind then alas, I got bored sitting on the beach when the wind didn’t blow…or rather blow enough. I gave up. My Sunset Slalom is still in the shed…..’just in case’ I really ought to just dump it.

    Free Member

    Gardening urgh. It is guaranteed to give me back problems. So bad is it, that Mrs S has banned me from doing anything digging related, or anything that involves prolonged bending down such as weeding, planting up.

    I get to play with power tools (mower, hedge trimmers etc) and a rake! Somehow a rake doesn’t play havoc with my back. Oh yes, and I can prune trees too (as long as I am firmly planted on the ground)!

    Free Member

    I got one from yahoo email the other day. Looked convincing until you read it. The grammar was appalling. They may be improving the look of their spam but the content is still risible!

    Free Member


    Cheeky beggar!

    At least I can change a tube in less than 30 minutes 😉

    Free Member

    Interesting that fruit pastilles work for people. I may be wrong, but I was always told to avoid sugars when suffering from gastro-intestinal problems as the bacteria/virus thrive on the sugar.

    Free Member

    Just read an interesting article in the trade rags (financial stuff) that the MPC expected base rates to go up to 2.0% by 2016.

    This may have an impact on house prices.

    There again….it may just not happen.

    Free Member

    Orange X1….pants, total pants!

    Free Member

    Zoopla guesstimates again.

    It is very rare for houses near me to come onto the market. The last one was about 4 years ago – the only one to do so in the 20+ years we have been here. It is the other half of our house (a semi) but is smaller and was bought as a wreck by peeps from that London with more money than sense. They paid well over the odds and literally poured money into it (builders were on site for >12 months). Zoopla thinks their place has gone up about £30k in the last four years. Based on this, they have valued ours at a silly amount too….based on what?

    Having said that, I’d expect the house to go at a premium now :wink:. Why? Cos we are sitting on top of the only ‘hill’ for miles around. There are one or two places that are a smidge higher but I reckon 2/3 of Suffolk will have gone if we get flooded out.

    For anyone wanting to take on a massive hill climb, we are 290 feet above sea level! I need oxygen when I go upstairs. 🙄

    Free Member


    It is free too.

    Damn…beaten to it!

    Free Member

    dropbox still down :o(

    Free Member

    A mate and I had a D14/4 which we converted for trials. Lol re the drum brakes…I remember that only too well.

    I would love one but it isn’t going to happen.

    Followed the Bantam up with a AJS 250 which I did up with another friend. His brother borrowed it and stuffed it into a wall within an hour :o( He was fine, having managed to part company with it well before impact. Road rash aside, his major injury was to his street cred.

    Free Member

    Gags….then puts on sunnies!


    Free Member

    Ah yes…the Woodentops.

    Free Member

    No flooding here. I live on the top of a ‘high spot’. My Garmin tells me I am 293 feet above sea level! Must sit down….I’m getting vertigo!

    If we flood, most of Suffolk will be under water!

    Free Member

    The EA are not a bunch of numpties, as the Government like to make out (well Sandbag Pickles anyway).

    As mentioned in another thread, Gideon has taken risks with his austerity program and it has just bitten him on the bum. I understand the policy leading to lack of dredging goes back 20 years or so, so there are no innocent parties here except maybe….just maybe the EA.

    Insurance is not a right. Insurance companies are commercial operations and they assess risks based on the probability of an event occurring and recent claims history. They then reinsure the losses across the non retail market to reduce their exposure, keep costs down and generate a profit.

    If the reinsurance market looks at a raft of massive claims they are likely to increase their rates. The insurance company will pass this on to the customer. The customer can then decide whether or not to accept their terms.

    I suspect the impact (on home insurance) of these floods will be spread across the entire country to mitigate the cost to those affected by the flooding though, in don’t be surprised if people living in flood plains pay through the nose in future, or even have insurance withheld. If the risk reduces over years, companies will probably begin to offer terms once again though it may be expensive. It will probably depend on how effective flood prevention methods are at the time. If they keep failing, then insurers will not willingly expose themselves to unacceptable risks and sadly, householders will have to live with the financial consequences of living next to a river, on low lying land etc.

    (I have nothing to do with the EA or home insurance btw)

    Free Member

    I trawled that site time and time again and somehow missed that one!

    Thanks for your help. I’ll be taking it back now.

    Free Member

    Sorry. Yes I am running Win7 64 bit from bootcamp.

    Free Member

    I always find a sash clamp works a treat….tho’ they can be a bit long!

    Free Member

    I have has a Swift for a few years now. I have never had an issue with the EBB creaking or slipping FWIW.

    It took me a absolute age to get the bike set up right but once I did it became (and remains) my ‘go to’ bike. It was supposed to be a winter bike but it seems to be dragged out winter, spring, summer, autumn ad nauseum

    I love mine but ultimately, you have to expect that it will not suit everyone.

    Free Member

    I have a weakness for a sorted looking steel bike…hence the Swift and a Niner.

    Looks interesting.

    Free Member

    globalti – Member

    Yes; bottle it and sell it as spring water. Make sure you sell it at a very high price or it will taste terrible.


    Free Member

    Mainly stuck indoors on a turbo +1 but that is nothing to do with the weather.

    Had a couple of hours on the trails yesterday. No mud, no puddles, no soggy trails, just firm and damp mud. Racing Ralphs were almost overkill.

    Sunny Suffolk….that’s where it’s at!

    Free Member

    I went out for a ride (off road) yesterday and came back as clean and dry as when I left home…apart from sweat of course.

    Free Member


    There I was looking for a ‘different’ SS project (as opposed to SS-ing my Swift) and lo!

    Free Member

    I run XP via Fusion on y iMac and Win7 via Bootcamp on my MacBook Pro.

    Shop near us is selling Win 7 64 bit OEM for about £140. Got one of his last copies the other day. I did have to buy some hardware too but nothing I didn’t need.

    Anyway, both systems work fine. The only issue I have is when you use Fusion (and I am sure parallels too) you effectively only have access to half the processing power for each OS.

    Correct me if I am wrong anyone.

    Free Member

    Sort of depends on your budget really.

    Free Member

    Kids sitting round the touchline in first division games. I can remember doing this at Portman Road and rolling the ball to George Best when he wanted to take a quick throw in.

    Man U got beaten 4-1. 🙂

    Hitching lifts. Used to do that all the time, all over the country and Europe.

    Free Member

    Being battered my psychotic nuns at the age of 5 and being told I would burn in hell for eternity for something as sinful as not having a pencil.

    Ritual humiliation by teachers.

    Being beaten by teachers.

    Setting their desks up so they fell off the dais as soon as they put their books/bags on it.

    Drawing pins on chairs.

    Board dusters flying around at head height.

    As mentioned before… bike for everything.

    Being out all the time and not wanting to come in…..ever….except to feed.

    More sweets than you could eat for 6d

    My Great Uncle randomly giving me half a crown or ten bob when my folks weren’t watching.

    Catching newts in ponds

    Those tacky ‘lucky bags’ where all the sweets tasted of cardboard.

    Cranks with cotter pins – hated them!

    Bird nesting….usually pigeons

    Driving a tractor with a full load of grain down the main road at the age of 14

    Trusting coppers

    Free Member

    The Hydrogen Sonata Iain M Banks

    Couldn’t put it down for a variety of reasons. I really enjoy his Culture stuff. It is the only one I haven’t read. There won’t be any more.

    I really wanted to read it quickly so I could immerse myself in it completely but at the same time I didn’t want to read it too quickly as there will be no more.

    I succumbed, so I will simply read it again at a more leisurely pace.

    Free Member

    I’m so old skool I didn’t know this was optional. Should I sue my LBS for not telling me? 😉

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