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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • slimtubing
    Free Member

    Finished Uni in October and had a grand total of 4 days employment in my chosen profession since, am currently as a part time planner (who hasn't done any planning for 4 weeks) a part time bar man (getting hours cut because of dropping business in the pub through **** new owners business model) and a part time Enviromental scientist's gopher. couple that with 2 kids under 2 and a half and a $300K mortgage. Thank god Mrstubing is still working in a safe job she loves.
    Still its been a lovely long hot summer and Papatubing is (hopefully) flying over here in 36 hours for my grad ceremony.

    Free Member

    Got my 75 year old Dad flying over thursday for my graduation ceremony, poor bugger has waited 41 years for me to get a degree and has to fly halfway round the world to se my capping ceremony and now Iceland is buggering things up. its a mad mad mad world.

    Free Member

    Johnbot wins the thread thus far…

    Free Member

    taka Nah bro, Pine Mountain goodness 95 vintage.
    oh yeah and the helmet was corrected for in flight action :oops:

    Free Member

    Haha silly me I thought this was going to be an appeal to the generosity of STW inhabitant to offer a cup of tea and a spare bed to the thousands of stranded travellers! how naive of me :lol:

    Free Member

    Maggie Philbin.

    Free Member

    treat it as what it is, light fluffy romcom and you'll be able to allow yourself a snigger or to, get points form the misssus and keep your eye out for the saucy popstar in the bikini top.Wuff!

    Free Member

    if your in any way entangled with someone you care about Ton GTFO, no good can come of it.
    Sorry to be the bearer of tame advice but years of hard work and trust can be snuffed out in minutes like this.

    Free Member

    Col, juan beat us both to it by days, :oops: I posted an almost identical thread to yours yesterday and was swiftly directed to French boy's scoop. We really are 10 years behind in NZ eh?
    How's wellington treating you today?

    Free Member

    chillax tough guy, its the internet where misconstrued nonsense is a way of life.

    Free Member

    Result; however he better get workin' sharpish, he owes a lot of concerned friends a beer or 2.

    Free Member

    sorry about the old news post :oops:

    Free Member

    I wouldn't like to ride that, i can just see someone saying "look at that big tube"


    Free Member

    Tommy Cooper

    Free Member

    I get drunk about 4 times a year nowadays and do my best to curb that number as I'm hopeless the following day, i tend to get a bit more cheeky/ insulting and probably a bit lecherous so its no bad thing that its reduced to a quarterly occurance.

    Free Member

    by far the ugliest bike i've ever seen.

    Free Member

    He saw thru the bullshit and made a difference, he has my respect and was a big player in the history of British music. I bet he was painful to sit beside at dinner though.

    Free Member

    me and slimtubling mk1 enjoying a post ride ale.

    Free Member

    Hayley Holt Snowboard exponent

    you're welcome.

    Free Member

    I love my Coiler. That is all.

    Free Member

    not a big fan of them but Depeche Modes "108" is a great insight into the world of touring from the fans point of view. it documents the experiences of a few kids who won a chance to tour with the band and really captures how amped they are about it.

    Free Member

    A moistened bint inna flowery frock?

    Free Member

    A doctor on the student radio station in my city has on many occasions described thongs/ g-strings as nothing but bacterial highways. kinda removes the sauciness from them for me.
    Still, isn't Robert Pattinson just too dreamy?

    Free Member

    In NZ, Had the driest march in about 30 years apparently,things should be cooling down but its still mid 20s most days. still Easter this weekend so that'll guarantee 4 days of rain :)

    Free Member

    It was my understanding that a lot of the North of britain was forecast for between 20 and 40 cm of snow and its 2 days away from april, that never happened to me in the 30 odd years i lived there.

    Free Member

    I freaked out more than a few roadies by doing 80 km of the round Taupo challenge on my be-slicked Coiler. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    41 2 weeks ago, lost a stone last year by just commuting every day to uni so lighest i've been for about 6 years. Saw some pics of my school reunion held back in Dunoon and thought I've aged pretty well compared to the majority of my classmates. Under no misapprehension that i look young but I certainly don't look or feel old.

    Free Member

    Carol King too many good songs to choose just one.

    Free Member

    FatSimon's dating service; it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing!

    Free Member

    No complaints with my 17 " Coiler Deelux (the Dawg/Bears slighlty burlier big brother) I'm 5Foot 10 and possibly could have been better served with an 18 inch frame but sadly they wer'nt brought into NZ.
    It feels unbreakable and is not light but that only make for strong like bull legs ;)

    Free Member

    Finished my degree (Town Planning) in october, just in time for a massive reshuffle of Aucklands 7 city councils into 1 creating a dead stop on new recruitung.. have scored 2 days a week with a one man band consultancy and work 4 days a week in the boozer to keep a roof above our heads while my wife is on maternity leave,overdrawn, too skint to do anything but exist and keep the family housed and fed. theres worse off people everywhere but i'm having sleepless nights regardless.

    Free Member

    welded with an ugly stick.

    Free Member

    I used to listen to my dad's box tops single, and as a teeen discovered Big Star, led me onto Teenage Fanclub and a million other derivatives….

    Free Member

    Pressured by a friend to listen to Junkyard by The Birthday Party and thought it was frikkin awful, now devour anything I can by Nick Cave.

    Free Member

    felicitations from New Zealand :P

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Re Guns n roses: a melange if you will of the LA guns and Hollywood roses. Not gay in the least!

    Free Member

    Any nosebleeds from the produce from your friendly local butcher yet?

    Free Member

    knock 'em dead son, am also finding it hard to secure any work after finishing 4 years of skint studentness back in october, hope things improve for you soon.

    Free Member

    Spear of Destiny
    the levellers

Viewing 40 posts - 321 through 360 (of 879 total)