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  • Internet Rummagings | New Year, New Parts
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    And yes buying the RP6 actually ended up a more logical step. After selling off the upgrades that I had already bought for the Planar 2, plus the table itself (currently selling for more than I paid) – plus making money on the plinth swap – the RP6 will have ended up costing me something around £275 for essentially a brand new table and cartridge.

    Free Member

    Stick up a pic of the ‘mark’ on the plinth if you can? Always wondered what makes a slight second a slight second..

    Free Member

    Ok, for those who asked for a pic, here’s the RP6 finally set up:

    Had the cart finally fitted on Friday, so still running in. Loving the newfound bass retrieval and sound staging so far. Mind you, it’s not forgiving of poor quality pressings.

    Also picked up a set of Neat Mystique II’s. Despite the crappy name they sound simply brilliant. Came across them completely by chance and went to demo them based on favourable reviews. Socks knocked off by how good they sound. Punchy controlled bass and incredible clarity on vocals and guitar.
    Well chuffed.

    Free Member

    No one else with a story to tell?

    Free Member

    do feed back. And enjoy!

    Free Member


    Ton – how did you get on with the 45650b? and anyone else for that matter?

    I’m eyeing up a 20″ version of their fancy X0 build – wasnt sure if 20″ would look gateish after coming from a large Soul (26), but me likey Croc’s pic above

    Are they anywhere near as agile as a Soul?

    Free Member

    @TurneyGuy – agreed, with my current set up, accoustic guitar and voices sound spine tinglingly good, and jazz just has me gasping breaths of joy at how good it sounds. AC/DC on the other hand, gets a bit messy when they turn it up to 11.
    I’m trying to tweak and find a balance. However, I don’t think I’ve ever heard rock/metal etc sound just how it’s ‘supposed’ to on a system.

    On that note, what equipment is regarded best for playback of rock and metal? Good old NAD?

    Free Member

    It’s amazing how different peoples perceptions of what they hear differ (in a musical sense).

    It also makes me a little sad when people say they haven’t heard a quality TT set up. Through a good phono stage, with a quality source, vinyl sounds so lovely. To me, it does have an inherent warmth that is so often spoken of, but also, when I sit back and pick out all of the subtle details hidden deep in the groove, I’m genuinely amazed that a plastic disc with a needle being dragged through it can sound quite so brilliant.

    I should add that I have a very limited understanding of sound quality and these are only observations based on my ear. Vinyl can never be accused of being a convenient source, and I’m sure a fairly large percentage of enjoyment for most listeners of vinyl is it’s nostalgic and tactile nature.

    Free Member

    Jools – until there’s a sea change in ease of transfer from CD to equivalent quality streaming – I’ll always turn to my (fairly substantial) CD collection for a fix.
    Plus, CD’s are available in abundance and super cheap, and can actually be interesting to collect different mixes and releases from through the years and listen to the changes.

    I may of course change my mind, but I don’t see me dropping my CD-63 for many years. Probably as I’m a lazy arse though, and I can’t be bothered with all the new acronyms!

    Free Member

    @coolhandluke – 100% agree, the P25 is so much better looking than others of that ilk. Although, the picture frame versions still seem very popular!
    Have you seen the current listed P5.. He’s carried out some interesting ‘mods’ of his own.

    I would love to know what the rewire on your arm actually translates to in terms of performance. Almost certainly not a £400 improvement leap (in relative terms). But it must sound better than standard, right? Other than adjustability, that’s the thing I like about my new RB301, the phono lead is much more substantial and has a real quality feel over my old RB250 jobbie.
    May make sod all difference to output but makes me feel good anyway!

    Free Member

    Will do, currently awaiting sourcing of ‘sticky pad’ in order to mount motor in green plinth.

    Didn’t you already have the arm waiting to go on the P25? I agree, not such a bargain if sourcing everything separately (although much prefer look of P25 to the P5 and 7), but if switchinghg bits over then a nice upgrade in sound and aesthetics for £200

    Free Member

    P25 looks ace, I’m slightly envious. That was a really good deal, the RB300 must sound superb on it.
    If I didn’t have to splash out on an additional TT-PSU I would’ve snapped that plinth up.
    As it is the deal I got on the P6 was too good to miss.
    Happy days all round

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, and then there were these..

    Free Member

    “I like budget giant slaying equipment” he says..

    Never believe a word I say.
    This months mortgage payment blown (and then some)

    Earlier comments were right. Spend a bit more on a better TT rather than upgrade old one. I reckon this lot will end up costing me no more than £200 once I’ve sold my now redundant TT and bits off.
    And I have my dream TT.

    Couldn’t believe it when I got home with the RP6 and found my fave colour plinth listed at half what I was going to pay. It’s like I was meant to buy it..

    Free Member

    Great layman review of that squeezebox of tricks here.
    Clears things up no end for me :-/

    I know it’s one subjective review , but makes me happy not to give up my CD player just yet.

    I have also seen great reviews of the Rega DAC.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the answer BC.
    In short, I listen every day, for between 2 and 8 hours. The TV barely gets a look in anymore.

    Where does 24bit come in to this? I keep spotting reference to sound quality that surpasses CD.. Is this 24bit?

    I will hit Richer Sounds with my ignorance at some point soon, just waiting for a quiet period as I know I’ll be taking up a fair amount of their time 🙂

    Free Member

    Now that looks cool.

    I live the idea of streaming high q files. I’m just not sure I can do it without spending a small fortune, sounds like lots of devices needed to get end result with benefits over CD

    Free Member

    I am sure a host of more knowledgeable people will be along shortly to provide more detailed advice / observations.

    my god, if that’s the dumbed down version then i’m doomed.

    Where is the best place for idiots to learn all about DAC / NAS etc? Until last week I had no idea what DAC even stood for..

    I’m lead to believe the sound quality surpasses CD – and there is a considerable convenience factor to consider when set-up correctly. I just don’t know where to begin.

    I like the look (and probably the sound) of the REGA DAC for example. I was thinking about looking into one of these as an addition to my Hi-Fi – and a way to play my CD library once successfully ripped in high format.
    where does one access 24-bit files? what’s the associated cost? am I too old and curmudgeonly for all this? would a CD collection not easily suffice, or do I need to embrace DAC/24 bit for all its benefits?

    Free Member

    Question – what’s the best source for a quality DAC other than a PC?..

    I’m interested in going a DAC route, but don’t want to use a PC/laptop as the interface.
    Ideally i’d use a tablet or similar to create playlists etc, and access files via a portable hardrive.
    Is this a common set-up and easily achievable? What software is required?

    (oops, that’s 3 questions)

    What i’m getting at is (having never used or seen a DAC system set-up) I don’t understand how you categorise your music – review it – add to it – and stream it – unless you’re logged into a PC with a Media Player type program running.

    Free Member

    You’ll love this guys.

    A man of my virtues.. I only went and bought the RP6 mentioned earlier in the thread..
    ”rolling eyes emoticon”

    I carried out the upgrades on my trusty Planar 2, and after settling in the sub-platter has given me a better soundstage and much better lower and higher frequncy response – bordering on astonishing.
    I cant fit the twin belt arrangement, as when I do the suspended nature of my Planar motor means there is too much torque provided by both belts and the motor wobbles – visibly. Which in turns results in wow and flutter on playback.
    new 24v motor? new isolated motor mount, plus new TT-PSU? or for just a few more pennies.. a new Rp6 with even more theoretical performance to be gained (with TT-PSU included)

    I viewed the RP6, it looked simply marvelous, so the Planar 2 sell-off begins.

    What the hell. I can’t wait to spin some vinyl on it.

    Free Member

    Back to rub it in!

    Free Member

    Santas visited early

    Free Member

    sounds fun to me. feel the need to make a batch now!

    Free Member

    i’d love to have a go at making some one day.
    did you make any from mixing the apples? most supermarket stuff is a blend, giving more uniformity.
    I’d hazard a guess that your single apple varieties has a distinct individual flavour!

    Free Member

    I went on a cider mission a couple years ago and tried around 60 varieties in relatively quick succession – with a mate – we concluded that anything aged in oak barrels almost always has a better flavour than those which are not (check the label).

    I concur that Westons and Thatchers generally produce good flavours. Aspall too have a couple of winners, although we both thought their organic version tasted awful! (our least favourite)

    Too many sulfites tends to make the batch too acidic/bitter on the aftertaste.

    Bulmers released a 2012 white labelled ‘Vintage Reserve’ (No.18) which was bloody lovely. Crisp, and bittersweet with a fine fizz. Haven’t seen any in the shops for a year now but still live in hope, would love to find a hidden batch somewhere.

    If the craving comes, I usually pick up Thatchers Vintage or Gold, Aspall Vintage, or Henry Westons Vintage.

    In fact, i’m off out to the corner shop..

    Free Member

    Atacama Moseca 7 in white. Love the look, reviews are great. Will probably last me 20 years!

    Free Member

    nice one Rusty Spanner. Glad I could be of service 🙂

    i’ve had my stereo on pretty much non-stop for last three days. TV is dead to me now (although i nearly bought one of those Maplin DAC’s yesterday to get my TV signal to the amp – but plumped for a £10 jobbie on ebay instead)

    Free Member

    Speaker stands ordered today!

    Folks, I’ve been offered a Rega DAC for a good price. I literally know next to nothing about these devices, other than this Rega unit has some blinding reviews, plus I’m constantly being told I need a DAC.
    My idea is to store my entire CD collection in a lossless format, plus any downloads on a hard drive, and interrogate this via a tablet of some description, creating playlists to send to DAC.
    Therefore I think the Rega fits the bill – but is it overkill ?
    I like the idea of pairing it with my Rega TT, plus it seems to have plenty of I/O so compatibility with ether my old school marrantz amp or Cambridge Audio amp should be fine.

    Free Member

    Here you go fellas, result of the days tinkering. In the limited space in have available I’m happy with the positioning now.
    Speakers will be brought forward on stands in the coming weeks, then I’ll be pimping the turntable with some of Mr Lims finest.
    Stand mounted TT is sounding lovely already. Much more distinct bass notes, and stereo imaging improved. Even the Mrs is enjoying a bit of Robert Plant and sensational shape shifters with me.

    Free Member

    i read an interesting thread this afternoon on ‘proper’ use of spikes.
    to say its swayed my original understanding is an understatement.

    sorry if not allowed to link here, please delete if so.

    Free Member

    yes, I spotted those stands a couple days ago and am considering them.

    Have heart set on a set of Atacama’s in white though – which from a purely aesthetic point of view will blend into the background alot easier.

    Building up couage to stick the Rega wall bracket up this afternoon..

    Free Member

    Juju, can you explain what you mean by different energy being transferred please?
    I thought the granite would make a decent isolation block and prevent low frequencies travelling down and Into the wood.
    Playback was definitely improved so they must be doing something right?..

    Free Member

    Woah tigers!!

    Maybe I should have explained better..
    Yes my set up is far from ideal (still sounds pretty good to be fair), but I have a wall bracket for the TT, and speaker stands in the pipe line. I only moved in a few weeks ago so haven’t had a chance to get it all set up optimally yet.
    I won’t dare add another pic till I do 🙂

    Interestingly, (well, to me anyway) there is still a surprising amount of energy present in the wooden shelves. Upon touch you can still quite easily feel low frequencies doing their thing, although to a lesser extent than before I added the granite. I assumed that with granite that thick that there would more isolation. Surprising how much energy the speakers must be kicking out.
    So, speakers will be seperated and on stands. Turntable will be isolated on external wall. Unfortunately I don’t have much opportunity to relocate the seperates to a dedicated rack, only onto a narrower shelf. I’m considering having some acrylic (or some other material) shelves custom made to take their place in the modular stand (the shelves are joined to the stand via metal rod type brackets which could fit into similarly cut acrylic).
    Thoughts on this idea?

    Free Member

    Says Union Jack version on first post.

    After wanting to try them out for god knows how long, I finally installed some granite plinths today! First real upgrade for this system fitted.
    First impressions, after amp warmed up there’s certainly a little more punch to the bass on Dylan’s Pat Garrett soundtrack (vinyl), I’m also picking up more distinct separation (lovely!) and crisper twangs to the fabulous guitar string plucking. So far so good 🙂
    Bass is generally better controlled.
    Tom Waits Closing Time (CD) never sounded so smokey bar real.

    Free Member

    Ah yes, spotted that.. It’s, awful, isn’t it.
    However, it’s a cracking price. I’d be tempted to buy a replacement plinth into favourite colour (green!) for £175 ish and then try and flog the Union Jack for anything over £100..

    Free Member

    more good advice, thanks guys.

    Jules – im particularly enjoying following your links. Im also intigued by the P9 for £450! where was it listed?.. I cant spot it..

    Sitting here devouring pages of hi-fi info whilst listening to Dream River by Bill Callahan, so darn relaxing. Great mix too.

    Free Member

    I’ve been loving vinyl engine the last 24hrs.

    Have new silicone belt fitted this afternoon, also have a ‘vibration jacket’ to fit over the motor this evening. Dubious, but worth a punt at the price!

    Thinking of ordering a ceramic bearing for the new sub platter – any observations here guys?
    Well actually, maybe two, the other for the thrust bearing I’m going to fit

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone would disagree with you, it’s all down to personal circumstances and budget

    Free Member

    Do report back and tell us! I’m intrigued 🙂

    Free Member

    Have you timed your TT speed? I wonder if the bluetack slowed it a little? (sometimes prefereable)

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