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  • Mountain Bike Hip Pack Buyers Guide – Kit Essentials
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Does that mean all wild pythons are receiving counselling?
    Did the python that gave this statement have permission to speak for all of his kind?

    Free Member

    I thought that was the point of UST over tubeless ready? UST is a sealed rim, is it not?

    Free Member

    I spotted the ‘ends 4th jan’ statement on initial 20% offer too, seems the code is indeed invalid now. Won’t be buying a frame/bike till they offer 20% discount again!

    Free Member

    teeny weenie enclosure you speak of

    I don’t remember saying any such thing, but wouldn’t any ‘enclosure’ by pure definition, be smaller than their natural environment?
    Even a vivarium etc as large as a dining room is essentially a miniscule environment compared to their true habitat.

    I beg to differ regarding mindsets – indeed – I used to keep animals in captivity, so would argue that I have the open mind whereas you, Hadge, are unwilling to consider an alternative point of view, or even read another opinion properly.

    Free Member

    New stuff, Alt-J – both albums, The National – all recent albums, Future Islands – Singles, Arcade Fire – Reflektor (leads back nicely to Funeral/Suburbs/Neon Bible)

    Dream River by Bill Callahan is my top tip for late night CTFU zoning. It’s a magic 40mins. First time I heard it was at midnight just as I was starting to nod off, it was one of those eureka moments of perfection.

    Read up on the album afterwards and it was apparently intended to be a late night playback album, for drinking and nodding off to. Vindicated!

    Free Member

    Been chewing over a fat bike all day. Seems right, it’s xmas

    Free Member

    Haha! The voice of reason

    Free Member

    Simple fact is that the reptiles have no choice.

    Other factors, they frequently attempt escape. This is their natural instinct. Most owners on here will likely admit to requirement to keep their enclosures very secure. They would also quickly die without close attention to environment.

    I draw the line at the the fact they are creatures deserving of a completely natural environment. You possibly(?) draw the line at ‘they are creatures’ , ie, it doesn’t matter – I can do what I want because I am higher up the animal kingdom.
    It’s just a different state of mind.

    Free Member

    Why do people pick on snakes and not cats, dogs gerbils etc.

    IMO they are just as alien in a home environment, as said earlier in the thread, with an argument to perhaps be made for domesticated cats/dogs. Gerbils, hamsters etc kept in tiny cages is a completely bizarre practice to me.

    Not a PETA member, just empathetic I suppose. I truly understand that snakes are attractive to look at. In fact, I have a particular fondness towards lizards, love the bloody things. But they belong in a hot climate – free to roam. I am not the master of their destiny.
    No-one seemed to pick up on the dolphin analogy I see.

    Hadge – thanks for you character description. You see, the thing about a forum is that it’s open to opinions. Usually there are differences of opinion. As you can see by actually reading my comments, I disagree with the practice you enjoy but appreciate careful ownership – and indeed I appreciate the creatures. My different opinion seems to have offended you, possibly as I have touched a nerve too close for comfort. Sorry about that Sugar.

    CountZero, I’ve worked with reptiles, I’ve been around reptile owners. I’ve kept animals. What else do I need to know to have an opinion that counts?
    This boils down to people who want to do something, imposing a mindset that allows them to do that thing guilt free. If you really sat down and thought about the beauty of nature and the bigger picture, you’d probably start to question the reasoning behind keeping exotic creatures in captivity – and how it boils down to wants, rather than needs.

    I have no beef with you guys, I just don’t really agree with something you get kicks out of.

    Free Member

    Metalheart – we are musical kindred spirits. We became brothers at Dream River

    Kerb dog – Siamese Dream is a great shout

    I’d like to add another shout for Exile on Main Street

    Beck – Sea Change, Mellow Gold, Odelay

    Ryan Adams – Heartbreaker

    The National – Boxer

    Too many by Mr Zimmerman to list

    Flaming Lips – Soft Bulletin

    Could go on, love this game

    Free Member

    Watched it a few hours ago and have been mulling it over. Really enjoyed it, but wondering how low my expectations were after ep1/2/3.
    First half had the better scenes IMO, better landscaping and character building, but I think I have more grumbles than positives..

    The star killer planet thing, for whatever reason, wasn’t terrifying or even interesting.. I couldn’t wait for them to blow the bloody thing up.
    Kylo, way too inconsistent. Shoulda left the helmet on methinks.
    Leia, rubbish
    Soundtrack, no advance on original I could spot.
    Chinese lizard woman thing, wtf? Was like an Incredibles character.
    Poe, was a great character sorely underused.
    The shiny female storm trooper, again massively underused.
    The whole rehash of Death Star scenario was completely underwhelming, and way too easy to destroy.
    Why didn’t they just take the chip out of BB8 and send it somewhere else?
    Snork – too Prometheus’esque, and too CGI’d
    Rey – single handedly defeated the baddest exponent of the dark side with her first fondle of a light sabre – bit much?

    On the other hand, when Rey flipped the falcon to shoot the tie fighter.. That was awesome.
    Rey, Poe and Fyn seem worthy additions.
    Great to see Luke back
    Proper gutted when Han took one for the team, like, I’m still in denial – trying to work out a way for him to have survived.
    New canteena scene was cool
    X-wings were cool

    Overall, looking forward to more of the same but really surprised that JJ seemed to have edited a few basic mistakes into the mix, IMO

    Did anyone else think of cable actuated disc brakes during the film?

    Free Member

    Case, rested

    Free Member

    Hadge – whatever you say will never convince me that a heated box in Luton or Grimsby is a ‘natural environment’ for any snake. (Or any other creature for that matter)

    Snakes have absolutely no desire to be kept warm in someone’s living room. How often they try/succeed in escaping is testament to this alone. It’s a completely unnatural arrangement, there’s no way it can be said to be so despite how expensive your enclosure is. Yes they may live a long time in captivity, so do humans in prison.
    I would extend your interest to, say, a lion. Or perhaps a dolphin. Would you be happy for me to keep a dolphin in complete isolation in a tank in my garden? A big tank no less, with great filtration and heated to the right temperature etc. Just because I find dolphins interesting?

    Snakes do NOT require large enclosures at all. They are mostly ambush predators and being coiled up in a “small box” that is heated in a controlled manner is perfectly fine, in no way cruel to them.

    – of course, that is pure opinion – and one in which the snake has no chance to disagree. Unless it tries to escape..

    Morbid food source – I worked in a large pet shop when I was 16. I sold countless frozen rats and chicks to snake owners. Frozen whilst alive, of which I am almost certain – as I frequently saw freshly born rat pups in the frozen bags.

    I am completely comfortable with my opinions and have had friends that kept snakes, plus been around snakes. If that is talking shit then so be it – my conscious is clear, which it wouldn’t be if I kept an exotic animal in captivity.

    Dannybgoode – I appreciate the difference in opinion, which is all this merely is. You clearly care for your animals which is the main thing.

    Free Member

    I’m with Loddrick, can’t see why you’d want to take any ‘exotic’ creature out of its natural environment and keep it in a cramped glass cage. Without a heat source it would probably die too. They also require morbid food sources.
    That goes for gerbils, rats, fish, etc. All completely unnaturally couped up in cages, going completely against their natural instincts.
    There’s an argument to be had for dogs as they’ve been bred in close captivity for thousands of years – plus have the character traits mentioned earlier, cats are charming at times but I’m not a huge fan as I don’t like to see the local bird populations decimated for kicks.
    I used to avidly keep fish and am still fascinated by them, but rather than all the expense and time keeping them safe in a micro-environment I struggled to justify their captivity after a few years. A bit like a bird in a cage, it’s just plain wrong to deny its flight.
    Snakes look good, but just not in a box. seems a hark back to Victorian fascination with controlling the natural world to me. Plus for every snake/creature owned, dozens/hundreds are likely to have died in terrible conditions being smuggled in order to feed this strange fascination.

    Free Member

    Can someone please insert that male shower scene/movie image joke here for Ernie?

    Closest to funny I seen boss

    Free Member

    Money is arbitrary in the grand scheme of things. We should explore – because we can.

    Free Member

    Flat desert stages may not require so much braking force. heck, let’s ditch brakes altogether for these events. Seeing as roadies can corner so well they can probably just carry their inertia.

    Dave, I’ll bookmark this thread and come back in 3 or 4 years to see if everyone in the world is using the wrong brakes, or not

    Free Member

    Double for a good verity. Single is 100% fine too

    Free Member

    Simple fact is the exact same conversations were taking place when cantis became v’s and when v’s became discs.
    In several years canti shod road bikes will look old hat. Which is fine if you stoically refuse to move with convention and stick with them.
    Everyone else will be on discs and they will look completely ‘normal’. There’s no right or wrong, it’ll just be about the norm – and that will be based on all round performance

    Free Member

    B R, “being” ! Come on man

    Free Member

    My 2p worth – when was the last time your foot slipped off the clutch?

    Sound like bollox to me, he most likely wasn’t willing to admit lack of due care/attention – if he’s already told a porker whilst under pressure then be prepared for more surprises. As above, I’d make sure you report the incident to get it on record

    Free Member

    It’d be easier if people just learnt how to ride their bikes properly; that’d be progress and wouldn’t require new brakes

    Except, bikes that ride notably better are a) nicer to ride b) nicer to own

    It’s only natural to want to put ones money in camp a & b

    I can continue working on becoming a better rider in the meantime.

    Every time MTB’ing progressed over the last couple of decades there was a huge uprising of ‘if it ain’t broke’. I sat in the old school camp for years before eventually trying out a modern bike. It was night and day. I no longer turn my nose up at innovation. Disc wheels are better in practicality as well as aesthetics. Disc brakes are more effeicient when you really need them to be. No brainier

    Free Member

    Hanging on for a year or two myself before splashing on fancy Ti or steel custom build with discs.

    Discs will become the norm and will work better, weight will be negligible. I’m firmly in the progress camp

    Free Member

    I hate getting older

    Free Member

    Large raw 45650b frame up for grabs. They do look the biz, always loved raw frames

    Free Member

    Breeder will still likely charge north of £1k. Great looking little things but breathing difficulties common, plus many are forced to be born via c-section as skulls are too large for mothers birth canal.

    Completely unnatural in these respects and therefore should not be bred in my humble opinion.

    Was your previous breed a collie by any chance? Natuarally possessive and readily bonds with dominant family member. There’s absolutely no guarantee that any puppy you purchase will turn out any different to your previous dog. It has to be best to rescue a poor homeless mutt than pay a breeder hand over fist, surely?

    If adamant on puppy, look at Boston Terriers. Hard to tell apart from frenchies to the untrained eye, yet much more sprightly and exercise able. Notoriously stubborn to house train though, apparently.

    Free Member

    Same can be said for most of the south east, imo.

    I disagree, many areas around the North and South Downs are superb, including for riding. And if you pick your location carefully, then traffic needent be an issue either.

    Dorking was best area I ever lived and had to move away for reasons out of my control unfortunately, I’ve now manged to re-settle in the South Downs area and again the riding is really good – plus traffic is nothing like M25 commuter belt area if you stay away from fringe of Brighton particularly.

    No-one around you for miles often during local hill top walks and rides, quaint little historical villages dotted around and panoramic views of the downs and South Coast. Its a lovely place.

    Free Member

    so in the end we decided to be fair to everyone and not have one at all.

    I’m really uncomfortable with this. But I don’t really want to put my huge foot into it.. oh what the hell..Is it not unfair to those whom celebrate Christmas as a long standing UK cultural event?

    Free Member

    Pep has a dubious history as a drugs cheat – couldnt care less to see him in the Prem

    Mourinho is certainly value for money in terms of entertaiment (off the pitch), but has serious character flaws – I lost all respect for him after his dispicable eye gouging affair.
    At United (with whom he was rejected previously) he would probably instill more of the LVG style hum-drum and the fans would struggle with that. Then he’d most probably lose the dressing room.

    I find it completely soul destroying that the only reason people can confidently mention managers like Pep coming in mid-contract is purely down to oil money. Nothing else, just huge vast sums of throw away money.

    I would sincerely love to see these cash sums being ploughed into local talent. I know its become a cliche, but the soul has completely gone in the Prem. It’s a horrid spectacle on many levels.

    Free Member

    Don’t we do less of everything as we get older?

    Apart from aching (potentially preventing us riding), and whinging.

    Hang on a minute, not riding bikes, whinging a lot – that’s most STW users!

    This poll means nuthin.

    Free Member

    ”great condition apart from dent the size of Oregon on the down tube, which hasn’t affected the ride in all the times i’ve not ridden it”

    ”£3000 for this bike that I can’t be arsed to link a picture to nor tell you what size it is. Just give me your £3000.”

    Free Member

    NS Eccentric – surprised it hasn’t come up once yet, looks fab in black too.

    Free Member

    A little bit concerned for Mr Solo after seeing this:


    He seems either out of box on Wook’E’s or possibly has a brain issue of some description. Hopefully he just sipped on a few too many bucks-fizz at the pre-show cantina but i’m not convinced alcohol was the culprit.
    Another interview further up the page also rasied my suspicions.

    Free Member

    Amazing footage, awful write-up though?.. Slightly incoherent

    Free Member

    alas, plasterboard is freshly plastered and painted. I do however have photos of bathroom progress, which show the other side of stud wall during installation – and therefore relative stud positions. Should be straightforward to transfer them to other side of wall.

    Unfortunately, I fear valve is bang in line with where i’d be intending to fit a baton. So, a metal leg may be called for on one side of lower shelf. Not necessarily a bad thing as waste connection and water feeds are located down in that corner of cupboard.

    IA – I almost certainly am over-thinking it. I have seen and considered those stacking units. However, I want to make maximum possible use of available space hence shelving idea. I may even be able to squeeze in a slimline 150mm kitchen unit on drier shelf level – for housing all those washing related things.

    Essentially, I want any future prospective house-wife/husband purchaser of my property to open the cupboard door and instantly say:
    ”wow! the utility cupboard of my dreams! they have thought of everything – hunny, let’s buy this place for full asking price NOW!”

    A nice by-product of said perfect utility cupboard – Mrs Slim has a happier experience whilst tending my undies.

    Free Member


    How short from the front edge of the work surface could I feasibly run the baton, in order to go stealth? Several inches?

    Free Member

    Bastards ate the toffee apple

    Free Member

    SRAM Roam 30’s

    I also happen to have an unused pair I can sell to you for much cheapness

    Free Member

    Ok… Exposure Diablo and, erm, a toffee apple?..

    Free Member

    Seaview is a lovely little place, built around Victorian origins, with plenty of secluded billiard table flat beaches a short walk through the trees (eastwards), great for beach cricket and bbqs!

    A couple of great restaurants too. No kiddie attractions as such that I’m aware of but IMO the beaches and the lack of oiks is the draw.

    Every year I’ve visited the IOW festival we’ve stayed here during the day and hired a shuttle taxi for runs to and from the festival.

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