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  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Slimjim …you want to kill people to upset Binners?

    You misread (again). I want to kill people in order to kill binners.
    A necessary evil. Their sacrifice will not be forgotten

    Free Member

    Man, reading through the rest of this thread is just depressing.
    I’m starting to think that further cuts to the disabled are absolutely necessary if only to serve to piss off binners to a point where his head actually explodes.

    I thought they told us they were the safe bet and labour would mess things

    Stop for one minute to imagine where we could be if labour had continued to run the figures. I’m certain of nothing in politics other than being convinced that labour budgeting is suicide.

    Free Member

    economically questionable and politically idiotic

    Finally, something I can agree with.

    Sounds like a u-turn on the cuts is in the pipeline now though?

    Free Member

    Sounds like a fact badnews – source?

    Free Member

    You accuse other people of being nasty but the number of mean-spirited, judgmental assumptions just in that little bit is quite astonishing.

    I was stating what my interpretation of another persons statement was.

    According to a doc, there is no such thing as executive stress

    I’m no doc, but I do know how easy it is to be signed off from work with stress! Some people crack up at work and need serious help and support – many many others use their GP and position as a meal ticket. For example.
    To suggest otherwise is just niaive.

    Anyway, Im not here to decipher other peoples lack of reading skill – nor explain how some people, may just possibly abuse benefit systems.

    I would probably be interested in a discussion on how to best go about ommiting the genuine scroungers from the welfare state without hitting the genuine claimants though. Because from what I can tell on here, the general concensus is to just keep increasing the budget at all costs.
    Maybe that is possible and maybe we should. Sounds expensive though.

    Thestabiliser – when you read a story like yours it does put it all into perspective, my best wishes to your folks.

    Free Member

    Granted – i think that particular line was particularly badly worded.

    I ‘think’, or at least my initial interpretation was that there are many claimants suffering side effects of alcoholism, diabetes, smoking, drug abuse etc etc – that have made essentially poor lifestyle choices that could have been avoided. And we should perhaps make the distiction clearer between those possibly abusing the benefit system (too stressed to work?) and those genuinely in need.

    as he did say – the lines drawn are a very grey area.

    I and clearly many people engaging on this thread, knows one or many disabled people directly exposed to the brunt of the cuts in question.

    If the cuts do go ahead – I would be gutted to see further suffering to the genuine needy. The points scoring system, I would imagine, was an attempt at making a fair assessment of someones physical ability in relation to thier disability.
    Perhaps the end result of the scoring system is way off the mark.

    Free Member

    And sorry stumpyjon if you think it’s ‘bullying’ but some people feel passionately about things like thousands of disabled people having their lives made significantly more difficult while giving tax cuts to the wealthy.

    I think you are (perhaps purposely?) missing stumpyjon’s point – which was to state that such aggressive overtones in your argument do nothing to bridge the perceived gap.
    It is important to take on board and consider other policital viewpoints – not hold on to an ideaology and vehemently defend it. It all boils to to subjectiveness.
    On paper, I mean, literally writing ‘tories take from the poor and give to their rich friends’ – Yes, that would suggest disgust is required.
    However, the reality of what is written is quite probably something else. I would imagine that the angriest responders are probably not willing to consider this though.

    If you want things to change at the next election engaging with people is more likely to get them to change than haranguing them for their selfish view point.

    This sums it up fairly well.

    I would honestly say that having been a pretty constant member of STW for the last few years I have read with interest many general threads and many political threads and as a result I honestly do feel slightly more rounded in my views, which is a good thing(?). Heck, I changed my vote for the first time in my life at the last general election!.

    However, there does seem to be an extremely aggressive overtone that spills over anytime someone suggests support for a view that may challenge the left.
    Fair enough, you are passionate about your views – but without the engagement mentioned above you are just likely to keep adding to this silent majority. Stumpyjon made some good points but instead you seem to want to riducule him – I don’t think that is a balanced approach.

    Free Member

    anyone ever come to the logical conclusion that what the world actually needs right now is a zombie apocalypse?

    Free Member

    It’s a prerequisite

    Free Member

    Kraftwerk 3D – Autobahn, Oslo, August.

    Free Member

    So far it seems quite telling that most arguments are based on the disability cuts, but with seemingly little to back up exactly what is being cut.

    Pay more tax then.

    Perhaps the best compromise in the long term

    Free Member

    the young man with no qualifications and mental health issues aren’t waiting for some cool new startup job to come along and lure them from their daytime TV…

    Not according to the news report I watched last night, as said young man coninued to thrive with his new funded mobile coffee cart. He was completely made up.
    Granted, we only need so much coffee. But still, was good to see.

    Free Member

    peteimpreza – the cuts are based on a sliding scale are they not?

    My impression is that they are not cutting any benefits for those that genuinely struggle with basic needs (like those mentioned eariler), but those that are able to look after themselves pretty much in full capacity will recieve less.
    Thus, I suppose, there may also be an intention is to root out fraudulant claimants.
    Still, I would agree that it seems strange fo them to continue to strip welfare when in the face of the public it appears so damaging.

    All so they can give more money to people they think will vote for them

    As opposed to creating a vast sea of public pencil pushing jobs in the name of jobs for the people? Still at least we would then get tax money from the public sector jobs.. created with.. public money..
    Wait a minute..

    Free Member

    The disabled who can’t wash themselves or use the toilet

    So we are in agreement, it’s the most physically disabled that have seen the cuts – not the less?

    Or is it actually vice-versa, based on a score-rating?

    Free Member

    re poster, puh-leez..
    As above, we need to think longer term as a society.

    RE ninfan – sounds logical – is it a cover-up/hoax? should I be really angry?

    Free Member

    Hopefully see you there CountZero.

    If we gets tickets we will be having our ritual pre-gig falaffel and the joint across the road from Roundhouse.

    Free Member

    There is no cover up , they are quite open about cutting benefits to the most vulnerable people in our country .

    But I think that need to be backed up with more facts rather than the most commonly spoken statement.

    My personal angle is that I simply refuse to accept that Cameron et al gather in the cabinet, sat on comfy chairs made from piles of cash and resting their weary feet on the backs of hunched immigrants – rubbing their hands in glee at their latest concocted plans to make their rich friends richer purely at the expense of the underpriveledged and disabled.
    That is pretty much the picture that is painted on a daily basis. How true can it really be? Are the Tories truly ‘evil’, with nothing but an evil agenda?

    Politics falls into caricaturisation far too easily.

    Free Member

    I havent gotten round to checking the proposed disability cuts yet, can someone please summarise what they entail and how many claimants they will effect?

    Paid for by cutting disability payment to who have trouble washing themselves or using the toilet?

    Are the cuts not intended to reduce benefits to those that are physically able to do the above, and remain for those that are inacapable?
    My general understanding of the disability hounding and social cuts was to thin out the hoards of mis-claimants. Whether this is actually the case, nor being undertaken in the fariest manner is probably the real area for discussion.

    Super ISA and the proposed savings scheme for low earners seem like good changes for all to me, before I cast this budget as a Tory cover-up i’d like to know exactly whats being covered up.

    Free Member

    it’ll probably contain one of Han Solos fingers.

    Or possibly Carbonweiner

    Free Member

    speaking of poor crowds, I was at a NIN set at a festival (Frequency) in Austria back in 08 and the crowd were really subdued in general.

    It was one of those sun coming down sets that has a real electric buzz in the air, but Trent was so pissed off with the crowd not reacting to the performance that he stopped a couple times to ask what the hell was going on. He second guessed that NIN were booked between two german acts and he was right – so proceeded to continue the set super angry syle, throwing things, smashing stuff – It was awesome!! Me and my pals were right in the middle going nuts.
    So I suppose a bad crowd can occasionally have its advantages.

    Beer, pretzels, Nine Inch Nails, Interpol, Juliette and the Licks. Happy days.

    Free Member

    on that note, Radiohead at The Roundhouse goes on pre-sale this Friday…

    CountZero – did we just become best friends?!

    Free Member

    Get on to Better Call Saul! It’s ace.

    Currently working through Walking Dead from series one. Halfway through season 2 and invested enough time into it now that I will see it through, but its not as brilliant as I was lead to believe.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    haha, fair enough.

    Fortunate enough to get to see Kate Bush in 2014

    Lucky sod. That gig and Zep in 2007 will probably always be the 2 that got away..
    Tell me you also got to the Zep gig and I shall have to stop being your friend.

    Free Member

    I’m sure the vast majority of us agree with you CG – It’s just the other how ever many million ‘dog lovers’ in Britain follow through on that action.

    Free Member

    but they need to be more aware of how their choices affect the breeders and the dogs.

    Trouble is, 95% of potential dog owners just want a dog, and they have a fixed idea of what type they want. The slightly conscientious ones may consider ‘a reputable breeder, with KC backing’ – but what does that really give them?
    Some may also find a dog advertised locally and even if conditions aren’t looking good they will likely think ‘oh but i’m just one person and I want to help home that poor puppy, what harm can I do alone?’.
    So the circle is complete and the racket continues.

    Free Member

    ah man, keep the Tories outta my thread please. I was with you till that point.

    I tend to agree, society in general seems to have an overblown sense of self-absorbedness now. Just ask TINAS 🙂

    As it goes, I genuinely enjoy gigs far better when the crowd are having as good a time as me – and I try to do my bit to ensure that happens for them.
    If that means keeping quiet, then cool, or if it means jumping around hugging strangers, cool.

    Oh yeah, PSB = Public Service Broadcasting. In my case at least.

    Can someone embed this for me?:

    <Mod edit> Yes! You need to use the full domain name, the shortcut doesn’t work. </mod edit>

    or Everest, or Spitfire, or London can take it.

    Free Member

    lucky – I think the problem that day was heavily discounted tickets combined with hot summer evening. Venue wasn’t sold out and tickets were reportedly being sold for £5 on final day – queue annoying non-interested crowd.

    Free Member

    Yeah was all set for a black Reverb but decided in the end that I really didn’t want to go hydro again.
    Expected to be really miffed with the stanchion on the Thompson but as it goes I really like the look, kinda sits the frame down.

    140 Revs

    Free Member


    Earplugs now for me at loud gigs im afraid. Couldn’t hear anything but whistling for several days after a Steel Panther gig a couple years ago.

    I know, I deserved the punishment.

    Free Member

    Because it’s a social event?

    TINAS, I think we are getting our levels of talking mixed up. Im referring to someone/people that have seemingly no interest in the event taking place, talking SO LOUD, about daily life/other people/drivel, that simply ignoring them becomes impossible. Of course I don’t expect silence from the crowd, but I do expect people that have paid quite a significant figure to enjoy a performance to stop for a moment and enjoy the performance.
    Just as I would expect the same at Opera/cinema/ballet/most social events?
    Pubs/parks are for chatting shit. Please, DO NOT STAND NEAR ME AT A GIG

    stands just ahead of the sound desk, facing the stage, hands in pockets, talking to no one, because that’s where the music is best

    As it happens I did just that half way through a GSY!BE gig last year that I was struggling to get in to, and suddenly it all made sense. The sound/s came together and the whirr of the projectors behind me added to a stunning aural assault.
    Was so good to be at a gig where everybody in attendance was there to readily experience a musical… experience.

    Free Member

    I think I may have been to too many loud gigs over the years.
    I now have to concentrate to hear the best bits!

    Tinnitus sucks.

    Free Member

    lol @ muzzle.

    East End too.

    Just thought of something, was at a gig in Krakow a few years ago, was a local Polish hard rock/punk type band (Dead Snow Monster), which was high energy on stage – but the entire crowd stood virtually motionless and silent through the entire set! Was so weird!

    So the few of us Brits that were there were jumping around like goons at the front, the band (and crowd) genuinely didn’t know what to make of us at first but by the end they had us on stage ‘signing’ along and handing over the mike. Was hilarious.
    I even ended up helping to organise a gig for them in the UK.

    Free Member

    We left before seeing if anyone actually ended up having a fight.

    Ah man! I’d loved to have been present at a Jazz fight! It should’ve been all freestyle as the band played along.

    You should have said “OK keep the chatter down in this room!”

    Yeah I know, I totally lost my cool. True to form there was even a public service movie played before the gig to demonstrate how despicable using your phone is during a gig – and that phone users and loud talkers all eventually end up dying alone, friendless.

    Talking doesn’t annoy me. Usually the band drowns that out.

    Depends how close to the sound system you are!, what with not being willing to push to the front and all.
    Seriously, Arcade Fire at Hyde Park 2014, I could barely hear the music for a group of girls that had absolutely no interest in doing anything but screech at each other about other girls. I don’t think they even face the stage once.
    That time I made some kind of witty comment to them between songs which had all the surrounding crowd laughing, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was.
    I’m so cool.
    Actually, it turned out for the best as on this occasion we were forced to make our way to front and center, where we joyously danced with strangers as the confetti fell from the summer sky. What a gig.

    Honestly, why pay to talk about your day over loud music?? ENJOY THE MUSIC!
    Cinema chatters/phone users will be first against the wall though.

    Free Member

    I noticed that!
    Mind boggles.

    Free Member

    Op – Ridgebacks being deformed ? Please explain.

    IIRC, the ‘ridge’ that gives the breed its name is born of a genetic deformity equivalent to spina-bifida.
    In fact, many of these dogs supposedly have a tiny hole located at the base of their coat near the tail, an open hole that leads directly into the spine/spinal fluid.

    Many aspects of dog breeding are simply disgusting. The huge amounts of problems bred into most fancy breeds staggers belief. My sister recently bought a pedigree Bulldog – and whilst I can see the appeal, I was so disappointed with her. Far too many reasons not to breed Bulldogs these days, they can barely function.
    Watch a ‘super-vet’ type show for 5mins and you’ll find a feckless owner being told his/her dog is barely fit for life, let alone breeding and their response is almost always ‘yeah, but, i wanna breed it’.
    And so the circle continues.
    Money talks.

    Free Member

    Strewth! My turnip’s hanging by a string!

    Free Member

    its true, like many other long winded series the first season seems to capture the imagination, then it usually tails off into silly obscurity.

    Rarely does a series continue to grow. The original X-Files was certainly a case of the former, it’s just a shame they didn’t treat this revival with a bit more love and attention – it could have been moody and mysterious and paid homage to the best bits of the originals, or even outdone them. But it was just plain daft instead. Had the feel of a ‘post X-Factor/BGT world tour’ about it, ie, cashing in before doing one.

    I truly wish I had the viewers enthusiasm and abandonment of finbar though, it must be great to not hate 95% of standard TV offerings!

    Free Member

    say what you want about their pricing strategy, it seems that it general they are continuing to damage/cheapen their image in many peoples eyes.

    Whether or not these people make up a majority or not is the question, I guess.
    PX/O-O seems to be continuing to grow, so go figure

    Free Member

    My latest 650b is one of those ‘fits like a glove’ bikes. Felt instantly at home on it.
    Took my 26″ SS out on the weekend and it suddenly felt a bit too small/short.

    Here’s the 650beaut. Gush.

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