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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Shock Pumps
  • slimjim78
    Free Member


    Running RSCs, feel great, happier with them than the XTs on my other rig

    Free Member

    Went to a nightclub in Vienna a few years ago and DJ Shadow turned up to play a secret set.
    Freak me, great night

    Endtroducing came out in my college days, evokes brilliant memories for me. Great album. Organ Donor extended mix FTW!

    Free Member

    Had someone flash their lights at me in a car park once, went over to give them a piece of my mind – totally got the wrong end of my stick. Their stick.

    Free Member

    Bigblackhenioustoe – high five! glad I/we could be of service. And upon receipt of your yellow wings – a hearty welcome to the club

    Saving the world, one golden shower at a time.

    Free Member

    Wha?? Is this pre EP4 then? That explains everything!

    Free Member

    It’s like folding back the page of a dusty paperback in front of a warm open fire in the corner of a cozy living room. Vinyl can be a rewarding tactile experience.
    A vinyl collection is more like an archive, that the owner carefully curates and takes great pleasure from taking time out to look and listen to.

    Digital music is great for a quick hard fix. Vinyl is for old romantics. Both are great, neither are wrong

    Free Member

    Yeah, but, like, ANOTHER Death Star?! Really?? FFS

    Free Member

    four vinyl copies I bought and returned were just shockingly badly made

    There are bad presses, it happens. The 80’s and 90’s are notorious for poor quality cuts. However, there are many many delightful presses out there too.
    A lot depends on who engineered the mix, the quality of vinyl/machinery used. There are some represses that sound shit where the original sounded marvellous, and vice versa.
    Same can be said for many CD’s!

    I have a hard to find Masterdisk cut of Moondance/Van Morrison from the late 70’s in mint condition. It’s well known for being a masterful mix and sure enough when playing it recently the MIL stopped yapping and was in awe of how good the reproduction sounded. It’s so bloody good at times that it can bring a tear to the eye.
    Same goes for my Mo-Fi version of Beck/Sea Change. Staggers me how good a plastic disc and dragging needle can sound.

    You were burned by a shit pressing of an album, id urge you to try again.

    Free Member

    Congratulations, she’s beautiful

    Free Member

    cum coffee house

    Now that’s niche

    Free Member

    What question would you ask a random swede?

    Do you pee in the sauna?

    Free Member

    It’s the compression and channel crosstalk effects that everyone likes

    Nah, I just love the way it sounds

    Free Member

    ^ Eddy Grant had a similar idea.



    Free Member

    Ah ok then.

    So the wait goes on for a large Dune…

    Free Member

    Oh go on then..

    Free Member

    , I can’t see why all regular cyclists have to be saintly “ambassadors” while every other douche in a motor vehicle isn’t treated in the same way

    Too insular. You’re confusing ‘regular cyclists’ with people just doing the right thing in life

    Free Member

    Been thinking about this one. Mainly because like others here I am in two minds about it. Ultimately I despise hostile or inconsiderate driving against cyclists, so genuinely empathise with your position.
    However, from reading your posts it’s clear that you fully expected the alternate position of people not being impressed,but, were always completely unwilling to accept that opinion. Perhaps a guilty conscious? Or just trolling? Not sure.

    Unfortunately, by your actions I think you became the inconsiderate party and lowered yourself to the numpty bus drivers level.
    At best/worst, flaming him in front of his paying customers should have sufficed (if unwilling to report him).

    c – I’d be angry at the person who tampered with the fire alarm, yes. If it came to light this was their final attempt at being listened to, I would still be angry (at the delay) but sympathise with their frustrations at not being listened to

    As an inconvenienced passenger already having a bad day (I’m on a bus FFS), I would probably have stood up and prevented your hasty departure. Only fair after all. Someone’s gotta stand up to these bloody drivers/cyclists.

    You should now consider some form of community service towards cyclist/automotive relationship building. Somewhat ironically I write this sat on a train passing through Brighton. Glad I’m not on a bus.

    Free Member

    I feel your pain. I’d like to offer full support but also can’t help but think that this reflects badly on cyclists in a time where media influence is hell bent on demonising road cycling warriors.
    I’ve had flare ups with mentalist bus drivers in the past as a driver, surely the best course of action is to take his driver number/registration and report him?

    Free Member

    Ok, can the people that have listed their disgust at the prospect of peeing in the shower also claim to have never relaxed their bladder in a swimming pool?

    Free Member

    Welcome back.
    I’ve been spinning Kraftwerk and Neu this evening.
    At one point MrsSlim came back into the living room from the kitchen to see if someone was actually playing piano in the living room.
    £1000 on amplifier = justified

    BTW, Mogwai are playing Atomic at the Barbican in June.

    Free Member


    You sure?..

    Free Member

    Audi TT Mk1. The big dirty engined Quattro version. Get a minter with leather interior and it’ll be a sure fire Classic in 10 years.

    Free Member

    it’s hard not to do a little wee when you’re having a poo..

    I find vice versa sometimes

    Free Member

    I wanna hear it from the horses mouth. So to speak.

    Fess up ladies

    Free Member

    Poisenully, I’d consider custom steel as a strong contender. You could pick up a work of art for simillar money

    Free Member

    Gervais tickles my funny bone. Haters gonna hate.

    Free Member

    Planet X Ti Pro Road

    I had one of them, looks the part but found it a bit dead feeling (even compared to previous Pro carbon) and could only put it down to the plain gauge tubing
    Also, the rear wheel kept popping out of one of its dropouts when cranking up steep hills – turns out this was likely down to using the same (hard) Ti grade on the dropouts instead of using a softer grade.
    Was gutted as it fitted really well, but had to let it go for those reasons.

    Free Member

    Get yourself to a bike show, great way to compare a few side by side.

    Last show I went to I fell for the Kenesis range, Van Nic Zep also looked nice, but the Moots… Oh the Moots were just lovely

    Vamoots DR

    That’d be on my list

    Free Member

    Yes, i’ve oversensitised myself with this thread. At lunch I was out with a colleague in his car telling him about this issue, still feeling a bit giddy, and I couldn’t even look at his dash board, as the 4 air vent pods were a bit too much..
    So I looked out the window instead at the queue of traffic and all the big holey alloy wheels..

    I genuinely think I may end up needing counselling.

    Signing out of this thread now. Good luck fellow hole freaks.

    Free Member

    The scary thing is when you don’t notice!!

    I’ve had some of my better descents when locked out by accident..

    Don’t most forks have blow out thresholds these days anyway?
    OP – get one that does. Problem solved.

    Free Member

    the Scott Big John appears to be the same frame.

    Interesting. At first glance it does appear to bear a striking resemblance to the Calibre.
    But I thought the Calibre had been designed ‘in-house’ ?
    Does this rubbish that claim?
    Does it also make those of us waiting for a Large Dune Calibre to be designed and released look a little silly?

    Surely i’d be better off contacting Scott?

    Lots of question marks there.

    Free Member

    too small to worry about – if they were larger and ‘crater-like’, then there would probably be an issue

    Free Member

    I just googled ‘holes in skin’ and found a bunch of images that I wanted to save and paste here as prime examples.

    I found that I literally couldnt hang around long enough to save the image, I had a cold sweat and felt sick.. I had to close the page and compose myself!
    Nothing has ever made me have that reaction before, and i’ve looked at some real grot on the internets before.

    Lord I hate it. MAKE IT GO AWAY!

    Free Member

    That Japanese girl with holes in her arms & legs is so obviously photoshopped that I don’t get a reaction to it, although I have seen more subtle versions where just one of those seed pods has been ‘imbedded’ in someone’s back and that sets me off…..

    Yes, weirdly I know its photoshopped – rationally I should be able to irradicate any feeling of discomfort – but for whatever reason a) I am drawn to look closer at it, and b) the mere process of looking at it, and the thought of those things embedded in the skin, and possibly how that would feel – just makes me dizzy/giddy/freaked out.
    Its such a weird phenonemenoenom.

    The images of really large holes dont do much at all – but if the pattern is repeated and regular, and the image is zoomed out enough as to make the image more abstract then id imagine it could evoke a reaction in me.

    The cave shot.. im completely immune. In fact, id love to be a caver if I didnt have the overall shape of a barrell. However, being stuck in the cave at a section of wall that happened to have loads of burrows in the rock face, or a section of mud with burrows.. AAARRRGFFGGHGHFFFFSSSS!!

    Burrows is a key word actually. I think the thought of ‘things’ burrowing away, partially unseen is the kicker.
    I wonder of this is part of the same mindset that seeing a lady wearing particularly sexy lingerie is always more appealing than seeing her completely starkers.
    Obviously both scenarios are appealing, but the thought of what is hidden beneath the lingerie is always the bit that tantalises a wee bit more. Obscure comparison perhaps, but I can see a possible tangent.

    Also, do any afflicted with this condition also find ship wreck photos/ submerged vehicles/ sunken buildings completely disturbing??
    I do. I love to look at the images, but I get irrationally freaked out by them.

    Octopus tentacles.. Argh!

    Man, I feel like I might be sick. I’m having weird holey flashbacks.

    Free Member

    I thought I was probably alone in this fear. First pic especially, and that weird Japanese girl(wtf?) just send shivers. The idea of embedded holes in flesh especially is almost enough to make me wretch.

    Is there any scientific reasoning behind this phobia? Or, some kind of fight or flight reaction?

    Crumpets I’m generally ok with, I think it’s because the holes aren’t usually a regular shape or pattern. Or maybe just because they are delicious.

    Free Member

    I have a mini Bostich compressor and love it. If you have any sort of man cave then it quickly takes up pride of place. I appreciate the ghetto options but for me a compressor is a great proper tool to own

    Free Member

    Ha! Yes! I’d struggle with a Presta though I think. Would need more of a schraeder XXL.

    Free Member

    indeed – was listening to Independent Worm Saloon only yesterday

    Free Member

    cheers perchy – that’s my afternoons playlist sorted.

    New album idea: ‘Dairy Air’

    Free Member

    mate – there’s always room for a percussionist.

    First album name ideas:

    ‘I remember Trumpton’


    ‘Blowing me, Blowing you’

    ‘Dutch Oven’

    ‘Don’t push too hard’

    ‘The Squits’

    Acutally, the last one could be a perfect collaboration:

    ‘Chattering Sphincter & The Squits’

    I’d love to see Jules Holland get his hootenanny around that one.

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