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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • slimjim78
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    Im not convinced his all out offensive strategy will work for him, but frankly, id rather see this squad completely shaken up/disassembled than put up with another 3 years of the same turgid beige football.

    Free Member

    you mention a chilli forum, is there one you’d recommend?

    I used to frequent the forum on FireFoods website:

    Would be good to see the STW collective results from chili growing throughout next season!
    Feel free to get in touch if any of my exotic seeds are of interest.

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    Sunn O))) is where I turn for drone

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    I think the idea is that pruning them right back shocks them back into early vegetative state – hence restarting the growth cycle. I’ve yet to grow a plant that didn’t die of its own accord after around a year without pruning.

    I admit – i’ve only ever tried it on 2 plants with varying levels of success – IIRC, as long as they aren’t exposed to freezing temps you can treat as normal, ie, water once/twice a week at the point you see the leaves start to droop.
    Stands to reason that they benefit from the sunniest windowsill you can provide during winter daylight hours.

    I’m actually tempted to try an indoor grow tent in the future – a fairly low wattage bulb should provide ample nutrition for a chili plant.

    I’ve also some young Trinidad scorpions

    Fantastic chili’s. A couple of those in a curry and you’re buzzing in a flame induced haze.
    Super angry looking things. Generally, the more wrinkles and visual distortion, the more scalding hatred lies within. A bit like OAP’s from Kent I suppose?

    Free Member

    Flower drop can be an issue – it’s normally associated with indoor bred plants where a lack of creepy crawlies means less natural polination takes place. I find it helps to induce early self-polination by using a (very) soft bristled brush and tickling the rude bits.

    Also helps to keeps a local window open for long periods during the day, or indeed, take the plants outside for a few nights/weeks when the weather gets really good.

    Avoid over watering, scorching sun, and cold (near freezing) temps too.

    If you have lots of flowers(blossom) alongside a handful of fruits growing in tandem – it can help to pick these early fruits in order to promote more fruit growth.

    As it goes, I recall last year being my lowest yield in general with a fair amount of flower drop. Perhaps the longer milder seasons have had a detrimental effect?
    I didn’t grow this year but will have another go next season (Feb). I have some formerly worlds hottest ‘Infinity’ seeds, which I received personally from Woody, the guy that bred the Naga hybrid and owns ‘Fire Foods’. He’s usually at the East Dean Chili Festival in august – which is a good day out for chili heads.

    Free Member

    Yes, root rot can be an issue if standing in water. They normally prefer to be dry stressed.
    Having said that, I have on occasion fed from above and below – they are thirsty buggers and you can literally see them soaking up the water.
    Usually it just means that the pot you have the plant in is too small.

    Free Member

    A few days in an airing cupboard will get the seeds germinated (typically 80-90% of seeds I start with tend to germinate – using a simple propagation kit from garden center – although you could easily use a few yoghurt pots/drinks bottles and bodge your own), then as above, pot individually in 4″ pots and they are quite happy on a sunny windowsill.

    When they reach a good height (around 8″-10″ or so), switch them into 6-8″ pots to prevent them becoming root bound.

    They prefer to be well watered, but also well drained, after a day or two the leaves tend to tell you if they are happy or not – if they show any signs of drooping just feed them some room temp water and within minutes they pep-up and look happy as larry again. They tend to respond well to this cycle of running dry before watering and will reward you with angrier chili’s

    A weekly weak tomato plant feed when in vegetative state and a bit of pruning in early stages to promote bushier growth is all the care that’s needed really.

    Leggier varieties (like the Lemon Drop I mentioned earlier) may require support but the shorter bushier varieties just go about their business.

    Plant in Feb, and by July/Aug you should have a bumper crop.

    Also as mentioned above, they will cross pollinate like crazy, so if you grow different varieties in close proximity, the resulting seeds will most likely be a true Heinz 57.

    You WILL end up with more chilis than you can eat. Which makes a perfect excuse to make a huge batch of chili chutney and store away for rainy days. Chili Oil is also fairly easy to produce, or you can blend and freeze chilis and just pop them straight into your cooking from frozen.

    You can also ‘winter’ your chili plants after their first crop – by essentially cutting them right back to the first branch, and trimming the root ball to the size of a tennis ball. This stimulate another growth season, although normally not quite as abundant in fruit (see last pic for first new growth after winterising)

    Free Member

    I want more deep sea stuff – BBC should throw squillions at new equipment and head into the abyss, theres proper monsters down there, and untold undiscovered stuff.

    Free Member

    yeah I run an Absolute Black (although its green) 30T (i think, might be a 32T) oval and its a lovely bit of kit. I’m thinking of dropping 2 teeth though, as im currently riding very infrequently and fitness levels have dropped.

    Not sure the Dune would take any bigger in oval format, with the ring flipped it runs close enough to the chain stay.

    Aeffects would be perfect if they could be removed with a big ol’ allen key – I don’t like using dedicated extraction tools.

    Free Member

    So Maureenho has already started slating his players. I’m beginning to think he may not even make it past the January window..

    How much do you think United would have to pay to get rid of him?

    Free Member

    There’s no point in going past 8K as the definition is beyond what the human eye is capable of resolving

    No doubt, there’s a really expensive Scart lead that could sort that.

    Moving forward, WTF are we going to do when Mr Attenbrough departs this mortal coil?
    4K Chris Packham might just push me over the edge of that Penguin cliff.

    Free Member

    FWIW – I have a fairly large collection of seeds, rare varieties, super hot etc, if anyone is interested in growing something different?

    One of the chili forums I used to visit have a seed sharing bundle, which gets posted around the country and taken from/added to.

    With basic care you can get great results from growing within the UK. The eye (and ring) opener for me was learning about the fantastic and varying flavours and levels of heat available.

    Free Member

    What NW said /\

    The Cinch chainrings are great, albeit not exactly cheap.

    1×11 Shimano set ups theoretically have less tyre clearance than 1×10 or 1×11 SRAM as the extra cog hangs over the back of the cassette on Shimano set-ups. But i’m yet to hear of anyone not having enough clearance on a Dune, certainly with 4.0s fitted.
    I run 1×10 so can’t offer a definitive assurance that 1×11 Shimano will work – but NW seems to think to, which is jolly good.

    Free Member

    2nd from right looks like a naga. Nice variety of angry looking chillis there, almost all of them guaranteed to ruin your ring.

    Quarrel has listed the infamous Percy chilli. Bred by a priest IIRC.. dirty buggers.

    Free Member


    Close to pulling trigger on set of Blutos..
    CTBM has a couple of 80mm sets at £349.. bloody credit card may feel my wrath again

    Free Member

    Same species as Pepperdew. Hardly a pant ruiner at 30,000 scovilles but a satisfying tang none-the-less.

    Yours could potentially be a derivative of this pepper, but unlikely to to be a super spicy one. Keep trying them and you’ll start to become accustomed to the level of heat.

    FWIW Lemon Drop gets my vote for most delicious chilli (ajii variety). Proper citrus flavour that improves any salsa

    Free Member

    Never heard of anyone have a bad word about them.

    I can fix that

    Free Member

    best post ever, makes Thomson seem like Aldi purchase

    Free Member

    For £10m per year, you could press me as much as you want. I would be a 24/7 media charming machine.

    Free Member

    Possibly the latter, as i’m yet to meet a greater bimbler than I

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    I’ve been watching Brighton at the Amex – and have started to remember what it’s like to enjoy watching football again!

    i think we might see a proper toys out of the pram, mega-flounce pretty imminently

    I hate to agree – I said weeks ago that his demeanour since day one has been negative, and it hasn’t changed. Its a countdown to the flounce.

    Free Member

    Jose does not seem to be the manager he once was

    I agree with that bit.

    Watch the game again, and see how terrified Shaw was when passed the ball. The lack of incisiveness you mention is evident, for me it boils down to 2 things:
    1) Lack of belief that as an individual, they are capable of making the incisive play – or moreover, fear of giving the ball away and resulting in thier potential mistake becomming the catalyst for the opposition scoring
    2) Complete lack of leadership on the pitch, leading to effectively a bunch of rabbits in opposition headlights

    The first goal, albeit audacious, followed a complete lack of pressing from the full backs – a lesson that should surely have been learned following the Chelsea result?
    The 2nd goal – De Gea stepped to the right when the only place that ball could ever have passed him was to his left. He was also completely unsighted by the wall – which wasn’t even required from that distance.
    Taking away nothing from both finishes, they were almost freak goals in their execution. But United had a ridiculous amount of possession, and 1 shot on target..

    I try my best not to bash managers, especially so early in their tenure – but its now 3 seasons of the same negativity. £300+ million and 3 managers later, nothing is changing.
    Fingers crossed that Jose’s class shines through after a season or so and several more transfer windows(!) – trouble is – I really cant see United finishing top 4, I think they may even struggle for top 6!
    Can the United machine withstand such a lowly league position?

    The main problem is lack of Viera’s/Keanes/Scholes/Pirlo’s available for purchase, and a lack of management able to handle such a big club.

    Free Member

    I keep banging the drum, but it’s all boiling down to confidence issues and mental fragility.

    United are playing JUST LIKE England – talking the talk, possibly even convincing themselves that they are dead good – but when it comes to the crunch they do not have the true belief that they can outpass, outmaneuver, out sprint the opposition.

    Casing point, look at Luke Shaw’s performance last night (harsh, because he probably isn’t match fit)- I don’t think I saw him take a single touch. Every single ball he played was first time, and as a result he gave the ball away more than any player on the pitch.

    Mourinho should be instilling belief, he should be reminding them why they were chosen to represent United at the highest tier of football, instead its these players that are literally scared of the ball.

    It’s abundantly clear to me that psychology plays an enormous part in football when it comes down to such fine margins at the top. Mourinhno appears to completely lack the humility and man management skills to drag this lot back up.

    Head down the road to Anfield, and you see a man manager getting vastly more out of a team that were previously under-performing. He is convincing them of how good they are and what they can achieve – and they are responding. You can taste the feel good factor there – at United the taste is sour, with a hint of rancid.

    Free Member

    Congrats ssnowman, a wise purchase.

    Although you must be king of the bimblers if you find those brakes acceptable :)
    If really does excel at climbing and decending. Have fun extracting maximum mind bending grip on the corners.

    Free Member

    Schindlers factory at the Jewish Quarter, otherwise most of the streets leading from the old square are worth exploring. If you bump into Dominika say hi to her for me!

    Free Member

    Awesome, looking forward to seeing what they do with the upgraded model. If it comes in at Fatty pricing then O-O will be worried..

    Free Member

    thank heaven for bikes!

    Be careful, statistically someone may die today whilst riding a bike.

    But yes, cycling is my medication of (free)choice.

    Free Member

    After all, some get their buzz from power. We know of many politicians with questionable mental states – we don’t seem to be banning many of them in a hurry

    Free Member

    Exact revenge, carry out said plan, hit the road, find more interesting places?

    Free Member

    I tried weed, cocaine, speed etc when I was much younger. The one that caused me to lose control the most was weed so does that mean the others should be legal?

    I think it means the coke you tried was mainly talc.
    But yes, where it stops is a valid question – moving into the realm of complete decriminalisation as already mentioned. Ultimately, the argument ends up ‘my body, I should be able to do whatever I want’.

    Or you just decide that hard drugs are signifincaly more addictive and harmful and welcome weed to the table.

    Free Member

    15 years ago I would’ve voted to legalise it. With hindsight now, I i definitely wouldn’t.

    Interesting. What changed your opinion?

    But where do you draw the line?

    Good question. Probably not at a green herb that makes most people relax, giggle and fall asleep.
    If I were to draw the line there, I’d be putting MUCH tighter alcohol laws in place first.

    Free Member

    People demonstrably cannot behave responsibly

    Governement isn’t there to assume we are all inherently bad and not to be trusted, society by and large is responsible – protecting it from the mindless minority is a real responsibility

    Free Member

    Yes, because we should be trusted to make our own minds up and behave responsibly.

    If cars were invented now, or planes, we wouldn’t ban them because death by crashing would be a certain outcome for some, would we?

    Free Member

    Waswas – I should imagine there are many alcoholics suffering with debilitating mental and physical effects of plain old Famous Grouse / Gordon’s Gin without resorting to drinking meths.

    I’d also imagine that a kid bought up on 12hrs per day of Call of Duty / GTA is as likely to suffer some kind of mental aggravation as a skunk smoker.
    There are dozens of analogies to be had, but the fact is that nearly any substance/input will cause you physical harm if used excessively.

    Free Member

    Regroup, take stock, make plans, reach out.. instead we got Jah Cholmondeley-Brown

    Free Member

    I thought it was a big let down after Ep1. A complete momentum blocker. Did like the idea of feeding Saviours bacon fattened up by the dead though

    Free Member

    I’d prefer to avoid the split tube method if I can settle on a reliable lighter weight alternative. The exercise loops literally weight about 15g and all that needed other than them is a rim strip of preference (tape or nylon) and some of the previously mentioned backing rod which again weighs about as much as a fart

    Free Member

    End of the world/post apocalyptic stuff is amongst my favourite to watch and I honestly think that if they had a bigger budget they could take it to another level.
    They haven’t really touched upon a junk yard city, scrapyard defences/inventions, reinstatement of government/law and order on any level, zombie disease mutations, uninhabited islands/safe zones, flight for travel to further reaches, hope of a cure on any level etc.

    For me, one of the most disappointing aspects of WD is the fact that in 4 or 5 years on the road they’ve mananged to venture about 20miles up and down the same roads. It needs more of a Star Wars scope of desert/Forrest/water/snow/ice to bring a different pallet and flavour to the screen.

    Free Member

    I’ve been experimenting with different ideas for running the standard rims tubeless and will report back on my finding soon.. so far it looks as though exercise/resistance bands/loops are just the ticket for a perfect airtight seal but getting them in the correct width is the tricky part.
    I’ve also sourced some lightweight, super pliable duct tape that’s a fraction of the weight of the normal stuff.

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