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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Yes I think it’s just a bolt, point being if a bolt is safe enough, why did they bother with the somewhat more complicated lever version?

    Free Member

    It’s been a constant source of interest for me to see albums come ‘full circle’ as such, and seemingly get better with age.
    I’m in the same camp as many commenters above, stuck resolutely to a genre or two for years before becoming ravenous for all music over the last 10 years or so.

    Downward Spiral is a great shout. Years ago I would’ve said Closer was about the only standout track, turns out the entire album is a masterpiece. Agree with With Teeth being a louder rockier album, and by no means is it a genre defining moment, but I still dig it very much. (By the way, have you listened to the new NIN ep yet? It’s really damned good)

    The Doors in general, I liked the well known tracks as a kid – but now would put Doors and LA Woman in my top 100 albums.

    Other contenders for ‘once meh, now genius’ for me would be seminals like Velvet Underground & Nico, Raw Power, The Idiot, Man Machine, Exile on Main St, Rocket to Russia, Bringing it all back home, Unknown Pleasures, Born in the USA – I could probably state dozens more.
    Recent contenders? Common People, 13 (Blur), most things by R.E.M., The Soft Bulletin (actually always loved that one, but love it more and more through the years) Grace Jones early catalogue(!).

    Also agree that it’s primarily more of an acceptance and appreciation of new genres though. This year has been my first real dig into reggae, and I’ve made some great discoveries.

    I remember years ago listening to John Peel sessions and thinking ‘I love half of his recommendations, but the other half are not even music!!’ Etc.. I always wondered how someone could be so open minded to every single genre – but now I see that I have acquired some of that musical curiosity, and I can generally find some good in anything I listen to (which feels great!)
    Generally, music really is the gift that keeps on giving.

    Free Member

    Id prefer a ‘which celebrities would you prefer to die?’ thread

    Free Member

    How does the maxle stealth work then? Seems to be just a ‘nip up tight’ affair

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I did well! (want that Audi above though. And the Putin calendar, incredible gift)

    Free Member

    Holy shit there’s a good bunch of presents amongst this lot!

    Imagine receiving all of these together in one go..

    Free Member

    fills the sports/gents watch gap well.

    What does this even mean? That’s just words.

    Question, at what price point does your watch demand that you drive a white car?

    Free Member

    The xmas wreath banging on the front door in the wind woke me

    Better than an xmas wraith.. they can be mordor this time of year.


    Free Member

    PiLs arrived on 23rd and aren’t planning on leaving till 28th… dear lord..

    Am under orders from better half to not touch the wacky Baccy till they’ve left so in an attempt to burn some time I’ve already rearranged my garage and converted one bike to tubeless.

    I’ll gorge a kilo or two of pigs in blankets today whilst contemplating not being with my son for xmas nor having spoken to my immediate family for third year in a row.

    Fortunately I’ll have my son visit on 27th and I have tickets for footie so my xmas will really begin then.

    Now TV have offered Sky Cinema free for two weeks which has already killed around 12hrs, it’s a god send.

    Free Member

    Anyone happen to know what length travel bluto the Dune is designed to work around?

    Free Member

    the first time we see a star destroyer it looks like a little airfix model because so much of it is in focus.

    I honestly thought that was probably a homage to the original opening scene in ANH. In all it’s (charming) air-fix glory

    Free Member

    Long identical thread last week

    What’s their best track?

    Free Member

    Best one since Empire Strikes Back IMO

    Despite my agreivances, I’m almost inclined to agree.
    Although, ROTJ has some awesome moments (AT-ST’s, the Speeder scene, Luke v Vader, Leia in that outfit)

    Free Member

    I didn’t realise until after that Peter Cushing was even CGI

    He’s been dead for 22 years..

    CGI genuinely amazes me. Mainly for the fact that some find it immediately and jarringly obvious, yet others appear completely oblivious.
    Alas im in the former camp, and CGI generally breaks my suspense of disbelief.

    Maybe as a person whom is always interested in how things work, and the fine details, is just more likely to be distracted than someone whom just accepts things on face value?

    Maybe that goes for plot/story/nostalgia too..

    IMO – when literally billions are involved, and the weight of 40 years of mega franchise – I think you owe it to generations of fans to put a core of researchers/story writers/editors in place that are able to guide a movie in a direction that pleases the analy retentive fans and trigger happy fans alike

    I wonder if the turncoat Imperial shuttle pilot suffered from reshoots and editing

    I think you’re right. In fact, it appears the entire film has suffered from an editing butchery.

    Free Member

    Did anyone else not find it a bit… middle eastern/terroristy?..

    Jedah.. holy city in the sand (where all the special power allegedly comes from). Blown to bits.

    Brown skinned mercenaries wrapped in black head clothes, kidnapping at will…

    Coastal palm tree shod high rise buildings on desert fringe..

    Like TFA, it was a bit crap. Had it’s moments, cracking last tie-in scene with Vader preceeded by over an hour of sod all.
    Until producers realise that the charm of the originals lay in its virtual lack of CGI – then they’ll never crack another classic Star Wars movie. You’d have thought they’d have learned the lesson from Lucas’s EpI/II//III complete jack fest.

    Agree with sentiments of plot holes. Can’t understand how AT-ATs are now open to random cannon fire to blow them to smithereens.
    Whittakers character, wtf?
    The entire ‘we need to run a cable to hardware a radio signal up to the sky’ plot was excruciating.
    Totally agree with earlier comment on the score being a bit off too – it was over intrusive and sounded lack lustre. Very un-Star Wars – un-John Williams in that respect.
    Disagree about costumes though, thought they were great.

    Good sci-fi is like making love to a beautiful woman – the less special effects that are flaunted, the more you want – too heavy on the special effects, one begins to feel they’ve perhaps seen it all before

    Free Member

    I love my 90’s roadie. Updated the running gear a few years ago and never looked back. Does exactly what I need it to do, and comes in a smidge under 20lb. I’ll probably bimble around on it till my bimbling days are no more.

    Free Member

    I find it best time to hunt cattle also.

    Free Member

    I’ve never seen star wars and I’m 51 and a half

    your midichlorian count is through the roof. With such power, who needs sight?

    Free Member

    HA! HA! This is funny, because it’s a bit like saying you have a really long penis!

    Not since the reduction surgery.

    Free Member

    HA! Yeah, get on the 15% discount and start enjoying your Fat bike THIS winter

    NW – you drilled your seatube for internal dropper did you not?
    What have you usd to plug the hole?

    Im preparing to drill mine but the frame grommets I bought were for Di-2 and alas the ID is way too narrow for a standard gear outer cable to pass through.
    I’m trying to source an angled grommet instead of using a plain old rubber donut as i’m aiming to have the cable run ‘upwards’ towards the seatpost as it enters the frame. Y’ken?

    CRC has a couple of ‘clip-in’ options but they require a fairly elongated hole to be cut into the frame, which id rather avoid.

    Free Member

    Im possibly getting tangle-tied with my readings..

    The 100psi I probably mistakenly referred to was me cranking my compressor up to max output in order to give maximum puff (for longest possible time) for blowing an unseated tyre onto the rim – at the point it suddenly seals (prior to hearing the tyre bead pop into place) one backs off the air pressure and fills tyre to recommended PSI.

    Works most of the time, all the time.

    Free Member

    On the bright side – he now has a mangina.

    Deffo a pork sword/handlebar interface incident. Essentially, bar digs into ground a la pole vault, expcept you launch using your genitals (with full body weight behind them) as opposed to your hands.
    I did the same as a teenager, no open wound, but a nasty hernia and bent Ti handlebar.

    Free Member

    sounds reasonable, will give it a go.

    Also just ordered 32oz of (extortionately priced) Orange Sealant. Supposedly better at sub zero temps – so will suit my Polar expeditions on the SDW nicely :)

    Hope it mixes ok with Stans..

    Free Member

    Got my front tyre seated last night after 24hrs of using a tube to stretch the tyre into shape.
    At around 20-25psi the bead snapped into place.

    I stuck 6oz of stans fluid in and could only detect two or three areas with tiny amounts of air being lost, but no matter how much sloshing I wasn’t convinced that I had completely eliminated the leaks.
    Tested the tyre this morning and it’s lost about half its pressure over night.
    Any tips on sealing these Dune rims up good and proper?

    Free Member

    Silly me, it’s closer to Shitlingthorpe

    Free Member

    is that near Bell End?

    Free Member

    A man after my own heart..

    I did wonder if there was an element of rhetoric regarding the shop advice. Like I mentioned before, i’ve FELT how good bass response can be in a car using big ol’ subs – in my mind the same principle should apply in a living room environment. It should just require a good balance between outputs of speakers and sub in tandem.

    So I see the sub experiment as mainly that, a (cheaper) experiment than swapping out the loudspeakers.
    In fact, I still have a 12″ Alpine sub in sealed enclosure thats been sitting around in my garage for probably 10 years. I recently hooked it up to one channel of my garage hi-fi just to see what would happen.. and the bass that it put out sounded great against the other standard speaker (don’t worry, I didn’t leave the amp running in this config).

    I just have to accept it, im a bass head.

    Free Member

    Very very scary….

    How so?
    I mean, I wince every single time I turn my compressor on because im convinced its going to explode and kill me into pieces (never google ‘air compressor accident’), but, its rated up to 120psi..

    When trying to seat a tyre onto the rim isn’t it standard to go for highest possible air flow available (for as long as possible, until seated)?

    Free Member

    What colour is the monolith and how much do you want for it?

    in line Mr!

    6mx7m is a reasonable space to fill, and I can see why that rega/neat combo might struggle. Perhaps some large PMC’s might be more suited to what you’re trying to achieve.

    Yes i’d love to try out some larger floor standers. I’d really like to know what the amp is capable of driving. It’s not a high power amp, but still..

    Free Member

    Went from round 32 to Absolute Black Oval 30.
    Struggled to tell a difference at first, riding uphill feels nicely smoothed out, can feel a slight reduction in tyre bob when spinning (fat bike).
    I like it.

    Free Member

    If you’re in Somerset

    I like the look of the monolith so would possibly take the trip to Somerset, I’ll drop you an email

    Free Member

    I hear you. Should’ve responded earlier, yes, I’d love to experiment with a new set of speakers apart from the fact that I enjoy the tone on my current pair and they are matched well to the amp – plus I don’t have new speaker money to hand.

    Also, I used to love the bass response from large subs in a car setting – and am keen to see if there’s any similarity to be had in a home set up.

    Free Member

    Just spoke to my local Rega dealer who said that if using REL (or Quake) subs then a high level input via speaker terminals is the easiest and best method to go for. Then proceeded to tell me that a sub is intended to compliment your floorstanders and not reach gut churning depths.. and therefore upgrading to larger floorstanders with better bass response is what I should do..

    My years of playing with 12″/15″ subs in my car begs to differ but heck, you have to respect the professionals right?

    Still, I’m now tempted to play around with a cheaper sub (have spotted a local REL online) to see how it changes the dynamics. If the chap was right all along then I won’t have binned much money in the process in order to have found out for certain.

    Free Member

    This has helped my understanding a little better.
    So I now see my main aim is to connect via high-level input via the main speaker terminals. I just need to check to be sure that my amp is happy to do this.

    Free Member

    The reason people recommend using the speaker outputs to the sub (and then from the sub to your main speakers) is to avoid having the speakers running at full range.

    This is by running speaker cable to main speakers AND ‘Neutrik Speakon’ high level cable to the sub from the same pair of speaker terminals, correct?
    How does this prevent speakers running at full range? They are still receiving full signal from terminals.

    By wiring up the high level inputs you get the benefit of the sub’s crossover

    But if you go via low-level input you still get to use the active controls to manage frequency response? Is that not the same thing?

    Free Member

    So my amp has a pre-amp output (appears a standard phono connection).
    This looks like my only option of transferring signal to a 3rd channel.

    Does this mean I simply use a phono cable to an active subs pre-amp input?
    Then i’d be reliant on the subs built in amp/crossovers to filter the signal.
    But my main speakers remain on full frequency.

    Is this correct?

    Free Member

    *goes to check if Elicit-R has 2.1 mode*

    Free Member

    re-producing music.

    I’ve been linked a couple of times to the REL Quake and there’s a mint one selling on ePay at the moment.
    Very diminutive in stature but allegedly quite a kicker..

    Those BK’s look nice. Ideally i’d like to keep budget around £300. Not worried about 2nd hand if is great shape.

    So, the key is that im looking for High Level inputs? And then how do I interface with Amp? never bought sub cabling before.

    But how would you highpass the main speakers?

    Quite. I may be an audio snob but I don’t pretend to be technically talented :)
    Would someone please care to explain the difference between a high-level lead and a phono-to-phono lead?

    Free Member

    Amazed you were in favour of black coffee, to be honest.

    Quote of the day :)

    I wouldn’t drink turgid instant coffee even if it was 10p.

    As it goes, im surprised by the backlash towards instant coffee.
    I like a nice ground coffee, I like a good fancy frothy jobbie, but during the day at work im happy to knock back 1 or 2 instant coffee’s.

    I guess it’s a bit like picking a Carlsberg when you couldve had an IPA.

    Either way, the best coffee i’ve had served was a fairly standard ‘illy’ freshly ground in a cafe in East Dean. It was a delicious easy drinking all rounder. I think that would be a great place to start.

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