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  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Day 2: Minging headache last night. Sat on my sofa fantacising about a large glass of Vimto, or a nice fizzy Coka Zero. Substituted these for a diet water.

    Free Member

    Day 1 – I skipped breakfast, breaking the first Atkins rule of not going longer than 6hrs between meals.
    Not sure what im going to do for lunch, probably a couple of eggs and a chicken breast.
    I think I have a pre-sugar crash sympathy headache coming on..

    Free Member

    I collect one random hair on my chin that grows like a twig. Every time it shows itself I pull the bugger out and put it with the rest of its kind – so I can observe its ancestry.

    Free Member

    Would be interested to see if you can stick with it for 6 months+

    I’ll be giving it 6mths minimum, or 4stone weight loss, whichever comes first. Then gradually switching to a paleo type ‘lifestyle’ (not diet).

    Mayby look at some permanent changes, eat more natural non processed foods, cut out snacking, slightly reduce plate portion etc.

    Did all that. Lasted a good couple of years. Worked pretty well. Then a massive family crisis, divorce, job change, house change (x3) happened. It crept up gradually, but chocolate and bread did their thing.

    Free Member

    I bought Proteinaholic btw, thanks for the recommendation.

    It’s like death row here tonight, we’re on a ‘final weekend blow out’ I’ve got a box of crunchy nut cornflakes to get through and a tub of cookies n cream Haagen daaz before the Monday morning curfew. First up, meatballs and pasta..

    Free Member

    How many hookers for £50m of coke?..

    I don’t think Swindon could handle it.

    Free Member

    Wanting to update my fascias also. Being in a bungalow, im tempted to give it a go myself.
    How hard can that be?

    Whats the chances of using the same fixing points once youve stipped the material off? I can’t say i’ve ever looked beneath to see how it all goes together.

    Free Member

    bravo trickydisco – thats the feeling I was on about. It’s weird having to recalibrate isnt it!?

    I found that once you’ve adjusted, you begin to realise that you are more acutely tuned to ‘bad’ foodstuff – if you eat a packet of crisps or a sandwich/bread, your whole body feels rough afterwards.

    Its as if you have to carb binge, and keep binging through the warning signs, until your body is back to functioning on sugar again – and its hello to the blood sugar roller coaster (and weight gain) all over again.

    Free Member



    I love this ridiculous thing. At last, a bike that I can relate to.

    Free Member

    use artificial sweeteners

    Is there not any evidence to strongly counter this advice? ie, some/most sweeteners are indistinguishable by the chemical system in our bodies, and respond with an insulin spike regardless?

    Free Member

    that statement does seem pretty harsh/bland.

    I whole heartedly agree – my point being that I simply am unable to trust myself when given free reign – and unless I actually alter the way I view food, then I will put on weight.

    Having your cravings vanish is not only an complete eye opener to a former carb addict, but it gives you the power to refrain from shoving in food.

    In fact, I recall becoming acutely aware of the carb infiltration when I was running carb free. Every corner you turn, every show on TV, every shop you enter – they are virtually pushing refined carbs down your throat. It’s akin to finding a pair of those sunglasses in ‘They Live’ – and suddenly seeing the food industry for what it really is. (apologies for random cult sci-fi reference).

    What im trying to say is – Christmas dinner would always be a great time, I intend to eat at celebrations/get-togethers, but hopefully i’ll be empowered to say ‘no thanks – im full’.
    Thats a revelation for a perennial plate clearer.

    Free Member

    I think a lot of these studies with diet don’t take into account hunger/satiety.

    This. Without meaning to diss the good-intentioned – unless you’ve actually treid a few of these plans out in the med/long term then its all too easy to assume.
    On regimented low carb diets, hunger pangs literally dissapear. For me, this is why any ‘everything in moderation’ suggestion simply doesnt work for me.
    I comfort eat, mainly in the evening, and I am predisposed to fast weight gain. I am convinced that all refined carbs are the work of the devil – and insulin control is the key.
    Hence why Atkins has worked well in the past for me (and switching to iDave type plans) the hunger cravings vanish and eating becomes a fuel exchange rather than an event to cherish..

    good way to fill your digestive system up with grey putty.

    I counter that with my above statement – try it before you knock it. To be completely frank, the evidence of a carb rich diet is evidently horrific after I drop the kids off at the pool – yet zero-carb type diet reuslts in the most satisfying angel dumps.

    The debate is always interesting, but in my current position – taking into account my general resolve, my genetic disposition, and my current ‘very out of shape displaying worrying signs of health and not able to fit into any clothes’, then a turbo weight loss on Atkins is a vastly better place for my body to be than where it currently is.
    Thats how I see it anyways.

    I’ll massively step up the exercise once im able to fit back into my cycling gear(!).

    Free Member

    yet still being vertically compliant?


    Free Member

    fancy tap slimjim?

    Funnily enough, we were discussing dance classes last night! I decided Tango, Disco or 90’s hip-hop/Vanilla Ice would be my dance of choice.

    @daviek – Thank you. Someone who laughs in the name of Fad. My old boss (who originally lead me to Atkins) has recently lost around 7 stone on it, and I believe has maintained well since. There was once something like a 5 stone difference in weight between us (in my favour) and now its completely gone the other way.
    I have to lose more than him, or die trying.

    Free Member

    Are you ape-positive, or ape-negative?

    This must have a bearing on comfort.

    Free Member

    I realise is a contentious subject – but keen to see if there’s any love for it here is all.

    I lost 6 stone around 5 years ago, i’ve done the healthy lifestyle thing and it worked really well. I’ve since dabbled again with the same methods, but my resolve isn’t what it was back then, and my life has changed massively in that time too. I won’t get by on 1 or 2 lbs lost per week. I need a bigger kick start.

    Free Member

    I prefer heels with my LBD

    Free Member

    Get rid of the crap carbs and eat decent carbs then, and cut down the quantity of carbs too. Cut down on calorie intake too.

    Part of my desire to switch to Atkins for a while is simply that it works. I don’t see it as a ‘fad’, Atkins affects your metabolics – it isn’t metabolox.

    My current situation leaves me in a place where a fast reuslt will not only hugely improve my confidence, but is also likely to have a huge impact on my physical well being. I’ve been on and off calorie controlled/decent carb plans for the last year or so and I swear to God that if I step off the wagon by so much as thinking about an Oreo, I put on 5lbs in weight.
    My metabolism is depressingly slow.

    Free Member

    We struggle for sign makers and artworkers in Bristol. Anyone interested?

    All of my qualifications are in art+design, and I worked as a sign maker for a year when I was younger.
    How much are you going to pay me?

    Free Member

    @Babble, I measured up my 4.8 JJs against the floaters yesterday – there’s not as much in it as you might imagine – My money is on 4.8s fitting your set up fine. I’m really glad I didn’t compromise with a 4.4 on the rear.

    GiantLee – have we made any inroads towards organising the ‘Dune Fission’ ride out?
    Anyone else up for a mass fat bimble this year?

    Free Member

    an old friend of mine and ex British triathlete moved there a few years ago and loves it.
    Set up a cycling team (Jet, I believe) and judging by his Strava activity there is at least a whole bunch of great local riding.
    I know he competes on marathon XC events in 29er cat, I believe they are the go to niche out there.

    Free Member

    How much better are the 4.8 JJs over the 4.0 JJs in current conditions?

    Free Member

    Glad to hear it. Hope your shakedown ride works out. I’d probably travel in order to be part of the most nuclear Fat back gathering in history

    Free Member

    Excellent thread. Pictonroad, you are definitely my new favourite nerd. Hit me with some more facts please

    Free Member

    So I got the Mulefut SL80s fitted tonight and set up tubeless. Boy, what a difference a tubeless ready rim makes! The tyres went up so easy and seated with such a loud ping that I nearly jumped through the garage roof.

    The bike now weighs 14.54, was 15.09 with the Dune wheels (plus one tube). For a full fat with dropper post, Floaters and Bluto that’s probably not quite as heavy as you might expect. Putting rigid fork back on saves a kilo.
    I’d imagine my current set up plus the Juggernauts fitted for dry season will be around 13.5kg

    Free Member

    I run 30T 11-42 sunrace – ratio is good but as I’m really out of shape at the moment I’m becoming very 26T /28T curious

    Free Member

    Available in 170mm length here. I ordered 175s from them last year and they sent 170s, they offered a refund/swap but I used them anyways and have zero qualms with them.

    The Rides would prolly work just fine, I just have a lot of love for the Cinch interface on the Aeffect, and the set up works really well with an offset N/W ring.

    If it helps at all I have a brand new Hope Ceramic Fat BB in purple that I could part with a good discount to a fellow fatster in distress, or even my current used Hope SS version in silver if budgeting

    Free Member

    Lee – welcome aboard.

    Any reason not to go down the Aeffect crank route? Just being that’s its a known quantity is all

    Free Member

    Done. I was moved by your eulogy to Keith, great friends like you help make it all worthwhile.

    Smash it.

    And this:

    we need updates and photos of just how hard the training is…


    Free Member

    Did you try a Goatlink? I guess it makes the difference.

    Free Member

    11-42T cassette works fine with Zee r.mech – I run it with a goatlink which made a decent improvement on shifting/backpedaling.

    Saint shifters are only £35 at CRC – nice action on them.

    EDIT – just checked and they are currently £39.49

    Free Member

    Looking forward to seeing it reborn

    Free Member

    So, chased them by phone, was given a reference number, logged online complaint, was sent confirmation of complaint last Saturday – just received £1100 in my account.

    I love you guys. I love the world today x

    Free Member

    It’s been done – loads.

    Prove it

    you’ll do 15 or so tyres from this amount

    Is that stuff any good? When arsing about with fat tyres it doesn’t tend to go far enough – would be great to beat the system if possible.

    I was using artistic license with my recipe. c’mon guys, enlighten me

    Free Member

    MrsSlim is literally at her elderly parents as I write this, helping to evict a mentally unstable lodger. They have tried contacting police over her behaviour, who of course aren’t interested as it’s a civil matter – despite the lodger threatening them through their bedroom door. They have been scared witless and locking themselves in their bedroom and this has only come to light this weekend as they hadn’t wanted to worry anyone.

    Lodger is a female 40 something divorcee – no obvious signs to raise concerns on initial meeting, leading to increased odd behavior, accusations, threats.

    You have little/no help available of it all goes to pot, just be aware.

    Free Member

    100% deserves a prison term if culprit could ever be found.

    Free Member

    motorbikes don’t require tubes, so why do bicycles?

    Worst case scenario, you need to occasionally add a bit of air to your tyres if leaving them in the garage for weeks at a time. And maybe carry a spare back up tube in case of emergencies. Hardly a killer.

    Hearing numerous punctures literally self seal whilst on the fly is worth the faff alone. I also enjoy the weight saving and an increase in feedback

    Free Member

    Just took the plunge on a pair of tubeless ready 4.8s, works out £25 cheaper than the liteskins for a 200g weight penalty (total), but should also hold up better on local flint trails.

    Free Member

    Fingers crossed the wired version doesn’t turn up then

    Free Member

    Did you guys order the Tubeless version or liteskin?

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