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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Not sure if serious.

    Free Member

    What chills my anxiety is a nice fat blunt. Do you prescribe (thanks) weed to alcoholics?

    Free Member

    i found exercise and beer to be the perfect antidote to a fried brain.

    Brilliant, get him off the pacifiers and on to something a bit more hardcore, like booze. That’ll sort him.

    Your concern for him is admirable, although he’s clearly making his own bed so it’s up to him to accept any advice. I’d possibly lay off the weed conspiracy theory, it’s also possible that he’s just suffering from a mental illness/chemical imbalance.
    Remind him, as a friend, of your concern and reassure him that you’re there for him if he decides to investigate his behaviour.

    Free Member

    Well, I like it.

    I mean, I see what the others are saying about the length of it, and the ranty-ness, but I do like a bit of comeuppance. If your facts are straight, your manager sounded like the end of a bell and its good to know they’ve effectively been told so – and i’d imagine his peers/management will get to see the email as well. So he/she will have some backtracking and serious email scouring to do (at least).

    If it was the company owner that you’ve sent this to, then I guess it is a bit pointless – other than to help you feel better about the situation.

    I came out of one job years ago where I felt like I had been really hard done by – ended up in an argument with the ‘impartial’ HR rep during my exit interview and to this day I regret not seeking further advice about the treatment.

    Either way, good luck with future roles.

    Free Member

    we’d have to work out what to do with the tens of thousands of people that are willing to kill for the Queen and country.

    Free Member

    She loves the riding position though

    That’s what she said.


    I love dutch bikes, I still get a kick out of seeing so many bikes whizzing around when im in the Netherlands.

    Free Member

    Mine are strong to the finish

    Free Member

    I stick RAL2000 on everything. Because its ‘from the future…’

    Free Member

    There were also a few unintentionally comedic moments

    This – we found ourselves laughing out loud on several occasions, during scenes in which I expect they were attempting to portray tension/drama.

    honestly, I found the editing/plot/script so bad and so wide of the Alien/Aliens (general sci-fi) mark that im staggered it could be passed as a workable movie.

    Free Member

    Prices for flagship models from the likes of HTC and Samsung are just getting ridiculous.

    I concur, I simply could not justify £800/£900 to have the latest and bestest – as soon as I got into the P2 I realised that all id be gaining is possibly a sexier curved screen and a better camera (minus the great battery life).

    I like the idea of a P2 to cover my ride tracking adequately

    I too figured that longer rides without access to power points would be something the P2 could take in its stride.
    I took it off charge around 9am sunday morning – with heavy usage yesterday I am now looking at 74% remaining charge around 25hrs later. This thing will keep on trucking till Wednesday at this rate.

    I think it’s only available through Three – but comes unlocked.

    Yes – its exclusive to 3 in the UK, but unlocked. I also picked up a 3 sim with 12gb of data for £15pcm, in which case I can tether the iPad for weekends away with my lad and not have to worry about data usage.
    Main reason though was I received terrible coverage in the South Downs valleys, am now achieving 4g virtually everywhere so couldnt really be happier.

    it was so laggy I considered sending it back. I went through umpteen guide online on how to speed it up

    Another reason I plumped for the P2 – i’ve read in several reviews how certain handests get hot when the processors are worked hard, and although the processor on the P2 is last gen (Snapdragon 625 i think?) I also read that in its current split quad core config (effectively 8 core), its runs ice cool and with zero lag, and I can currently confirm this to be the case. So far im yet to notice any warmth from the battery and there is so little lag that its making my iPhone 5 seem like a steampunk handset.
    In fact I did a test with MrsSlim using our fingerprint access from a locked screen to the home screen – the P2 is virtually instantaneous, with the iphone 7 lagging behind every time.

    I’m completely sold on it. All they need to do is put a giant slaying camera in the P3 and charge £250 and i’d be all over it on my next upgrade.

    Currently working through the numerous personalisation features, I can now see why ‘they’ suggest that a clean Android interface is a joy.

    Just got a huawei p10 lite. Impressed so far.

    Was seriously tempted by this, looks great in the flesh and a stonking twin camera – in the end I just couldnt justify another £200 for a better camera with less battery life. But no doubt, a fine handset.
    In fact, on closer inspection the p9/10, OnePlus 3T, Pixel and a couple of other chinese variants all looked like genuine contenders to the flagship models.
    Interested to see what the OnePlus 5 is like when released this summer.

    Free Member

    So I picked up the Lenovo P2 after seeing it recommended above, after a fairly pain free transfer of data from iPhone to android I can honestly say I wish I’d made this change months ago.
    The phone is excellent, does everything my iPhone does (or needed it to do) in its stride, bigger and better screen, great button layout, stunning build quality for £200 (on close scrutiny it honestly compares to one of the £700 jobbies) and slick lag free performance.
    Oh, the battery life really is stonking too.

    Great recommendation and very happy so far. Ta

    Free Member

    We’re loads of empty seats at my screening too, the legacy of Prometheus?..

    Free Member

    An industry that serves up true quality from time to time would suffice. This modern marvel universe shite has a lot to answer for – the dumbing down of the cinema goer has become truly embarrassing. Turning everything into a colourful 12A/PG CGI explosion-romp in order to secure maximum bums on seats is a lazy soulless and tired method.

    Free Member

    Funkmasterp is right, the element of unknown and mystery, even the element of sinister has been embarrassingly unraveled by the lashings of cgi and clunky explain-every-minute-detail approach in the last 2 films.

    The characters are all completely bland at best, the plot is harrowingly thrown together.

    Blade Runner was an avant-garde sci fi masterpeice with stunning dialogue, beautiful cinematography, a great plot and incredible lead performances. The time to die scene ranks as one of my all time favourite move scenes.
    Alien/Aliens rank as a pair of the best tension loaded sci fi horrors of all time, Covenant doesn’t even rank as a good sci fi yarn.
    It doesn’t deserve to lick the boots of the first 2 films.
    I don’t expect it to be as good as the original, but I expect the same ball park with flavours and craft that compare to them – these new films are to Alien what Phantom Menace is to Star Wars, and that’s the best compliment I can make.

    Free Member

    I’m actually angry that this is what they have deduced is quality fodder for the modern average movie goer.
    That they can so blantantly pass this as worthy of one of the last great franchises beggars belief.
    That so many of you can possibly find that abomination acceptable, let alone exciting and thrilling, kills me a little bit inside.

    If this is acceptable modern sci-fi then I’m out.

    I want my money back

    Free Member

    I’m just back from seeing it, Mrs Slim literally had to convince me to stay and watch the whole film. It is DIABOLICAL!

    Ridley has lost his mind, either that or he’s taking us all for a ride whilst counting the money and laughing.
    A sorry sad mess of a CGI shitfest. More drawn out and obvious than anything I’ve seen in years, God awful plot, god awful telegraphed scenes, ridiculous screeching little waving aliens, just so bad on so many levels.

    Saddest part of all, there’s now – more obviously than ever – not a chance in hell that Ridley could have possibly made Bladerunner 2 into the classic it deserves to be. I’m warning you.

    The best part of the whole night, the fricken Baywatch trailer. I shit you not

    Free Member

    Fanx guys, I just shelled out on the 7dayshop link above.

    EDIT* just realised thats an SD, I need micro. FFS. What were you saying Cougar?

    Free Member

    i’d forgotten that one gobuchul, my sleeping has improved too – and this weird little ‘snort’ I had started to inadvertently make when getting in/out of my car also vanished.
    Weird but true.

    Free Member

    Renton – I couldnt recommend dropping the carbs more highly. Stick with the plan and after 3 or 4 days you’ll find you are no longer craving carbs like a junky on cold turkey. The craving probably never completely goes away due to habitual behaviour being broken, but your sensation of ‘im starving give me carbs now!’ does disappear.

    Within a week or two I found I was being rewarded with higher energy levels and significantly reduced general aches an pains that i’d previously put down to onset of age!

    Your water consumption does seem fairly high, and coupled with your fatigue I would as a minimum recommend dropping carbs pronto – of course, it would do you well to visit your GP and perhaps ask for blood tests.

    I had convinced myself that I was experiencing pre-diabetes warning signs (crippling fatigue/massive crashes where I would feel feint until i ate something carb filled or sugary / cold sweats) – but these symptoms literally vanished within the first week of Keto eating.

    Study ‘keto-diet’ for recipe ideas – MrsSlim does most of the research here and we’ve had various wonders such as carb free pizza and cheese crisps, but the key is to stick to the staples:

    Green veg (as much as you can stand) – no peas
    Fresh meat (bacon/steak/chicken/fish)

    Small amounts of tomato
    small amount of certain nuts

    With the above you can usually come up with a meat and 2 veg based diet, chicken wrapped in bacon/stuffed with cheese, steak and broccoli, scrambled eggs or omlettes with ham/salami

    eliminate any form of flour/starch/wheat/bread/pasta/sugar/milk and religiously check bottled/canned/packet items such as tomatoes for carb content – some are much lower than others.
    The guildines are to stick to around 30grams of net carbs a day, which can be calculated without too much trouble but I frankly cannot be arsed, so I just stick mainly to staple foods and if I dabble with perhaps a few peanuts or maybe a couple of sausages I just check to see how my weekly weigh in went and if not at least -2lbs, i cut back on those ‘riskier’ foods again.

    DO NOT be disheartened if you have a slow week or two, it always balances out. For example, the only ‘treats’ we’ve had in the last 3 months was a weekend in Amsterdam where we had pancakes/chips/hot chocolate for a couple of days (not bingeworthy amounts like before, as our appetites are generally much suppressed now) – At my following weigh in I was around 1lb heavier for the week, the next week I lost that single pound, and the weigh in after that was -5lbs..

    Best tip, learn to embrace the cauliflower – turning it into ‘cauli rice’ with the aid of a blender is a god send, and helps bulk out meals like chilli con carne.
    Courgette spaghetti goes quite well also, im not a fan of the vegetable but it turns out that when its shredded and covered in cheesy/meaty sauces that its pretty good :)

    Most days i simply dont eat breakfast now (not hungry enough), weekends id possibly have scrambled eggs and bacon. Every weekday I have a tuna or meat salad for lunch, evenings are either one of the above or a chicken shish kebab (throw the pitta bread away!) – or maybe something from the tandoori oven at the curry house (careful on yoghurt content).
    Snacks, sugar free jelly, a handful of nuts, pork scratchings (guilt free!), biltong, boiled eggs.
    Trust me, you won’t feel hungry enough to want to snack often.

    If I ever feel like I need a cheeky sweet hit of something, squirty can cream is your friend. approx 1g of carbs per gaping mouthful..

    But seriously, stick to the basics food types for at least a couple of weeks until you have a handle on the plan – then start gradually introducing the ‘phase 2’ stuff.

    Also, purchasing a bunch of ‘ketosticks’ to test the ketone level in your piss is a really great way of checking your metabolism state at an instant. Its comforting to know when you’re in full blown ‘ketosis’ and are effectively burning fat as fuel.

    Free Member

    Week 12, -36lb

    Free Member

    Subway tuna salad bowl every day for me. Club card points mean a free lunch every couple of weeks, 10p extra nabs a Pepsi max too.
    Jalapeños/pickles/olives/hot chilli sauce keeps things tasty.

    Free Member

    I assume you weigh approximately 8 stones?
    26/42 is perfect for the huge wheels (they may be 26″ rims, but the tyres add up to a huge diameter) plus winching my lard ass up anything resembling a hill.

    Free Member

    sharkbait – i’d never heard of hte OnePlus brand, thanks for pointing them out.
    The 3T seems to have rave reviews save for average battery performance. How do you find the camera?
    It looks like a giant slayer at the quoted pricing of around £399. Will need to take a closer look.

    That Lenovo P2 also looks well worth considering. Stonking battery life and good price (average camera perhaps?).

    Free Member

    MrsSlim has just ordered a 128gb iPhone 7 – will be interesting to see how it performs.
    Ridiculous price though..

    Free Member

    im constantly battling its memory limitations, and of course it isnt expandable.
    Plus, the camera is pretty average by modern standards – especially in low light situations.
    Oh, and the battery rarely lasts much longer that an hour or so’s browsing/roaming whilst on a train into town, for example.

    Other than that, its great.

    I guess what im looking for is a handset that has a camera/battery life/memory that wipes the floor with an iphone5, but at a much better price.

    Free Member

    Lena Dunham
    Megan Mullally
    Lydia Rose Bewley

    Law of averages means I must end up with one of them?

    Free Member

    now running 26T up front, and loving the new range

    Free Member

    she’s luverly

    Free Member

    Or a caterpillar?

    Free Member

    by the way, curiosity got the better of me and I splashed out on my first brand new amplifier for 15 years. A Marrantz PM6006.

    Phono stage sounds good, amp is warm sounding, 2 optical inputs for Chromecast Audio and TV audio connectivity, plus through my B&W CM5’s.. oh boy, these speakers sound good.

    Oh, and just sold the spare SL-1200!

    Free Member

    West Sussex Dune in Large available for testing if local to you.

    Free Member

    Mahalo – you’re spot on.
    I’m attracted to her sheer confidence and ability.

    Free Member

    the whole sister debate was pretty brave(?) of her IMO, from what I gather, she just fessed up to messing around at a very young age, like im sure pretty much most if not all of us did on some level, whether we choose to admit it or not.

    doctors & nurses and all that.

    Free Member

    Well, it sounds pretty good, given that it’s a DD table for DJing.

    Although, it was designed for hi-fi, but able to be DJ’d?

    but it’s not HiFi

    Hi-Fi Definition please.

    compared to something like a LP12 or TD124, it’s not old

    Gramophones are even older, but i’m happy to call a 40 year old design Retro.

    Free Member

    I thought the point of the central character was that she was insufferable in multiple way and physically unappealing?

    I missed that bit in the synopsis. I’m not sure even Lena would purposefully promote herself as physically unappealing. She’s all about body/female empowerment, no?

    Despite her insufferable and uber confident nature – I thought the brilliance was in the fact she remained so vulnerable, and like-able.

    Rays eloquent dialogue

    This. I grew to love this guy, and am made up that they gave him a happy ending.
    The lack of Adam in the final season did detract, and without wanting to spoil for anyone – his finale, although predictable, was sad.

    Free Member

    Adam Driver is simply brilliant in Girls.
    Its a rare show though in that I think the entire cast is excellently..cast.

    Free Member

    I think its changing my opinion on some of the ‘audiophile’ designs too.
    Considering my old RP6 is based on an MDF plank with a motor directly coupled to it, the 1200 is starting to make some audiophile options look a bit daft.

    Mind you, have you seen the price of a brand new 1200/1210?..

    Free Member

    Girls really was brilliant. Y’all would be doing yourself a favour to watch it from the start.

    You musta been happy how much nakedness there was in Girls then eh?

    Not so much the nakedness, more the sheer confidence and attitude. Very attractive.

    Free Member

    no one understands me, Lena
    I dream of taking you to dinner
    Nando’s though, i’ve only got a tenner

    Free Member

    she’s a stunner in my eyes. and I love bread.

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