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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Damn, I’ve been looking for a box of old cassettes..

    Free Member

    Went to see Flaming Lips play last night. Tried to experience it sober.
    Soon realised that my herbal vape was the missing ingredient. Blazed up, and
    shortly after Wayne floated past me riding a technicolour unicorn.
    I shit you not.

    I’m firmly in the alcohol drinkers and tobacco smokers are big fat hypocrites camp.
    Try everything once, enjoy yourself.

    Free Member

    Does it vibrate?

    Free Member

    so reading the above, I think the best advice would be to dip your bike in a vat of grease.
    Remove your grips though, you don’t want grease on them, obvs. Just remember to apply some grease under them when you re-fit them though, in case they creak.

    Free Member

    -50 lb as of this mornings weigh-in.

    How are you getting on Renton?

    Free Member

    Another tragic symptom of our failing mental health education and support systems.
    60+ million people on a small island – we need to exponentially increase education and mental health funding if we are to stand a chance of maintaining a truly tolerant and peaceful society.

    Free Member

    I don’t know the difference between malevolent and benevolent.
    Therefore, not sure I should vote.

    Free Member

    45 minutes from empty to full charge and even that only needs doing once every 2500km.

    Thats a lifetime charge for me then, bonus!

    Can’t believe you lot are surprised by the pricing – have you looked at how much bikes/parts cost these days? Its a hand over fist money fest, and we are the mugs that buy it.
    It’s not like they can charge less for Di2 than mechanical Ultegra/Dura-Ace is it?.. marketing guys would have a heart attack, poor sods.

    Free Member

    I get what you are saying IdleJon, and I don’t doubt the motive behind the radio transmission – my own personal issue is with the capt/crews reckless decision after reckless decision from that point onwards.

    Some say plot advancement, others say sh!t plot.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure supermarkets use plants for more than one season..

    You can grow a 1m tall plant covered in chillies within around 16-20 weeks, then yeild drops each subsequent season. Plus, you need to cut the root ball and vegetation right back to encourage new growth. I’d be surprised if thats the route many growers go down rather than just grow fresh from seed/cuttings.
    I’ve not had a chilli plant last more than two crops and I grow most seasons.

    For anyone interested, I have a decent seedbank of rare and super hot chilli’s. Maybe start up an exchange?

    Free Member

    Bought the 16v.

    Will be back to blame you lot if it breaks down.

    Free Member

    This thread pretty much sums up what I love about this place

    Free Member

    Holy shitballs, I think we have pretty much agreed on a majority verdict?..

    I may head out to see a Fabia this evening, otherwise I think I’ll be putting? a deposit on no2.

    Free Member

    Absolutely, full fat cheese, fill your boots.

    I totally know what you mean, and I’m certain you’ll lose a lot of weight by doing what you are doing .

    Im just promoting the virtues of Keto/Atkins phase 1 as it’s a sure fire way to:

    Virtually eliminate insulin response to eating
    Control appetite completely
    Turn your metabolism into one that literally burns your fat for fuel.

    Whenever you eat carb type foods (including fruit juices/milk) your pancreas has an insulin response – which in turn stores whatever you’ve eaten as fat – and knocks you out of ketosis.
    Hence why Atkins nuts will throw a wobbly if there’s one too many tomatoes in their salad.. it’s all about staying in ketosis.

    But, as above, you will get really good results if you stick to your current plan – you may find it harder to suppress appetite/cravings though.

    Well worth picking up some ketostix, you should find ketones in your urine after only 2 or 3 days.
    Good luck!

    Free Member

    Meals look good, asides from the porridge obvs – although I can completely understand a reluctance to give up traditional breakfast foods, especially when as delicious as porridge.
    If you stick to porridge, my advice is to go full fat on the milk (or use water).
    The dietary fats in milk are the best (only) good thing about them – fat is not your enemy – carbs + sugar are. No sugar = no blood sugar spikes = controlled appetite and weight loss.
    Remember, milk is lactose, any kind of ‘ose’ is pretty much synthesised as a sugar by your body (glucose/fructose/lactose).

    Chunks of cheese and salami make good snacks.
    The more fat in your diet the less hungry you will feel, guaranteed.

    Good work on starting the ball rolling. By cutting out the bread/rice/pasta you are already winning. You’ll be staggered by the weight loss if you go full blown keto though..

    Stick with it! Looking forward to hearing your experiences after 2-3 weeks

    Free Member

    On search filters I just round mileage down to, say, 40k or 50k max, set my upper price limit with a little room for negotiation (£2k in my case), then hit go and see what pops up.

    Missed out on a Panda 100hp last night that went for something like £1650 on eBay with FSH and 35k on the clocks. Billy bargain.
    As I get older though I’m less adventurous with distance, this Polo im likely to buy is less than 10 miles away – I’ve caught planes to drive cars home in the past!

    Free Member

    Valid points Glenn, I am aware of what they say re low mileage engines. Fortunately it hasn’t failed me yet when it comes to bangernomics. Although, granted, £1600 is much harder to swallow than £800 should it go wrong.

    Have driven number 2, it goes like the mileage would suggest it should, tight suspension and steering, smooth delivery. In fact, took it up to 70mph and was very pleasantly surprised to feel some refinement having come from my Swift which had the most road noise of any car I’ve owned.
    It has part history from last several years but MOTs back up the mileage. Plus new timing belt fitted.

    Free Member

    Both silver

    Agree that 75hp doesn’t sound much, but iirc, the 1.6 had fairly good torque figures.
    Fortunately I avoid most of the stop/start driving on my commute, but that’s not to say my piss doesn’t boil when stuck on M25 or elsewhere at other times – developed a bit of a love for autos with my old Golf cabriolet when my commute was mainly M25.
    If number 2 was auto I’d grab it hands down, saying that, I think all 16v autos were limited to 75hp..
    The 100hp version is a revvy little thing

    Free Member

    Still feels early days, but yes, to be on the right path feels very good.
    Almost feels too easy on this method, I think appetite control that high fat/low carb offers is the key for me.

    Free Member

    Just had to sell my Swift Sport, couldn’t bare to get into one of their anemic 1.2 variants instead.

    Don’t mind the Fiesta but ‘Ford’ is generally a dirty word round these parts.

    Free Member

    Unlikely to be working after 15 years though.

    Tested it, ice cold.

    Go Japanese.

    Old habits die hard I suppose.

    Is there a small Jap with performance to match at that price point?
    I like the 16v VW engines, plus I like an auto with some torque behind it, not a fan of tiny breathless motors

    Free Member

    Wild card – have also been offered a 2002 Golf Cabriolet 2.0 8v avantgarde, Auto, with 3 owners, and sub 50k, FSH, 12mths mot, one scrape to wing but otherwise very clean, for £1500..

    Free Member

    Ah STW friends, I knew I could count on you :)

    …but how did you manage to find two ‘old’ cars with such incredibly low mileage?

    I seem to excel in manically obsessively scouring the interwebs for leads when it comes to parting with money for a car. I like low mileage motors.
    Plus, millions of Polo’s were bought by oldies and used infrequently.

    Free Member

    -5lb for week on Monday weigh in. Now at -46lb total since feb.

    -4″ off waist measurement already (measured by trouser size), but geting close to -6″. No longer require services of Jacamo.

    Rode on sunday and for first time in about 2 years I felt able to power up a couple of hills with fresh legs.

    How about you?

    Free Member

    Perhaps see if someone here is local enough to view on your behalf?

    Free Member

    doesn’t explain why David, an android, referenced the poem wrong

    Yeah, my take on that was the onset of time/lost in his ‘thoughts’, and his programming had led to glitches in his Matrix.
    The moment he realises he was quoting incorrectly, he takes a moment, and there is seemingly a realisation that if he could get something so simple completely wrong – then he is also fallable, like hoomans.

    Free Member

    If you want CGI splatterfest flying men alien sex pyramid explosion cobblers for 90 minutes, go to the cinema.

    I like this :)

    Nothing to do with Marvel.

    My point (which I think you missed), is that if you like colourful fighty boom bang Marvel movies, you are probably the perfect target audience for Covenant – its a formula that has become depressingly common.
    For the rest of us, its slim pickings.

    Free Member

    Fin25 nailed it. And yes, that was a big ‘hello mum!’ wave from midget alien.

    Can we be movie friends?

    Free Member

    wrong Shelly though, well done, Ridley..

    As in Mary? That’s hilarious

    Free Member

    My favourite moment – the landing craft sequence as it flew through the valleys and onto the water. Also felt very ‘Poe Daemeron’ though.
    I still had hopes at this point of discovering a really interesting/savage/visually amazing landscape that would save the film, instead we got a bunch of inept scientists haplessly wandering off into oblivion.

    Danny McBride as Tennessee

    I laughed out loud at several points in the film, all it needed was Danny to come up with one of his classic one liners and i’d have called it the film a comedy and walked away happy.

    Sure you can pick multiple holes in it but I was able to just sit back and enjoy the spectacle without over-analyzing it, something I often struggle to do with most films these days.

    Thats exactly what I wanted to do, whilst at the same time experience some of the classic Alien tension and maybe inferred claustrophobia, but I found the flaws so glaringly obvious that after 30mins I was instinctively picking out the holes.

    I didn’t get bored at any point

    I don’t know if its just CGI overload on my part, but I wanted to leave after an hour – I felt that Iron Man and his buddy Thor were bound to appear at any moment.

    Just remembered, after the first couple of soldiers fall ill and the Alien on the loose in the landing craft – that painful exchange of:

    ”get back to the landing craft immediately, I need help!!”

    – ”we’re coming, don’t worry, just a few hundreds meters strolling to go and we’ll be there”

    ”get back now!! im about to die!!”

    – ”nearly there love, just let me finish tying my shoelaces..Jeez”

    Queue several similar interchanges. Landing craft then blows up.

    *characters sprint to exploded craft*

    Free Member

    Which would be the calmest area of the storm…

    doh, yeah, used the wrong analogy in full rant mode..

    ”ok then, but head for the worst part of the storm” is wot I meaned.

    What about the weird use of Franco for all of 20 seconds? And WTF is Ridley dong with all the religious references?? The last supper photo?.. so dodgy.

    Free Member

    *gives up*

    Free Member

    Im so relieved that most of you are recounting the dozens of ‘wtaf?’ moments that I saw, trying to remember them all has almost become a fun exercise in itself.

    Can anyone definitively explain how David came to be surfing away on the curly spaceship, loaded with acid rain, with the entire population of that planet conveniently encapsulated with no means of escape?
    What was the timescale involved there also?

    The abandoned city – missed by scanners (and by eyesight, seeing as it was just around the corner)?

    My current fave story developer:

    ”im taking the spaceship into the storm to see if I can pick up my wife on the radio”

    – ”NO! think of the thousands of folk we are responsible for on this ship, computer also says no! we’ll die trying! we HAVE to stay here and wait!”

    ”I really really want to go down and see if I can reach my wife”

    – ”ok then, make sure to head straight into the eye of the storm though”

    Free Member

    say five hell Mary’s

    Possibly part of the problem

    Free Member

    No, its a music appreciation thing.

    Free Member

    why wouldn’t you listen to a Beatles album or watch a Star Wars movie out of sheer curiosity?
    At least to find out what all the hype is about. Lambast away if you hate it as much as you imagined you would, but for heavens sake – if billions think its worth doing, then perhaps try it?

    Why this obsession with not having heard albums released 45+ years ago?

    Because until you understand origins, how can you fully appreciate the quality of the present?
    It was a time of great experimentation, advancement in recording practices and a new era for music (and social change) in general. Most music fans would agree that anyone serious about the enjoyment of one of lifes great arts would be sorely lacking without at least a reasonable comprehension of the crucible of rock and pop music.
    The Beatles are an obvious flag carrier for this era, but thats not to dismiss the plethora of other interesting and frankly excellent music from that era.
    They invented the ‘album’ concept itself.

    Thats why.

    Free Member

    Weds morning, 23% remaining on battery.. since first charge on Sunday morning.

    If you value battery life the P2 is a no brainer.

    Free Member

    Was she trying to sell you some glasses?..

    Free Member

    Pretty much unavoidable.

    So there’s hope? Apply Vaseline liberally?

    Free Member

    That was also a concern. I’m not at the point of headaches, so perhaps I should just make my eyes jollywell work for their keep

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