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  • FGF 508 – Fresh Goods Friday Of Hope
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    I learnt that Wilko Johnson is awesome and his bass player totally owned Later with Jules.

    Cue ticket purchase for his tour.

    Free Member

    whats everyone worried about Ed for? Cameron is going to be in power for 20 years and will save the world.
    Chill Winston(s).

    Free Member

    Working from home is now possible – no need to commute
    easy to stay in contact with people without meeting face to face (Skype/BB/smartphones/webinars) all reducing need to travel.
    Supermarket deliver to your door
    Shop from home and have anything delivered…

    The gains?
    Less pollution
    Cheaper not to run a car
    Less stressful not having to drive
    More free time, not having to travel

    Wow, imagine that. A life where we dont actually ever have to leave or front door to do anything or meet anyone.

    Seriously though, you raise a few good points.

    Free Member

    oh what the heck, may have to wheel out the singlespeed for this one..

    Free Member

    thanks guys, i’ll take your tips on board and see how much I can improve the stamina for 2012.
    just the Great South Run left for this year, fingers crossed I can pull sub 10 miles for the duration (flat course should help!).

    Free Member

    It turns out that pigs love to be masturbated by Rebecca Loo’s.

    Free Member

    .there is a you-tube video of her assisting a pig to artificially inseminate .not for everyone but if you like that kind of thing she does have an excellent wrist action

    … ‘tappety tap’ sound of y o u t u b e being typed into seperate browser…

    Free Member

    How do the triathaletes balance manage to balance the bike/run training?

    I’ll get to the gym and work on core/squats and see if it helps.

    Free Member

    sounds great Andy!
    can you name the sections along the way? I have a terrible memory when it comes to Swinley and can only really ‘name’ Ceasars camp and the gulley.

    Free Member

    reducing petrol price is a surefire vote winner, you will see it happen (once supply is re-established)

    seems we’re supporting people who have no better credentials for running a country than he did, how do we know they’re going to be better?

    A point I’ve seen frequently made, but never satisfactorily answered.

    Think about it in these terms:
    them”If you help us overthrow regime we give you special deal”
    us ”ok, but we have a few conditions, such as exclusivity rights and policital figure selection”
    them ”ok”
    us ” if you go back on your word things get nasty again”
    them ”yes sir, thank you sir”

    Free Member

    phil.w – Member
    Your running form could be an issue.

    Do you have a long stride from a high knee lift? As this is an inefficient way of running and not necessary until you are pushing fast times.

    And participially uphill try shorter faster steps to conserve energy.

    Actually Phil, I have a fairly short stride. Certainly not a high knee lift. I was wondering if my short stride might not be working my glutes effectively?

    My ave pace is 9:30 for the mile for anything up to 10k.

    Free Member

    I dont have the benefit of a running partner unfortunately, and as a cycling & rubgy club member, and a father, I scarcely have time to join another club. I fit running into my schedule as & when I can (its the best sport for this reason)
    However, I push myself in every physical activity, and am constantly having to force myself to back off as I get my heart rate right up to 90% almost every session.
    I use a HRM (will invest in GPS soon) and run against my PB’s unless on a recovery run.

    Only been running for 9 months, im sure its probably a case of me wanting to much too soon and I need to get more milage in to see stamina benefits.

    I must try more intervals as suggested. I tend to prefer plodding along for as long as poss as my primary target is weight loss.

    Free Member

    It’ll be the same as when we went into Iraq. I know an experienced economist who regarded the invasion of Iraq as primarily an economic assault on Russia and France by the US and Britain. Russian and French oil companies were the Primary partners of the Sadaam regime. With him gone, those contracts were null and void. Allowing new, very favourable contracts to be established with British and US companies instead. The loss of revenue to French and Russian companies was absolutely enormous!

    interesting theory, but IIRC, Russia has a massive oil/gas reserve of its own?
    I can see mileage in it though, may explain the World Cup voting fiasco too!

    Free Member

    MSP – Member

    we’ll quadruple every penny spent on future oil sales.

    What’s this we business, I don’t expect to see any profits from this war or subsequent oil deals in my bank account.

    Unfortunately (for some) we, being Britain went to war.

    You may yet see a reduction in petrol prices once its business as usual.

    Free Member

    we’ll quadruple every penny spent on future oil sales.

    Petrol prices already rose by 3p minimum as a result of the conflict, so the government probably already have the funds

    Free Member

    philconsequence – slow group (still recovering from bad shoulder, honest guv)
    mrsconsequence – slow group
    AndyRT – slow group
    Thisisnotaspoon – fast group
    PaulD – fast group
    raymond – fast group
    slimjim78 (+1 buddy) – slow group (my buddy is slow, not me. honest)

    I’d probably join a mid pace group if one emerges. Not sure I can keep up with the whippets.

    Free Member

    that’ll be a last resort if its proven there are no decent bike shops around anymore :x

    Free Member


    been doing me proud for months.

    Free Member

    Im totally flumoxxed as to why you would go for a small?
    Have you seen pics of these built up? Im 6’1″ and I make my large Soul look tiny.

    Actually, what am I talking about, please buy a small and provide pics..

    Free Member

    boy oh boy, its sure not fashionable to be ‘right wing’ these days, is it.

    I almost feel guilty for not being a socialist nut job.

    Free Member

    they cannot exist in the same place at the same time – space/time continuum and all that..

    Free Member

    Bagshot, Martins Heron & South Ascot are the nearest stations, all within approx 10 mins riding of the forest (Lookout entrance).

    Martins Heron is probably your best bet if you can find an easy link (direct from Waterloo), failing that Bracknell station is only about 15/20mins ride and should be mainline?

    Free Member

    ive never worked out the difference between campag and shimano either (never owned campag).
    can anyone enlighten me?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    eggbeaters rule.
    just about to change my bushings/bearings for first time in 5 years! (and yes, they were well ridden in that time).

    Is it a straightforward swap out?

    Free Member

    Amsterdam is great for galleries and culture, the canals, Anne Frank’s house, Van Gogh, etc, but 1 week is more than enough. Personally I would stick to 2 or 3 days in Dam (have been approx 8 times).

    As above, Salzburg is stunning but quite a small city, i’d highly recommend a couple of days there then a train journey to Vienna (approx 2.5 hours) which is also a fabulous city with a great cafe culture.
    If youve never been to Vienna, I would have it as a priority to visit.

    Free Member

    I’ll be there, possibly with two other riding buddies.

    Love riding Swinley and will be great to be shown ”Stickler both ways, Tank Traps, Gully, Labyrinth, Wall-2 and over to the Seagull for Corkscrew and Session Area” as I always get lost when I go.

    Sounds like a good day out. See y’all there

    Free Member

    each to thier own. I find his show quite watchable. Better than most of the remaning drivel on BBC/TV.

    Free Member

    Alfine’s feel squishy and ‘disconnected’, they also dont change well under load so require a different riding style off road.

    Personally I think they are great for commuters, not so great off road.
    Ive owned both 8 & 11 speed, and didnt get on with either off road.

    Dont listen to the ‘you dont notice that extra weight’ brigade either. My On-One came alive when I dropped the anchor.

    Dont get me wrong, I do like them but I dont think they are refined enough for off road use – yet.
    I just learnt to be a better rider on my single speed, thank you for that Mr Shimano.

    Free Member

    Go try one out, they look nice.
    I’d wager it would be a good day out visiting the on-one warehouse.

    I’ve seen a few Airbournes & VN’s up close and the welding is very neat. Not on boutique levels but then they are 1/3 of the price.

    For the money, it will no doubt be a nice light comfy ride. Just try and find out where the rigidity lies, and if that suits your prefered style.

    However, for a range topping bike, there is very little info offered on the Planet-X website.

    Free Member

    they are fugly, whomever buys them deserves the shortfalls for crimes on bikemanity

    Free Member

    Possibly not the most sporting way to end

    Understatement of the year?

    Mayweather lowered himself to the same level as Ortiz with that shot. Both showed a calculated lack of respect, arguably Mayweather showing less respect as Ortiz could be argued to have let leash with the butt in the ‘heat of the moment’ whereas Mayweather had time to consider his cheap shot.

    Totally unsporting in both counts, at least Ortiz tried emphatically to apologise, but deserved to be beaten.
    My ‘respect’ for Mayweather is deflated x500

    ‘a win’s a win?’
    seriously? Must remember that when I meet Maradonna.

    Free Member

    I generally find the people on the paths more offensive.

    I witnessed a horse rear up at a dog recently in Windsor Great Park, it fell over and literally landed on a small child on his bike.

    A total accident but a reminder of how dangerous these beasts are, and that ‘multi-use’ pathways can be hazardous areas.
    Fit women aside, most people I come across riding horses are total pompous arses with no regard for other path users and a high and mighty attitude. Much like rider of aforementioned horse who blamed the incident on the owner of the dog, without worrying too much about the trampled child whom incredibly fortunately escaped with a few bumps after being pressed into the mud (I honestly thought he was about to die).
    If pressed im sure that they would expect you to pick up their horse poo so good luck with that one.

    Im with the original OP, but mostly because it’ll annoy the haters on this thread who are so happy to throw insults around.

    Free Member

    its a Chris King headset & ‘race’ (base plate).

    Not sure of the effect that cutting it would have, being King quality and all that..

    Ive called a fairly local LBS and they reckon they can do the job, but I detected a sense of ‘not quite sure what you mean’ when I was describing the issue over the phone so not sure I want to hand the fork over for reaming as its the original one supplied with the frame back in ’98.

    The base plates are sacrificial to an extent, so may have a go at splitting it unless anyone here screams no to.
    Or may take the fork to LBS and see what they say in the flesh.

    Free Member

    just tried applying heat, no joy at all (doesnt heat apply expansion inwards as well as outards to a ring?).

    might be tempted to file a minimal amount of the shoulder down, but can detect the cringes already..

    Free Member

    I dont get what sizes there are to check?

    I understand there are different tolerances, but its not like i can order a different size 1″ king race is it?..or is it?

    Free Member

    both good advice, thanks

    Free Member

    thanks guys.
    tried planet x already but only black bars available in 26mm.

    might give one of the Nitto’s a whirl (but harder to stump up £35 when planet-x are knocking them out at £16.99)

    Free Member

    ”ive seen things you people wouldnt believe”

    ”All those … moments will be lost in time, like tears…in rain.
    Time to die.”

    Free Member

    ”im sick of these muthaf@ckin snakes on this muthaf@ckin plane!”

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