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  • Issue 154 International Adventure: The Last Yak Attack
  • slimjim78
    Free Member

    Ponderous, lacking in anything genuinely surprising.
    Fair crack of the whip by McEvoy but Shyamallamaman disappeared up his arse about 15 years ago.

    Free Member

    I can sell you the Spesh underbar lever for £25. It uses a ball bearing action and is slick

    Free Member

    Rescue. Don’t give up

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’s typically excellent.
    James Murphy is a legend.

    Free Member

    And this is how it starts..

    Free Member

    Visually check the gap between the inside face of each crank arm against its chain stay – gives a clear indication of centricity.

    On latest set up (Aeffect crank on Hope BB) I needed 2 spacers on drive side and none on other side. Manual doesn’t agree but chainline does.

    Free Member

    Anyone and everyone thinking that this is anything other than a multi-million making pantomime is deluded. The whole thing is carefully considered and choreographed.

    It’ll last to round 5 or 6, in order to provide some kind of satisfactory show for the crowd, at which point Mayweathers contractual domincance will see Greg KO’d.

    If I’m wrong, pedigree will destroy Greg in the first round.

    Free Member

    Of course, anything with Madame Belucci is pure solid gold IMO.

    I’m the same, my hat is off the Lynch for doing everything his way, or nothing at all. But, I just have a suspicion he is intentionally leading us up the longest garden path..

    That being said, a completely lucid Coop saving the day in the final episode would be a brilliant crescendo to sign off with.

    Free Member

    Have never been so keen to watch an entire series of something that I truly feel the creator/director is intentionally taking the piss over.
    Its enfuriating nonsense, but at the same time particularly brave TV. Its more like season 2, which rambled with unnecessary subplots, but alas season 3 is completely lacking what made the originals so great – Agent Cooper!
    This bumbling copy cat nonsense has worn atomically thin.

    Despite my criticism, the (seeming) union of Ed and Norma was brilliant to watch.
    Everything crossed that the finale is worth waiting for.

    Free Member

    Wanting a large MK2 Solaris here.. worth a shot

    Free Member

    We have one, he’s very loved here. Hardly ever makes a noise, in fact it was around 2 months after we got him that we even knew he could bark! Likes to assert himself with other dogs and can be grouchy with bouncy puppies but never goes beyond a growl or yap. Otherwise will run with his park friends in great big circles like a lunatic.
    Happy to sit or lay in any manner of positions, be it upsidedown on my 7yo sons lap or tucked up under my armpit.
    Doesn’t eat too much, only ever lays dog eggs during his walks and is small enough to carry at any given moment – should it be needed. Oh, and he regularly runs between 5-10 miles alongside me during my SDW rides. He adores being outside and it takes a real good 1hr plus walk/run to get near at tiring him out.
    Typically terrier in having selective hearing, & strong prey drive for rats/rabbits, but this one happens to adore cats (?!).
    Would have another in a heartbeat but not convinced I’d ever be able to be as lucky to find another so placid – he’s not the typical ankle biter you often hear about.
    Extremely intelligent, once you begin to realise the extent of their mind games it becomes a fascinating little exchange!

    Edit* sounds similar to the post above

    Free Member

    Ironically it was functioning perfectly before I bled it – I just needed a slightly longer brake line.

    Free Member

    Elephant Hawk Moth, found one myself the other day.
    Disappointingly common alas.

    Incredible to spot one though eh? I’m a staunch Darwinist, but when i see such camouflage up close it really starts to challenge the big theory don’t you think?

    The sheer amount of tiny changes/mutations required to create such brilliant illusions blows my mind.

    Free Member

    I’ve tried Reverb, Thomson, Lev, Command Post.

    To be fair im yet to have a complete failure, but so far my fave, and ‘most reliable’ has been the Command Post. Thought I’d hate the ‘step’ approach to lowering, turns out I like it more than infinite adjust. Climbing, cruising, downhill, those are all the positions I need.
    Thomson feels great in use, although I hated the OEM remote lever.

    I also run the shifter style Spesh remote. It’s got a spring loaded bearing action, and it’s luvly.
    Have subsequently read pretty much only good things about the Command Post so that is where my future money and recommendations go.

    Free Member

    I was sent 170s when I ordered 175s for my last crank, ended up giving them a go as I’m too impatient to return, ended up liking them more than 175s.

    Free Member

    I literally asked for ‘my 10% discount’ earlier and the lovely salesperson couldn’t apply it fast enough

    Free Member

    Just shelled out on the 28pc 3/8 drive, and 55pc 1/2″.. nearly had to ask for assistance carrying that lot to my car.

    Call me Mr Socket from now on.

    Free Member

    I appreciate the MTFU sentiment, but a few years ago when I was at my fittest (still a big lump) I was pushing through my runs and found I was able to really pick up the pace – trouble was, my heart rate was peaking and I could feel sharp and painful pins and needles in my hands with each strike of my feet on the floor.
    I assumed at the time that my heart was struggling to provide blood to my extremities as it struggled to shift my mass along at speed.
    Moral, I think you can push too hard.

    Free Member

    Each one of the deep sockets would cost £5-£7 individually, the 12pt ratchet around £30, a few extension bars etc, plus a lifetime guarantee. What would you say it was worth out of interest?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    The thread that keeps on giving. 3/8 set reserved, thanks andy

    Free Member

    I love you man.

    Free Member

    OF course, I mean, like, in the fitting kit..

    Free Member

    As it goes, I have a mint 80s Planar 3 up for grabs if interested. Drop me a PM.

    Loved both my Planar 2 and 3, and RP6, but since becomming an urban hipster I haven’t looked back since acquiring my Technics SL-1210.

    Free Member

    The Torus is really nice.
    I would wager the chances of On-One dropping the price over their Ti29 by around £200 before Torus are around 50,000,000,000:1 (give or take).

    Then the £800 v £1400 decision starts to get a bit clearer..

    Still, the Torus is really nice..

    Free Member

    A-well-a everybody’s heard about the bird

    Free Member

    Torus mk3 ti29

    crikey that is nice. I wouldnt need boost spacing per se, but its a nice feature. The BB yoke and post brake mount look sweet.
    1x only FTW :)
    What travel fork is it based on?

    Free Member

    Looks nice
    Lighter than current steel frame
    Have a *reliable* dropper

    I think the search for new frame has lead me to searching for the ‘ooh that’s pretty’ factor. On paper the Ti29 has most of the angles I’m looking for, my forks and dropper are perfect, plus I quite like the seat stay/chain stay arrangement.

    Faster XC biased geo suits me fine, but when the trail points down I love the extra control a dropper offers.

    It’s a valid point thought, my 27.2 Soul was more comfy than my dropper compatible Soul. I probably ended up enjoying the stiffer frame more though.

    Free Member

    That does look very nice, but I traditionally fall in-between sizes (19″-20″) so their 18.5 or 20.5 sizes would possibly leave me in a bit of a dilemma. It’s also got a 27.2 seat tube, which would leave me needing an expensive upgrade on my current post.

    Free Member

    also wondering if the curent price of £999 has been discounted recently, or if it’s expected to be discounted any time soon?..

    Its currently one of O-O highest priced frames, with the Titus 29er at £799 frame only, or £849 with Rev fork and headset (go figure). So, reluctant to part with a bag of sand atm.

    Free Member

    I tend to pick a coffee shop and astral-project myself around the city for a couple of days

    Free Member

    I had a weird issue on my Aeffect cinch cranks with Hope BB on a recent install, had a gap like you mention and the only way I could eliminate it AND have the crank arms line up correctly was to install 2 spacers, both on the drive side BB cup.

    Plus, on Aeffect cranks at least, there are, or should be several non-drive side axle thin elastomer spacers which can be prised off/added as needed. It seems that they take up the final slack. Aeffect also uses a weird approx 8mm spacer on the drive side axle – not sure if your crank would require these though?

    Free Member

    As long as it wasn’t part of you that dented it – my knee reshaped my top tube last year in Stanmer.

    Coincidentally, the bruised swelling just below my right knee corresponds well to the freshly kinked downtube..

    Free Member

    Just back from a lap on my 29er with Ardents, was great.
    Apart from when I crashed, twice, and dented my frame (user error).

    Free Member

    What’s he said /\

    Cheers OP. Ordered both sets for collection

    Free Member

    Well perhaps I’ll hold out for the influx off older model hitting the classifieds..

    Free Member

    I think my biggest concerns are battery life, and ability to seamlessly sync to Strava – in which case the Garmin vivi GPS HR seems to be in the right ball park.
    Am I right in thinking that you log data via a Garmin app on the watch, which is linked to your Strava account for syncing later?
    Or do you have the ability to ‘open’ Strava on the watch itself?

    Free Member

    Great, thanks for the feedback.

    Truth be told, a mixture of rides with phone in backpack, or GPS logger on watch would probably suffice.

    Some good recommendations for me to check out. Not sure im man enough to take on the Lezyne, but its robocoptastic.

    Free Member

    are there any exceptions wwaswas?

    its not a deal breaker, I just like the idea of on screen navigation – if I bought one without only to find another that has it.. well.. i’d be a trifle sad.

    Having said that, I never bloody look at the map feature unless im really lost.

    Free Member

    so, just so im clear, these STRAVA app’d watches will allow basic functionality, such as start/stop/pause – but will/won’t show current location and course etc? (apart from the one mentioned that just logs data)

    The Sony Smartwatch3 was the first on my radar to get me interested, so I guess im looking to see if their are any other competitors that have nailed it, betterer?
    I wasn’t sure it was compatible with STRAVA though, cheers.

    I use a Lenovo P2 smart phone. Don’t ask me which Android im running. Probably banana or sasquatch or somesuch.

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