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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • slidewinder
    Free Member

    You might need one of these:

    Free Member

    I’ve got Talkytoaster on mine:

    You’ll probably want one of the first two downloads on this page – either the oe with contours or the one without!

    Free Member

    In order to answer your question I would need to know:
    Where you work
    What hours you work
    Are there any CCTV cameras in the area
    What type of lock you were planning to use
    The nearest hardware store
    A possible escape route!

    Free Member

    Are they ok with a higher pressure? Then if so the simple solution might be to add more air for the road and let it out for off-road stuff.

    Free Member

    Food banks in Surrey! – what is the world coming to?

    To be fair, by the time you’ve paid out for a new carbon santa cruz Bronson, a VW T5, a go pro4 black edition and all the rest of the kit, who has money left for food?

    Free Member

    It will have been destroyed by people who would rather undergo intrusive and potentially life threatening surgery than reduce the frequency at which their hand filled with greasy sugary treats reaches their mouth.

    Free Member

    I would like to, I really would. I wish I could look at a candidate and think ‘now there’s someone worth voting for, there’s someone with passion and a great orator’. Unfortunately I look at the leaders and I see a toff, a prefect, a lapdog, a bigot, Jimmy Krankie and a mild Aussie woman. None of them have any real grasp of commerce or industry, or how them average person lives.

    Free Member

    sadly the “When Elvis met The Beatles” exhibit in Fort Perch Rock was closed

    You’re really not missing much……………

    Free Member

    Similar story. I became aware of my blood pressure a couple of weeks ago. I hadn’t taken it for about 6 months, but at that time it was around 115/76 – occasionally in the past I might have had a reading up to 86 diastolic. I’ve repeatedly had a diastolic over 90 for the past couple of weeks – I’ve cut out the crap and started eating more fruit, on the positive side I’ve lost 12 pounds but my blood pressure just now was 136/94. I’ll keep at it a bit longer and if it doesn’t get below 90 over the next 6 weeks I’ll probably see the GP to see if there’s an underlying issue.

    Free Member

    A flying bike………! I’ve always wanted one of those since I saw ET.

    Free Member

    It’s great if you want a 4kg tub of Hellman’s Mayonnaise!

    Free Member

    Why do we try to put people in two groups of being for or against something? If someone said they didn’t like the look of Ellsworth bikes would we automatically label them anti-bike?

    Just as all mtbs are different so too are vaccinations, even within the same class, vaccinations differ greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer and even within the same manufacturer. Manufacturing methods can be different, the strain can be different, what’s removed from the virus can be different, the preservative the vaccine is preserved in can be different. Each of these has an effect on the finished product, the efficacy of the product and the side effects of the product.

    If you have any concerns it’s not wrong to ask questions, most vaccines will have been well tested through a broad range of the population for many years and this is why we accept most without question. There are examples, however, of vaccinations being rushed to market and then having unforeseen side affects such as the GSK flu vaccine in 2010 which left a load of kids with narcolepsy. But for the most part flu vaccines have been perfectly safe historically from GSK and other manufacturers.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t try to make complex issues into black and white matters and don’t be afraid to ask questions before accepting vaccines because most of the time you’ll get a response that puts your mind at rest.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve only ever sat down to watch Moto GP once and I remember the name Valentino Rossi because during the race he managed to run over Marco Simoncelli’s head; I decided it wasn’t the spectator sport I though it was and haven’t watched since.

    Free Member

    But why would they? Whats their motivation?

    Yes, This is precisely the problem. A lot of housing associations have started to look seriously at expanding their housing stock by building new ones, but like all capital investment projects the financials will be worked out on a long term basis; if they are forced to sell those properties after 3 years the reasons for doing it may not stack up. Also housing associations have invested in renewables to get the feed in tariffs and renewable heat incentives – this is another source of income they would lose if they have to sell the property.

    In order to run any business you need to have control over your assets and have the ability to sell them at a time of your choosing

    Free Member

    Legally it’ll be interesting as a lot of housing associations ‘bought’ the housing stock from the local authorities. It will have massive repercussions on centuries of property law if the government can force a private organisation to sell it’s assets at a below market rate.

    Free Member

    Let’s be honest, who here wouldn’t like to try an e-bike with a 2.5kW motor?

    Free Member

    What are these e-bikes with 6″ travel and disc brakes for then?

    I suspect they are good for hammering downhill in alpine areas where riding to the top would otherwise be exhausting.

    Free Member

    I think the problem is that e-bikes are a little misunderstood. It’s kind of like comparing real ale and lager or red wine and white wine – one’s never going to replace the other, but they both have their place.

    I was like most people completely anti-ebike until October last year when we went to Granada and my girlfriend booked us on a tour of the city and mountains which used e-bikes. What I realised is that it can still be hard work if you want it to be, you pick the amount of assistance you require 1-3 (or no assistance if you really want to ride a 22kg bike up a mountain track). The main advantage is that you can see far more in 3 hours than you otherwise would with pedal power alone – so I think they have a purpose.

    Would I buy one myself and take it to Llandegla or the Peak District? -No, that’s not really what they’re for. Would I consider hiring one if I was touring in the alps and had a limited number of days and wanted to go off road- possibly, yes! Especially if I was with a mixed ability group and the purpose was more about taking in the surroundings rather than riding principally for exercise.

    Free Member

    As they used to say at school “he’s only cheating himself”!

    Free Member

    Nice one, but in reality with 650b already well established and 650b+ gaining some traction (excuse the pun) it probably won’t be long until a 750 mtb appears!

    Free Member

    Whittards 1886 blend – loose!
    Best tea

    Free Member

    Make sure you have a well presented area full of shiny things, knick knacks and impulse buys – they are the kind of things that keep money money going through the till on those cold days when no one’s buying bikes.

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind there is already a template in place, even with my limited experience I could comfortably do a website of that type in 3-4 hours. That’s at least £2,500 an hour – does sound a bit excessive.

    Free Member

    With a bit of know how, you can buy a template for £15 or so and do it yourself. The address costs about £8 and hosting about £25 for first year and £75 for subsequent years.

    That’s what I did anyway!

    Free Member

    “A bottle of mud-off and a can of GT85, please”

    “Do you want fries with that?”

    Free Member

    I went to a private secondary school, can’t say I particularly liked it. Sometimes it’s better in life to be happy.

    The main reason that private schools often to better than state schools is because there’s an entrance exam – if you take the most able kids in an area at exams at age 11, it’s quite likely that a large number of those will do well at age 16 regardless of the quality of teaching they receive.

    Free Member

    Media stunt

    Not the first time someone’s called him that……….or something similar!

    Free Member

    To be fair to the company they have advised they do not expect me to work during my consultation period

    ………….cool, time to get the bike out on those trails you planned to ride but never had time to!

    Free Member

    Happens to all of us – I had it 5 times in 14 years. Each time it was the same story – good company with good profits and happy hard working staff, new chief executive takes over with big ideas but little idea of how the company works sets the company on a course to destruction, jumps ship (gets a better job often) and people lose their jobs. One company I worked for saw their share price drop 99.95% after one smart arse’s meddling – he moved to work in the nuclear engineering sector …………God help us!

    Free Member

    Maybe he phoned some old bloke up and told him he’d shagged his granddaughter – worked for Russell Brand!

    Free Member

    This ISIS lot are going to be very unpopular if they keep this up!

    Free Member

    Basically you have the choice of a toff, a lapdog, a prefect or a bigot. You simply have to find the one that you find least repugnant!

    Free Member

    I can see the attraction, they have Nutella! Throw in a Cadbury’s Creme egg and a packet of Monster Munch and I’d be on the next flight out!

    Free Member

    This fellas got all the answers………….I would encourage you to watch it through before trying any though!

    Free Member

    Watch out he’s going for the Mad Dog 20/20……………..bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

    Seems a bit excessive!

    Free Member

    Maybe the £600-700 difference is to cover the additional labour required to attach the rear brake to the left lever rather than the right! :D

    Free Member

    I’ve been happy with mine!

    Free Member

    coke and hookers

    I’m sure Mrs BristolPablo is going to be really impressed in 6 months time when all he has to show for his windfall is a nasty rash and a £500 a day habit!

    Free Member

    I was very much anti e-bikes until I did a tour round Granada towards the end of last year. You’ve still got to pedal, but it means you get to see much much more of a place than you otherwise could. I’d only used a small amount of the battery after 3.5 hrs, but the Guide said that they get plenty of fat Americans who drain the battery in no time!

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