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  • New DMR V11 Pedals Launched
  • slackalice
    Free Member

    So….. when they say ‘size doesn’t matter’

    Free Member

    I was very familiar with the dental industry a few years back and may I just say, if you are going to bash dentists (and yes, there are some who do it for the money), just have a think about how their fees translate to an hourly rate. From that hourly rate, they have staff to pay – dental nurses, hygienists, receptionists, associate dentists – they also have to equip their practice, chairs, x-ray machines… They are also required to maintain knowledge of new techniques and commit all their staff to ongoing professional training…You get the idea?….

    Now, as an example of a fellow professional, how much does your solicitor charge as an hourly rate? How many staff? How much equipment? How much time in professional development and peer review?

    There are always unscrupulous people in all walks of life, so there will more than likely be some dentists who overcharge. Only the NHS fee rates are regulated AFAIK.

    On the whole, most dentists are having to transfer their patients to Private Fee Per Item because the NHS fee rates are woefully lower than their required hourly rate. Therefore, for an NHS dentist to make their business work, they have to see more patients in the time available. Your NHS check-up is a quick 3 minute glance and if you do require some treatment, there’s a waiting list because more patients = less time. Additionally, more treatment = more money, so not much time to spend on a filling and better keep the low-cost materials handy because the fee rate doesn’t warrant offering the better quality materials.

    Fee per item dentistry for both Private and NHS is fundamentally wrong because providing more treatment gets financially rewarded.

    The best option is to go on a ‘capitation’ scheme – which is not insurance per se. Two providers I know of are Denplan and BUPA. These focus on prevention and are typically paid for with a monthly DDI. The amount will vary from one practice to another and is based upon the amount of time the dentist feels they will need to help you care for your oral hygiene. It used to be that the average patient would need about an hour per year with both dentist and hygienist and therefore you pay a twelfth of their hourly rate each month. I would estimate that is circa £25/£30 per month nowadays, but each practice set their own rates according to their business costs.

    Because each patient is paying for time, an optimum number of patients can be established to enable the dentist to provide care and is usually 33% of their NHS patient base.

    I wont go on, there’s much more to it. Talk to your dentist and ask if they run a prevention scheme.

    The whole ethos of the NHS system is treatment orientated. That’s how it is measured and accounted for. It’s a no more than a sticking plaster. I have every admiration and respect for those who are health care professionals working in the NHS, I just often feel that the system has to be changed and funded differently towards a more prevention bias – especially in primary care like GP’s and dentists.

    Free Member

    It’s likely that the ‘uneven’ wear is due to camber. In your case, it would be negative camber. Most cars nowadays do not allow for any adjustments to camber angle, so it will be something you’ll have to live with, unless of course there is an eccentric bolt (typically) on the lower part of the front suspension strut.

    You’ll notice this wear particularly if you do many motorway miles as the negative camber gives the wheel/tyre a top-in stance when looked at from in front or behind (check the open wheel F1 cars for more aggressive angles). Effectively, the negative camber enables a fuller contact patch with the road surface when cornering and therefore, better grip.

    It would also be worth having the tracking checked btw just incase.

    Hope that helps

    Free Member

    thm – many thanks, perhaps I’m not being too simplistic after all?!!

    I hadn’t considered the flexibility of exchange rates within the EZ… why oh why was this mechanism not introduced in the outset? Or is that a legacy of the ERM?

    Agree with the short-term messiness, I too fear that it will stretch to medium term and a whole lot messier before anything sensible/flexible is even considered.

    Either way, have a great weekend and enjoy the ride :D

    Free Member

    thm – good to read your posts and thanks for your specific insights and knowledge – clearly a far higher level of understanding than mine on this/these issue/s.

    One question I would like to ask your opinion on… (whilst trying not to appear too puerile and facetious :? ): What would be your thoughts on Germany leaving the Euro? Clearly a book could be written on this, however it appears to me that the value of the Euro is being kept high because of the strength of just one economy in the EZ, therefore, would it not be quicker to establish some kind of parity if Germany resurrected the Mark?

    Free Member

    I’ve only got a £1m to spend now ?

    Unfortunately so…. especially when the average price of a house would be £25m :?

    Free Member

    Kimbers…. Me or them???!!!!

    Free Member

    IIRC – although prepared to be shot down on this – Thatcher had little choice. She inherited a massive deficit/debt and went cap in hand to the IMF who said ‘no’, unless she sold off the various nationalised institutions/assets to raise the money to enable the UK to pay off the loan from the IMF at inflated interest.

    Hence, BT, utilities were sold too cheaply, council houses etc etc.

    The rest, as they say, is history. Not-for-profit nationalised industries with low re-investment, low productivity and bad management were replaced with healthy short term shareholder profit, low reinvestment, mediocre productivity and bad management companies.

    Blair and co then got really carried away with the whole scam of quick profit with money that doesn’t exist and went so far as to sell all our gold (which really did exist) for more money that doesn’t exist.

    Blaming bankers is cool, although I suspect that whilst they were investing money that didn’t exist in their own get-rich-quick schemes, we were also more than happy to take up the plethora of cheap loans, mortgages, credit etc etc with more money that didn’t exist. So, in some way, we can all take some credit for the state of things.

    I like Zimbo’s idea. If the plan is to re-capitalise the banks, then why not pay off everyone’s loans? That way the banks get their money and many people are not having to service their debts and buy a pint of milk. Unfortunately, the problem with this is that there is no real money… none of it exists – hence the few mouse clicks.

    Free Member

    I’ll admit to biking on dope…. didn’t really help. 8O

    Altho on ‘shrooms it was an absolute hoot. :P

    Free Member

    Does it REALLY matter?

    I’m sure that eventually in the BIGGER picture, the karmic blade will swing and at some point in time and space balance will be restored.

    If LA has been so self-centred then next time around his soul shall experience the alternative and vice-versa.

    The truth is out there and if any of us are meant to know it, we shall. But possibly not in this lifetime.

    Have a great day everyone :D

    Free Member

    It is indeed pricey stuff, hope this helps

    rainwater direct

    Free Member

    Preparation is key – obvious things like check their website.

    More importantly, remember that the interview is a two way thing, so prepare some questions that will give you an insight to their culture and that you are looking for an employer that will help you progress both professionally and personally

    Competition for jobs is high at the moment, however, remember that the skills and experience you will bring to them will be for everyone’s benefit.

    And try not to look too disappointed if/when they ask you what your strengths/weaknesses are…

    Free Member

    +1 here!

    Had a hoot around the red trail today, especially like the new final section dropping down to the car park :D

    Thank you and well done 8)

    Free Member

    I consider myself fortunate to have watched the LFC teams of Shankley and Paisley and believe this appointment is a shrewd one.

    Look, playing competitive football is not complicated (game of 2 halves yadda yadda..). If you have the ball and keep it, the other team cannot score. Simples. Check out Barca from the last couple of years, that’s exactly their method. Ok, comments can be made about skill levels etc, however, if someone who is being paid alot of money to kick a ball cannot do the basics, then let em go.

    Both Shanks and Paisley followed that principal.

    Free Member

    I remember a bleach with a strap line of: ‘Kills bugs, dead’ :|


    I also used to drive regularly through Creston in BC (hwy 93 iirc) and always chuckle at a roadside A-board advertising a store selling ‘nearly new antiques’ :roll:

    Dontcha love those crazy canucks, eh? :D

    Free Member

    And to think we’ve got the British Empire to thank for this….

    Yup, got the coat. Leaving now.

    Free Member

    It is indeed tragic and sad to see – in many ways and on many levels.

    I do have to question the Boot Camps in the USA??!

    Were they part and parcel of her NHS care plan too?

    Free Member

    Standing even further away to observe….


    Free Member

    as i mentioned earlier, show a little humility.

    I humbly touch my forelock in deference to your esteemed knowledge on the subject and admit that my thinly veiled sarcasm was indeed a knee jerk reaction to the shock of reading the earlier statement.

    Fetches coat and withdraws to safe distance to observe…

    Free Member

    I want this on T – shirt oh the ironing …you do know what unforgivable means dont you

    Junkyard you are a great bloke but you don’t come over as being terribly well read in history.

    ….Or irony 8)

    Free Member

    Oh dear….

    Let’s please refer to the OP and to Muddydwarf’s excellent post on the first page.

    Everything else appears to be born from individual prejudices, beliefs, here-say and dodgy stats. Not really required for a school essay – you might as well reference Wikipedia

    The British Empire existed. As did all the previous ’empires’. As will all the future one’s. The big difference with how the British Empire came about from those that were before, was that it was – as MD states quite correctly – it was an accident of trade. It did not come about through any military invasion.

    And quite frankly, to publicly state ‘never to forgive’ is simply unforgivable… :?

    Free Member

    Five Go Mad in Dorset…. “Oh Timmy you’re so licky”

    Fistful of Travellers Cheques…. “Christ Shona, don’t these deserts make you wanna p*ss alot?”

    Oh…. not those Comic Strips.

    Free Member

    Has the rattling now stopped?

    Free Member

    Ooops, pressed the ‘send’ button too soon – possibly story of my life thus far… :?

    Anyhow, I was going to ask if anyone has any experience/knowledge of the Index Trackers?

    Thanking you….

    Free Member

    +1 Peterfile re beating the full-time pro’s

    Index Tracking Funds can be spread about from domestic to global investments and are also ISA-able.

    Free Member

    May I suggest you have a good read of this site:
    Motley Fool[/url]

    In essence their recommendation is if you are going to invest, then be prepared to put the legwork into research, research and more research and possibly more importantly, the stock market is best viewed as a long term investment – minimum 5 years, ideally 10 – 20+yrs.

    Hope this helps

    Free Member

    No help on the ride front, however….

    The ad in the mag claims 13% more…. More what?…




    Leg room?

    Fun? :D

    Free Member

    Owens Cycles in and around Petersfield

    East Street Cycles in Farnham – possibly the better of the lot

    Beyond Bikes (I think) in Smithbrook Kilns

    Or further south just north of Portsmouth are Velocity Cycles

    There is also a newish shop in Alton – not 1st Gear – and have heard good reports from peeps.

    Free Member

    @ bowglie

    Certainly not, I make up all my own right wing views.

    Free Member

    Rearrange the following words:

    Goat, scape, deal, book, payment, excessive, non custodial, emigrate.

    As above, this has been going on for soooo long it’s part of the fabric of the hallowed halls of Westminster, Scotland Yard and Fleet Street.

    I just hope she spills the beans on the arch villains – Tony & Cherie Blair (witch hunt)

    Free Member

    As I perceive it, the ONLY way this mess will get sorted is for Germany to leave the Euro.

    My credentials being a failed Economics A-level, taken pre Keynesian Maggie, so I speak with utter authority.

    But think about it…. Germany leaves and re-introduces the DM, the Euro is instantly devalued and those countries left in will have much smaller debts. However, the only down/up side is the effect on the the Deutsch Mark… It will be so absurdly expensive in comparison to the neighbour’s Euro’s until such time when Germany is chock full of unsold European exports (insert VW, Audi, Miele yadda yadda), at which point it too devalues, Germany crashes into recession and we can start all over again. Except this time your sacred Audi TDi will be cheap as chips :D

    Sounds like a better plan than any of the so called experts.

    Free Member

    Check out Teva

    Free Member

    Hehe! No, I think it was a 29r…

    Free Member

    Having had a very very near miss a few days ago with a total dork of a speeding cyclist whilst I was walking across a zebra crossing, all I can say is…. T**t.

    We all walk a thin line between being here and not being here, I’m not risk averse, but it helps all of humanity if we just become a little bit more aware.

    Free Member

    +2 for Wozza

    Free Member

    87/88 Dawes Jackal. It was ace.

    Free Member

    As it has always been, so it shall continue to be.

    Politicians, journalists, police, corporate senior management…. power corrupts and in the great scheme of things in this reality, there is little we can do to either stop it or prevent it.

    Just be reconciled with the knowledge that to the ants – we are weather.

    Something to ponder whilst grinding up the climbs….

    Free Member

    I have absolutely no idea where the inspiration came from…. especially as I prefer steeper angles.

    Cross dressing DH junkie perhaps

    Free Member

    You might not want to fit the 100mm forks…. but what about a Pivot 5.7?

    Free Member

    “Hate” is a strong word.

    It’s all about the LOVE.


    Go get both and smile :D

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