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  • Chasing the Podium with YT MOB’s Guy Johnston
  • slackalice
    Free Member

    Personally, without a pic or a bit more info, I cant help with ID.

    They could be RC 36 EVO 2 0r 3 from those years. IIRC, at the top of the left slider, just below the crown/leg clamp, there will be a serial number etched into the slider. Make a note and either search the Pace/DT Swiss site or call them. I think they have downloadable service manuals too.

    Hope that’s of some use for ya :D

    Free Member

    Was’nt he the lead singer for INXS aswell?

    And for de-flowering Kylie…. 8)

    Free Member

    My ’89 Explosif, Tange prestige, splatter paint, Tange Switchblades, 16″ frame and would come alive offroad :D

    I rode it for 11 years before getting my next bike, not realising that it’s good to have a ht and a fs – especially if the ht is steel :wink: or ti!! :wink:

    I saw it advertised on Retrobike earlier this year and was just a wee bit too late….

    Free Member

    Sound advice there Tron. :D

    Free Member

    Do These have a proper throttle cable or is it electrically operated?

    Could be a sticky potentiometer? I don’t know how the Ford works, however generally speaking the Engine Control Unit/Engine Management System needs one attached to the butterfly spindle for the throttle opening. IIRC, some systems use inlet air speed sensors, but it’s a Ford so I would guess that the electro-mechanical device is used?

    From reading the above posts so far, consensus of similar problems would err towards a throttle body issue that tends to be resolved with a clean.

    Not wanting to p**s on anyone’s fireworks, throttle bodies are probably the simplest part on the modern car. If they are dirty, then the air filter is missing. Have you checked? What other dirt can get into a throttle body?

    It’s a simple butterfly valve with a return spring. I used to ‘make’ them with a hacksaw from old Dellorto and Weber DCOE carbs.

    I just wonder if the cleaning is more to do with the potentiometer?

    Free Member

    Check out the KTM bikes, they look promising, I haven’t ridden one yet so can’t comment on that. However, they do short travel FS and they seem to be priced competitively.

    Ghost also appear to have a good rep.

    +1 for the Anthem too

    Free Member

    Once suggested to me by a Buddhist monk – ‘We all make our own world’

    The difference between a good tradesman and a bad tradesman, is that the good tradesman learns from their mistakes

    Three words to live by: Mindfulness, acceptance and attitude


    Free Member

    For me, certain bikes have ‘soul’. Long rides at home and abroad with my bike over many years and I feel there is a connection. No longer an inanimate object.

    I’ll apologise as I mash the gears, for example, as readily as I’ll pat the top-tube for staying with me on the gruelling ascents; I know I’m not the only one to give thanks for the sublime ride through the bluebell lined flowing singletrack :D

    My bike/s have a personality, that are closely linked to how I feel on a particular day. I appreciate the empathy TBH.

    It is of course, your choice to get annoyed and stop reading adverts because someone has developed their own relationship with their bike -that would doubtless include love, care and regular maintenance.

    Personally, I’ve found some cracking bikes because of this fact. I may have paid a little more than someone else, but I have found these people to be particularly fair, honest and genuine.

    One thing I have learnt, is to never sell on those bikes of mine where this bond has grown over time.

    You know, it takes all sorts and we all make our own world :D

    Free Member

    Well the IE Tab2 add on seems to be helping – yay!

    Although, not all the vid’s are displaying. Those that I’ve previously tried to watch are not appearing at all on the page.

    Thanks for the Nvidia checker, it’s taking an age to initialise so no further on that one as yet.

    Your help and advice is much appreciated :D

    Free Member

    Update for those interested.

    I removed all things Nvidia, to find that I lost Internet! Apparently, this machine has an Nvidia Network Adaptor. I re-installed and hey presto, I have the Interschneck back.

    Mebbe it’s the Nvidia network adaptor and ATI card?

    Just added the IE Tab 2 thing and will give this a go and then tootle over to Nvidia site for any other removals.

    Great procrastination material for when I really need to be doing a quote :D

    Free Member

    Oh people, thank you. Lots of good looking info here. :D

    I did forget to mention that the Flash Plug-In routinely crashes. The version currently installed is: 11.3 r300 – last update 23/06/12.

    I will indeed check to see if there is some Nvidia stuff left on, good thinking – I assumed the LPCS would have done an uninstall. :oops:

    ATI frequently ask me to update with their latest driver – which I do, by going through the whole tedious process of download, uninstall old driver, reboot, install new driver – yadda yadda. Makes no difference to video playback.

    Cheers cougar – point well made and taken in the way intended, I appreciate your candour :D

    Vanman – great link, I’ll use some time to go through it.

    I presume this will be a change-one-thing-at-a-time scenario, so I become aware as to what the issue is. I may be some time….

    Thank you!

    Free Member

    Thanks Drac, Nvidia I believe. As to which one, I have no idea.

    Free Member

    Friday afternoon bump :-)

    Free Member

    …. Guilty as charged!!!!!!….

    Free Member

    Spot on for the distillery, just off the A11 IIRC and signposted from there

    Free Member

    Yes indeedy!!


    If you’re heading southwards to Adnams, it would be churlish to miss these guys. Great pub at Geldeston Lock and you might be able to camp in the garden… Give ’em a ring.

    Free Member

    Andy – sent. Please note specific lack of valve/logo lineup and the pond has got away from me a bit.

    Is this ringing the death knell for pics of bikes at home/in the garden????!!!

    Are we becoming too overly concerned with the back/foreground of weeds, dodgy skirting, hideous carpet, unpainted garage doors et al, that we would rather not place ourselves into a hotbed of positive, concerned critique??! :wink:

    Free Member

    Undoubtedly true, it’s a small sample, but you’ve got to start looking for some correlation somewhere.

    I can give you a 2 million year old rock, which due to a force that is probably as old as the universe, will fall towards towards the ground at roughly 9.78 m/s²

    How many times would you need to drop it onto your toes before you were convinced of that…?

    It wouldn’t on the Moon :wink:

    Somewhat facile point methinks. Weather is a variable and in the point you are trying to illustrate, gravity on Earth is much more constant.

    I tend to agree with joao3v16 FWIW, we have no historical data of substance to be able to correlate anything, let alone scientific fact or statements to pertain to fact.

    The Thames would regularly freeze enough to support winter markets during the 19th century. We can look at micro trends but have no base upon which to determine both floor or ceiling.

    It was Neil Armstrong who once said that when he viewed the Earth from the orbiting Lunar capsule, he recognised that our planet was like his space craft and for the astronauts to survive, they had to know exactly which buttons to press to keep the life support systems functioning. He reasoned that the earth was no different… Better start looking for those buttons :D

    Free Member

    Cheers alpin! Tis truly wonderful to see the grain :-).

    Not for here, but I’d be interested in the oil you used… on the benches.

    What an interesting cross section of society we have here!!

    Free Member

    Look to book some flights with Canadian Affair and hire a truck camper. Plenty of RV sites or better still camp in one of the many Provincial Parks.

    With a Truck Camper, you can also head outta Whistler (which is V expensive anyway) and north to Sunshine Coast, Roberts Creek etc etc, where the riding is more ‘natural’ techy.

    Altho if bike parks are your thang… stay in Whistler.

    Free Member

    I’ll try to keep it brief!!

    Current: Self-employed Oakwright & boat-builder

    Previous: Boat-builder, yacht skipper, management consultant, outboard engine sales, regional manager in dental industry, motorsport – suspension and engines, digital media… I’m sure there’s more.

    Free Member

    Mazda 6 diesel looks tempting. There are reports of the DPF clogging up, however there are also a few places that will remove the offending article and maintain MoT requirements.

    For 6k you’ll get a low mileage one.

    Free Member

    Interesting and perhaps little known FACT:

    The building of the Hoover Dam in the 1950’s, with lots and lots and lots of concrete, put out as much CO2 as modern day USA does in a ten year period. AFAIK, the dam continues to emit CO2, as does all concrete and yet we can’t leave the stuff alone.

    We would have to see consistent change for fifty years before they would agree that the world was warming up.

    Minimum. How long has the earth been spinning around our star? How long have we been collecting meteorological data?

    Free Member

    Loads of cars are like this nowadays

    In these times of zero accountability & personal responsibility, I would suggest that no one person designed it… It was achieved through committee, focus groups, promoted to levels of incompetence middle management meetings, doubtless a few more meetings and possibly some whizzy CAD type program, gant charts and a ‘colour-me-beautiful consultant.

    Job done!

    Free Member

    Jonny Depp – in everything thus far.

    If you’d seen From Hell or the Ninth Gate you wouldn’t say that.

    EDIT: That I’ve seen! :D

    Free Member

    Jonny Depp – in everything thus far.

    Free Member

    There is a saying….

    When I was in my 20’s, I thought everyone was judging me.
    When I was in my 40’s, I no longer cared that they were judging me.
    In my 60’s, I realise no one was thinking about me at all.

    Enjoy the ride :D

    Free Member

    A lot of the park and ride places here do it. You can rent a bike locker where you leave your bike overnight (and weekend). Obviously it’s the other end of the journey but similar

    Good to know some exist. Clearly not in Portsmouth. And if it’s a destination offering, then one will need to get the bike on the train in the first place – where oh where have all the Guards Vans gone???

    Could be a rather snappy song title dontcha think?

    Free Member

    One week ago today, my beloved P7 was nicked from the train station :(

    Left & locked there because there was no space on the train.

    My suggestion would be that the rail companies offer secure bike storage at all platforms. You buy a ticket to put your bike in and lock it. The same ticket is required to release the bike from the store.

    Encourages people to use their bikes to commute (without the ‘I wonder if it’s still there’ return train journey), rail companies raise a little more revenue and the local hoody t**ts dont get the chance to nick someone’s pride and joy for a £20 fix of brown sugar.

    Where do I collect my £50k?

    Free Member

    Similar situation here in the slack household, everything from gerbils, hamsters, cat (definitely not) and also dog.

    I love dogs, especially the one’s that enjoy biking with me, however, our location is not ideal, so it’s on hold.

    I have found a wonderful deterrent to all such requests… Request that the younger members of the household put together a ‘How To Care For Our Pet’ folder/dossier. With: Pictures, how they need to be exercised, fed, cleaned, family friendly traits, yadda yadda.

    Extinguishes such requests almost instantly. :D

    Free Member


    I cannot be arsed juts doing the polar opposite of your view…

    Denying your raison d’etre by any chance? :wink:

    Go on chap, it’s always good for a giggle :D

    Free Member

    +1 for Canadian Affair

    North of Vancouver look to the Sunshine Coast

    Alternatively, head west for Rossland, then further west to the Kootenays – Nelson et al.

    Personally, the best riding is over in Kananaskis (Alberta), truly Gods own country.

    As above, all local bike shops will have lots of friendly knowledge.

    Free Member

    Kevin Costner

    Free Member

    Well, if it WORKS for you, that’s fine. :D

    Free Member

    Your subconscious is your friend… :-)

    Free Member

    If you happen to be good at say football, there is every chance that a club will spot your talent and place you at a young age in a club, where they’ll throw money at you, provide you with the coaching, equipment, money to train etc.
    This is not the case in tennis.
    For a tennis player to succeed they must start at a very young age and virtually get little (or in some cases no help). Endless weekends going through tournaments, exercising and training most week days, often ending up missing out on some schooling.
    It’s difficult to say the least.

    So what has the £tens of millions to develop British world class talent been spent on? Is basically what I’m asking.

    Free Member

    There is no doubt that Andy Murray is currently amongst the very best players in the world. Where are the others Brits? Yes, we do have a couple of women on the tour as well I think.

    For a spend of £tens of millions, can we be satisfied with that level of return on investment?

    I also feel that anyone who chooses to become one of the very best in the world in their chosen field of sport will have to exclude pretty much everything from their life apart from their quest to being number 1.

    Free Member

    I’ve been under the illusion that the ‘sticky’ stuff was not a lubricant and it’s primary purpose is to prevent new chains oxidising (rusting).

    I’ve always thoroughly ‘de-greased’ the new chain by immersion into a de-greaser and swilling about. After fitting, have applied liberal amounts of dry or wet lube as the prevailing season dictates and wiped off excess. Finish Line Wet for most of the year.

    Never experienced problems as you’ve described with the chain behaving as a grit magnet.

    I’ve also used a chain cleaner thang and found good results with a few refills of the ‘sump’

    Free Member

    I tend to agree MSP, although virtually every school/municipal sports centre has a tennis court painted on a playground surface… perhaps the LEA’s can’t afford to buy the nets?

    In answer to my own question….

    Apparently, the LTA is receiving £27m from government and lottery funding over 4 years from 2009-2013. Not too sure what they received before then.

    I suppose that given it’s lack of mass appeal means that nobody is accountable for the £27m spend as no one can be bothered to ask.

    Free Member

    Oh…. :roll:

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