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  • slackalice
    Free Member

    good moderation would encourage those new visitors to return, though?

    I guess so, if that information about whether the visitors are new, returning, dormant etc can be reviewed.

    Free Member

    Thank you Mark, just a thought… Might the increased ‘spike’ have anything to do with our resounding thumping of the rest of the world in the TdF and Olyimpic cycling?

    As opposed to moderation?

    Free Member

    Given your chosen nickname is slackalice.. is it the first one?


    Free Member

    Thread Hi-jack

    Alex! Hi! Yes, it was a long time back. Sorry to hear of your loss at Les Gets, hopefully you’ve found a new one since?! Bit busy with the Atheists at the mo…. :roll:

    Hope you’re well chap.

    Thread hijack ends. Thank you. :D

    Free Member

    how about we go for a ride?

    No thank you.

    You sure? I think we would get along famously :D

    Or is my neurotic displacement disturbing you? :wink:

    Free Member

    Interesting stuff Mr Woppit

    If I told you the basis of my beliefs, here is not the place, how about we go for a ride?

    1. They are right for me

    2.I’m not trying to convince anyone, you asked, I provided you with an opportunity to find out where I am in my journey.

    3. Here is an interesting point. How do you define love?

    I define it in 2 ways:
    1. The cathexis – an object of desire
    2. The will to extend oneself for the purpose of nuturing one’s own or another’s spiritual and personal growth
    (with thanks to M Scott Peck)

    I’ll let you work out which one I endeavour to live by. :D

    Free Member

    ooops…. double post

    Except to say… Ro5ey, thank you 8)

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit

    I forgive you for your damning of my personal beliefs, I am sure that you are a kind and loving and open minded person.

    I refer you to my earlier post:

    But then again, it’s my world/my universe and I’ll do any amount of wooly-ness I like that helps me spread a little LOVE!!

    I also reserve the right to change them any time I choose – go figure that one :lol:

    I am not questioning yours if you have any, or anyone else’s belief’s, please accept that I have mine and I’m VERY happy with them. :D

    Free Member

    great isn’t it?!!!! :D

    But then again, it’s my world/my universe and I’ll do any amount of wooly-ness I like that helps me spread a little LOVE!!

    peace out bikers!! 8)

    Free Member

    Hey Mr Woppit

    While you’re at it, here’s a couple more:

    ‘The Field’ by Lynne McTaggart

    Zero point field

    Happy days :D

    Free Member

    Rogerthecat – refer to Dr Michael Newton ‘Journey of Souls’ Excellent mind opening read and he has 2 other publications along the same lines.

    Free Member

    You could start with ‘The Tao of Physics’ by Fritjof Capra

    He considers the parallels between modern physics and eastern mysticism.

    Free Member

    Oh dear :roll:

    I’ll gladly provide you with a reading list. Please PM me

    Try to lose the human conditioning in the thought process too :wink:

    Free Member

    Good question Mr Woppit, thanks :-)

    Without wanting to get shot down/stoned pelted with rocks by the assembled hoards…

    My definition is personal to me, however If I were to put it succinctly, the Universe exists because it has a will to exist and that will is founded on an infinite amount of unconditional love.

    I also believe in life between lives

    Free Member

    there is no alternative to a Religious belief system that gives kids moral guidance and sets boundaries

    I am amazed (and somewhat perturbed) than anyone genuinely believes this.


    With thanks to the BACP, these[/url]

    Free Member

    So….. how many of us are celebrating Christmas/Easter/Whitsun? (Yes, I’m aware that they have pagan roots, but I doubt many of us don our robes, long hair and go frolic amongst the stones whilst feasting on cream eggs et al).

    ANY form of extremism is quite frankly, tedious and does little to serve anyone or anything, including the extremists.

    I tend to agree towards disliking religion, in the same way that I dislike the way the United States is governed. It’s the outdated administration of belief systems if you like.

    However, I’m deeply Spiritual. Perhaps the DoE could think about breaking into the 21st Century and rethink the syllabus and rename it at the same time?

    FWIW, the New Testament is a very good ‘how to live your life’ book, just remember that the stories were told by travelling storytellers who had to embellish their tales of wonder in order to get fed/bed or not stoned outta the village.

    As far as whether it can be categorically proven that there is, or is not, a God… Looks like we’ll just have to wait until we leave our mortal bonds. I for one am looking forward to finding out.

    How about you? Or does the idea of this planet existing without you feel disturbing in some way?

    Free Member

    PS. remember to adhere to the guidelines regarding cleaning out dust from the holes you drill, otherwise the resin will bond to that rather than the brick substrate.

    Free Member

    I’ve used a number of different systems, these would work well for your application.

    Free Member

    On the pedant front…. Denplan isn’t insurance. It has an insurance element within it.

    Back to the OP – ask your new practice would be best, everyone here will be guessing and every practice is different.

    Free Member

    Nice job!

    Resin wall-anchors will be fine. About 5 of ’em should do it.

    Free Member

    KTM have some interesting 650’s for 2013….

    Lycan 650b

    Free Member

    TimB – I remember you, CoyoteDH3 around 2001, eh?

    TBH GW, not really :oops: though it does form some kinda recollection, sorry ’bout that. Much has happened on all levels for me since ’01.

    I do remember a chap called Alex (Leith?), top dude and good riding around the Chilterns, he also had a SC Superlight at the time – they were rather niche back then :wink: Thought I saw him in an MBR ride guide thing a little while back in the South West IIRC.

    Free Member

    At least with renting you are not having to make provision in terms of time and money for maintaining your (read: the lender’s) property (which it technically is if your equity is less than 51%).

    When you rent, you are not directly paying the lender VAST amounts of interest over 25years (or whatever your term is). Add up the mortgage repayments over the term and then try to figure what the property will be worth at the point in time…

    When you rent you have a greater degree of geographical mobility.

    When you rent you are not subject to very probable future interest rate increases (anyone remember the late 80’s? Sorry, some of you weren’t yet twinkles, they went steadily and surely to 16%!!!!! My £32k mortgage then was costing me 1.2x my monthly take home AND then the prices crashed by up to 30% in the area…).

    When you have 2 working arms, legs, eyes, ears, healthy internal organs, food on your table, roof over your head and a will to extend yourself for both you and others around you AND a bike to ride… remember to be grateful. :D

    Free Member

    Oh boy!!

    From what I perceive to have been started as a genuine and well intentioned proposal and subsequent request for feedback, it now seems that, 5 pages in, to have become rather unwieldy and fraught with upsetting certain sensibilities. Come on people!!

    I was one of the VERY first members here, back in whenever it was, my username then was TimB. I rejoined a year or so ago and for some reason or other (I think the site and forum was re-launched), couldn’t use my original log-in. I cant honestly remember how the forum was back in the early days, except to say that I met and rode with a number of peeps on here and thoroughly enjoyed your/their company both in the real world and on here. I suspect that that has not changed and I’m sure I would be welcomed to join a ride as much now as I was 10 years ago.

    That said, I sense that not much has changed within the forum, there are still ego’s that need to be massaged and strokes to be given and received. Our one main point of reference is that we all LOVE our bikes – ne c’est pas?

    Why not have tags? I like some of the suggestions and reading through this thread last night and this morning has had me at times in stitches of laughter – thank you!

    But why fear change? It is after all the only thing we can be sure of (thanks to Mr Ford). What if we give it a go and feedback suggests it’s liked or not and appropriate action taken as to whether the additional info remains?

    For those who are opposed to the proposal, what have you to fear by it?
    That you might be found out with several aliases? That your propensity for devils advocacy is found wanting?

    Generally speaking, I suspect that we are all intelligent enough to work out who is who after a short while and we as individuals can choose whether to take the bait or treat it as someone’s desperate attempts to become a big cog in a little cassette.

    I vote for trying something new/ish and I’m not going to suggest what the additional info might or could be – after all there are plenty of excellent suggestions so far.

    Strikes me though that not to utilise the experience of other forum mods who also use this forum, would be daft. Colournoise seems to be able to contribute to this process particularly well IMO.

    Anyway, keep up the humour folks and remember – it’s just an internet forum, worse things happen at sea yadda yadda

    Peace out.

    Free Member

    ‘Slacker ratio’

    Hello? Anyone call?


    Free Member

    Good man! Congratulations! I’ve a 09 Hummer with 90-130 Talas and I lurve the feel of the ride :D

    Enjoy dude, I’m sure you will :D

    Free Member

    just let me ask the wife to see if it’s OK

    I’ll do likewise. :?

    Meet me at the bar at 7. Do you like Pino Colada? Getting caught in the rain? Junk food? Don’t tell me, you’ve got half a brain….

    Free Member

    Oooooh Klunk!!

    Marry me!!! :D

    Free Member

    Personally, I find it admirable when people change their views due to experience and/or an alternative point of view is offered. It shows a certain flexibility and humility.

    It’s the outright dogmatic a**e licking view of WMB that annoys the s**t outta me, who would probably tell us to buy products made from papier mache if that gets them a free pass to the next trade show VIP area.

    And as previously stated, MBR are only guilty of being rather slow on the uptake and would probably be better off getting a fleet of 650’s to test :?

    Free Member

    Oh, I could just buy some of those bungs that narrow the drill hole, coudln’t I?

    They are called Grommet’s, possibly cheap to buy in their 000’s at motor factors or electrical wholesaler’s

    Free Member

    Can we just lego of the poor/obvious one liners?

    Free Member

    It’s not so much your fridge, rather the moistness of your delicate little salad leaves methinks.

    Same issue here, we now empty said bag of leaves and dry them in kitchen roll, then put them back in open bag. They tend to last a few more hours that way :-)

    Alternatively, go old skool and buy a lettuce. :roll:

    Free Member

    On a more serious note, given the likely level of corruption that exists/ed within the UCI/US Cycling et al, surely News Corp were doing some of their own ‘research’ at the time? Has anyone asked Leveson?

    Free Member

    I dont think ‘smack’ would enhance performance – except the rotting of the body from the inside – out.

    Free Member

    Whilst it is tempting and often inevitable for men to feel we need to provide solutions to problems presented, from reading the various posts and your responses thus far, I have a hunch that unless these solutions fit in with your own fears of not realising your potential, this will not be resolved through the medium of this forum.

    Molgrips, you are clearly very intelligent – possibly a little more than is wise. You appear to have an answer for most things that are being suggested and that only serves to give me the impression that the biggest barrier to you achieving your hopes, dreams, aspirations is your ego/pride. Possibly a bit too blunt and you may well indeed retaliate to defend yourself. You may want to consider the reference to Buddhism in an earlier post? Let go!

    Perhaps, think of it as a time of ‘suffering’ and by that I mean we learn nothing about ourselves when life is good and we are surfing the crest of the wave, it is only when we are suffering and feeling low that we really start to gain insight/s and able to move on.

    The universe is perfect as is everything that we create, you have created this situation for yourself (more so at a subconscious level)so that you can learn from it. If you don’t achieve the realisations this time, then maybe the next time you find yourself feeling dissatisfied with your life you will. Everything happens in it’s own good time, the flow is without flaw. Rushing or forcing any decision will not be for the best, let things occur with your own best intentions and volition and life will be perfect for you, for what you need to learn.

    I have taken much comfort from your disclosure and others on here about what I term to be my unfulfilled potential – I too share these same fears from time to time. I don’t think it helps when some posts tell you how successful they have been and how good they are – TBH I tend towards them being rather insensitive and more ego driven than your rebuttals.

    Whilst you may consider yourself cleverer than any Therapist and therefore would not consider seeking someone to talk to, I would counsel that you do and leave your clever ego behind.

    May I also venture that if you partake in any dope or recreational’s, leave them alone completely for the time being. Skunk in particular is very bad for self-motivation. I am by no means being evangelistic here, I say it because I sense there may be a possibility that this could also be a factor, so please excuse me if I have made an incorrect assumption.

    Peace, joy and love.

    Free Member

    He’s a scapegoat that really set back cycling some way in the doping fight. He punished people who spoke out either on the road or off it. He has put himself out there as a clean rider and has made his fortune from that image and if (as lots of people suspect), it’s a lie, the “biggest name in cycling” needs to be shown to not be above the consequences of the lying and doping.

    Yep, I can see your point, thanks, I hadn’t considered that.

    I’m also someone who follows baseball and agree totally with the approach where “juiced” records get an asterisk explaining that it was during the steroid era from an admitted doper. I don’t think you can strike the records completely but I think we will need to make a footnote that those years were not clean.

    Gets my vote too. :-)

    Free Member

    What he said, IHN + lots ^^^^^

    I ski using most of my bike stuff for base layer, it’s perfect for me.

    Alternatively, you could do as the dudes from Saskatchewan, where they came over to BC and skiing around in plaid shirts and jeans and brimmed hats in – 20 C, saying it felt like t-shirt weather cos they’ve just left home where it was – 40 C … Brrrr

    Free Member

    My knowledge, both current and historical, of the organisations involved is next to **** all, however I just wonder if this has more to do with people within USADA, the UCI and US Cycling really not liking each other, or certainly trying to right a wrong they feel they may have been dealt by another and Lance is a mere scapegoat.

    Free Member

    There could well be a case to answer the alleged fraudulent use of public money, however… It does also smack of vendetta’s both personal and organisational.

    I hope he gets exposed for what he is

    An interesting comment which I take to mean you don’t approve of his receipt of public money and how/where it was used?

    He still beat all the other dopers (seven times – consecutively), so a relatively level playing field.

    I would like to read his autobiog’s at some stage, does he talk of ‘marginal gains’ anywhere?

    Free Member

    So after months of waiting for a frame that never arrived, an order cancelled with the distributor, is there still any reason why my LBS shouldn’t be forthcoming with the return of my not insignificant deposit??


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