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  • The New Crankbrothers Shoe Range Reviewed
  • slackalice
    Free Member

    Much will depend on your installation and the fuel you burn. E.g. flue liner or twin-wall flue? As above, type of wood, how well seasoned, hopefully not treated/tanalised…

    Do you shut the stove down to ‘tick- over’ before beddy-byes? So you can re-ignite with an opening of the air control in the morning? If so, this could be a possible cause. Ideally you would open up the air control before bed-time to purge the stove and burn off the remaining fuel, reason being that as the stove cools, so does the flue temp and the previously burnt stuff cools and sticks on it’s way up and out.

    Free Member

    Spookily enough, I am also looking for temporary insurance cover and this evening my insurers suggested I google ‘temporary insurance cover’ as my new wheels are 6 groups’ lower than my existing and they would only provide temporary cover for a change of 5 groups or less.

    Bit odd I thought, but hey ho. I’ve yet to google btw…

    Free Member

    Watch x factor instead

    Free Member

    Errr… before the ‘BBC/UK radio is utter sh**e’ bashing really takes off….

    Have ANY of you tried to listen to radio elsewhere in the world???!! :wink:

    Free Member

    Col, you mention that this pattern of thinking affects not only your bike time but across all of your life experience. This would suggest that the ‘chatterbox’ – the internal voice in your head (possibly the ‘parent’ in you?)has just too much volume.

    We all experience the chatterbox to varying degrees and learning how to mute it/silence it has for me, been the key to easing my habitual tendency towards being a cyclical depressive.

    Try to not listen to it when it starts, in other words, try to observe it. Recognise that it’s not your real inner voice and resist the temptation to get caught up in a conversation/debate/argument with it. And practice, practice practice. It takes time.

    In the meantime, keep doing the things you love and with the people you love.

    Wishing you peace and joy.

    Free Member

    The Road Less Travelled by M Scott Peck

    If only for his definition of love.

    Plenty more books aswell, although I tend to believe the book finds us, when we are ready for it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Used to have a VR6. Great engine but felt too heavy in both the Mk3 Golf and Corrado. Lots of understeer and unable to use the power unless going in a straight line. A Quaife diff might have helped but I was developing my hillclimb Mk1 GTi at the time.

    G60 would be the way to go and if you want the ultimate Corrado, stick the supercharger on the 16v engine.

    Free Member

    Excellent! Thanks for the info for those that missed my earlier request :D

    It’s looking more like a diesel outback for me too

    Free Member

    The audi is a strong contender, especially the Allroad with increased ride height and the load capacity /volume is nearly as big as the Volvo too, so thanks for your input Jambalaya,I’ll go check the 2.7 & 3.0’s on Parkers. The only slight downside is that it’s an A**i and turning up at a car park to go for a ride… thankfully I dont have a 5! :wink:

    Good to hear your views too Davesport, mid 40’s you say? I’m aware that any of these in ‘off-road-ish’ form will be somewhat wallowy and less precise to drive than a ‘normal’ road version – potentially that might only leave the Legacy estate as a viable, although I do need roof rails and not all Legacy’s were fitted with them AFAIK.

    Has anyone had experience with the Subaru Boxer diesel? I have heard it has a penchant for oil?


    Free Member

    I share your scepticism pjm! The V70 is a big car, how does the 1.6 feel with the car loaded?

    If there is anyone here with knowledge of the reality of owning a Scooby Outback, I’d love to hear from you!

    Free Member

    Ahhh, Murray, good thought as I’m loving the merc but when stationary it does just sink down to the floor pan. Not many inches of freeboard so to speak. The wood chip and mill waste roadway that runs for about a mile over the marsh ruts badly too and I fear for the exhaust even rolling along at walking pace!

    I’ve considered an ML, but not at mid-twenties mpg…

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads up pjm. Their ability to drink fuel is disconcerting, and was kinda hoping the diesel would return more. I ran a 2.5 petrol 850 for about a few years and with easy right foot driving would get low 30’s. I guess the barge like handling makes the driver look further ahead eh?! :wink:

    The Outback from what I gather does give 45+ mpg and cheaper VED, not quite the £30 tho!

    Free Member

    Tick vg for galactus.

    Also tick vg and house points for the dude who mentioned ‘everything in moderation’ (sorry, scrolling/page back is a lil too much effort after a previous night of meeting mandy last night…. But the world is still pink and fluffy…. Until Tuesday, when it will be darker, yet knowing why, makes it less dark.

    OP – do the moderation ting, unless your smoking crack or smack, in which case, nowt would be cleverer and seek help now.

    And stick to the riding like glue chap :-)

    Free Member

    100R/120F 650b gets my ‘x’… Nearly with you andyl! :-)

    Free Member

    I do, although I daresay much has changed in the last 30 years :-)

    Go for it! Follow your dream. 8)

    Free Member

    Do you mean new new car? 62 reg type of thing, or will a used one do?

    If used, reading your list of wants/needs n desires, I’d suggest you take a look at an E-Class estate, 320 CDi. They’re huge inside, storage/load area is as long as most mpv’s. 320cdi does a fuel average way better than a scooby estate (except their diesel). Comfy, quick yet relaxed. And are an absolute 2nd hand bargain for the most part. Find a good independent to keep it serviced with genuine MB bits and they last for years.

    EDIT – Just read your op again. Sod all ground clearance with the Merc. Apologies. It does have self levelling suspension though.

    Free Member

    From my experience – which includes spending a number of years in western Canada – BC or Alberta would be top of my list.

    Yes, BC is expensive in terms of taxes and it’s a BIG province, so whilst Van is one of the major cities, there’s plenty more land available. Okanagan in the centre for med type climate c/w rattlers and Kelowna is a biggish city. The Kootenays in the east of the province are my fave and would probably appeal if you are the more resourceful type.

    Alberta continues to boom, although for me, the western side bordering the Rockies is the place to live; remember the film, Brokeback Mountain? – if that’s what it was called?? It was filmed in Kananaskis and is quite frankly the most jaw droppingly beautiful place, although rather expensive as it’s close to Calgary.

    As for climate, IME kinda 3-season, winter, summer, autumn. But proper seasons and as they say, with the right clothing….

    What a lovely choice to have, enjoy! :D

    Free Member

    Sign of the times there Alex, bikkies replacing the ciggies! :wink:

    Free Member

    Great job guys, thank you! Great fun in the dry and slidey fun in the wet :D. Personally, I’m loving the rocky steps, all other chicken lines work well and am delighted to hear there are plans afoot to increase it’s length.

    For those who think it’s too short, have you tried a second lap? :wink:

    Free Member

    Despite a lifetime sailing on the Norfolk Broads, I’ve still to see one and even hear one with their distinctive call. Would love to and is one still unchecked on my list :-)

    Was speaking with a warden at Horsey Mere back in August who said the numbers this year were low, apparently due to the lower water levels this year.

    Marsh Harriers however are in abundance with 50+ breeding pairs regularly roosting over the winter months and we saw quite a few on our trip this year.

    Slightly off topic, did see an Otter at Thurne Mouth on our way back from Horsey! :D

    Free Member

    Placebo effect innit :-)

    Free Member

    Cheers for that d45yth.

    Just waiting to hear for when the 650 Zula’s are going to be available

    Free Member

    Beauty! I think your bike looks utterly fab! And I’m sure the ride matches the look – nimble and fast. How are you finding the front? Any tuck at slower speeds?, or are the forks helping that? Or mebbe you never had any in the first place? I’ll stop there. :wink:

    For me, Klein made fat tubes sexy with curves and stunning paint finish – but then I love skinny one’s too :D

    Free Member

    We watched Human Traffic again not so long ago. Good times :D

    Free Member

    IanMunro – Looks interesting, thanks for that. I hadn’t come across Pantheism per se, so have had a quick look and scan on[/url] as a first stop.

    From my brief read so far, I’d say my thoughts and beliefs could well be regarded in some ways as Pantheist. Certainly, for example, that we are all god’s of our own universe’s/experiences.

    Hey everybody!! I got me a label! :? Possibly even an identity!! 8O

    I might have to start changing my philosophy!! Or my wardrobe… :wink:

    Seriously though, I shall look forward to reading and learning more. I appreciate your suggestion.

    How did you come across it? Would you say you subscribe in your own way to this?

    Free Member

    I wish to apologise for my ill-conceived and quite frankly ridiculous question re NDE’s.

    Too late to remove it, but I’ve thought better of it.


    Free Member

    Hehe!! :D

    I can be very persistent! :wink:

    Free Member

    reproduce his experiments?

    I don’t think that would be allowed, even in the name of science. :wink:

    Free Member

    Energy defined as the scientists do… yes.

    I may be wrong here and conveniently sidestepping a quantum debate, but the Higgs Field is a fundamental part of the Universe isn’t it?

    Fair enough to your POV re near death experiences. Thanks.

    Free Member

    …and hat :-)

    Free Member

    Nice looking bike there chap.

    I’m with you on the more gears at the front too.

    What’s the model?

    Free Member

    If I may pose a question to my learned fellow forumites… whom do not subscribe to there being some kind of Universal energy of which we are part (fraction of the whole n all that)…

    As atheists, what are your thoughts regarding the extensive research conducted by Dr Raymond Moody (full name given for those who wish to google/wiki), since 1975 on NDE’s?

    Free Member

    If I’d known there was going to be spankings I’d have signed up years ago.

    Who needs science eh?!!

    Free Member

    Hello Mr Woppit

    No hard feelings I trust? I still think a ride would help.

    Free Member

    Isn’t god supposed to be forgiving these days?

    Depends on your faith Cougar, God can also be downright judgemental for those that like it that way. :-)

    Free Member

    Is there some kind of powder I can get to spread across the path? Or do I need to find the nest?

    Yes, tell them you’ve just converted to Islam…. or that you’re Catholic. One or the other normally does the trick :wink:

    Free Member

    Paceman makes an excellent point IMHO and backs it up with his experiences yet maintains that it is purely subjective according to his likes,needs and wants out of his bike and the riding he enjoys.

    On the aesthetic front, I would like to think that we could gain general consensus and agreement that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and therefore we are all entitled to our personal views as to what does or doesn’t ‘look’ good/right.

    I just wonder what impact this might have on new bike sales with the rise of 650b? As we saw with the earlier years of 29, it has taken a while for frame design and geometry to be ironed out. Will it be the same for 650b too? Or is it regarded that the design and geo for a 650 is so similar to that of a 26 that it makes little or no difference and the lead time to develop a well dialled 650 will be much less?

    Free Member

    With you all the way CountZero :-)

    It’s easy to be fearful of that we don’t know.

    As regards Buddhism, I tend to regard it as more of a philosophy, even though it is generally thought of as a religion. Much of my current beliefs are founded on Buddhist principles/teachings, letting go of stuff, silencing the chattering mind through observation and many more.

    Mindfulness, acceptance and attitude are 3 words I came to understand and appreciate whilst working at a Buddhist Monastery in Sussex, building them a new Dhamma Hall.

    Free Member

    Splatter paint Explosif with Tange Switchblades… awesome bike! :D

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