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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • slackalice
    Free Member

    The planet is on it’s arse because of over population, just get her to give you a good ole hand shandy instead.

    Plus 1

    As I’ve said previously, stop it! They’re “little ones” or “babies” for a very short amount of time. They’re people. Who you will have the responsibility to introduce into the world as well adjusted, balanced personalities. Here’s a clue, there’s 7billion people on this planet and none of us are balanced and well adjusted.

    Free Member

    It tastes a lot like the expensive stuff you can buy in bottles but it’s cheap enough to have a bath in.

    🤣🤣🤣 I do remember there being lots of bubbles!!

    reverse osmosis or tesco ashbeck spring

    Pure genius. 😂

    Free Member

    I hope you live in a soft water area @Mrsmith.

    The merest hint of limescale will make your shiny column rather unattractive.

    Talking of which… water hardness. All you coffee aficionados, how does that fit into your one size fits all “this is the best coffee and bestest eva way of making it in the world eva” dogma?

    Because quite frankly, a cup of tea or coffee made in the gert lush soft water of the south west, tastes completely different to ones made in the oh so hard chalky aquifer’s of the east and south east… of England obvz. No idea what your Scottish water is like, full of midges probably 😉

    Free Member

    I miss the reflection of myself. I’m not sure I exist anymore.

    Free Member

    Kuh! Those kerrrrazy kidz and their long low slack.

    They say there’s a bike for everyone somewhere.

    Free Member

    Indeed, I know very little about timber framed buildings 😉

    Free Member

    Please stop calling a house or dwelling a **** “envelope”.

    Next you’ll be telling us how your envelope will have a conversation with it’s environs and the dialogue will be expansive, or something like that.

    Just stop it. **** poncey architects.


    The building envelope needs to be airtight otherwise the MVHR would draw from trickle vents, gaps around windows etc making it very inefficent.

    No it won’t! If the MVHR is installed correctly, the intake is sealed and draws from outside the “house”

    I don’t mean to have a go particularly at you, I think it’s the continued architect babble that’s just pressing all my **** off buttons. 😁

    Free Member

    There’s always IMDB, not sure if you can set up alerts though.

    Free Member

    Timber framed houses became unpopular following the fire of London in 1666.

    Which is a shame, because they are quicker and cheaper to build than bricks and mortar.

    As for “moving a lot internally”… say what???!

    Free Member

    if you do send it via RM without telling them you also run the risk of prosuction…

    That almost sounds like a risk worth taking

    Free Member

    I think the extremists are those who don’t follow science and educated thought with greed and avarice removed. We can’t continue with the current percentage of population so engaged with consumer culture.

    More extreme than this, I believe many of the issues facing mankind are most feasibly managed by a massive reduction in human population.

    Tempering this I’m not perfect myself regarding environmental footprint, and I regard myself as being more worthy of removal from the planet for the benefit of the environment than certainly most third or second world folk. I’m not actually volunteering mind you. I’m doing lots by not breeding.

    It’s a disgrace to call Extinction Rebellion extremists, except in the very particular sense on their topic they are the most motivated to agitate.

    Governments/society need to evolve democracy/consumerism/capitalism quickly or society will have very rough storms to weather.

    Very much this. Well said sir.

    Free Member

    Surely a gender reveal party is a new thing where an individual or individuals let friends, family and all and sundry WGAS know that they have decided they are one or more of the 76 and counting gender types and that from now on are to be referred to as a them?

    Free Member

    Sad sad news.


    Free Member

    It used to be a distance from the stove minimum of 300mm of non-combustible material, I don’t remember there being any conditions as to whether this non-combustible surface (ie hearth) be flush or raised. It’s been a few years since I last fitted stoves.

    If it were in my home, I’d just ensure I had that 300mm before the carpet or wood floor.

    Free Member

    Lidl, Tesco and Roys. Not necessarily in that order.

    Each have their own merits.

    Free Member

    @poly 🙏

    I do believe I’m up to speed 😁

    Free Member

    This type of problem by professionals I’ve paid is why I do stuff myself now

    Really? 🙄 It must be exciting not allowing any mistakes in your world.

    Free Member

    Every family is dysfunctional, ergo each and every one of us is dysfunctional.

    I don’t do ‘news’, what are they doing?

    Free Member

    Spare a thought for the camera dude… balancing with the equipment of the time 😳

    Edit: Just been transfixed watching Grandpa Amu, I mean, I do wood and I’ve even built a green oak single span bridge (actually in Lagan in that there Scottish land) however, I am truly humbled by Grandpa Amu 😎

    Free Member

    @fakiee 🙏

    Free Member

    OP, do I take it that public holidays, ie bank holidays, are included within your annual leave days? How many days leave per year do you get?

    Apologies for slight tangent but this is the first time I’ve come across bank hols being taken out of annual leave entitlement.

    Free Member

    Was that the Mk 3s though?

    Absolutely no idea, I got them new, in 2013 I think.

    Free Member

    I’ve thrashed around the Passportes du Solei on a set of 650b Crests and as above, no one died nor did the wheels and they’re still going strong.

    Free Member

    Expectations are the root of all dis-ease. You could try easing up on yourself and who and where and what you feel you Should be.

    ‘Should’ and ‘ought’ are two very negative words that place expectations upon ourselves or others; try not to use them and you may find you’re a little easier on yourself.

    It’s good to hear you acknowledge that it could be worse and there are others not so fortunate, attitude is certainly gratitude, although I can tend towards beating myself up more because I have two working legs, arms, eyes, no major health concerns. Malaise is a bugger eh?!

    Which I’m sure, this is what it is for you, all part of the sine wave of life and associated emotions, which of course, make us human. No point flat lining along in life, might as well be an inanimate object. It’s a big ask but try to welcome the downs as we do the ups, because as with all situations and emotions: This too shall pass and maybe you’re not ready to allow it to pass? Hence no matter what motivational reading or activities you engage with, if you’re not ready, you’re not ready. Give it and yourself time, stay curious and your path will open before you.

    Enjoy the journey.

    Free Member

    Forty years? Really? CD’s were a thing in 1980? 🤔

    Thirty years I could see, but I can’t recall the tech being commonly available/affordable in the late 70’s.

    Free Member

    I’m sure Israel are involved somewhere along the line, feeling threatened, as is their want.

    Am I allowed to express that sentiment anymore?

    Free Member

    So sorry.

    Free Member

    Whilst Slack jr was at high school I ‘controlled’ his internet access via the router/modem admin controls. Access control using MAC addresses and a timetable of day and time of day.

    Fortunately (or not as the case maybe) he was too lazy to find out how he could have changed the MAC addresses for his multiple devices, nor did he bother trying to circumvent the firewall restrictions I set up.

    This might have also been because the now ex Mrs Slack upgraded his mobile plan to include a shit load of data. Not only that but she paid for it as well.

    Bottom line, teenagers gonna do what teenagers gonna do, which includes looking at an adult with a ‘you know jack shit’ look… 🙄

    Free Member

    it turns out that I do not believe in abortion but that she chose to in a not sound of mind type situation as she knew from being told that she wouldn’t be able to keep the baby in this circumstance

    It sounds like she has a bit more grasp of her mental state than you do yours chap.

    And FFS, it’s only a ‘baby’ for a very short amount of time! Why do people say: “Oh, we’re having a baby!”? NO! No you’re not! You’re bringing ANOTHER human being into the world and there are 7billion of us already and exponentially increasing, in every sense ( especially when stuffing all the crap food down their gullets). Stop it! Just **** stop it! Most of you are incapable of raising yourselves, let alone another new person. Put it away or put a bag on it FFS!

    And that there is my new year rant 😁😉

    Free Member

    There doesn’t seem to be much in the way of specific info online, however I would imagine that if your front wheel is a 9mm QR, the hub width will be 100mm

    Similarly, the rear hub is likely to be a 135 x 9. Best to get out a tape measure or ruler to check the width of the rear hub, my guess is that it’ll be either 135mm or 142mm. If it’s the former, the axle diameter will either be 9 or possibly 10mm, again, careful measuring will give you these dimensions.

    Alternatively get in touch with Evans Cycles and someone will be able to confirm or deny the above musings! 😁

    Free Member

    Yet they made a choice and whatever the outcome, good from bad always. The painful outcomes are what makes us, if we all spent our lives surfing the crest of life’s wave, we would learn nothing about ourselves and humility would not exist. Hubris, in fact.

    And IMO it’s always about the journey, not the destination. Enjoy the process because if you don’t enjoy the process, don’t bother breathe!

    Reflection? All the time, how else can we learn from our experiences?

    YMMV of course 😉

    Free Member

    Y’know what OP? Follow your intuition, wear your heart on your sleeve and go grab the adventure. This is not a rehearsal and if it’s as you say it is, where you are both equally intoxicated with each other, what have you got to lose? Everything to gain, whatever, however, wherever this journey takes you.

    Too many people live in fear, afraid to take the risks, afraid to live, afraid to embrace what being human in this day and age means. **** go for it chap, enjoy and send us a postcard 😁

    Free Member

    Get a fit ball/gym ball/Swiss ball and go see a physiotherapist and ask them to suggest a few exercises and stretches to strengthen your core. Do these daily, after a few short weeks your sciatica will be much better.

    Then, learn what positions cause/d the condition. Avoid doing those.

    Keep doing the fit ball stuff every morning.

    In a few months you’ll have a washboard stomach*

    * unless you like beer/booze/pizzas etc.

    You can thank me in a few months

    Free Member

    As above, Philips or Oral-B. Personally I like the oral-b, my current one has a timer built in too. I tend to be a bit aggressive with a manual brush and damage the gum line so my hygienist recommended I use an electric one.

    Don’t forget to floss or Pikster or Tee-Pee either 😬

    Free Member

    I thought it was about fitting wider aspect ratio tyres that seemed to be the ‘thing’ at some point in history, which obviously made the car handle badly. Go me.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a cathexis to me – or put it another way, an object of desire. Or as above, ‘lust’.

    Define ‘love’ please OP. And how are you with the thought of starting a family? At your age? 😉

    Either way, she’s more than likely got father /paternal issues, hence the possible attraction for an older man.

    Fill yer boots but don’t commit yourself, would be my strategy/advice.

    Free Member

    Anal seepage.

    Free Member

    Look at the Apple refurb store or who do refurbed techie haven’t used them but they were a suggestion from this forum a while ago.

    Free Member

    Possibly now a good timely reminder that documented history was written by the victorious. As we all know, there are many sides to a story.

    Top thread btw, such a joy to not have the shouty ‘knee jerk objectors’.

    As you were… 😁

    Free Member

    Why stop at the pope? I think you’ll find all heads of state – self proclaimed or otherwise have lined their nests with material wealth. For example, I think I noticed yesterday that our own illustrious political leader, BJ, will be spending his new year at some mega exclusive villa somewhere other than the UK – apologies for lack of detail, I really wasn’t that interested in the ‘news’ item.

    Anyway, more to the point, my question is: why is it that the noisy and vociferous minority of atheists on here seem to be so in need of having God and any relatives thereof, scientifically proven as negative? Does it really matter? I mean, if you don’t believe, then, don’t believe, why get so Billy Graham about your non-belief?

    Tsk, kids eh?

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