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  • skywalker
    Free Member

    Well I’ve been putting a bit of weight on it today on the crutches and wearing the brace and now it’s killing me. I’ll see what the doctor says about physio when I can get an appointment, just using it is obviously a bad idea.

    Free Member

    I’ve just got back from the hospital. The doctor said I have a grade 3 medial collateral ligament tear, but the good news is I now have a hinged brace instead of a cast so I can actually have a bath.

    He told me to start partially weight bearing to stop my muscle waiting away any more than it already has, it looks like I have a replacement leg sourced from Ethiopia.

    Should I go to the doctor and ask about physio? Or gradually start exercising myself?

    Free Member

    Thanks Beagle.

    When I first went to A&E they didn’t seem to believe me, the doc decided I had sprained it even though I told him exactly what happened. He gave me some crutches, told me to put as much weight on it as possible and be off the crutches in 3-5 days….. Yeah right.

    I went to see my doctor the next day and they told me to go back, luckily the next doctor I saw at A&E was a bit more understanding.

    Typical NHS!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the reply mate.

    It was the first time it’s happened. I was standing on a pretty steep section of trail after a gate, I put all my weight on my left leg to walk down the hill and twisted at the same time and that was it. My leg gave way, knee cap popped out and I involuntary hit the deck. Luckily I straightened my leg due to the ammount of pain I was in and it popped back in, at the time I didn’t have a clue what was going on. It was only out for about 10 seconds max but my god did it hurt, ive never felt pain like it.

    I’m not sure about soft tissue damage yet, hopefully I will find out on Monday, but I had an X-ray at A&E that day and they said nothing was broken or fractured. They also said the back slab cast was only temporary , and I will most probably be put in a cricket brace? On Monday when I visit the fracture clinic.

    It’s still pretty sore around the inside of my knee, I can’t really weight bare yet without a sharp pain in my knee cap.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    What a shit heap

    Free Member

    You would be much better off with a kids 24″ wheel Apollo from Halfords, excellent value for money and very chuckable due to its small size.

    Free Member

    This thread is hilarious

    Free Member

    I over-train my mushroom tip regularly.

    Nice to see Solo staying true to form and still talking crap.

    Free Member

    1×10, is that some kind of group sex?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I had a Berlingo, the best tip I could give you is sell it, they are **** crap.

    Free Member

    D’ya like dags?

    Free Member

    Go for the one that fits best.

    Personally for the riding you do I would be looking at the Blur TRc.

    Free Member

    Reading over this thread, TSY and Skywalker are coming across like quite the pair of internet bullies.

    Strange, what you call bulling I call defending myself.

    Solo has been nothing but offensive, I wasn’t arguing with him in the first place, just giving the OP some advice (or anyone else struggling to lose weight)

    Free Member

    Ahhh I see, totally pointless then.

    Free Member

    Stop being such a tight ass and buy another one?

    I give that 5 miles max.

    Free Member

    Serious question, whats the point, I mean except from looking like a transvestite.

    Free Member

    it takes about 300 uses of skin fold calipers before someone is proficient.

    So taking 3 measurements from each part and averaging them is less accurate than guessing.


    You seem to do a lot of guessing.

    You need to calm down Skywalker. Your posts are now getting out of order.

    Who appointed you referee?

    I’ve been nothing but nice to Solo and all he has done is thrown abuse at everyone.

    He shouldn’t dish it out if he can’t take some back.

    Free Member

    Solo, you look like an endomorph.

    Are you short by any chance, it seems you have small man syndrome.

    Being short and fat must suck.

    Free Member

    You need help Solo, I actually think you have lost the plot.

    Don’t tell me, skin fold calipers aren’t an accurate way to measure BF.

    Free Member

    How on earth do you measure your body fat online?

    Very easily and quite accurately.

    Work out your lean body mass (involves lots of measuring) and subtract that from your total weight, leaving your BF%.

    Alternatively buy some skin fold calipers off Ebay for £3.

    Its not as accurate as skin fold calipers, but a lot more accurate than guessing like Solo does.

    What has my age got to do with anything?

    But that hasn’t stopped SW making a complete ass of himself.
    coming on here.
    Telling the OP to count calories as the end all be all.
    While also ignoring my Qs, while I have tried to answer his accurately and faithfully.

    I’ve made an ass of myself.


    Tell me what your point is, you don’t seem to have one.

    Free Member

    Am I the only one who doesn’t know what the **** Solo is arguing about?

    Does he even have a valid point?

    Free Member

    when it comes down to it he was able to enter the trans province and come 11th alongside the worldwide pro’s without any training for the event.

    Congrats on that by the way.

    Free Member

    Solo – TBH with you mate, I don’t have a clue what your point is.

    So your BF% was 9% a few months ago when you had a crack at it, and its now 13% roughly.

    Your doing well….

    Free Member

    So how do I offer you an accurate figure ?

    If you don’t have any body fat calipers use an online calculator, they are accurate enough, better than guessing anyway.

    Eerrrr. Since I have time for other things.
    Like living, having a life rather than being an ignorant gym rat, counting calories.

    I enjoy exercising, learning about nutrition, and being as healthy as possible and I’m ignorant! 😆

    I asked you about Calories from Protein and Carbohydrates.
    You avoided this question.

    What do you want to know exactly?

    The question must have been so important I forgot to answer it.

    Free Member

    I’m getting on very well thanks.

    Getting on well enough not to tell us your BF% 😆

    And I do so with a lot less time exercising

    Since whens that a good thing?

    Beats thinking about calories and answering my question.
    Of course, you know you’re wrong.
    But since when is that a crime ?.

    Wrong about what exactly?

    Free Member

    Yeah good point.

    Free Member

    1. Doing more exercise (odd really isnt it that its worked?!?) Running is better for beer belly loss than biking.

    Running is more intense, ie you burn more calories doing it, it doesn’t make it better though. The more intense the exercise, the more likely you are to lose lean body mass as well as fat.

    Diets are proven not to work.

    You’re right, diets don’t work, changing your lifestyle does, that means eating less then your TDEE and exercising.

    Its fine eating all the things you like that are of no nutritional value, but its healthier not to and replacing it with nutritionally dense foods.

    Free Member

    Exactly what I was thinking TSY.

    Whats your body fat percentage Solo 🙂

    Free Member

    Jota180 – whats your height, weight, age and how much exercise are you doing if you don’t mind me asking?

    Free Member

    Skywalker – I’m very sceptical that the average calculators are much use, to be honest. I don’t think the average Joe Bloggs is the most common Joe Bloggs – the mean is not helpful here. Just look at the enormous diversity of body types we see irrespective of diet. Plenty of tremendously skinny people who eat like crap and don’t exercise, and plenty of people who do a lot of exercise and are still 10kg overweight. There’s a chart at the end of that article I linked to showing the massive variation in people’s genetic ability to oxidise fat – so much so that it showed obese couch potatoes with the same fat burning ability as pro cyclists.

    Figuring out if you are an ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph isn’t exactly difficult!

    The calculators are pretty accurate, especially the ones that take your body fat percentage into consideration like the Cunningham research model.

    Its pretty simple. Use it, eat the amount it says, if it works then fine, if not make adjustments.

    Its definitely better than guessing that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    Also, I have met quite a few people who are somewhat overweight rather than obese, and decide to get thin by hitting the gym. They got fitter, stronger and felt better, but didn’t lose weight. It’s fairly common from what I hear.

    That’s because a lot of people are under the impression that if they exercise they can eat as much as they want, which is pretty dumb.

    You can always out eat your TDEE, in which case you will obviously not lose weight, you will put it on.

    Free Member

    Solo, you don’t need to think about cutting carbs until you get to roughly 10% body fat. Until then don’t worry about macro nutrient ratios, just include a lean protein (chicken, fish etc) and some complexed carbs with every meal. A fish oil or flax seed supplement would be beneficial to get your healthy fats, or a cook with olive oil, drizzle it on your salad, you get the idea.

    Free Member

    Accurate Calorie Calculator

    Use that, be honest about your exercise/daily activities.

    If you know your body fat percentage use the Cunningham research model as its the most up to date.

    Edit: Or you can just keep guessing, dismissing any info from people who try and help you, and continue to be a fat bastard.

    Free Member

    Damn, no wonder there are so many fat bastards out there.

    There is no “secret” to losing weight, its simple.

    There is one thing you need to know, your total daily energy expenditure* (TDEE), eat less than this and you will lose weight.

    Get yourself a calorie counting app like Myfitnesspal (probably the best one)

    3500 calories = 1 lbs of fat, aim for 500 calories less than your TDEE per day and you will lose roughly 1 lb a week, any more than this and you risk losing muscle too.

    You will need to eat a healthy well balanced diet so your body gets the macro and micro nutrients it needs. Low calorie high fibre foods are a must (lots of vegetables, salad etc) you can eat more of them so you will feel full for longer.

    Also no simple carbs, only brown grains.

    * Plently of websites with calculators to work this out for you.

    Free Member

    That’s for that useful insight Paceman 🙄

    Free Member

    I know Bigjim, I posted that it’s for sale elsewhere for that price.

    Sounds good Mal-ec.

    Tazzy you’re crazy.

    Free Member

    I’ve read many times that insulin inhibits fat burning for exercise. I didn’t think it was controversial.

    So if you eat something that doesn’t cause an insulin spike?

    Like I said show me the evidence, which will be hard as there is none.

    Free Member

    I had a mate that used snickers bars for his calorie intake during the spring when he was tring to lose weight for the climbing season. He was pretty ripped and climbing well after a few weeks of climbing and eating 4 snickers a day.

    He would be, a king size Snickers bar is only 220 calories. 880 calories a day is well below pretty much anyones BMR.

    Like I said, you can eat what you want as long as you eat less than your TDEE, then you will lose weight.

    Its not healthy though. You need to eat nutritionally dense low calorie foods to give your body the macro and micro nutrients it needs. Eating low calorie food will also keep you fuller for longer because you can eat a whole lot more of it.

    Mike, you’ve taken a bit of a bashing from Skywalker.
    However, you are along the right lines and its SW who is full of it.

    Show me the evidence to back up the “exercising on an empty stomach will burn only fat” theory. Its nothing but a myth.

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