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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • skydragon
    Free Member

    In my younger days I took a young Irish lady out for a first date on Valentine’s day, to a local restaurant in west London.

    The meal was progressing well, candlelit tables etc and I had ‘aspirations’ for other activities later that evening. Back in the day, smoking was allowed in restaurants and after the starter course, she wanted to have a fag (not great considering I was a non-smoker but I went with the flow).

    After rummaging in her handbag and finding her ciggies, she found her lighter, only to find that it didn’t work and the candle on our table had gone out earlier, so she sat there wondering how to light her her cigarette. The table next to us still had a lit candle on it, so as quick as a flash I decided to act the gentleman.

    Taking a paper napkin off my table I rolled it up tightly at one end, leant across to the next table and politely asked if I could use their candle. I then lit the end of the paper napkin and proceeded to try and light my young ladies ciggarrete. The problem was I hadn’t considered how fast the napkin would burn. By the time I’d lifted it over to our table it was well alight, by the time I leant over to light her ciggarrete it was well ablaze. I’m now sat there thinking **** and with her thinking WTF. I had no option but to drop the now-flaming napkin into the bread basket on our table before it burnt my hand. The bread basket was wooden wicker and lined with paper napkins….the initial lighting of the napkin had caused an unexpected amount of smoke, but nothing compared to the black pyre of smoke now bellowing up from our table as the flames from our bead basket started to form a small but intense inferno. Diners at adjoining tables started to move to the other end of the room and the room was silenced by one of the waiters using a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. Metaphorically the extinguishing of the flames, also signalled the end of our date….

    We eventually left the restaurant in an embarrassed silence and no, I didn’t fulfil my aspirations that evening….. funnily enough I never did see her again.

    Free Member

    I found the oneup 16t to be crap (shifting was very poor)

    Shimano 16t did the job,

    Ride On Bikes had some 10 speed 16t shimano in stock, suggest you give them a call (

    Free Member

    I found the oneup 16t to be crap (shifting was very poor)

    Shimano 16t did the job,

    Ride On Bikes had some 10 speed 16t shimano in stock, suggest you give them a call (

    Free Member

    What on earth prompts anyone on here to actively seek out a video they know will show another human, being burnt alive?
    You’ll be knitting next to the gallows next.

    I watched it and in some ways regret doing so.

    It wasn’t out of some twisted desire to see another human die, but I felt compelled to see what happened, how the captors acted, try and discover what was motivating them and in doing so try and figure out in my mind why the hell anybody would do this.

    I once had the opportunity to visit Buchenwald (Nazi concentration camp site) in East Germany. I knew before i went what the day would be like, what I would see and hear, that it would be incredibly depressing, but I still went as I felt that shutting out what happened was the wrong thing to do and that seeing and understanding was better. Weirdly, watching the IS video evokes similar emotions of despair and disbelief that humans could treat other humans in the way they did.

    The wrought iron entrance gates to Buchenwald have an decorative arch above them which still survives, on it are the words ‘Jedem Das Seine’ or ‘To each his own’. In some ways I can’t help think there is a parallel between the Nazis and IS, in that it’s their way or no way.

    After viewing, my main emotion was sorrow and thinking how the Pilot’s family would deal with such a thing happening.

    My other emotion was anger and that the perpetrators have lost all sense of humanity and reasoning and the only way this would be solved would be by extreme military action against them.

    Free Member

    Best wishes and a positive future

    Free Member

    Focussing back on the IS video and media propaganda, what do they hope to achieve with this?

    – put the fear into any opponents…absolutely. Would you sign up as a local soldier to fight against them.

    – attract local recruits…yes, want to be on the winning side, rather than die a slow and painful death.

    But the side affect is that they increase agression from other countries and attract more military action against them.

    Any other goals I’m missing?

    Free Member

    Words fail me at the execution of Moaz al-Kasasbeh. I just hope his end was swift.

    It wasn’t.

    the pre-meditated and calculated nature of itt makes it even more repulsive.

    Free Member

    This may be a daft question, but what is wrong with people having ideals that are at complete odds with the west and “most” countries? Hell my ideals are at odds with the west.

    Not a daft question at all.

    My personal view is that as a civilised society, if another country does not abide by the basic conduct that enables it’s people to be safe and enjoy a decent quality of life, then it’s our duty to try and help improve that situation. We shouldn’t just stand by and let brutal regimes prosper.

    I’m not suggesting that ‘the west’ is perfect and all, but the ethnic cleansing etc that IS have carried out, cannot just be ignored.

    Of course it’s a shame that the west seems to pick and mix who it helps and when and on a lesser scale we sometimes need to get our own house in order, but I believe the basic point rings true.

    Free Member

    I guess one of the challenges is that IS don’t want a dialogue, don’t want to negotiate and don’t want to adopt a moderate stance.

    Their ideals appear to be at complete odds to the west and most other countries.

    That only leaves one way forward,….more war.

    Free Member

    I don’t claim to know the metrics and facts behind IS, but they do seem to be better organised, better funded…and far more brutal than other similar organisations over the last few decades.

    I guess leaving them to grow stronger, will eventually have serious repercussions for the west, when IS inevitably start carrying out more direct terrorist acts in western countries.

    Free Member

    unless you’ve ever worn a FF (motorcyclist maybe?) you’ll find it hard work on anything other than going downhill.


    I can easily pedal 20 miles with a fair bit of altitude gain, wearing a Met Parachute and still be comfortable.

    I’ve never tried it, but I doubt if I could do that in a traditional DH/Freestyle FF helmet, as it would be too hot.

    I think that no amount of protection will stop you crashing

    I don’t think that’s the point the OP is asking about. Wearing a FF won’t make you crash any less, but it might help prevent some injuries that an open face helmet wouldn’t. I don’t think there is any resistance to the idea that improving skills to try and help reduce the chance of crashing is a good idea too.

    Free Member

    +1 Altura ProGel liners, miles better than Endura ones imho

    Free Member

    from the Met which doesn’t in reality give you much protection

    The new 2015 version? Really? I haven’t face planted it yet, but it’s not a bad choice and is a different class of helmet to the old style Met parachute (keeping the same name is a bit of a marketing error perhaps)

    I’ve used the new Met for a mixture of riding. It’s light and cool enough that you could wear it most of the time if you wanted (fwiw I don’t and save it for when I’m pushing my limits, BPW, etc) as the ventilation is brill and it’s not that different to wearing a open face helmet. The field of vision isn’t restricted either, so there is no real ‘distraction’ when wearing it. It’s far cooler than the Bell Super and imho a far better helmet.

    Regarding the OP. Do what you feel comfortable with mate. It’s only fashion and peer pressure.

    I’ve seen a few nasty facial injuries happen to other riders whilst at trail centres, which could have probably been prevented by use of a helmet like a Met parachute or Bell Super 2R. It’s a shame in a way that it’s viewed as being ‘soft’ if you consider wearing a FF etc unless you are a DH God.

    Considering wearing a FF helmet and Goggles ?? – Good god man!! you might stop your teeth being knocked out, or being blinded…. Man up for god’s sake and wear an open face whilst squinting through the spray of mud like a real rider :-)

    Free Member

    Brilliant. Thanks guys, much appreciated. Order placed

    Free Member

    Thanks Ashy, but no, the clip I need holds the two hoses together but also fits onto the frame, holding the two hoses against the frame (the ones in your link just hold two loose cables together)

    Free Member

    Scotroutes – thanks for that., yes, like these, but for each clip to route two hoses (I think the ones in the link are for three hoses or cables each)

    Free Member

    It cannot be posted it must be couriered

    I assume someone messed up and the person who posted it did not know what it was and that this rule applied

    Secret classified information is routinely sent via Royal Mail in encrypted form. This is standard procedure.

    Info regarding couriers etc above is incorrect.

    Free Member

    The whole point of the SPOT and other similar units is they transmit their message via Globalstar data, which in turn sends a SMS from a remote server. It’s not using or relying on a mobile phone signal.

    Even milspec tracking beacons using a combination of carriers for data, sometimes have problems transmitting messages reliably in certain locations/environments, so considering the low cost, the SPOT units are excellent value.

    Free Member

    Used to be an air defence engineer in RAF.

    Was servicing a surface to air missile system in a hangar.

    Ended up putting the generator unit outside the hangar doors, whilst working on the main launcher unit inside the hangar and feeding the cable between the two through a gap in the closed hangar doors.

    A few hours went by and I needed to open the hangar doors in a hurry, but forgot about the generator outside and cable through the doors.

    Hangar doors weigh quite a bit and a generator on the end of a cable wasn’t going to stop them trying to open

    …..the resulting mess was rather embarrassing and expensive

    Free Member

    As posted above….hand wash in warm water with Halo and leave to soak…. Problems sorted ;-)

    Free Member

    You might want to rinse the worst of the mud off them and then hand wash them in sink full of warm water and Halo and then leave them to soak for a while in warm water and Halo.

    Halo = here[/url]

    Drying wise, I normally leave mine on top of a radiator for a few days, without anything stuffed in them


    Free Member

    Thanks for the info, also just watched some youtube videos of the 2014 stages.

    Free Member

    Another PMBA Enduro question;

    from a newbie – How technically hard are the PMBA stages and what level of rider do you need to be to stand a chance of getting round safely and enjoyably?

    Free Member

    No raffle I’m afraid, got round ok. Weather turned out to be a non-event in the end, although it was bitterly cold on the tops in the wind. Great route, really, reslly enjoyed it, must go back and session some of the more techy bits later in the year with some friends. Btw – Can see how people end up shredding tyres on it, there are some very sharp rocks.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback, guidance and advice guys, much appreciated.

    Will start at Grange as suggested above (looking at the map, I can see how this makes good sense). Will also take pads and FF.

    Camelbac filled, bike checked over and ready to roll in the morning :-)

    ….STW raffle of bike and five-tens later in the week, if I get eaten by sheep on the way round :lol:

    Free Member

    Beats sitting at home ;-) can’t just ride the lakes when it’s dry and don’t mind it being a bit slippy as long as it isn’t slate encased in ice…

    Free Member

    My 2p’s worth… I wear knee pads most the time when MTB riding, unless I know I am just going for a pedal round some local lanes etc. They don’t interfere with my pedalling and are comfortable, so don’t see the point in not wearing them. (POC 2.0 pads)

    If it saves you gashing your knee open, wearing them seems common sense doesn’t it? Why wouldn’t you wear knee pads on a riding holiday to the Alps? You might also want to consider elbow pads and a full face helmet, depending on the type of trails you are riding.

    Some riders seem to think it’s ‘hard’ not to wear protection…. but that’s just Darwinism at work ;-)

    Free Member

    Anatres – I’m going 2 weeks later in mid June, so it will be scorching hot by then !! :-)

    Wow, I saw that the terrain is fairly serious, but didn’t appreciate there may be significant snow in late May.

    I think the bike shop you refer to is Xtreme Bikes. They do MTB rental according to their website. I guess at worst I could hire a bike, use the cable car and take one of the mid-grade routes down myself. Looking at some youtube videos it is busy in summer with MTB and there seems to be a good trail network coming down off the mountain with nearly a mile of vertical descent. Would prefer a guided ride if possible though.

    Free Member

    who who built that conservatory at the back of the house last year, the builder fairies!?

    seems like you missed a trick when laying the foundations and pouring the concrete though eh….. :-)

    Free Member

    My better half owns a s2000 and I’ve driven it a few times. Lovely car. Engine is like a sewing machine.

    Nice gearbox, handling is good and power delivery is not that abrupt. If you are used to a tin-top saloon with the driving dynamics of a sponge, it might catch you out on a wet road, but it’s not a hard car to drive and enjoy. With the roof on, it can be a bit noisy on long journeys, but that’s the nature of the beast.

    My caterham 7 makes it feel pedestrian, but that’s not really a fair comparison. IMHO unless you want a track day toy, I’d forget the Caterham, as they are only really usable in the summer months and even then it’s difficult to really open it up on public roads without being a nob (ok, some people use them most/all of the year, but try driving a powerful one on a cold wet road….)

    Buy a Caterham 7 if track days are your thing, an Elise if you like track days but still need to use the car everyday or an s2000 if the focus is on road driving without the track days


    Free Member

    Woodentop – I’ve adjusted and played with limit settings, B-screw and indexing, as well as replaced the cable inner/outer, but I still can’t get it to change smoothly upwards across the 16t gear.

    Looking through T’internet, it seems that quite a few people have had similar problems with Oneup 16t gear, although many have had no issues (as per you).

    I’ll try altering the indexing again as per suggestion above, to see if that works…if it doesn’t stumped as to what to do apart from try a Shimano 16t….

    Free Member

    Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated.

    Noted ref other people’s experiences regarding poor shifting across the 16t gear….anybody have info why this would be the case on this specific gear ?

    Free Member

    Time to revisit thread… So, I tried a Oneup 16 tooth sprocket in a shimano m-771 10 speed cassette and sadly the result is cr&p shifting across that gear (all other gears inc the t-Rex shift well).

    Has anyone a 16t Shimano m-771 sprocket for sale or know of anywhere that has them in stock?


    Free Member

    Happy New Year Tony.

    Wishing everyone an amazing 2015, that brings to all, their fair share of health, wealth and happiness

    Free Member

    Did (most of) Gisburn yesterday and visited Llandegla the week before last.

    My 2p’s worth – Llandegla is far more open and flowing, whereas Gisburn is generally more twisty, technical and rocky.

    I find Llandegla more fun, especially the black run down through the forest. Depends whether you want fast, open, swoopy and flowing, versus twisty, rooty, rocky, techy.

    The cafe at Llandegla is also brilliant :-)

    As already stated above, Gisburn is very wet at the moment. there are loads and loads of deep puddles on the trail where it’s been erroded by riding (some of which seem to be there most the year round…). It wasn’t cold yesterday and I wore sealskin socks, so no problems….but if it had been really cold, it might not have been as enjoyable.

    Free Member

    Bump – on now

    Free Member

    Sounds a top man.

    BTW He used a longbow, not a crossbow (crossbow is still used today by some military units)

    Free Member

    It’s starting at 3pm UK time

    Many thanks for the heads-up darrenspink, cheers

    Free Member

    I’ve been impressed with the new Met parachute full face helmet

    Mini review I wrote

    Hope this helps

    Free Member

    Depends on riding conditions and how well you look after the chain, but I’ve never managed to get 500 miles out of a chain before it’s worn.

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