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  • skydragon
    Free Member

    Oh and as nobody has said it yet…. MTFU

    I was waiting for that one cloudnine :-) (I’ll continually repeat aloud next time it happens, shouting above the pain, MTFU!, MTFU! it’ll give any passing walkers something to think about)

    Free Member

    Thanks again for feedback.

    Sounds like I need to train more and get fitter, as well as perhaps back of the gas a little bit earlier in rides (however that isn’t always possible)

    I guess one of the questions I should have asked at the beginning is – I go out riding with a bunch of riders who are 20 years younger than me, but do less MTB riding week-to-week (millage wise) generally than me and they seem to have better endurance, which doesn’t seem to make sense to me. does age make ‘that’ much difference?

    Free Member

    Thanks for feedback above.

    Currently I’m generally doing two or three 12-14 mile rides a week, with the odd 25 miler thrown in now and again

    Free Member

    Thanks Molgrips.

    By cramping, I’m meaning that the quads in my thighs (looking at a picture of the human anatomy it seems like the Vastus Madialis and the Rectus Femoris muscles, although I’m no doctor) spasm and tense.

    I’ll be riding and just before it happens there will be a few warning twinges first, then I’ll use that group of muscles a bit more (perhaps now climbing a bit harder) and they will suddenly tense up to the point I have to stop and get off the bike, at which point I can hardly stand up. It is really painful (you know when you get cramp in your toes/feet, well it’s like that but much worse).

    Agreed, cramping is not bonking, but it happens when I’m starting to get fatigued.

    Free Member

    If the ride is going well, I’d suggest finishing the Blue Pig, then cranking up the A6033 for half a mile (a bit of climb but worth it) then do the Pecket Well decent, before heading into town.

    (presuming of course that you haven’t already ridden PW earlier)

    Have fun and remember the top part of the route coming out of Heptonstall, is part of the blue Pig run!!

    Free Member

    Is it possible to move the map around the screen

    I don’t think so. I think you can only zoom in/out of your present location.

    Free Member

    How do the Talkytoaster maps compare to the OSM ones?

    My understanding is that they are based on OSM maps, but have added data to make the more detailed and more akin to 1:50000 OS mapping

    Free Member

    Don’t know if this helps you, but I looked at the Garmin 25 too, until I realised that it only does ‘smart recording’ rather than having the capability the do 1 second sampling recording. This made it a non-starter for me.

    If you want a simple cycling computer to tell you how far you’ve ridden, speed, etc it’s probably ok. But If you want something to accurately record where you have ridden on twisty tracks and accurately record that in detail, it’s probably better to go for one of the better Garmin models (which I did).

    Free Member

    Thanks again for the feedback and advice.

    Doing some more research (I’m probably thinking too much…). For my usage, I don’t like the fact the Etrex have removable AA batteries, I’d prefer an internal Lithium pack, charged by USB. (i don’t like using disposable batteries and wouldn’t want the hassle of having to have a battery charger with me as well)

    Current choices being favoured are;

    Garmin 810 about £209 – will take SD card for large mapping capability, but has some dubious user feedback online in terms of reliability, however for some it seems to be 100% ok. Latest firmware from yesterday adds new Strava segments functionality which i guess is a nice to have :-)

    Garmin 800 – in general seems to have a better reliability feedback than the 810, but can’t find anywhere that has a new one in stock at a sensibly low price (without HRM etc).

    Garmin 520 about £240 – unknown quantity as it’s a brand new unit, but will only take a limited quantity of OSM maps due to approx 90MB internal memory. For me that would probably be just about Ok albeit limiting at times. Has GLONASS capability so should stand a chance of being more accurate in limited GPS cover (or more so than GPS-only units like 800 and 810)

    Free Member

    Doing some more research, it looks like the Garmin 800 would be ideal for me.

    Trouble is it’s been discontinued and I can’t seem to find a new unit (without HRM bundle) at a sensible price. Anyone know a decent source to buy from?

    Free Member

    Never had an issue with my 810


    As it is now I’d buy another 810 if I lost mine, I’d recommend it.

    thanks, that is useful feedback

    Free Member

    They’ve now some chap on BBC news claiming the pilot was trying to land on A27…. Here

    I’ve just contacted the BBC and they are going to interview me for the lunchtime news segment, on my unique ability to turn water into wine…

    Free Member

    Watching the CAA representative on the news this morning, it’s amazing (but not unexpected) that they are taking the stance that this is a tragic accident… an act of God if you like…and they will do all they can to improve matters.

    The CAA are responsible for air display safety, they were responsible for the regulation and licensing of the shoreham airshow and as such they are ultimately responsible for this accident occurring.

    Interesting that there is no acknowledgement or recognition from the CAA that the CAA got it wrong in some way and that their old-boy culture needs to change to being more proactive than reactive.

    Free Member

    My guess. He lost power in the climb

    listen to the video footage…

    Free Member

    As far as ‘era’ is concerned, as has been posted elswhere, if the crash had been by a Tiger Moth, it would have been a very different outcome simply because of the speed/energy/fuel differences.

    I meant jet aircraft era, rather than generic aircraft.

    Free Member

    Seems like a step in the right direction, but unsure why they would restrict this only to ‘vintage jets’. If the shoreham crash proves to be pilot error (totally unknown at this stage however) it may well not have mattered what era the aircraft was from.

    The following comment on BBC website seems sensible and leaves the door open to further measures;

    The regulator added that it would be conducting “additional risk assessments on all forthcoming civil air displays”.

    Free Member

    @agent007 – Agreed that you can’t cater for every eventuality. I accept there also has to be a balance struck and I for one don’t want to live in some super-sanitised world, but my personal opinion is that the current CAA regulations are just not adequate.

    Where and how to hold airshows in UK? Perhaps Shoreham is a good example of where not to hold an airshow involving fast jets? The airfield is surrounded by densely populated areas and major roads. Landing aircraft routinely over a busy major road is accepted as part of everyday life and the risks that it poses. I’m suggesting that carrying out airshow display manoeuvres over the same busy road is not acceptable.

    Without trying to claim to be some ar$hole expert, I’ve flown into Shoreham a few times (as a pilot) and have also attended the airshow there (as a spectator), so I have a fair appreciation of the layout and local area. Shoreham is a fairly large airfield and is probably large enough for many aircraft types to safely conduct the display elements of their routines over the airfield and on the non-crowd side of the runway 02/20. Perhaps airfields like Shoreham should have displays which focus on slower flying aircraft and leave fast jet displays to military airfields?

    I’m hopeful the CAA will react positively to public pressure and changes will be made to benefit all.

    Free Member

    I agree with the sentiment of your comments, but don’t you think it’s unacceptable to have a situation where the display authorisation limits are set so that pilot error, or an aircraft failure can result in what has happened?

    You don’t know that the pulot was flying at the autherised altitude, do you?

    Of course I don’t. Please re-read what I’ve posted and think a bit harder, specifically “so that pilot error, or an aircraft failure can result in what has happened”

    Free Member

    @Duir – ok, let me revise what I posted earlier. What I should have perhaps written, is that UK air shows in their current form should be banned. My personal opinion.

    I haven’t commented on what was the cause of the accident at Shoreham, nor am I commenting on the specifics of a fast jet display.

    I agree with the sentiment of your comments, but don’t you think it’s unacceptable to have a situation where the display authorisation limits are set so that pilot error, or an aircraft failure can result in what has happened?

    I believe there have been eight crashes at UK air shows in the last five years. If correct that is disappointing.

    Free Member

    @duir – as I said in my post ‘IMHO’ – if your opinion differs to mine that’s fine.

    (Btw I’ve never claimed to be an expert, only someone who has some real-world experience of aviation and who is concerned by what has happened)

    Free Member

    @ jimw – Let’s agree to disagree.

    Thoughts with those who are left to deal with what has happened today.

    Free Member

    @jimw – I feel it’s unacceptable to allow displays where there is a high chance of the pilots killing themselves. That’s my personal view and I appreciate and respect yours may be different.

    A loop or any flight manoeuvre isn’t without risk. The pilot of the air cobra mentioned above was trying to attempt a manoeuvre of similar risk. He died. Pilot error happens.

    Clearly something went catastrophically wrong today

    a ridiculous statement when you don’t yet know the facts of what happened, it might possibly be, but it could equally be pilot error.

    The air cobra accident would have probably resulted in dozens of deaths if the aircraft hadn’t stalled/spun in the (uncontrolled) direction it did. If it had rolled the other way, it would have gone into the crowd without doubt. It was pure luck that only the pilot died in that accident.

    Edited to add

    Here’s a link to the AAIB report for the air cobra crash. The facts (not my opinion) make for worrying reading.

    report here

    Free Member

    Firstly condolences and sympathy to all those involved.

    I was at Biggin Hill in 2001 when the King Cobra crashed and it shook me up for quite a while.

    Me too, I was about 300m away from the impact point….and let’s remind ourselves that same weekend there were two other separate crashes, one fatal. For me that was the end of air shows despite my love of aircraft. I mean how can you have three separate crashes in one weekend, bloody ridiculous.

    It’s time to stop air show displays IMHO.

    The CAA seem incapable of policing the display flying standards or mitigating safety risks to a high enough level, it’s a joke.

    6 years ago I witnessed an air display where the pilot of an Extra 300 conducted half the display over a nearby road and the edge of a housing estate, completely disregarding the display line that the CAA had approved in the display permit. I spoke to the pilot after the flight and he mumbled that realised that he had screwed up. I then formally complained to CAA about this and after a chat the nice chap from the CAA admitted to knowing the pilot and that he would have a ‘quiet chat’ with him and there was no need to cause a fuss etc. old boys network and vested interests and yet this kind of crap continues….

    I hope the families of those who died on a27 today throw the book at CAA

    ….yes I’m angry! What a waste of life

    (Fwiw I used to hold a pilots license, instrument and night rating, etc)

    Free Member

    nteresting skydragon. im considering swapping my 2013 five for a spectral.

    what didn’t you like about it? what does the five do better?

    Bearing in mind I’m an intermediate level rider and not a Gnar-god :-)

    The Geometry on the 2015 Mk2 Five makes it both confidence inspiring and a far more capable machine than my 2014 Spectral IMHO.

    – Longer reach, better for me
    – Slacker, more confidence inspiring and better for descents
    – For me the rear end works better than the spectral (maybe down to the DB Air shock, but either way it’s way better) by better I mean the ability to soak up travelling over rock gardens etc with ease, as well as good small bump sensitivity. Pedals well on climbs as well.
    – Simplicity (as posts above ref bearings)
    – It seems to ride and respond better when pumping down a trail, or round berms (if that makes sense)

    I’d try a latest Five model before you buy, especially if you liked your 2013 Five

    Free Member

    hmm interesting. have you compared it to a modern linkage bike?

    yes, just upgraded from a Canyon Spectral AL, I’d say the new Orange Five beats it hands down.

    Part of the allure for me is that I don’t want to mess around with replacing a million bearings

    Me too. I was getting through 2 sets, if not 3 sets of frame bearings a year on the Spectral.

    I’m not good enough that the design will ever hold me back when compared to more ‘refined’ designs on the market….i ride for fun and the bike was fun, massively so.


    Free Member

    (Colour is Atomic Orange and cables have since been routed properly :-) )

    Free Member

    Built mine up from a frame a few weeks ago, was on a Canyon Spectral AL before. Absolutely love it, longer/slacker really works. Maybe best to view it as a different bike to earlier generations of Fives.

    Fitted a DB air shock and find the suspension performance is great, both pedalling and on Gnar. I was expecting the single pivot rear end to be mediocre after all I had read on Fives, but my experience is the opposite.

    5ft 11″ and have Large frame, fits great.

    Free Member

    Replace “American” with “Black”, read it back and see how ridiculous it sounds.

    Maybe I’m being thick, but I don’t understand your point.

    Free Member

    I believe it won’t. i.e., an 11 speed cassette needs an 11 speed rear mech

    Free Member

    I guess culturally, in the last century the UK has often looked towards USA for fashion, music, ideas and trends. That combined with the fact they (sort of) speak the same language and on face value look and appear to be the same as us, means many of us believe they must also think the same as us Brits.

    Perhaps the reality is, that the average American thinks in a completely different way to most of us?

    Edited to add – most of the Americans I have ever met have been great people, with a healthy outlook on life, so seem distantly removed from the negative topics we are discussing. Perhaps I’ve only met one social strata though…

    Free Member

    What a great event! Amazing atmosphere with some friendly banter. I really enjoyed the whole weekend.

    Kudos to the top riders – I totalled a very average 25:32 as a Veteran and although I really thought I was fit before the event, I soon realised that I wasn’t – my limiting factor to getting a better time was how knackered I quickly got once I tried to open the gas on the descents. I also found myself pushing up a lot of the road climbs (sorry… :-) )

    Will definitely enter for next years event, just need to think about how I prepare better fitness wise, as well as learning to stay off the brakes more.

    The staggered starts seemed to work really well. I found that the stage starts were usually free as you reached them, I’d expected big queues, but there weren’t.

    Thanks to all the marshals, organisers and everyone behind the scenes who put the hard work in to pull this off.

    Free Member

    I reckon Garmin’s new bike radar info here will give you about 2 seconds warning of his next approach….just enough time to make leap for the verge :-)

    Joking aside – Good luck mate

    Free Member

    I usually run Hans Dampfs.

    Suggest something with sidewalls tougher than tissue paper :-)

    (Only joking, I’m sure they will be fine)

    Free Member

    Thought I’d post an update.

    In the end I really surprised myself and went for a latest spec (longer/slacker) Orange Five frame. I added a DBair shock and I’m very happy with the end result.I don’t know how much that is to do with the new Five geometry, but it’s a belter.

    I’d read loads of comments about the Five’s performance and half expected to suffer from peddle-bob and mediocre rear-end suspension performance. However, the Five rides better than my Canyon Spectral in many respects, climbs well and and the longer reach and slacker head angle are really confidence inspiring on the downs. It’s a pound and a half heavier than my spectral, but I can live with that.

    I’m also looking forward to not having to replace the frame bearings 3 times a year (or if I do have to, it will be a far easier job)

    Free Member

    Bearing in mind the speed of response, I’d guess that the air ambulance was in the local area anyway, or transiting past.

    Free Member

    Ianr, Good to hear you are ok and hope you fully heal asap.

    I tried 112 and 999 but couldn’t get any signal until I was a good mile away.

    After riding down Hully Gully en route to make the call, I can see why you came off, that first 100m section is marbles on top of hardback, so is pretty sketchy.

    Free Member

    What ct gold is it and how much does it weigh?

    I think it’s 18ct, don’t know the exact weight, but it’s a man’s medium width plain band

    Free Member

    Definitely. Put a letter in proposing (extra points for pic of yourself on one knee) in the bottle with your email address and see what kind of women you find! Can’t be any worse than the last one eh?

    Dunno, with a strong easterly wind, might end up with some hairy arsed Russian lumberjack :-)

    Free Member

    do you have any kids? could it be re made into something for them?

    yes, two, but I wouldn’t want to involve them in this aspect

    Free Member

    Say it as it is mate ;-)

    Sad truth is, some f&ckwitts need saving from their own actions.

    Please don’t give me the PC handwringing crap. We live a free country and I’m not suggesting we turn it into some police state.

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