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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • skydragon
    Free Member

    Commiserations my friend.

    The next step will be the underpants draw mate, I know from bitter experience…

    Once the sacred resting place of so many pairs of trusted old stalwarts, underpants that had been amassed over the years, old, faded, worn, elastic showing, holes in some, but oh so comfortable and still perfectly serviceable albeit nearing the end of their natural lives. Until one day there was an enforced clear out, brand new and ‘fashionable’ replacements bought…you’ll look far nicer in these, etc.

    And the cycle of underpant life begins again…

    Free Member

    I’m thinking – Has anyone ever caught someone blocking a trail and managed to have a discussion about why they are doing it?

    Would be interesting to understand what makes someone behave like this and why they think in the way they do.

    Free Member

    OP – take it this is response to whats been going on around Brighouse/Halifax over the last week?

    Yes, that’s the one mate.

    I don’t have an easy answer, but am wondering if taking some form of action would be best (rather than just moving trail obstacles etc).

    Free Member

    5′ 11″ tall and 32 inside leg. Large frame 2016 model Five fits just fine.

    Free Member

    For once…I have to agree with you Binners :-)

    There are standards that have to be maintained. Non-pies are just another symptom of a failing society. Enforce an appropriate Pie standards regime and the rest of the world’s problems will fall into place!

    Free Member

    +1 OP, I’ve taken to questioning the bar staff before I order.

    I thought I was the only one…

    Went out on Monday night with Mrs Skydragon, to a local eatery with a good reputation. On the specials chalkboard they had ‘Homemade Steak and Ale pie’. Sounded great, so I asked at the bar as to whether it was an actual pie, or a pastry-topped stew (which it was). The bar staff found it most wierd that I’d even ask – blatant Pie-Discrimination at play.

    You’d think in Calderdale such underhand cooking tactics would have been rooted out a long time ago, but I’m afraid the practice seems to be rife.

    We need a ‘British Standard’ kitemark for proper pies, to avoid this sad state of affairs.

    Free Member

    There’s proper pie shops in every town

    Oh, matey, that sounds like heaven

    Free Member

    Wise words HTS

    GavinB – They fuel the ride

    Free Member

    Hope they catch the driver.

    Is it only me…but I’m amazed/disappointed how no-one rushes up to help the victim. Not great behaviour by the onlookers.

    Free Member

    It might need bleeding afterwards ! :-)

    Free Member

    If one was a real nancy-boy p&ss-poor rider and looking to survive rather than win….which is the ‘easiest’ round from a technical skills perspective? :-)


    Free Member

    I can see the ‘next’ thread coming soon….just needs the ‘right’ STW article to spark off debate;

    ‘STW article …. E-Bikes, a feminist’s view of electric empowerment to help drive gender equality on the trails of Surrey’

    Free Member

    99 to go boys :-)

    Free Member

    I had a Spectral (well still do in bits) nice bike, but the local rain/mud round here eats the bearings at an alarming rate, to the point it just wasn’t practical to ride. Went for a new Orange Five instead and haven’t looked back.

    If the frame bearings last a few months or so, I’m guessing the Shapeshifter on the Strive wouldn’t last long at all.

    Free Member

    Had a Canyon Spectral, now have a 2016 Orange Five.

    The Orange Five climbs just as well, if not better


    Free Member

    The original article was not telling you how to think, it was her telling you what she thought and HER opinion. She can do this and you can disagree with HER viewpoint but what is not reasonable is to tell her she can’t have that view point or that she has no right to voice an opinion.

    Ginger – Thanks, good point.

    I guess my issue is that I don’t read a MTB magazine/forum to be informed of feminist viewpoints. I don’t want to hear Adele’s feminist views, thanks. No offence intended to Adele, who has a right to think and believe whatever she wants.

    Just the same I wouldn’t want to read an article about how finding God had improved someone’s jump skills (no offence intended to the religious forum members)

    Back to my point of think what you want, but don’t preach.

    Free Member

    Trying to be serious for a moment…perhaps one of the issues at stake here, is people with one viewpoint trying to tell others how to behave or think. That’s what I really didn’t like about the original STW article.

    Telling someone how to behave is perhaps a good thing. If a person’s behaviour is having a negative impact on another person.

    However, telling someone how or what to think isn’t acceptable in my book.

    I don’t think it is acceptable for someone else to tell me (or anyone else) how to think, as long as I (or other people) don’t offend someone else by my words or actions.

    ie. a person can think and believe whatever they want. that’s their business and no-one else’s. As long as their belief doesn’t then impact negatively on another person.

    eg. If I wander round to someones private workshop/garage and he’s got a erotic calendar on the wall and he/she believes that is ok, then that’s their business and it’s not for me to tell them what they should and shouldn’t think.

    eg. If someone down the pub is making sexist comments in front of other people, that is unacceptable, as their behaviour is negatively impacting other people.


    Free Member

    I’m sure we can squeeze a bit more out of this topic…plenty of life left in this thread yet :-)

    Free Member

    I couldn’t help myself….I had to Google Adele…In her website biog, she states ‘I was beauty editor at Just 17 magazine’

    FFS, I’ve just spluttered half my IPA over myself… how the hell can someone go from promoting the brainwashing of young, impressionable teenage girls into believing self-image, style and beauty is all important, to having the views she now promotes.

    As a father, Just 17 IMHO is far more damaging to females in our society than a bloody Maxxis calendar!!


    Free Member

    FWIW – I find Adele’s article on STW almost as offensive as the Maxxis calendar itself. Each are in their own way, naively out of touch with the reality of life.

    If you really don’t like a company’s marketing ethos that much…simple, don’t buy or associate your self with that brand. In the meantime, there is no need to preach your views.

    Free Member

    They don’t feel right/natural to the touch…and that’s enough to put me right off.

    Free Member

    Looking at the posts above, is there (or was there) a MTB group liaising with ‘The Friends of St Ives’?

    SingletrAction were invited by the council/Airedale partnership to put forward a proposal for bike trails in the estate. It fell thru when fosi threatened to fight it in the local newspapers. I presume The lead councillor with the portfolio for leisure etc decided it wasn’t worth the hassle, it came to nothing. They never actually got to the point of doing any liaising as such.

    Thanks for the info. Real shame that this came to nothing.

    Seems a bit lop-sided how FOSI can oppose bike trails being built via consultation and then on the other hand moan about MTB riding in the estate (if true – abusive comments to other users agreed as not acceptable).

    Free Member

    I use the area fairly regularly, so this news is unwelcome.

    If it’s true (and I’m not saying it is) that a group of MTB riders have verbally abused another visitor to St Ives Estate, then that is indeed a shame. Irrespective of the provocation, it’s best to remain calm and always be polite and reasonable.

    Looking at the posts above, is there (or was there) a MTB group liaising with ‘The Friends of St Ives’?

    Free Member

    Moose; A few thoughts

    – Speak to your CO. Your unit will be able to offer you support in a number of ways. Don’t ignore this point.
    – Things will get better, a whole load better, in the meantime eat well and exercise as much as you can
    – don’t turn to booze/drugs
    – Find someone to speak to, it helps to keep a perspective on things and discuss what you are feeling
    – See a solicitor, but remember, at the end of the day they will not sort this out for you. Your wife and you will need to reach an agreement on what happens with money and kids. Sure, the solicitors will help that process, but they will charge massively for that and the longer it goes on for the better off they will be (trust me on that one, I’ve got the T-shirt)
    – If you feel yourself getting drawn into serious arguments/rows, walk away and come back later.

    Good luck and keep your chin up.

    Free Member

    he wants the guest network to be remote from the main network.

    what does he mean by ‘remote’ ie. what does he want to achieve exactly?

    Free Member

    In all honesty if you are expecting to download multiple HD streams, files + skype and for it to work 100% of the time, this isn’t going to work in a rural area; and when you have moved in there will be **** all you can do about it, if you really need a fast connection then moving somewhere rural isn’t going to work.

    If a single line doesn’t work out, then several connections with a bonding service should work OK. It might not be anywhere near what I’ve got right now, but should be ok… with a few compromises :-)

    Free Member

    Yes definitely 1st world problems :-)

    Next you will be telling us Occado doesn’t deliver there…

    Don’t worry, checked that out, all ok :-)

    Where are you moving to? I’m not far out of sowerby

    Near Hubberton.

    What are you streaming at 15mb/s

    use case would be when I’m working and doing a video Skype call, downloading a file and also using a customer’s OTT streaming video service all at the same time (I need it to work 100%) also out of work – when both of us are streaming different videos and and/or doing downloads. Our current 38Mb/sec connection is fairly hammered at times.

    This is what we have at the shop. Supplier is called Sharedband – about £20 per month on top of two broadband (and line) rentals – so not cheap, but not obscene either.

    Thanks, I will look into this.

    Seems like my best bet is to get a single BT broadband service in, see how it goes and then perhaps consider bonding another line, if a single service isn’t good enough.

    Thanks for all the feedback and advice!

    Free Member

    Are you sure it’s rural? I can only dream of speeds like that.

    It’s 2 miles outside Sowerby Bridge, west yorks….a bit like the land that time forgot :-)

    Live in a rural village at the moment in West Yorks and get 38Mb/sec !!!! Bloody luxury!

    Free Member

    Minion DHF on both front and rear works well, although Ardent is probably enough.

    Fwiw I found using a High Roller II on the rear was like riding with the rear brake on, compared to a Minion DHF on the rear.

    Free Member

    @ Drac – You were duped mate – a few minutes before, whilst you weren’t looking, they’d been crapping over the local footpaths whilst their lazy fuc&wit owners did nothing to clear up :-)

    Free Member

    Girlfriend was out jogging last week, saw a person she knew walking towards her on the footpath with his two dogs. She stopped to speak with him, started having a chat (now standing still) and one of the dogs bit her on the leg. Trip to docs, puncture marks and bruising on leg, ripped clothing, now on antibiotics.

    Dog owners response at the time… ‘Did my dog just bite you? He’s never done that before’

    Few days later, driving along a narrow road, couple on pavement with a small dog. The dog is on an extendable lead and as we approach the owner let’s the dog’s lead extend and allows the dog to run onto the road. I brake, avoid the dog, all ok. But the dog owner doesn’t seem to care, when I explain to her how dangerous her actions were and that she should keep her dog under control when walking beside a road with traffic.

    Back to OP. Maybe (probably) it’s due to me getting older/grumpier but it does seem like the number of dic&head dog owners is on the increase. By Dic&head I mean they don’t take responsibility for their dog, don’t/can’t control it and seem to be unable to understand that not everyone likes dogs.

    Perhaps the only course of action when attacked/bitten/molested by a dog is to retaliate and defend by battering the dog?

    Free Member

    Robinson’s jam Golliwog figures

    Pron mags being swapped between mates (letting that ‘special’ one go, would almost bring a tear to your eye)

    Using 2p’s in a pay phone box

    Music cassette tapes

    People driving with any kind of skill or courtesy on the public road


    Girls with huge norks/nipples, no bra and a tight T-shirt down the shops (must be years since I’ve seen that)

    Free Member

    I used to feel so cheeky altering the ECU mapping on my Caterham at MOT time, so that it would pass the emissions test….it turns out that I was just a pioneering trendsetter after all :-)

    Wait another month and it’s going to be a great time to buy a new Diesel.

    Free Member

    Bingo! Good news :-)

    Free Member

    Just sent you an email – suggest you try this.

    As a workaround – You can use a USB stick to save the map onto from the mapinstall program, instead of trying to put it directly onto the 520.

    To do this get a USB stick and create a folder on it called GARMIN. Plug this USB stick into your PC, leaving the 520 disconnected.

    Then open up the mapinstall program and select the map area you require and then load the map onto the USB stick.

    Next manually copy the map file off the USB stick onto the GARMIN folder on the 520.

    Rename the file as per original thread above and turn 520 off and back on and all should be ok.

    Hope this helps

    Free Member

    Can you try another PC or Mac (could it be a USB port issue?)

    Free Member

    Also set recording to 1 second, rather than smart recording

    Free Member

    A HRM will reveal where you are on an effort scale

    ok, will start using my HRM again. Question – what heart rate zone should I be trying to stay within, or keep under?

    Free Member

    Stick a High Roller II on the rear and then try again :-)

    Free Member

    Skydragan , the rides it happens on, do you feel you’re going at your natural pace? Or are you riding at the groups pace which is too much for you over that duration?

    Happens sometimes solo riding as well as group or race situations. I tend to push my pace whenever i go out for a decent ride.

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