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  • skiprat
    Free Member

    T1000, pics of Roadrat please to my email


    Free Member

    2nd Ewan. Got a couple of these and while they are not massively breathable, they are waterproof. I took one to local sewing lady and got a couple of ‘pit vents’ put in and its now alot better. Only £6 so for the vents so still a cheap coat.

    Free Member

    Are you sure it was him in Manchester? This is me with him a week or so ago in LA outside Madam Tussauds!! Top bloke, never moved a muscle while mrs skip took the picture!!

    Free Member

    I have an Allez Sport 18 and have found it to be great (so far) for general road riding/commute. Took a bit of time to set up the bars and stem after years of riding mouintain bikes but now its very comfy. Rather than going for the flat back racing style i went a bit more upright. All the kit works and to be honest, the frame and forks look like they'll last a good while and will take upgrades as and when needed.

    All in all i'm happy with it.

    Free Member

    And i still get to go on my holiday next week!!!! Yay!!

    Thank you all for working it out. 😀

    Free Member

    I've got one bigger than yours!! Flat spot that is!! Spokes went loose all round area on non drive side. Took to LBS (who has built wheels for me in the past) and he did his best to re tension the wheel. Just about got it running straight again but you can't get rid of a flat spot.

    Laced new rim in today and will drop it off for him to true tomorrow. You could just get it trued but the tension wil be out and the wheel could just go.

    Free Member

    Mrs Skiprat here….

    I do feel sorry for people who have been hit by the recession and yes it is not on that people are expected to be demoted or do alot more work for less pay but….at least they have still got a job!! I think we should all remember that there are plenty of people out there who have lost their jobs and would be thankful to get a wage.. whilst other people think it is their right to be given bonuses

    Free Member

    FFS I'm sick of people who can afford to fly abroad for holidays moaning about other people trying to get as good a deal for themselves as possible

    I'm sorry Mrs skip and i have worked bloody hard for our trip of a life time. Why shouldn't we spend our money on things we want when we've worked for it? Like i said before Mrs S works in the NHS so isn't on huge wages for all the hard work she and others in the service do. Bet you splash the cash on your bikes tho don't you or do you ride a Motorworld £59 special?? 😉

    No? Didnt think so. I wont stop you spending your money and getting your goods so why should i pay for my holiday and then not have it because of them?

    Rant over.

    Free Member

    It seems to me that people attacks on the unions here are borne out of jealousy, that someone may be getting a better pay deal than you.

    I'm not jealous of their better pay deal or want a union to fight my corner, i just want to be able to go on my holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If a fireman, sorry person strikes, they put cover on to make sure we're still looked after (as best as they can) but man the baggage machines and people at airports so people like me can still go away and they get their knickers in a right twist saying its not right. Its just wrong.

    Free Member

    I'm not saying they shouldn't have a payrise or be paid fairly for their work but right now i'm waiting to see whether or not i can go on my holiday that my wife and i have saved long and hard for. No i don't think management should get huge rises out of line with the rest of the workforce, but nor do i think that they should hold the rest of the UK to its knees. If people can't fly back to the UK, kids could miss school, teachers miss days of work and children working towards their education will miss stuff. Multiply this for weeks on end and they're just stopping the UK. Extreme examples maybe but the Uk's going downhill and things like this just increase problems.

    Times are hard throughout the UK at the moment. Why not be like the rest of the work force in the UK and grit your teeth and get on with it. Why not wait til BAA is making more money (running at a profit) and strike then, stopping the fast flow of ready money comming in? Bit like the fuel protests when the prices went sky high.

    Free Member

    Skiprat yes it is not the employers fault but it is not the employess fault either [as I have already said] so they probably feel annoyed that weather cost the money and a token gesture could have avoded all of this. Once bioth sides draw a line in the sand and defend this conflict/strike/strife ensues.

    I know Junkyard, it just hacks me off that we've saved to go away on our "what we think is our last big holiday before we have kids" and it might all fall apart because of them. Thing is, if they hadn't striked before, would they of hit target and got their bonus??

    Free Member

    Perhaps a compromise figure/offer would have been a nice gesture [£200?} to compensate for the 0% wage rise and fail that was beyond the control of the workforce [and employer to be fair]? Perhaps if the employer was reasonable the employees would be?

    Why should they pay out? Not the employers fault. If i hadn't sold x because places were on shut down, i couldn't just say "they were shut, can i still have some more money". Its crap.

    Free Member

    From BBC News

    Unite is also calling for staff to receive a £450 bonus, which had been promised to them if the company had met a certain earnings target.

    BAA, which is owned by Spain's Ferrovial, missed the target by 3%. However, Unite said staff deserve financial recognition for coming so close.

    Since when do you get reward for not hitting targets? Isn't that what targets are for? I used to work in sales and we had targets. 100%, 101%, 102% and so on, we never got anything extra for hitting 99%.

    A bonus is a bonus for hitting target+, its not guarenteed pay.

    Free Member

    BAA wants to wind itself up, re-open and put them all on new contracts with their new pay structure there.

    I am due to fly out to the US on the 25th, 2 days after the day they are planning to start striking. We're flying Virgin but will be in trouble as we're going from Heathrow. Its our belated honeymoon so i'm sorry if all this sounds a bit harsh but they should in these times, be glad they have a job to go to. My wife a nurse and they are having a pay freeze.

    Perhaps when a BAA member of staff needs a trip to the hospital, they should remember my wife will still be there looking after them and making sure they are ok as she has a duty of care to look after them, even without a payrise.

    If it were me, i'd tell them i was on strike, sit down at the side of the bed, read their books, eat their grapes*, drink their lucazade and let them bleed!!!

    *grapes the fruit not piles.

    Free Member

    I had CTS in my right hand. Like nick1c said, CTS affects your thumb, index and middle fingers. My hand would be numb in the night and i would wake up with pins and needles. On long rides i again would loose feeling in my thumb and at home i had to start using my left hand to open jars and take bottle tops off. I had nerve conduction tests and about 6 weeks after went to hospital to see consultant. He did a couple of quick tests and confirmed CTS. He advised due to my age (34 then) not to bother with the steriod injections. They only mask the condition. About a month later i went in for the op. From them inflating the band on my arm to stitching me up took just under 4 mins!!! Total time from entering the operating theatre to walking out 15mins. Took pain killers straight away and kept on them for the first couple of days after. No real pain, just throbbing. 12 days later, stitches out and all ok. I just had one big stitch where as my sister had several small stitches. Just depends on the person doing the job. Back riding again in about 10 weeks. Use a wrist brace sometimes but now its ok. Scar is still a little tender if you hit it wrong but other than that its all good. Did Snowdon the other week and no problems.

    I would say if its confirmed as CTS and you get the option, have the op. Injections i've been told are like trying to pump treacle into your wrist(hurts like mad). I have since found out that CTS can run in the family. My sister has had the op and my mum is due to have it done soon. If your family has small wrists, you can be more likely to suffer from it.

    Alos, only have one done at a time. You can't use your hand at all for the first couple of weeks so going for a crap and stuff would be a nightmare. You'll find out who your friends are when you ask them to "lend you a hand".

    Just after

    Day the stitches came out

    Free Member

    AAhhhhhhhhhh balance is restored, back to the Hora we know and love!! 😉

    Free Member

    Hora, when did you get all "dad" like??

    Plenty more pebbles on the beach

    Plenty of BETTER and shinier pebbles on the beach.

    It wont seem like that right now but you'll look back and smile at what you have rather than what you had

    Four months? Thats a longtime to go without affection/companionship which is harsh but true.

    Look on the brightside- Better now though than later IMO.

    Your little ones gona love you saying those to him in the future 😉

    Free Member

    Knottie8, on the whole, are these engines reliable? (i know you can get good and bad in anything) Its just Mrs skips new car has one of these (if she does buy) so is it going to cause loads of problems or be ok?

    Free Member

    Last quick question before i hit the buy it now, does the bladder have a hook on it that you put through a loop on the inside of the bag? If so could i use my Camelback bladder on it?

    Free Member

    Cheers all, does anyone know if the bite valve from a Camelback will fit the hose or are they a different size?

    Think i'm going to get one ordered as i need to carry a bit more food and jacket for longer rides.

    Free Member

    When me and my first wife split, there was talk that she had been stopping at this blokes house in the village. I was told by some good friends not to let her see this bloke (friend of both of us) on here own. How you do that without the use of chains i don't know. We split for a while and then got back together to try one last time. Its always in the back of your head and will never go.
    In the end we called it a day. It was sad at the time and i hit a big low but you get through the other side. Trusting people is hard to start off with and you will hold people away to start with.
    Happy now, married again this year and planning a family. I'm riding more and doing more things now than i was back then. My advice to you is get out now. If not you will always be asking was it just a kiss, does she still think of him when we hop on the good foot and do the bad thing? Its hard but it'll be worth it in the end.

    Free Member

    Had mine a few months and love it. Revs 110-140 U-Turns, 317's on Pro II's, rides up very well and put a smile on your face on the way down.

    Cracking bike.

    Free Member

    Right i'm off…there'd best be an answer on here by the time i get home!!

    Free Member

    yeah come on….i got 8 mins til i'm off, then a 45 min drive without knowing!!!!!

    Free Member

    Do it…come on..tell us who it is????

    Name and shame with pics please

    Free Member

    God did i read that bit wrong first time round

    Grab her hand hard to check? Abit like fishing

    replace the h with a t. Thats a sure fire way to get her attention!!

    Free Member

    I have one and so does the mrs, got £100 each to open them too. Also have a joint one so we put £1000 a month into that and get another £5. Chap at Halifax said its fine. £15 per month just for paying you wages into the bank..not to bad really.

    Free Member

    I had a Scandal and it never really suffered with chain suck. Ran the same kit on a Inbred and it just sucked. Same BB, chainset, chain ….. No idea why. (inbred was before the Scandal by the way)

    Scandal is a great bike, very light and climbs really well.

    Free Member

    I'm sorry to say i'm out. 😥 Plasterer made a great job of the chimney breast and walls but on taking the radiator off popped pipes in the cellar. Will be cleaning all that up this weekend. Nice crappy black water all over. Lucky it didnt splash the bikes or the paint would of been peeling off.

    Think i'll be charging him for plastering the room now!! Tool!!

    Free Member

    Yeah like i'd do any training!! Be a steady ride out mate. Legs are back to normal after loads of pushing last week. Just need to give the bike a quick clean and i'll be good to go.

    Free Member

    What so they can finish the "job" off??

    Glad you didn't mention the fact she could look like a plasterers radio!! 😉

    Free Member

    Guilty Gas Guzzlers!!! All because i have a van for work and sit in it for hours on end.

    Free Member

    It's looking like I'm out! I've pulled my back and can hardly move at the minute

    Wow she really did have a strong sex grip!! 😆

    Should be there Will, Mrs skip says the plasterers are cracking on well so should be good for saturday.

    Free Member

    Should of been there saturday morning mate, walked bloody miles!! 😆

    Free Member

    I thought he'd like to play his part in the "Spanish Inquisition"!! 😉

    Oh, and thanks french bar lady, i do like to use Strongbow as aftershave!!

    Free Member

    Proper cute looking pup you got there. If you want to know about destruction…….just ask our pointer Buck. He managed to chew through the cable to the hoover while still plugged in and when he was a pup chewed a plug socket off the wall so only the wires were stuck out. Best thing was the fridge was plugged into it at the same time. Plug off the wire too.

    He just sat there happily wagging his tail!! Hes now 11 and still has odd daft moments. Dogs are ace.

    Free Member

    Would of but have got to empty lounge tonight as have plasterer in tomorrow morning. Would of been nice to stretch the legs out too.

    Free Member

    Thats not how it looked last weekend!!! 😉

    Free Member

    in the sale at La Senza, only £15 (lady not included)

    Free Member

    Got some Maxxis Larsen Mimo's (for when its muddy). Think they're either 1.9" or 2" but they come up small.

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