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  • skidartist
    Free Member

    In that neck of the woods SWG3 [/url]might be worth a look too

    Free Member

    Ahh yes, know the place you mean

    Less of a rat hole than most – a bit young startup indy media rather than artist space in the real sense. You'd at least be able to say at some point in the future that you knew someone before they were famous.

    it mentions wooden floors, heat, light and internet!

    It might not mention ankle deep water in heavy rain, be wary of any ground floor (or slightly less than ground floor) units there

    Free Member

    Chances are you'd have some nutter who likes to make sculptures out of metal using an angle grinder all the time, or something equally noisy.


    Free Member

    local 'artist' space which looks promising.

    "artist" space can be a bye word for 'cold infested rat hole', unless you are thinking of the new Briggait development

    You're south glasgow if I recall { edit – poor recollection} so you're probably talking about Southside Studios or the Chalet. Broadly speaking they are useful spaces in a low down and dirty sense, unless you put in the graft to make them otherwise. Both very bike friendly though. In fact the word 'Bikes' is broadly used there to convey a sense of satisfaction and universal well being as in 'mmmmmmmm, bikes'.

    Free Member

    could be sustained for the longest, perhaps

    or sustainable in the greatest number of aspects maybe, assuming banking is a complicated business with a varied range of impacts and consequences.

    Free Member

    The bit about the shower is worrying because a shower engineer recently told him we have a 1.5 bar rated shower unit, but running pressure measured going into it is only 0.7 bar.

    We get a useable sprinkle out of the shower, but have been told that as we get into the colder months we'll need to rely on a combination of using the 'extra power' button and turning down / up the temperature dial to ensure no freezing or scalding water comes through.

    This may be a problem, and with the new clause he seems like he's trying to wash his hands of the problem.

    If there is a problem and both he and you are aware of it – ask him to remove that clause from the contract or fit a shower that'll work, or preferably both. If its a new clause in the contract then its glaringly obvious why its there.

    Free Member

    I still have a Spectrum 48k and C64 gaining dust in the loft?

    Dibs on the dust!

    Free Member

    Hora – they drill two holes, one narrow one like the one that found the refuge and a second bigger one that uses the initial hole as a guide.

    The narrow hole is comparatively quick to drill, so once thats done and its right, the second hole although it'll take ages will be on target.

    Free Member

    I hope someone cancelled the milk. Last thing they'll want to find when they get home after being stuck under ground is 400 pints of cheese on their doorstep.

    Free Member

    I don't know what ahpopened to Genghis, but 'Low Pressure Coffee' in now on the menu at my local Starbucks, its the new 'Flat White'

    Free Member

    You'll get over it, but not very quickly, its perfectly fine to be shaken by both the collision and the altercation that followed. Neither of you were in the mood for a crash or a row. After the event its easy to dwell on how clever you could have been if you had the benefit of hindsight. Nobody would have reacted differently in the circumstances. It could have been worse and wasn't, so you've learned the easy way.

    Next time….. rather than break or accelerate – use your horn.

    The van driver will have learned to be a bit more obvious and deliberate with his moves too. When I'm moving to the left across lanes I indicate (obviously) but also make the moves pretty slowly – sort of ominous and inevitable. The trick is to scare anyone that you might not be able to see into using their horn, while giving them enough time to actually use it.

    Free Member

    I have often thought that community recycling and composting would provide a great use of the benefits claimants' time.

    They already do, every recycling project I know of (furniture, carpets, wood, green waste), as well as the community woodland planting schemes, and quite a prolific amount of path building around here is powered to a great extent by 'trainees' on JSA.

    Free Member

    He's in the wrong in the sense that he hit you, so he's at fault. But he's not wrong in what he's saying in that if you place yourself alongside a van the driver can not see you and he will hit you. The blind spot on the left of a van is utterly enormous, I've been surprised to find an artic truck hiding in there at badly designed junctions. But he made the move so It'll still be his fault that he hit you, but if you keep putting yourself in that position you'll get hit again.

    Free Member

    So in the real world do Andy and Frankie get on?

    Not been watching this series… but as an exercise when watching any 'factual' TV:

    Whenever you see someone talking to camera you'll get little 'cut aways' – your view cuts from them to some sort of contextual image – the thing or place they are talking about perhaps. The job of that cutaway is to hide an edit in the dialogue. Now if you are feeling charitable you might imagine thats to smooth over some ummms and errrs and tidy up the sentence. If you are feeling less charitable you can imagine that what you are hearing is a dialogue spliced together from individual words (if need be) to make any sentence the filmakers want.

    Free Member

    Aside from the aspect of using free labour to undermine paid workers, it makes 'helping the unemployed' look very similar to the punishment that element of non-custodial sentences.

    Free Member

    You don't?!!!!

    Not since he took your advice CK 🙂

    Free Member

    You'll only get caught if its illegal

    Free Member

    bury the wife and move the bikes back into the house

    Free Member

    You askin? Because if you're asking I'm dancin.

    But if you're not asking then I'll just look after everyone's bags.

    Free Member

    Its not a dreadfully long wait, its only a hernia, not a brain tumour. The guarentees are between seeing the specialist and getting the op, until you see the specialist and he reccomends it, you don't need an op. I had my hernia for the best part of a decade with no ill effects.

    Speak to your GP again, if you can live with it and he reckons its safe enough (some types of hernia have a risk of 'strangulating' which would be a more serious event, you wouldn't be waiting about in those circumstances) then just hold off until after your hols.

    The key thing to keep in mind with the surgery is theres no guarentee what procedure you'll get until you are on the table, you'll probably get key hole, when I got my paraumbilical done I was walking (well shuffling really) out the hospital, painkiller free, by lunchtime. But until they look inside they can't be sure whether keyhole is going to be the answer, so you'll also sign consent for old-school open surgery, and the recovery for that is a lot longer.

    So if its safe to do so delay the op til after your hols

    Free Member

    The downside with buying cars that already converted is that as mentioned above, people who've gone to the trouble and expense of converting them don't sell them til they are practically dead, as you need to have made back the conversion cost and gone on to make significant savings before its worth selling – and for a small, already economical car thats most the useful lifespan of the vehicle.

    Free Member

    How was it delivered? By the company's own vehicle / staff? Or by a courier co? If its the latter then the drivers doing deliveries rarely also do collections, a different vehicle would do the uplift. So they might not have forgotten to collect it, they might just have not collected it yet.

    Free Member

    dolls with those funny clicky eyes, especially when one eye sticks and you get a sinister wink

    lofts, no matter how far I am away from the hatch I'm sure that if I take a step backwards I'll fall down it

    I reluctantly helped a guy clear out his loft and under a pile of boxes unearthed a toddler sized clicky-eyed doll which had its head crushed by the weight ontop of it. Horrible horrible dust coloured distorted child head with clicky eyes both winking independently of each other. Would happily have thrown myself down the hatch if it wasn't for the fact I had to get past the doll to do it.

    EDIT. I'm also scared of people who aren't scared of horses.

    Free Member

    I called the company about that, they asked if I could identify the driver, well of course we could we had a ticket from him.

    Above the front window of the bus, inside and out, will be a number (not the route no, but one that identifies the bus itself) that number plus the time and date identifies the driver. So you don't need a ticket, or to have been on the bus to identify them.

    Free Member

    I want to move to Cornwall

    looks like there's a vacancy

    Free Member

    urban scuba divers taken a wrong turn

    Free Member

    I was having a discussion with a horsey type about the comparative merrits of riding horses and bikes in the mountains. I joked that at least I don't have to worry about feeding my bike, to which she countered that if my bike breaks down and leaves me stranded in the wilds I can't eat it either.

    Bingo, best of both worlds.

    Anyway, enough foaling around you lot

    Free Member

    There are worse job titles, "Chuff Monitor" being one of them

    Free Member

    Could this be the new Flat Eric or Gotan doll? A cheap gonk that makes more in sales of cheap gonks than the ad costs to make.

    Free Member

    The horror.

    Looks like you've been launching food across the room at her with catapult, with limited success.

    My friend's daughters trick is:
    1- Stick both hands in the jam/yogurt/goo then
    2- Carefully and deliberately slide the plate off the table, this has to be a sideways motion so it all lands by and beneath her chair
    3 -As you bend down to recover plate and food …… stick both jammy hands in your hair/face/eyes/ears
    4 – Laugh

    Free Member

    All 11 minutes of Argent Content but in particular 04.35 to 05.27

    Free Member

    In the end I set up a new account in my maiden name.
    No problems now.

    If you want to set a cat amongst the pigeons switch to your maiden name, then change your relationship to 'its complicated' 🙂

    Free Member

    A couple of people I know have put spaces in their name, splitting their surname inbetween the syllables for instance, whether its for the purpose of not being found in searches I'm not sure, but at least amongst their friends they're still recognisably their names, rather than having to operate under a nom de plume

    Free Member

    Apple: Yes
    Chutney: Yes
    Pickled Onion: Yes
    Cheese: Yes
    Bread: Yes
    and a bit of salad too.

    Thats the iDave diet isn't it? 🙂

    shall we start an argument about whether a pickled onion is strictly speak a fruit or not?

    Free Member

    Anything that a travelling salesman would have eaten in the 1970's. The plowman's lunch was invented by a bloke form the milk marketing board as a no-cook meal to be served to Cortina Man by pubs that don't have kitchens.

    Free Member

    It must be hard for charities to get donations these days, there are that many different ones all trying to get help.

    I'm wandering off topic a little but I heard someone making an interesting point about this on the radio a few years back, which was that charities don't merge and buy each other up in the same way that businesses do. As a for-instance he pointed out there are something like 20 charities in the uk dealing with homelessness. Some of those will have the capital, some will have the expertise or visionary staff, some will have a good brandname but few will have all three so he wondered why those charities with similar aims aren't merging to create a smalller number of well resourced, quality staffed agencies with strong brands.

    Free Member

    Anything on Gov website?

    Home Office website?

    Broadly discussed here

    Free Member

    I asked if it was legal

    I didn't request a full H&S risk assessment, though nice to know people care

    OK, distance wise, technically it would appear to be illegal because of the proximity of the road, theres the "….with the result a user of the highway is injured, interrupted or endangered" caveat though there's the question of what 'interruption' actually consists of. It doesn't appear that the law cares what direction the gun is pointing in within 50 ft exclusion, but standing any distance away from a road, or anything or anyone you don't own and firing towards it carries its own penalties, so I'd guess that the legislation counts equally when you are firing in any direction

    Although the activity can't be seen, it can probably be heard, which given the unseen element might contribute to 'interruption' above (being able to hear nearby shots but not see where they are being fired too or from, would I some eyes be considered inconvenient)

    The aspect i mentioned of 'making a gift' relates to both the gun and the ammunition, or rather the gun or the ammunition. So there is legislation relating the pellets on their own, but what the act of 'making a gift" is exactly, I'm not sure.

    Free Member

    My only thought

    Keep your blouse on, it was only a thought, I've no idea whether you might have pets or anyone beyond "me and my lads" in the household. A mrs iDave perhaps. Without a list of keyholders being stated it just seems awkward to shoot through the house, as you're left no periferal view of whats around the target, why not shoot in the garden where you are surrounded by soft stuff that a bad shot will disappear into, rather then in the house where shots will bounce about?

    Anyway you seem to have all the self assurance of a sleepwalker that this is all totally sound, so what was the point of asking?

    Free Member

    not trying to be sanctimonius about it, you're asking if its legal, and there are laws that relate, so you just need to make sure what you are doing is legal within them. Depending how you get on with your neighbours the issue thats likely to arise is how annoyed / frightened / intimidated they'll be by the sound of airguns being fired. They might not mind, they might take the hump, they might call the cops, regardless of how you actually stand in relation the law, the cops would still come. Don't underestimate how nervy people will get where airguns are concerned, even the sound of them will worry people.

    My only thought about firing through the house into the garden, through a couple of doorways, is what the chances are of people or pets passing between you and the target, as at those doorways or in the garden someone wouldn't be able to see either the target or the gun or both and be unaware that they are passing between them, similarly for the shooter they won't see anyone approaching until they step infront of the target. Wouldn't it be wiser to have a more open space or is shooting through the house the only way to get a decent distance to the target?

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