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  • The Singletrack World Festive Five Minutes
  • skidartist
    Free Member

    It was my mate

    This time it was your mate that was there with the cucumber?

    Now that is going to be awkward.

    Free Member

    Tips hat

    Free Member

    I wasn’t having a go either – just joking that the first cobbler to speak up (i wouldn’t have guessed there were any cobblers on STW) was right on Kingtuts door step, so close that you could (for comedy purposes) be the one he was complaining about in the first post.

    But i’ve been slogging my guts out since 5am, and have now managed to make myself too drunk very quickly, so maybe it came out wrong.

    Bruneep – receipt in the post

    Free Member

    Free Member

    And it was at that moment Kingtut realised it was Candodavid that mullered his shoes 🙂

    Free Member

    It cuts both ways though – if the parking is free do you think theres going to be a space available when you need it? The one near me in glasgow became free recently as part of the new legislation. It took a while, but now local residents and workies have cottoned on and now its full day and night regardless of visiting hours. I’m not mad keen on the notion of carparks being charged for in hospitals, but I’m less keen not being able to park at all.

    Free Member

    I had a 72 GT for a few years – only car and daily driver all year round, including 400 mile round trips up and down the A9 to see my girlfriend at weekends. I paid quite a lot for mine but I needed to rely on it as I was driving it 7 days a week.

    Its true that parts and insurance are cheap, but rust is just a slippery slope and you can’t stop it happening, even to a really well prepared car (mine came with £10k worth of bare-metal rebuild receipts and two albums of photos documenting a very thorough job) but a year or so on the road will un-restore it pretty quick.

    If you are buying cheap, don’t aim to keep it for too long and live with the rust, so long as you can be confident that its not catastrophically rusty where it matters. Money spent on improving a car is money down the drain (unless you find the process amusing), and to a similar extent so is money spent on a top notch model if you are actually going to use it. But buy a serviceable car and sell it as a serviceable car you should do OK though, and no matter how bad you let it get someone will buy it off you. Reliability wise unlike modern cars that either work or don’t, old cars have many shades of grey in between – they can be in and out of tune. Mostly out.

    MGB engine are very robust, overdrives can be a fanny about but without one you’ll not be wanting to get off the b roads, shock absorbers are £12 but you need to wait for parts – order them yourself, wait for delivery and then take them to your mechanic, a lot of items are exchange too, so you need to send your old part back to get the cheap prices. Modern cars have never been so dangerous to crash into, you couldn’t honestly expect to live through any encounter with a faux by four. Locks and security are a joke. Getting out of an MG when you are parked by a high kerb makes you look like a foal being born. Steering is heavy, you’ll never, ever be warm in winter. In the dark every one’s lights are in your eyes and your own lights are so dim cars behind you cast a shadow in your field of view and salt cooks onto the lights in minutes.

    When I bought mine I was living in the highlands and it was ideal. The noise and novelty soon wears thin on long motorway trips. Driving a car with your arse on the back wheel arch and the front bumper some way out in the distance and everyone else’s wheelarches at ear level isn’t much fun in cities either. But on a nice A road theres no better way to travel really.

    Free Member

    Here you go RB

    grab a tissue
    Chopper Squad

    Can we have the theme tune as the opener at your next club night?

    Free Member

    Its certainly worth having a good shop around and see what you can get thrown in with it – I’m with Norwich Union, through a third party broker (B&Q – although they’ve stopped doing insurance now) and get tool / plant cover thrown in with it, which is better value than trying to insure my kit on its own. Have a look if there are any relevant trade bodies too, sometime you can get pub lib insurance as a perk of membership.

    Free Member

    also a switch to low energy bulbs, or some other form of lamp is inevitable, legislation or not. Theres not enough tungsten in the world to keep making conventional light filaments for a great deal longer.

    Free Member

    commercial premises with CCTV need to keep their lights on, otherwise the cctv sees nowt and their insurance can be void as a result

    Also added together there are far far more lights in our homes than in commercial buildings

    Free Member

    aP – IHF and Deacon – a man of taste. It was a perk of my old job transporting art exhibitions to get to have a snoop around Richard Deacon’s studio. Finlay’s son Alec puts out some very good book works too,

    In my art transport days I used to meet a lot of real proper addict art collectors. Real art buyers, in the sense of people who buy real art and who really buy art, are a rare breed.

    There is something like 1.6 percent of the population who are the ‘type’ who wouldmight buy contemporary art, but they might just as likely be into audiophile hifi or thoroughbred horses or high couture, or even niche bike bling. People who are real collectors do it thoughlessly, regardless of their means or the practicalities.

    I had to collect together all the work for a massive Surrealism exhibition once – examples from galleries and museums all over the country. But the vast majority of the show, and I mean about 90%, came from a wee house in the suburbs of Leeds. We’d sent a guy up the day before and he’d spent the whole day wrapping two truckloads of art, and when I arrived the next morning there was was another work hanging on every empty hook. He had this big painting in the the living room that was so big he’d had to cut notches out of the ceiling joists to fit it in.

    I know another guy who has been collecting one artists work his whole life, he started buying when he was a student, spending a quarter of his years grant on a painting.

    People who buy like that don’t do it because they have loads of money, or because they are investing, or because they want to show off. They do it because they can’t help themselves.

    Free Member

    I disturbed burglars once and they had to drop their booty and run. What was quite bizarre was unpacking the bag they’d loaded you could see the order they had taken stuff – at the bottom of the bag, and therefore first on their list, was beer from the fridge.

    At all seems weird, but burglars are usually opportunist, they won’t have planned to burgle your house, they might not have even planned to burgle any houses at all, but if they spot an opportunity they can’t help themselves. Also, once they are in your house they are quite literally sh***ing themselves. They are panicked and theres not really any reasoning going on when they are choosing what to take. Also just because something like a bike is expensive doesn’t mean its desirable to steal. People only steal things they personally can sell easily. Which is why the holdall left in my house was full of lager, spirits and CDs, while cameras and the like had been left.

    Free Member

    I’ve used those little electric zappers
    Just a tiny electric jolt, stings a bit but takes away the itch for a little bit

    Free Member

    hmmmm maybe. This is my third connection date though! They still haven’t actually actioned anything. We put the order in on the 28 Jan for transfer on the 12 Feb. They missed that date and gave us the 20 Feb, they then missed that date and now we might get connected by the 3 March. This new date is no more meaningful than any of the others.

    Whats infuriating is the connection date arrives, its obvious theres no connection, you phone up an they swear blind that the connection has been made and the service is live and everything is fine at their end, and instead ask us to check leads, prod the router etc and after hours – yes hours – on the phone you suddenly get the confession that, infact, absolutely nothing has been done and that we are no nearer to being connected than we were nearly a month ago.

    Free Member

    try ebay for railway sleepers, some of the places that do them also do hefty oak planks (same length and width of a sleeper but roughly half the thickness).

    Free Member

    After mixing punch with cash and carry booze in big plastic bins and then and drinking it out of the aluminum jugs you get in school dinner halls, I and two others woke up in the middle of and narrow country road,in the dip between two blind summits, on a moonless night, in the pouring rain, and might have been somewhere near Buxton

    I also woke up once with a life size cardboard cutout of Maurine Lipman and the revolving sign off the top of the Walls Icecream Van Depot.

    Free Member

    there is an upside to being ginger. tic’s don’t come near me

    must be some other personal attribute jambo. I have ginger tendencies and in the bath after a camping trip near pitlochry I stopped counting at 20 of the buggers.

    So its not a ginger thing JB, perhaps its that funny smell.

    Free Member

    coffeeking – Member

    When I worked in Liverpool a prostitute…….

    Blimey, I need another coffee. I read that as “When I worked in Liverpool as a prostitute…”

    Free Member

    Klegg thats the same one I was talking about.

    Optical – you wouldn’t have happened to have been living in Dixon Avenue would you?

    Free Member

    He shouldn’t have done that. It’s wrong.

    I know, but will he listen? He says sorry and everything, but then next full moon……

    Free Member

    ….the thing that some grey squirrels carry, (along with Cattle, sheep and goats)

    Grey Squirrels carry cattle, sheep and goats as well as pox!?! Imagine catching a dose of the goats.

    Free Member

    Four miles from your house?

    Hi picked his door step up, dragged it 4 miles, then bludgeoned someone with it

    Free Member

    There was a murder in the park at the end of my street last summer. The park was cordoned off for weeks because it was a huge area to search. There was a copper standing at each gate and each gap in the railings day and night. One day a friend of mine was stuck in traffic, watching one of the coppers – he’d been standing there so long the wild life had adopted him. If he stuck his arms out birds would come and perch on him.

    Free Member

    for £1000000 I’d be prepared to teach geography, for about 35 – 40 years.

    or perhaps go to jail

    Free Member

    Whats been revealed by everyone turning to wood as a fuel of late, is that wood hasn’t been a viable fuel for roughly 400 years. It was the original fuel crisis and the shortage of wood was the driving force behind the large scale exploitation of fossil fuel.

    Free Member

    Hot Sweet Tea

    Free Member

    on the plus side the police lady is bloody fit!!!

    And she keeps coming back? For gods sake man do we need to spell it out to you?

    Free Member

    Nice links Bob. I’m moving house to Sorn, pretty much to the middle of the map in your first link at the end of this week. Got some exploring to do!

    Free Member

    Couldn’t be bothered to read the whole thing but I was struck by the paragraph about italian atheletes being screened and disqualified with the result that

    In 2006, researchers determined that sudden death in Italian athletes had dropped by an incredible 90 percent—because of the reduction in deaths due to HCM as well as some rarer conditions detected by the test.

    Well if you disqualify them as athletes that presumably doesn’t ‘cure’ them, they just aren’t ‘athletes’ when they die.

    it seems alot of people nowadays count walking to the pub or train station to go to work as excercise

    As above, walking is exercise, pretty much the best exercise you can get if your aim is to be healthy. There is a big difference between being healthy, in the long and happy life sense and being ‘fit’, in the competitive sense.

    Free Member

    how about Smile Plastics[/url]?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Those pics are old, they are from when he was ‘heavy with’ Hammond

    Free Member

    Free Member

    from the article

    Clarkson is in Australia to host Top Gear Live, a stage version of the hit BBC show.

    Now that strikes me a something much more worthy of an apology.

    Free Member

    Because the shysters happily get a university education at our expense

    I’ve got a university education – does that mean that morally I should only ever work in the public sector?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Is there still an ITV?

    Free Member

    Oh dear. I’ve got three sheds.

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